Q: What’s the fastest way to lose weight in boxing?
A: It’s quite common for people to begin boxing for weight loss. I get asked this question pretty when working with new boxers. “How do I lose weight?” and “How do I lose weight fast?”.
As with most things in life, it’s pretty easy. If you’re a person with good metabolism and have just been out of shape, working out in the gym regularly (at least 2 times a week) will do the trick and trim your body down fast. If you’re a person with low metabolism and normally walk around at a heavier weight, you just need to eat right. 5-6 smaller meals a day will definitely do the trick.
I’ve seen enough miracle stories in my time to know that proper eating habits make more of a difference than working out. I’ve had friends friends drop 30-80lbs in just 2 months. They all agreed that eating right was 70% of weight loss. They all suggested the same diet: eat smaller meals 5-6 times a day.
hi.lossing weight fastest:
pleas lissen. ill make this comment short.
the worst way to loose weight is to loose it fast.eat like in the article.6 times per day,with fruitz ant so in between the 6 meals.eat small meals,and often.and train,not train hard to try to push the weight.and let the weigjht go down as mutch as it wants. try keeping the calories at what you need per day.ask a fitnesscoaxh,doctor,or so,how mutch calories you need every day.and follow it. its recomended by doctors,professors and so,to not drop more than 1kg every week.but remember.thats maximum.you dont want to push the limit.tony
Yea actually you don’t want to try to lose more than 2.2 lbs a week, or you losing valuable muscle from your body. I will tell you the secret to losing weight, this secret has been passed down in my family for years, but ill let you in on it. BURN MORE CALORIES THAN YOU INTAKE.
but definitely eat right as well
Fast Weight Loss
There are some products that can assist in weight loss but no product is the “magic bullet”. There is nothing new under the sun. Weight loss has always been the second law of thermodynamics; eat less, exercise more, or both. Get a legitimate exercise program, (i.e. circuit training) and a solid nutrition plan, stick with it, and weight loss will happen. Boxing is one of many exercises that are excellent for weight loss because of its interval nature.
add me on facebook im a boxer ama be the gratest pretty soon 12 national belts been boxing for 3 years only
I think there is no fast way to lose weight , there are some ways that will help you speed up your weight loss , but you will never lose weight in few days
If you’re a person with low metabolism and normally walk around at a heavier weight, you just need to eat right. 5-6 smaller meals a day will definitely do the trick.
I’ve seen enough miracle stories in my time to know that proper eating habits make more of a difference than working out.