This site was made for readers just like you. So do say, “Hello”. I’d appreciate any of your feedback, knowledge, and experiences as they relate to boxing or even life. And for the fans, thank you all!
- Read instructions below before writing me, or else your email gets deleted.
- Write me by emailing *expertboxing*at*gmail*dotcom
Due to my busy life, I am no longer responding to boxing questions via email. I’m tired of answering the exact same questions privately when others could benefit (if asked publicly). Even the uncommon questions have been asked already (handicaps, strange experience, etc.)
With that being said, I do read ALL emails eventually and have always enjoyed the compliments as well as your own stories. I wish you all the best in life. Stay positive and share it with everyone around you.
Your friend,
Johnny Nguyen
For boxers:
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Send a CASH-UPFRONT offer (complete with financial details) in the first email or I will delete it. Do not even send an email just to see if I respond. I will mark it as spam, affecting your future email deliver-ability rates.
What a brilliant information packed site.
Great info man best on the web. One question I’ve been boxing about 6 mos. Every time I spar and get punched in the ribs they are sore for weeks is this normal? Will I build a tolerance to this or am I sparring too hard? Thx
Hi Kevin,
Hey coach! Do you have any personal facebook/twitter ?;-)
Jst love it
Its really very nice
great site!
Hey Johnny, just drop by to say thanks for sharing this site to everyone.. i like it very much.. i use to box a long time ago.. but now im ready to come back and box again..thanks you bro..also i will be organizing a boxing Gym in my area soon. this site gives a lot of help to those new boxer.. and gave me the push to train back!!
cheers and God bless.
petrus Conrad
My number one stop for boxing tips! Wish you had RSS feeds though…
@OCC – yikes! I thought nobody used those anymore. Are you feeding it into a personal reader or a website?
Into a reader on my phone, I actually think people are starting to use these more and more on smartphones (over here in europe at least)…
@OCC – I’ll try to incorporate the feed again. I had it before but removed it thinking nobody would use it. Now that it’s been requested, I’ll see if I can put it back. Thanks.
Hi Johnny,
Thanks for the Youtube videos and your blog. I started boxing in July. I’m 41 years old and getting better each day. I want to get one of your footwork videos but I don’t know where to start. Which one do I get? Advanced Footwork and Punching Power, or Dancer’s Footwork for Fighters?
Keep up the good work!
Earl “The Pearl”
(I got a nickname now! Woo Hoo!)
The Dancer’s Footwork is a far better comprehensive footwork product. But it’s like footwork strength & conditioning. Whereas if you only want simple footwork moves, the Advanced Boxing Workshop is fine. TripleV also has a great footwork product where he goes over the different ways to move your feet…so he’s showing actual boxing footwork moves if that’s what you want. My products are more for technical explanation and developing the muscles to do that well. My take on the subject is that once your feet and legs are conditioned well, you will move well in any direction you like.
Thanks, really appreciate all the effort you put in this site!
Hey man just letting you know that I really appreciate the site, its very helpful.
hola, cual es la tactica u tecnica para utilizar en una pelea callejera ,contra uno de esos que tiran muchos golpes seguidos de arriba a abajo sin parar ,y con todo la furia??
hello, what is the tactic or technique to use in a street fight against one of those who pull many punches straight up and down without stopping, and with all the fury?
HELLO matter what country you live FOR BOXER?
Hey Tyson, it might matter if your country doesn’t have a strong amateur boxing program or professional boxing interest.
Most boxers always try to come to America to go professional.
What’s the benefits of video tapping boxing training thanks
How to create Boxing game/fight plan
Thanks for the website man, im going to join a boxing gym soon and all the information in your website has made me much more confident, before reading your articles i didn’t think i was good enough to join a gym.
Thank you for the great tips, I’ve put many of them to work in the ring and have found them extremely helpful-especially the shoulder roll article. I also just read the article on Mayweather’s 10 tricks and found it very entertaining and useful. I was wondering if you had any more advice on dieting, before workouts, for meals etc.?
Thank you very much, keep up the good work.
Hey E,
There’s definitely advice on all of those. Please check out the diet section and ask a question there if you need more help.
Should I do weighted clap push ups followed by unweighted ones to punch faster? And will olympic lifts help?
Maybe and no. Push-ups increase your performance but will they guarantee a speed increase? Maybe, maybe not. It depends on how you’re doing them. As for olympic lifts, stay away from that.
I’m also playing football so not doing olympic lifts is not an option. Couldn’t I just compliment them with plyometrics? and what exercises can I do for ko power because I live in a really bad neighborhood where there is constant fighting (not that I don’t enjoy a fight lol) but its alot of jumping going on and I want to know how to handle the situations and its not an option to walk away because u will get attacked while your turned away so can you please inform me on some exercises or is clap push ups and russian twists good enough?
A good exercise for power is the jump rope. It forces your body to apply force all at once in a short burst. Much better than a push-up if you ask me.
How do l train my body(head body) to withstand punchs and counter
Train your defensive reflexes. With better reflexes and improved awareness of incoming punches, you will be able to absorb them better.
What are some fights or fighters that you think every boxing fan should check out?
Tough tough call, Michael. For boxing FANS, my favorite has got to be Arturo Gatti vs Micky Ward (1).
This is an excellent website with tons of tips and techniques….thank you!!
I want to become a boxer can anyone trainme.
I want to get a body protector to assist in enhance my body punching skills.
I cannot decide between the Adidas body coach protector:
and the ringside gel shock super boxing:
Any advice is appreciated!
Hey Johnny. 🙂 I ordered your DVD set Feb. 28th. Still waiting it. Just wanted to let you know. Thanks in advance.
Randy, it’s a download product. You should have received a login in your email. Please let me know if you didn’t get the access email.
I did not get a login. Thanks in advance. 🙂
Randy please send me an email…and tell me what paypal email address you used to pay.
Hi Johnny, and everybody!
I’ve been boxing for a few weeks now and found the site to be awesome! Very nice written and with good and straight foward tips! But now I gotta ask for help from you guys:
I’m from Brazil and my girlfriend is travelling to States in May (Chicago and Miami) and I’ve been looking all over the net to find good stores where to buy boxing goods (sparring gloves, mostly) in those cities – the good ones – Cleto Reyes, Grant, Title, etc – But all I could find is the Spots Authority and big chains who sells just the everlast cheap range. Does anybody knows any places in Chicago or Miami?
Thank you very much!
Keep up the good work!
I don’t know the area but you can call one of the boxing gyms in Chicago and ask them where they buy their gear or if they know any stores around.
Hi Johnny,
Thanks for your help man. I was wondering what to do to make judges believe that you are the better one when it is hard to chose from the two boxers. Or, put simply, how to show that you are the agressive one?
Jonny, I just wanted to say thank you so much for what you contribute to the boxing community. You truly are a man to look up to. It takes a certain kind of person to devote so many hours of their life to help others. I am an EMT and rarely see people as selfless as you even in the medical feild. You are helping the entire sport by motivating and teaching many boxers that are probably going to love the sport and want to stick with it 5 times more because of this website. If only there were more people like you in this world it would be a much better place! Thanks again and take care you are one of the best things that ever happened to boxing !
Thank you Jason. I’m honored to be an inspiration for others. Keep boxing!
Great site! I have learned so much thanks to you. I now have a question. I am currently trying to buy a weighted pair of boxing gloves from Title. Do you think it is a good idea? I am looking to hit the heavy bag with them.
I don’t like the idea of weighted gloves. If I had to use them, I would use them for shadowboxing not heavy bag.
I think I will not buy them afterall. Thanks. 😀
Does anyone know were I can buy a good heavy bag thats durable for outside?
Heavy bags are not generally meant for outdoor use although many of them will last a couple years.
ok so i am not a boxer, i actually play football. I am a lineman and half the battle in the trenches is hands. So i want to increase hand speed. what boxing techniques and drills can i use to do this. and i do have access to heavy and speed bag.
I have a guide called “Hand Speed Drills and Exercises”. Please check that out.
What are your thoughts on when it’s time to start full contact sparring, at least a few rounds at a time? I’ve been working out at a boxing gym for a year. I’m having a hard time getting over my reaction to good boxers and their punches (lean back, expose chin). Never do more than 1 round of light contact, no gear sparring. Feel like I’m never going to get over the hump until I start doing full contact, gear on sparring to get over my reaction to punches.
Thoughts? Ideas?
Well you need to do more than 1 round of light contact and I would start wearing gear ASAP so you can get used to it. 1 round of sparring is going to take you forever to improve. Try increasing that to 20-30 rounds of light sparring everyday and your skills will improve.
Hi Johnny !! I want to congratulate you for your awesome website . Its fun and very helpful, it helped me a lot with my counterpuncher combos.
Also one question that most people doesn’t seem to have a great answer. If you were training a fighter with Cotto style and skill what would be the game plan to fight and possibly beat Floyd Mayweather??? Attack the body , short punches , feint punches like Mosley did and landed that great right hand?? I really want to know your thoughts on this subject . Thanks
I would probably walk in with a lot of jabs and force Floyd to throw his right. Once he does, I would trade with my own right hand then left hook. This question is crazy because I’ve never seen Floyd fight in person and I don’t know how he REALLY fights. You have to get a feel for the opponent. Watching on TV is not the same.
clarence [email protected] still saul canelo avelo a southpaw boxer coach young flordia ok and vegas
Hi Johnny, I would like to know if drinking alcohol in moderation is still okay for competition at ameteur level? Many thanks Will.
Every coach and serious fighter will tell you it’s not ok. You can do anything you want but just know that you are most likely facing serious fighters who do not drink in training and do not even have the free time to drink because they’re so busy preparing to destroy their opponents.
How much effect could one little drink possibly have? I don’t know…I’d say it’s like skipping a workout every now and then. It doesn’t seem like much until it all adds up and you pay for it in the worst way possible. I would feel like a fool if I let something small jeopardize a big part of something I worked so hard for.
Greetings johnny! am from Venezuela, i have a herniated lumbar disc at L4-L5 discs and a discopathy in S1, went i get notice of that, i felt desvastate because i have 27 years. I would like to know if I can train Boxing or some exercises of the rutine of boxing? One doctor say you can’t another doctor say yes you can, and thats why a prefer your opinion. I know the boxing its great to get confidence and thats what i need right now, Not in a competicional level of course and obviating some exercises like jumping rope, but yeah like “LA Boxing”, or something like that, I am already training weights in a regular gym, and i feeling great, the exercise works better than therapy at the clinic and my confidence is returning. Thats why I am feeling motivated to train boxing, to continue building my lost confidence…. thats why i would like to know if you have some testimonial of people that could train boxing whith hernias and discopathy or if there exit some kind of method to do it… thanks in advance for the time, i really apreciated your help and orientation!
I do know of some pros and amateurs that train with hernias. They are definitely limited in movement but they’re happy to still be able to enjoy boxing at some degree. I’m not a doctor so please go slow and be safe. If it hurts, STOP! Don’t forget about your life and responsibilities outside of boxing!
Ok Mr Know-It-All I got 4 points I want to make and I dare you to disagree.
1. You know boxing. You references to fighters and fights really gives me an example of techiniques and styles in action,
which proves to me you’re not just saying it you know what it looks like in real life.
2. You know writing. You get what you are trying to say down on the page thoroughly and efficiently, not trying to impress yourself
with big words and not looking to hear(read) yourself talk.
3. You know life (spirit). There are great lessons that go beyond boxing in your articles. You are very skileld at instructing the exactness
of technique while planting the seeds of metaphor.
4. You are a great teacher. You are able to give instruction to begginers as well as have an approach that is subtle enough but
backed by enough credibility to keep the mind of a more advanced fighter open to your ideas.
I have been messing off and on in boxing gyms for 15 years. i have been looking at your site for a few days and you have taught me a better way to wrap
my hands and unbelievably a better way to throw my jab. Your site is great and you are making a difference in the world. I am now dedicated to getting myself in great
fighting shape like I have never been in before and want to see how far I can take boxing, I will be happy with the result as long as I do everything I can. If I get into
position where I can pick and choose my trainers you will definetly be in my camp if available.
To sum it all up, thanks.
P.S. Do you have any heavyweight specific tips, tricks or training advice? Since the heavyweight game can seem like a different sport because of size and power differneces?
LOL–you win, Anthony.
Heavyweight specific tips:
– Don’t jump around so much like the smaller guys. Walk, then trade…walk around some more, then trade some more. Jumping around or trying to move quickly is just going to tire you out!
– Make your shots count. Smaller guys have room to throw all sorts of pitty pat punches and feints and stuff. You can do it too but be conservative. One feint, one jab, ONE BIG RIGHT HAND, follow-up. Learn all the stuff the little guys do but fight like a heavy weight.
– Heavy weights can hit everywhere. Not just the head and body, but also the neck, the shoulders, the elbows, the wrists. Heavyweight punches can cause damage no matter where they land.
– Let your opponent fall off balance. Heavy weights fall easily when they get tired. When your opponent is fading, let him swing himself off balance. Just walk back, let him fall, then counter.
Let me know how that works!
Hey, Johnny I have to say I absolutley love this website. It tells you everything you need to know about boxing and I think people should be heaping praise on the amount of effort you put into helping fighters like us improve.
I have been boxing for almost 9 yrs and I have an awful lot of knowledge on boxing, but the one question I can never answer is, ‘what makes the perfect fighting style’, in other words the sweet science of boxing, any ideas?
many Thanks
No such thing, Will! There is no perfect style when your opponent keeps changing. It’s like asking me for the perfect dance when the music keeps changing!
please contact me, i want to make extra money for my gym (travel, lodging, food) Thanks!
I have done a lot of heavy bag work in the last 5 years. Now I notice that I drop things with my fingers, like aspirins if taking them out of bottle. Does the heavy bag work affect a boxer’s hands later on in life? I unfortunately have been using bag gloves, not regular gloves.
Is this common to old fighters? I like to hear from some older fighters.
Yes, too much heavy bag work can wreck your hands. Old people get all sorts of joint problems when their bones age, and old fighters are no different.
thanks, probably a combination of both for me.
i have problems with my wrist. and i need some really good padding heavy bag gloves. so could you suggest some good gloves? what do you think about the everlast protex 2 evergel gloves?
They’re good. I like them.
I just wanted to commend you on the awesome job you do on this website. few sites do such a quality job in every aspect like yours does, and im not just talking about boxing websites. keep up the good work!
Thank you! I appreciate the compliment.
Johnny N
great job on the web site. I am new to boxing and your articles are a indispensable
Thank you, Don. Good luck with boxing!
Hi, first of all can I say this is by far the best boxing site on the Internet, you have a fantastic way of explaining things in a way that makes total sense.
I’m from the UK and I’m setting up a store for boxers/fighters however I want to only sell quality products and products that are trusted, my pet hate at my club is when I’m sparring with someone who has a pair of gloves he has paid a lot of money for just because they have a name on them ( normally by a company who make clothing).
What gloves do you guys use and recommend, I have read the buying guide to gloves and think that is so informative and just wanted to know if you all agree? Plus if you have any suggestions on what could make my store better that would be great!
Also do you mind if I share you site on my facebook?
Thanks a lot, Jamie
Yes, do share my site anywhere you can! Thanks for being a quality supplier.
Hello Johnny, I really love reading your articles, I just found out about your website and now I will keep coming back to read some news. I just started my training of this old passion I have, and I’ll get some tips from here for sure!!!! I am Italian, and I am training in England right now, but I was thinking to come to America one day… Learn a lot and very different things I think is important to open mind on your opponents as well!!!!
Thank you and keep going like this!!!
You’re welcome, Matteo! You should definitely visit America one day. Be careful when you visit the gyms here. Some of the best gyms are in very poor (potentially un-safe) neighborhoods.
Terrific website… an easy read and very addictive.
I’m not a boxer in the pure sense but I do train in ITF Taekwon-Do (not the hands by the side WTF Taekwon-Do you see in the olympics… in ITF we actually punch each other). Almost everything you write on your website in one way or another can be used effectively in my sport… I believe it is truly a great resource for many styles of fighters.
Thanks a lot and keep up the awesome work… 🙂
Thank you, Gary! Good luck with TKD. Anytime you need punching information, this site is here for you.
hey johnny, big fan of your work on this site. Hoping to get some advice off you. I’ve always boxed at 64kg but took time off and was lifting some weights to bulk up before returning to my club. But I gained a lot of muscle weight so was wondering if I could lose weight to get back down to 64kg while keeping the muscle I achieved. Thanks. Keep up the good work 🙂
If you’re trying to lose weight without losing that muscle, then you have to lose something else…. fat? water? You may ultimately have to lose that muscle weight.
thanks for the help johnny and thanks for replying so quick. Your tips and strategies brought my game to another level. much appreciated
You’re welcome!
Great site!!!
Awesome advice! Thanks for serving the science.
Heavyweight John Guthrie ??? From the 90’s.
Johnny, Is that the same guy?
I don’t know. But I have been personally complimented by pro fighters and pro-level coaches before.
Unfortunately, I’m out of boxing at the moment as i don’t have the time and it’s in a town half an hour away, but I still want to do training and make improvements in the mean time until about March when I can go back. What are some things I can do to make up a little bit for sparring and hand pads? I was thinking of doing a lot of video analysis for bag work and shadow boxing.
Video analysis will help some and doing whatever training you can find is better than nothing. There’s no really no substitute for sparring and mittwork, though.
hi johnny
i had question about dental braces in boxing.i was recently told by dentist to get braces,for 2 years.I wanted to know if i would be allowed to go for armature fights with the braces on.
i found this form online see attachment. if i fill this up and dentist agree would then i be able to participate in armature fight.
and the medical form doesn’t mention any thing about braces.
thank you
please reply back as soon as possible
I think you’ll have to ask your dentist for a clearer explanation.
Johnny. You are awesome. I spend at least an hour daily on your site reading and re-reading your advice. I knew you were well respected in the boxing community. But I’ve recently started paying attention to the people leaving responses on your site. Well respected trainer Ramos from San Antonio and Heavyweight power puncher John Guthrie from Texas both give you love on your site. You really are reaching all levels of boxing. Keep up the good work. It’s much appreciated.
Hey Johnny, your article on the Drowning Style was awesome. Have you ever thought about doing a similiar article on pressure fighting. Perhaps tips on strategy, how to spar and drills that help out. Thanks
Yes, Micah. That is in the works!
Man,I love you!
thanks for all the great articles.
I don’t have enough space for heavy bag at my home,is standing bag good?
please write an article about shadow boxing.
Thanks in advance.
Take what you can!
Hey looking for some info on this I have just started boxing, and would like to find out what a boxing class should consist off and length of session?
By the way great videos very detailed !!
Boxing isn’t a rigid academic class. Different trainers will recommend different periods for different people. All beginners are different in their physicality, athleticism, ability to learn, etc. The important thing is to get started and go from there.
Hey Johnny, Thanks for the reply keep up the videos I am learning loads from this site thumbs up!
I had some questions that I hoped you would be able to answer. I am active duty military and have become consumed by boxing, it just always leaves me wanting more after a workout and there is always something to work on with it. I love it. My biggest issue is I haven’t been able to locate a gym. All we have in my area is the all marine corps team. I’m getting ready to transfer and was curious as of wat kind of fees are average for a gym and am I required to be a licenced boxer for a coach to be willing to work with me? If so how do I go about getting a licence as an amateur?
Gyms can be anywhere from free to $150/month. And no, you’re not required to do anything. Getting licensed as an amateur…first you should find a licensed amateur boxing coach and he will tell you where to go, what to do, etc.
Hey Johnny, I was wondering if you have made an article on mental quickiness.
The only problem I have with boxing is my perception. My mind just isn’t sharp enough. The punches are too fast for my eyes, all tactics are lost in the blur that is the moment, I can’t handle it! I was hoping you could help me with this. The problem is a recurring one in my daily life as well…
Thanks for the great article, and keep up the good work 🙂
Slow down your training so you can process everything and your mind will get faster with time.
Thank you very much.
Hi Johnny,
I’m wondering isn’t too late to start boxing at 24? My goal is to be pro boxer. I fear the worst. They want me to retire from boxing soon after i will be good at it. What do you think? I have good skills. How much time to become Championlike? Are there retirement limit or recommended age to retire from pro boxing? What do you think? Please answer as detailed as possible. Thank you very much! I love your guides!
Never too late at all. Can take you 5-10 years to become champion. Go to a boxing gym and see how hard a regular amateur boxer trains. You retire when you don’t want to fight anymore.
Thank you! And one last question. What do you think, how hard/possible to catch up to a good skilled boxer who is trained from younger age?
It’s a challenge. How hard it is depends on you.
Hey john my name is joe I own a boxing club in lancaster ny. I am training someone and I influnced them to read watch videos any thing to firther there knolage in the sport, well doing so he stumbled upon you videos. And said we hade a lot of the same out looks and I should check you out.well I did and I must say I am impressed! We do have the same out look,and we like the basics. I would like to talk with you some more if you could email me over an easer way to contact you that would be great.
Thank you
I’m happy for you Joe. My email is up above at this page. You can reach me there.
Hi Johnny,
I have recently subscribed to your YouTube account (awesome videos by the way!),
I recently started boxing myself. The info I receive from your website has helped me tremendously!
I also subscribed to your newsletter. That brings me to the reason why I am writing this to you. I am Spanish speaking in your newsletter you were asking for translators. I would happily volunteer! Please let
me know how I can help your movement and get this information across to the world.
Thank you I hope to hear from you soon.
Hey Johnny–
Just wanted to say thanks for your time and energy with the site–I just started boxing about a month ago, and while I thought it’d just be a decent excuse to work out, I now really want to get into the SPORT of boxing. Your articles are really helpful for a beginner like me who wants to get more into it. Easy to follow and inspiring. Thanks!
Thank you and you’re welcome!
Hey Johnny
I was wondering what is your take on using weighted vests, gloves, etc during training. I understand some people use a lot of weight to gain strength but could cause health issues due to the heavy load on the body. I would like to know what your thoughts, the pros and cons of using weighted equipment on the body and would it help develop quicker reflexes.
Thanks for articals, I have been reading them and it is really helpful. Thanks Johnny.
No weights for beginners. It screws up their form and takes their focus away from technique and more onto strength. Beginners need technique more than anything. Good technique will get you far more power than conditioning could ever do.
Good Day Sir.
Sir i am victor the boxing coach from Nigeria,i saw your gym in the inter net,and i want to make use of your gym to train my boxers,your gym is a very good standered gym,in Nigeria we lack of boxing equipment,please sir kindly respond to me quickly,looking forward to hear from you soon.
I am victor Alika, i will like to train my boxers in your gym.please i am from Nigeria,reply me quickly.Thanks
Hi, I sent you an email Victor.
Please email me and I’ll give you an address.
Hey Johhny:
Can you recommmend a good indoor/outdoor shoe for skippingrope? Thanks
Outdoor, you pretty much have to use a running shoe. But indoors, I use boxing shoes. I only jump rope indoors, btw.
I’ve been reading your articles for a couple years now and it’s a ton of great information. I came across this PDF of a manual written by Jack Dempsey and I just wanted to pass it on in case you haven’t seen it yet.,%20Jack%20-%20Championship%20Fighting.pdf
Does anyone know what specific shoe I should buy
for skipping? (indoor and outdoor) Please name a specific
shoe rather than just “get a crosstrainer”.
Thanks for the input.
Hey what do you thnk maybe I can translate some articles to Hungarian !
I tried to contact you a while back, maybe I got the wrong email address or you’ve been too busy or forgot to get back, but It was just about The Executioner, Bernard Hopkins, I’ve been subscribed for a while now, and have to say that your site is probly my most favorite boxing site online and that I look forward to every new post for my weekly dose of boxing knowledge and that its all much appreciated and to keep up the great work.
So I’ve just been wondering would you have any interest in maybe doing an article or video (or 10 lol, like Pacquiao’s 10 tricks) on Bernard Hopkins, and more his ring movement and incredible way of slowing his opponents right down.
Having watched his win over Tavoris Cloud I was really impressed with his way of controlling the ring and found it quite hard even when studying this fight to be certain on how he actually does this. I know he used to write an article, Perfect Execution, for Ring magazine with some methods/tips, but it is actually pretty hard to find much stuff online about his style of fighting, old school I believe he calls it! (lol)
Is it his continous subtle feinting and lateral movement and use of angles, his effective blocking and defence, or the way when it arises he seems to use every opportunity to attack and counter with lighting quick speed etc.
Just really any views you have on his methods and this style of fighting as I think this is a very under appreciated style of boxing, some guys just wanna see big knockouts etc and then I read about these guys online saying that this style is boring to watch, (they’re usually the ones who have never stepped into a ring in their life, because if they did they would know the skill involved) but to me this is boxing at its finest, after all it is about hitting and not getting hit, right?
I know alot of people will say he’s too old and shouldn’t be doing it at this age or that he was an ex-con or whatever or that he is money hungry or just wastes time in the ring, but in my opinion, you have to sit back and take notice of this man as an incredibly unbelievably skilled boxer and I think there is alot to be learned from him and that he is way up there among the all time greats!
So anything at all on this subject would be greatly appreciated and of course make a great article and an even better series of videos Johnny! (In short; please please please, lol)
Thanks again Johnny,
Johnny S
I received your email, Johnny. Unfortunately, I won’t be doing any more of these videos for a long time if ever again. They take anywhere from 50-100 hours to make and I’ve decided to spend that time on other things like writing boxing guides.
There are some great advices in your Websites !!
However, your recommendation about increasing punching power are not as factual as everything else’s … You never mention the GLUTES (butt) that’s the biggest transfer of power into a punch also some beginners Pro boxers (like myself) 9-0 do push with back leg on the jab a do push with the foot to HELP the hips rotate to increase power. Some Boxers push with their legs while rotating some use their feet more etc … You NEVER mention the shoulder snap which is REALLY important . I looked at your video on heavy bag and you need to put more GLUTES and more shoulder snap into it because it lacks knockout power (from what I saw) .
Anyway , other than that you have a good website. Every boxers developed their own style as there is not one and only style in Boxing .
Thanks for stopping by, Laurenzo. Your comments are greatly appreciated!
I did not meant to be rude Johnny . I admire what you do And your love Of thé sport that we share . I was just sharing my opinion but im learning more And more every Day And i do love your website .
No offense taken, my friend. Feel free to drop by every now and then and share your knowledge with others. We could use more guys like you around here.
Hey johnny , I’m an amateur fighter from Devon in England who aims to one day become a top amateur (possibly consider turning pro) .Wanted to say cheers for putting all this useful info up on here , some of the info is really great ! It is good that there’s someone out there like you who puts all this stuff up for others , and looking for no personal gain apart from the knowledge that you’ve helped others . Well I’ve learned a lot of stuff on here that I wouldn’t have learned from my coaches at my club. While I’ve learned some good tips from you, I still have one problem in my boxing. It’s my ability to naturally move my head while coming in towards an opponent , I can do it alright in shadowboxing and I practice it a lot, but in the ring I forget to do it and as im often too preoccupied with punching . This often involves me walking into punches a lot, and losing to less skilled opponents than me. What would your advice be for this situation and head movement in general ? As head movement is my main weakness (as well as remembering to do it in the ring)I have a record of 2 wins, 5 losses .. And am beginning to get slightly frustrated because I put in a lot of time to training/practising but it hasn’t paid off as much as I’d like it too . Cheers , Jon.
Check out my guides on “Fighting on the Triple Axis” and “Boxing Head Movement”. And leave some comments there if you got more questions. Take care, Jon.
am nigeria amatuer bantam weight champ i want u to get me a manager
that will work on my visa to your country i need ur cell phone number
am just 21 yrs of age i have loss my parent i need your help nice i
want to turn to a pro boxer under your banner
meeting you
best regard
[email protected]
Just finished reading how to be great, really enjoyed it man,,,
Thanks for the article,found it when i needed it most
I am 19 years old and I have no boxing experience.Do you think it’s possible for me to become a champ one day?
My upper body power isn’t very good,but I have very power full leg and great endurance(I remember playing football/soccer since I was 5 or 6 years old,at least once a week,sometimes 4 or 5 times a week!)
How much time do you think I must dedicate?
Thank you very much and sorry for my poor English!
Get to a boxing gym and start training.
Hello! would be happy to work translating articles and texts. Can you give me a list of those who need to translate?.
I clarify that I am not a professional, but I can read any article from your website in English and understand it. So could share that knowledge.
Hi Johnny!
how long should someone “take a break”/ rest one day two days or a week.
a lot of people/trainers would tell me rest you need a break ,some say 2 days some say one day some say a week,( i had a lower back injury and took me a year too recover and heal Completely and 2 months ago my doctor said my lower back injury is fine and healed and i can return to my activites) what are your thoughts how long should i rest I train 2/3 hours a day in gym on speed bag/double end bag, heavy bag and focus mitts with couch..
p.s. the injury was caused because of lefting heavy weight thought it would give me power however it just made me slower and gave me spondlysis( a small crack on the par)
Rest 2 days a week. Don’t train 100% everyday.
Hi Johnny,
When are you going to have another seminar, I missed the last one? Ever get up to NorCal for seminars?
I would consider it if a gym here would handle the organization. It’s a lot of work and costs more because I don’t have private access to any gyms up here.
Hello! sir,i am jay kankarwal from india.i have been boxing since 6 months.unfortunately i live in a city where we don’t get good facilities for boxing by govt. and i cannot shift in another city due to financial problems.we do have a boxing gym and a boxing trainer but everything is just not fine becuz our trainer is currupt he does not teach me anything not even a single punch.all the things i had learned or learning is by watching your videos,fight videos and by reading your articles.and we have very less equipments like rotten 4 year old punching bag,Almost 3 years old gloves,some exersicing equipment,very bad sparring partners becuz they always try to kill me in sparring.I want to become a pro but i think i’m so unluckey to born here.This is not a good place for boxing,, i am very hardworking but don’t kno what to do.BUT I STILL HAVE A SOUL, i will become a pro….urgh! may be i’m boring for u……..wasting your time BUT PLEASE help me ….finally i need is please sir tell me a good training routine for me as i told u i’ve less equipments…. i’m 15 years old 5 feet 6 1/2 inches tall weight 54 kg similar body body structure as my favourite manny pacquiao..please make a video and teach me manny pacuiao’s fighting techniques,style..i kno copying is bad but i am damn sure i can fight similar like him so please make a video for me for guys like me…Thank you sir!!!!!!…hoof that’s all…na na no 1 more thing my english is very Pooor…..
Check out my EASY Boxing Workout and do what you can.
Can you make a video on Willie peps style of boxing? he’s supposed to be the best pure boxer ever.
I’ll put that on my request list, Chuck. Thanks for the suggestion.
Here is a link to a Willie pep highlight.
Willie Pep is my favorite fighter, old school man!!!! Hey Johnny what’s your opinion on Willie Pep?
Hey Johnny,
This ‘e’ is from bodacious Vancouver, British Columbia. I stumbled across your YouTube videos while chimpin’ around (doing some basic research) on boxing.
Absolutely Superior stuff!
1.) Tons of content that is incredibly diverse, yet detailed.
2.) Your vids are concise and to the point.
3.) And you have an on-camera vibe that is authoritative, honest and approachable.
Who designed your website? How many Cats (individuals) do you have maintaining it?
Thanks, Brad. I do everything myself. I’m the only one managing it, and boy is it a lot of work.
Hey Johnny, check out this video on Joe Louis I was wondering if you could explain to me his style? because I want to fight like him, Thanks.
I can look into this someday although I haven’t watched too much footage on Joe Louis. I’ve got lots of studying to do.
I saw you did a video on jack Dempsey’s falling step, could you also do a video on his style of boxing and the Dempsey Roll? Awesome site a lot of great boxing tips and strategy!!!!!
I’ll eventually get to that. Thank you, Dominick!
Hey johnny you’ve got by far the best boxing site out there, always come here to learn, & have watched most of your youtube vids. Don’t want to make this too long I’ll get to the point. I don’t like being skinny or lightweight, I like being bulk & buff. But trainers at my old gym were telling me I need to lose about 20lbs to compet, and I lose weight really fast. Im 5’6 & like to stay at least around 155. What’s the solution to staying bulk & muscular while training, eat twice as much?? Can u please give your honest insight and help me out with this, thanks!!
This is a discussion about form vs function. An athlete has to be built for his sport for him to be successful for it. It doesn’t make sense to have a bodybuilder’s body when you’re doing cross country. A boxer’s body needs to be fast and powerful. Not so much about strength. I guess if you want to stay bulky and muscular, you should just stick to weights or whatever training you used to get bulky. If you train boxing, don’t surprised to see your body transform to look more like a boxer’s. The difference is like a sportscar vs a utility truck.
But I know it’s about speed, so I guess what im trying to ask if there’s away around it? Having speed & still keeping a good amount of weight on me?
It’s possible to be fast AND muscular…but it’s hard to be athletically functional while carrying an unnatural body type. If the weight is natural, you will be fine. If the weight in unnatural, you will suffer in performance somewhere.
Hey expert boxing, I always looked up to you and always learned from your videos and also I skate too just like you. I was wondering if you can see my first ameture fight I had at gleasons not to long ago and I was hoping you can give me tips on what I’m doing wrong. The video is on Facebook and my name is eddy pena with my black wraps and grey shirt as my profile pic. I have a couple of vids of my fight its a kid in the blue tank top (me) and a kid in a red tank top. If you can help me and give me tips that will be awesome, please email me @[email protected]. I really hope you help me, thanks for all the videos you post and keep doing what you’re doing
I just started boxing and wanted to do some research before I went nuts on the bag and broke my wrist. I stumbled upon this website and my God – what an amazing resource! Thank you for making everything so easy to understand for a beginner that doesn’t have hands on guidance.
I can’t thank you enough for building such a fantastic base of boxing knowledge. 🙂
Thank you, Lauryn! 🙂
What about doing squats without any weight??will help in boxing or not??
Yes, although it’s still only one of the many exercises you need to do to be a boxer. Do everything. Be completely!
Hi, i’ve been watching you video all i can say is great thank you too bad we are so far away.
I just start amateur boxing and i would like to buy a pair of shoes for training, i like the nike that you wear on the video can you please tell me what model you wear?
Thank you.
Best regards
Nike Lo-Pro Boxing shoes.
Hey Johnny, there is this UFC fighter Dominick Cruz that is known for his really good footwork. I was wondering what kind of techniques he uses, it looks like some kind of pivot but I am not sure. so I was wondering if you could watch this video of him and tell me what type of footwork he uses.
P.S. Your jump rope video helped me learn how to jump rope, thanks.
Just regular footwork to me. He’s being very relaxed and leaning slightly off axis every now and then.
how can i make my arms like roy jones jr is it possible??or it is natural??i like and try to fight like him cuz it feels so cool and confident but i feel like my hands are bit stiff..from my eyes it looks likes his arms are muscular but also flexible..can i build my arm like him from lot of hand stretching??
You have to relax!
does it makes sense??
Johnny, I’m a brazilian amateur boxer, I’m thinking move to america to turn professional.The problem is that I don’t know a good gym/club to join. I became interested to join Wild Card Boxing Club, in Los Angeles, but I have a cousin that lives in Miami.Do you know any professional boxing gym/club with the same level of a Wild Card but located in Miami?
Thaks for the help.
I think you’re better off asking your cousin about this.
Hi, Johny
I am Jeronimo, from Argentina. Sorry to bother you again, but I wanted to know if you could please send me a more detailed explanation of what your e-books and videos are. What are they about? what do the e-books consist on? what are the main differences between them and the material you uploaded in you tube? My situation is the following: I want to start training only the technical part, besides, I will buy some of the equipment I need for the training. My problem is that I don’t have the time to go to the gym, however, I may have time to train at home and I want to do it well. I hope your material could help me on that.
Regards from Argentina,
Hi Jeronimo, I replied to you via email.
Where Is Expert Boxing Located At?
ExpertBoxing is a website, not a gym. It’s located online….right in front of you. 🙂
Ok.Thank You
Hi johnny i am a young aspiring boxer i am able to box in a actual gym until the summer any tips that can be given will be appreciated. Also my parents aren’t to convinced that boxing is too safe therefore it would make it harder to persuade them to let me compete if i get to that level any advice will be appreciated. thank you
Take them to your gym and let them see how well the boxers are supervised (which I hope is the case).
Just wondering how I might download the last 4 chapters/episodes in the dancing footwork for boxers…as I paid for them and am keen on learning , so clearly I am keen on getting these last 4 episodes but have shut the webpage with all the download links and don’t keep a history, so it and it seems I am being forced through the payment process again to find them? What am i missing?
Hi Candace, please check your spam folder as your login details have probably went in there. With that you can log in anytime you want and download the videos again. If you need further help, please email me personally for a faster response.
Hey Johnny dope ass site but I got a question for you…I know you say to spar at your level and not get in with the sharks as you say, but at my gym the only guys I have to spar with are intermediate fighters with 20+ fights and they kick my ass when I spar…any tips???
Tell them to slow down. If they don’t do that, you’ll have to find new sparring partners or change gyms.
Boxing shoes?! What’s good what’s not?
I like Nike and Adidas.
Hey Johnny do you know if MMA fighters throw snapping punches or are they push punchers??? How about Wanderlei Silva???
Everyone is trained to throw snapping punches (as these are harder to learn but more effective to throw) but you may see them use both snapping and pushing punches in an actual fight.
Hi Johnny,i want to know should i do body weight exercises like pull ups,chin ups,push ups,squats,situps,crunches ect to improve my body for boxing.If yes,then how much reps how much sets…are there any disadvantages of there exercise,,i dont wanna buff up just want to get Ripped body like Pacquiao.. how much rep and sets will be best.. i am 5”7 and 56 kg ….my english is poor….Thanks!!
Check out my EASY Boxing Workout and start there.
hi my names elijah and im a 6ft 4″ and i weigh 188ibs. i live in akron ohio and i was wondering if you could find me a gym out here if you know anyone. i’ve allways wanted to boxing and this would really be a favor thanks and your website and you are awesome.
how do i get strong and keep same weight i’m 56 kg.what if i do 500 pushups 1000 situps like workout everyday i’ll get ripped or gain big muscles i’m confused……if it is the matter of diet then if i eat a lot i will definately bulk up if i dont i’ll be sick… again i’m confused. please help.
You are amazing johnny please help me out…
Eat and workout. Try following my diet and workout guides.
Hey john
I really appreciate your work on this site.
I know as you said you cant lean boxing from videos, but they are helpful to have some notions of boxing as personal sport or competition.
People like you make this world better by sharing knowledge without payment.
Hey I really liked your hand wrap style but I tweaked it a little and I think it’s perfect now. I have smaller hands so I can spare a little wrap and instead of three wraps over the knuckles at the end do 2 right before I wrap between the fingers and another two at the end. Seems a little more comfortable and stable.
Hello Johnny i am a 15 year old boxer and a shorinji kempo martial arts, thanks to you, i have gained many tips that where very helpful. Also thanks to shorinji kempo have great countering techniques and very defensive. any way i have a big question, and the question is “am i able to do pro boxing and study to become a physical therapist possible has anybody done that before, which is boxing while going to college” and if yes who, what is the name of that boxer”
———- shorinji kempo is a way of life, boxing is my sport and passion and physical therapy is my job and money maker.—————–
Vernon Forrest and Juan Diaz come to mind.
How do you counter-punch in the ring using footwork and positioning rather than parrying and slipping? What area would be best for this, the middle of the ring or along the ropes somewhere?
There are so many ways to use footwork and body positioning for counter-punching, I wouldn’t be able to explain it all in one comment but I do have some information on this in my articles.
Hey Johnny, I’m really interested in boxing but I’m afraid of the long term health risks as well as the rare short term catastrophic injuries/death. My question is, if I just spar and don’t compete am I still at risk? How much risk is associated with boxing?
There is always a risk but the idea is to take only a calculated risk. Start really slow and go from there. Don’t increase the intensity until you feel 100% comfortable and confident. That’s the safest way to go about it. Look at the pro skateboarders who jump down 20 stairs. They don’t do that they first day. They start with a few steps at a time and slowly go higher and higher when they get more comfortable and confident.
Thanks I will
Hi Johnny ,first of all congratulations for your website ,the articles are really helpful .I’m a student of English(I live in France)so tell me if you need translations,etc…
Question:I stopped skipping rope after I heard other people complain about shin issues (I used to jump at home,barefooted ,surface:carpet)is it OK to skip rope on woodfloor ?( the carpet covers it !)
Woodfloor is probably the best surface too much. Anything can work as long as you don’t feel pain. Not everyone has shin splints. Try it for yourself and see. Most importantly: don’t over-do it. If you feel pain, stop!
Hi Johnny. I am an amateur boxer aiming for international/olympic success one day. Had about 9 bouts now and have been competing for a year so its a bit of time off. How often do you reckon I should train/practice my technique to achieve this aim? I would like to try for 2020 Olympics.
Also, how important would you say someone’s record is in determining their ability? As mine isn’t as good as I’d hoped it would have been (won 2, but a lot of people say I’m better than my record, as I’ve been robbed in quite a few fights. )
The record doesn’t matter so much as your ability and experience. Keep working at it. You’ll get there when you get there. Make the best effort you can in the meanwhile and enjoy your small successes every step of the way.
Hi Johnny, My question is when should i workout my body i mean push ups,chin up,situps,squats etc before my boxing workout or after…because when i do these exercises before mitt work or punching bag my arm get so stiff i can’t easily throw punches.So When????? which is better????
and thanx for all the stuff in these websites you are a awesome guy…
Obviously, you’ll have to do those basic conditioning exercises AFTER your boxing-specific workouts since they affect your arm endurance so much.
I read your snapping punches and your three phases of punching technique articles and I completely agree with you, but when you use these techniques they teach you to be more relaxed and have more speed and power, so how do you be more aggressive and have smart pressure when you are so relaxed?
That’s part of being experienced and skilled. The better you are, the more relaxed you can be. It seems strange that you have to learn how to be more relaxed to have speed and power but it will make sense in time.
Hi Johnny, i just read your amazing article ”why lifting won’t increase punching power” and suddenly question came to mind what about bodyweight exercises i do? Pull ups,chin ups-its like lifting almost my entire weight with hand and squats-lifting upperbody with legs and push ups u know can they make me slow also????Almost every pro do these basic conditioning exercises i think….i just don’t know please tell english is poor. And Big thanks for every article.
Check out my “EASY Boxing Workout”, and go from there.
Why Pros Like Floyd Mayweather,Miguel Cotto shadow box with dumbells?? how can dumbells help me in developing any of my Boxing Skill?? THANKS!! Great Website……
They don’t shadowbox with dumbbells, they’re simply moving their hands around slowly. They’re not throwing real full speed punches.
Johnny, I have these sparring partners who are a lot more experienced than me, when I spar them they always seem to keep coming forward with bunches of punches and I don’t know what to do, I usually just ball up and take a beating because I’m scared of getting hit, and out of cockiness the more I ball up, the harder they hit and the more pressure they put on. Please answer back with any tips. Thanks.
Start at a slow pace that you can handle. Otherwise, you’re going to freak out every time and be able to learn or practice anything.
I like to shoulder roll and it usually works pretty good for me when I spar against orthodox fighters, any tips for using it on a southpaw?
The shoulder roll isn’t as effective against southpaws. But if it works for you, keep trying it. My best tip is to make sure you watch out when you’re trying to shoulder roll away from his left cross. Against the southpaw jab/hook, it’s easy but against the southpaw cross it’s very hard (if not impossible).
Hi Johnny my name is Kyle I have recently started working with a boxer.. One day he offered me to do a training session with him and I accepted.. Being overweight and no self confidence wasn’t going to get in the way of what I’ve wanted to do for a long time. But having no confidence has really stopped me
From doing a lot and being lazy etc etc… So I did train with this guy and it was the best thing I’ve done all year.. Even though it has been only 2 weeks haha, but anyway I just really wanted to thank you for all the information it has helped a lot you certainly know what your talking about haha.. And it is something I really want to get into!! Thanks again Johnny 🙂
Hi Johnny my name is Kyle and I’m 20 years old from Australia, Queensland in a little town called gladstone I have recently started working with a boxer his name was Daniel, One day he offered me to do a training session with him and I accepted.. Being overweight and no self confidence wasn’t going to get in the way of what I’ve wanted to do for a long time. But having no confidence has really stopped me
From doing a lot and being lazy etc etc… So I did train with daniel and it was the best thing I’ve done all year.. Even though it has been only 2 weeks haha, but anyway I just really wanted to thank you for all the information it has helped a lot you certainly know what your talking about haha.. And it is something I really want to get into!! Thanks again Johnny 🙂
I’m happy for you, Kyle. Train hard!
Hi johnny..
my coach and another boxer I sparred with at my club have said that my punches need more “venom” to them. got any tips on how to achieve this?
Better technique, better conditioning, and learn how to throw snapping punches.
Hey Johnny, my coach has always said to me “you will not be effective as a stick-and-move type of boxer, so you should work on becoming a pressure-fighter instead.” What advice and pointers would you give to someone to become an effective fighter in this particular style?
Cheers, Phil
Work on your endurance, conditioning, and head movement. Learn how to cut off the ring and get used to a WALKING-style.
Hi johny I wad wondwring if there is such a thing as a boxing camp
Around here in socal…. some place where you stay and box… like a
Camp….over the summer…. I always wanted something like that…
Thanks bro
None that I’ve heard of. At least not at the amateur level or commercial/recreational level. It’s not like the tourist muay thai camps in Thailand. The only ones I’ve heard of are serious boxing camps for pros or champions training for big fights.
Thanks bro would have been awrsome….I hea4d they have boxibg in the army and stuff…… always wondered wjy I dont know of any famoud athlete from the army……
Oh there are for sure!
Hi, I am a big fan of the info on this site. Yet, as far as workouts go I am a little lost. See I have done p90x and started insanity but they are not boxing specific. Is there any way you could check them out and maybe help me conform them for my boxing. The main reason I ask this is because the easy boxing workout you have here says to be throwing punches every day. wouldnt that be bad because you have no time to recover muscle groups? But than again I have always lifted weights and am kinda new to the boxing training thing. If I am not explaining or clear enough I apologize, and hope you get back to me soon. Thank you 🙂
My advice to you is to stick with the boxing workout I put up. Start there and then adjust as needed. If you want to be a boxer, you need to train like a boxer. And as I’ve already said, that workout is EASY!
Johnny in your own opinion when it comes to a street fight who would win a boxer or a wrestler?
It could be either. It really depends on the individual and the circumstances. There are so many variables out there in a fight. Wrestling easily controls the fight if it goes to a clinch and onto the ground. But then again, hey…the boxer only needs one punch. I would probably pick the wrestler more often than not.
Hi Johnny! You have an awesome website! I love how analytical you are and how well you explain things. Most other boxing video makers just have a “do it like this” level of teaching with no real explanation of the mechanics of things. Thank you for your hard work. I have aspired to do the same because of the inspiration that you have provided. Please check out my website and tell me what you think.
Sincerely, Todd the Wild Cat Christopher
Thanks, Chris. I’m really glad to have inspired others to do the same. I’ll check you out!
Johnny check this. I am usually the shorter boxer and am pretty stocky. When I spar taller opponents or rushers i use this tactic and tell me what you think. When you get rushed with straight punches, instead of worrying about slipping or going backwards, UPPERCUT HIS PUNCHES. What I mean when I say this is basically parry them UP using uppercuts and go under, then attack the body. Doing this throws his hands up and the body is there for the taking. I have tested this and it works well just about on any opponent not just on taller ones or rushers.
Let me phrase this a little differently. Slightly parry the oncoming punch up using an uppercut then throw a counter punch to the body or chin.
Johnny tell me what you think of these fighters.
They’re good fighters! Properly trained and have respect for the skills. This is what I like to see.
Hi Johnny.
My main weakness with my boxing at the moment is that I’m a bit too easy to hit and I take a lot of punches. I know it would be difficult to see the problem without seeing me, but have you got any tips on how to be more elusive/defend against shots better? I think the main cause is I am too stationary sometimes and I drop my hands sometimes but it’s hard to remember to keep them up.
Hehe…that’s EVERYONE’s problem. Keep working at it. More drills, more training, more sparring…you’ll improve with time.
I am looking for a qualified boxing trainer in the queens/long island area of new York. I would love a Qualified recommendation from someone who obviously knows what they’re talking about.
Thanks in advance
Amazing website, got a lot of good tips from here:
im in dental school right now, but i love boxing, i use twins 16oz, I’m 200lbs and sometimes i train for about 3-4 hours, knuckles are definitely sore and sometimes my wrists hurt, me trying to be a dentist but also having a love for training. would you recommend i buy different gloves?
right now my gear is
twins 16oz gloves
twins headgear – not very good protection at all for sparring
rival rs1 professional sparring gloves 16oz- never used yet
title gel world full face headgear
was looking to get the ms600’s and the fg5000 or fg2900 winnings
but the main question i have is are they worth the price?
or should i just get the gloves and my title headgears okay right now.
or should i get both the ms600 and which winning headgear?
thank you, i want the most protection for my hands and my head.
-im in dental school in the philippines and have been training there for 3 years now. sparring sessions are not really monitored well so we really go all out on each other.
any advice would be grateful, sorry for the long message
What advice would you give about training with a cold/flu? Would you say rest up or carry on training?
whats up johnny…
i just started boxing a few weeks ago and i was wondering how long it takes to get good enough to compete in amateur competitions? im planning on beginning sparring within the next month or two;do you advise against this and if so, how long should i wait?
Try it and see. Some people take longer than others. Who knows, you could be ready in 6 months.
Hi there! I visit your site quite often and it’s very helpful. I had some questions I wanted to ask you.
I’m a 16 year old boy and I go to the gym and I box by myself, I’m an amateur. I’m thinking about alternating weeks between the gym and boxing but I’m not sure what to do. In the gym I’m doing exercises and I work different body parts each day for 5 days a week. I use the machines but I also use free weights, my goal is to become more muscular and not big as a house. Thing is I also want to do boxing. Can I alternate weeks between the gym and boxing? One week gym then one week boxing and so on? Or will the gym not benefit me that much if I don’t do it every week?
Also, how much rest do you need after you’ve done some boxing?
And when I box I do 1 minute intense punching and 3 minutes less intense punching and then so on. I read in this article: that, “Long “rounds” of three minutes will develop your anaerobic fitness and muscular endurance, while shorter “rounds” of higher intensity punching will develop power and strength.” Is this true? And do you recommend doing it?
Thanks you!
Ohh I forgot to ask one more thing…. what exercise can I do to hit harder or hit with more force. I already do push ups, sit ups on a daily basics and I’m working on doing pull ups, I also jog. Do you recommend doing any exercise at the gym? Will doing dumbbells curls, forearm exercise with the bar, military press give me any benefits in boxing?
Hey wxpertboxing. As a guy beign involved in boxing for a year, which boxing courses shoukd i buy from your site to start with? Is the beginners boxing series you offer only for beginners, or is it good for advanced students? Your stuff is pricy to purchase all at once, so where do you think i should start? Thanks.
Hi John, if you’ve seen all my Youtube videos and the concepts are extremely easy for you to understand, then I would say you don’t need the How to Box in 10 Days guide. And you can skip immediately to the other more advanced courses.
What are some advantages, maybe disadvantages, to finishing off combinations with the jab, like 1-2-1 or 1-1-2-1?
I have been interested in starting a boxing career but I live in a small town and don’t know how I could startthis career.. If anybody can give me some advice on what iI’d could do I’d appreciate.. I am willing to give it all I can to try to reach my goal. Just need that start..
Hello Johnny,
I’ve got a bit of an odd question for you, I’ve been developing my boxing techniques and condition (thanks in many, many respects to your website) over the last few years. I’m also working with a family friend who’s a trainer. I enjoy the training and science of the sport. But respectfully, found turning pro is something I’d rather help others do than pursue myself.
I’m going to finish nursing school in about a year and half. When I’m done with this primary responsibility, I’d like to commit more time to a local gym (where ever my work takes me, that is) and work at being a cutman. Do you have any advice, knowledge, or suggestions for getting started in the more supportive roles of other fighters?
I commend your ambitions, Nathan. I honestly wouldn’t know myself as I haven’t gone that route but you can certainly talk to other pro trainers and cutman in the game and ask them yourself. If you’ve hung around one fighter for a long time….experience and trust builds…and soon you’ll be invited to work with other fighters.
Thank you for you time and honesty.
Also thank you for the informative website, it’s been a considerable help in expanding my enjoyment of the sweet science.
I’ve read in some of your comments sections on different articles that you had/have a presence in the Bay Area (they are older posts).
Seeing as how I’m regularly there, visiting my girlfriend who lives in that area, I was thinking I would like to try to pop into your gym (maybe catch a slap or two from the mitts for not keeping my hands up)… I know you’ve got the gym in So. Cal. and I’m planning on visiting that location as a boxing vacation once I’ve finished my nursing school.
But since I’m in the Bay Area regularly, do you still have a gym presence there? And if not, are there notable gyms in the area that you’d recommend for a one day session?
Thank you again for all of your work and valuable time! You’re making a difference to a considerable body of hopefuls.
Nathan G.
Hi Nathan,
I no longer have a presence in the Bay Area. At least not regularly.
Thanks for your time Johnny. Keep up the great work on the site and good luck with your other pursuits.
Hey johnny, what are your opinions on the new rules for no headgear for senior amateur boxers and the new scoring system. The new scoring system seems like a good idea and the quality of boxing seems to have improved since the style is less reckless. Head movement is now much more important but various experts have both been in favour and against the changes. But what do you think of it? Is there a chance if an article about this change?
I’d rather have headgear.
I can translate some article to french, if you want. (Je suis français, mais j’ai un bon niveau de traduction). There are good articles on website, your advice is useful to my mind for everyone who like fighting sport.
Hi Franck, I sent you an email already. Not sure if you received it?
Hey coach!
I’ve been watching your videos and reading your articles since I’ve started boxing (a year ago).
However yesterday I was browsing through your site and I was lucky enough to come across your articles about being great and healthy eating and I must say they inspired me.
So thank you for the time you put on your work for us and for the great tips you give us! They are incredibly useful!
I have a question:
If I can’t go to the gym do you think shadow boxing it’s still effective if I practice at home without very much space and mirrors?
Thank you again for sharing your knowledge with us.
Greetings from Rome!
Anything is better than nothing.
Just blew $65 to watch Floyd “Take the Money and Run” Mayweather’s rematch win over Maidana. There are a few things to be said here. It’s clear, judging by outrageously wide scoring and highly disputed decisions that you have to knock out a Golden Boy or TMT boxer to win. The fight: I thought the objective in boxing was hit and not get hit. With Floyd, it’s “do not get hit-run like hell-punch while you’re still moving (which explains why he has no KO power)-hold-and then complain to the referee before fleeing any punching exchanges. It’s not boxing. Ali moved, always with a purpose, but he also out battled two of the deepest decades of fighters in the division. Same with Leonard. Tactically, I noticed a major flaw in Floyd’s right counters. He throws a long jab and then overcommits on a follow-up straight right. A technically sound boxer would slip the jab, then roll under Floyd’s right with a straight right to his weight-forward head. Maidana just isn’t the guy to do it. Whenever Maidana got inside, Mayweather, curiously aided and abetted by Ref Kenny Bayless, separated them and protected Mayweather from inside punching exchanges. It was like YMCA boxing.
It was definitely frustrating and I definitely agree with Bayless constantly breaking the action when Maidana was fighting his way out of the clinch.
Could you please make an article about a complete heavy bag workout of about 60-90 minutes?
– What elements in which order to include
– On what to focus
Thank you very much!
I already have guides on this. Look them up.
Bonjour johnny,
I’m a boxer, competition in university, but i’m student in faculty of law french and law spanish.
unfortunately i not speak english, but i’m really excellent in translation spanish-french or french-spanish,
For example, I can translate one article in french that not in spanish and vice versa.
what do you think about it?
Thanks Johhny!
Hi Elio, your help would be appreciate very much but it’s best if you can translate directly from my English articles. Maybe one day in the future, I hope. 🙂
Hey Johnny I have I question for you. I like to spar with my dad and he is short and stocky. He always pins me up against the wall and muscles me around. I am quicker and about 3 inches tall. How should I go about countering his style. I want to give him some competition.
Hard for me to advise without seeing how he moves but I have many articles and videos on boxing strategy. Check them out.
Would like to see an article on clinching and slowing down fights.
Coming soon, Craig!
Hello i would like to offer my help to translate any material you may have. Hola quiero ofrecer mi ayuda para traducir cualquier material que ud. tenga.
I’ve been Boxing everyday for the last three years. When I read your are ready for an amautuer fight, I couldn’t believe what you were saying you had to do to be ready.
Two years later, my daily workout consists of 30 minutes jump rope, 15 minutes shadow boxing, 30 minutes heavy bag, 1 to 3 mile jog without stopping or resting everyday of the week. I mix in some weights also 2 a week and ofcourse a lot of stretching.
Big thanks to your blog, it’s super fantastic!
I’ve been through this e-mail check when my book 30 day diet for fighters will be forwarded in advance very grato.Ronaldo
Hi Ronaldo, I answered your email. Did you receive it?
Hello sir. Just wanted to say that I have been receiving your emails for quite som time and love the tips and articles. I have always love the sport. I am 35 so by no means a spring chicken but through all the advice and tips you give. I found a great gym and on Sunday am going to start training for my first amateur bout. Thank you again for everything and I know that with these emails and drills and coaching I have the confidence and desire/passion to step in the ring. Keep up the amazing work.
Hey Johnny,
Great website, been a fan for a bit. I pass it on to those that need their basic information for hitting the heavy bags and all here at our fitness gym (we’re not a boxing gym). Anyway, I tried doing some searching for information on boxing with visionary problems and noticed you didn’t have any articles, hence leaving the comment. Think you could compile tips from anyone you know, or draw from experience around those that may have had vision problems? I always thought I should pick up more on wrestling being as near sighted as I am, but I didn’t want it to detract from my ability to learn boxing and be able to properly defend myself when my glasses are off, either. I sometimes try to hit the heavy bag without my glasses so I can familiarize myself with the distance and practice my jab as a true set up and defense, but having outside insight would be welcomed. Thanks!
You have great information on the whole boxing sport and with that I was wondering if you have any info on how to counter or work around the left extended arm reach? That has to be one of my biggest boxing peves when an opponent extends his/her arm for a long period of time throughout a fight but its hard to figure out how to skillfully work around that, so any suggestions? Thanks in advance..
Dear Johnny,
First of all thanks for the time you put into this website.
I have come many times to your blog to find answers to technical questions (I think of you each time I end-up sparring a southpaw).
I wondered if one day you could share with us your thoughts on the best way to setup a “garage boxing gym”.
I mean I realize that training in a real boxing gym in order to get coach feedback, motivation and sparring partners. But there are days when it can be nice to do some of basic training (like heavy bag routine) at home.
The question may seem silly, but it’s only when I started considering dedicating a piece of my garage for training that I realized that real gyms are packed with tons of various equipment: heavy bags (long/short; suspended/freestanding/wall-mounted), double-end bag, speed bags, pads, medicine balls, various gym equipment (pull-up bars, etc.). And the list goes on.
Even for those who are not on a budget, lack of space alone will make trade-offs necessary.
Hence, if you could (or even better, already did) setup your own little training ground at home, what are in your opinion the must-have equipment (i.e. most useful and most versatile)? Any other practical advise is welcome (e.g. I’m thinking that a rail-mounted heavy bag is probably better to save space, any advie of this nature could help as well).
Keep on the good work!
Hi Johnny, I was wonder if you’ve ever trained by punching a piece of paper that is suspended by a string, and if you have, have you ever actually succeeded? Bruce Lee trained this way, attempting not tear the paper, but to put a hole in the middle of the paper. This training method was also featured in the movie Never Back Down 2, and in the movie Michael Jai White actually succeeded in doing this, though it could have been faked for the sake of the movie. I’ve seen many attempts on YouTube, and most people are just tearing through the paper, not creating a hole, and the attempts made by people who are actually trying to create a hole in the paper, never succeed. I’ve tried myself, but I just end up punching the paper until I give up. Either way, I’d like to know what you think of this training method, and thank you for taking the time to read my comment.
Hey Johnny
Ur site is great n i learned a great deal of knowledge off it.
So the point is I’m from India and there is no such scope for professional boxing. I Want to come to US to join a club and become a professional. I dont have anyone to guide me and I’d be grateful if you helped me. Can you please help me? : )
Hey johnny,
How would i be able to defend against wild punchers? (street fight, boxing)
thank you johnny,
your website is so helpfull to me and will be.
You have an excellent site! Contratulations! I’ve just started boxing and my coach said I’ve improved a lot in the first classes and mostly because of your tips. I am looking forward to helping you out with translating the articles, because I live in Brazil and I want to make your articles reach the most boxers possible. Let me know if you need a hand.
Once again, thanks a lot for the tips you post!
Hey Exspert boxing I want to buy all 4 of your products that you are advertising how do I go about getting a discount do yall match prices they got something similar on amazon close to about 100 dollars get back in touch asap I am really looking to purchase this merchandise
hi jonny, this site has helped me a lot, i’ve learnt so many things here and i just wanna say a big thank you. I’m an average boxer who wants to be a pro boxer but my country(nigeria) doesn’t really take boxing serious. What do i do?
Nice work keep it up! Love from Holland (europa)
Hi,We wanted to get in touch with you to increase traffic on your website. Please reply to this email so we can send you an audit report of your website. Thank you
Hai Johnny.I am really suffering in my sparring sessions.I have improper punching form.My elbows always hurts after sparring.But I am doing great on mitts and bag.what can I Do?(I am a guy with greater reach Than other guys of the same height)
Hi guys can you help training John Derieaux Reno shepherd he wants to become a professional real life boxer in real life professional boxing Live sports events in the boxing ring to fight a lot of traind professional boxer’s on Live television channel’s fighting for the world heavy weight boxing championship belt’ made of real medtal steal silver and gold, to win? Him having a trained manger to train him every day and every night! contact his brother cody shepherd and him this morning at 12:48 a.m mst. Here is his phone number at 1-801-905-1264
I was wondering if you could help with a problem I’m encountering. I purchased a new pair of Hayabusa 16oz gloves to use with your program, Wrapped my hands according to your video and crammed my hand in the glove and went to work on my heavy bad and OMG I thought my fingers were gonna dislocate unless I relax my fist or hit with the very top of my fist (knuckles) but than I feel like it’s almost a back fist and my wrist strarts to hurt. If I relax my fist so it’s not clenched it’s not bad.. I usually go bare knuckles or my century mma gloves and never had a issue..
Am I punching wrong or what’s the deal?
hellow I’m jebril a beginner boxer
i just want to know !
how much i must workout ??
i was do street workout before starting boxing !
but i was do it for a bigger muscels and better shape of body
not for stronger muscels or better endurance
so , how to do street workout for boxing , you said it’s really great for boxing and way better than weights !
i mean how much reps how much sets ? must i do a max rep range for every set ? or i must do it by the intervals way ?
and how much i must rest ? i mean how much days by month or week and how much minutes after each set
and thank you very much … i think you really have to make an article or a video about this !!
I am one of your fans.Now I live in China,studying Wingchun which is one of Chinese marticial arts.Reading articles posted on this website,I have a better understanding of movements in kung fu,especially how to generate more power with body.
Your articles are full of so much knowledge that I’d like to translate into Chinese for sharing with my friends,so do you mind my translating and sharing?There is no commercial purpose,I promise.
Thanks for all the awesome articles.
looking forward to hear from you soon.
Your sincerely,
I’ll give the original websites and the author in my translations.
Joyce, you are a hero.
I actually have a chinese site at Would be better if I could post up your translation on the OFFICIAL ExpertBoxing Chinese website. And yes, you would then be welcome to copy the text to your site as long as you link to the original chinese one. Let me know.
Hello my question is what would it take to become an olympic boxer for USA.
This might be an unfair question for Johnny. Johnny fought semi-professionally, not at the olympic level and so a route to get to that level is probably unknown to him.
It also might be more fair to list your current experience. Generally this is the path:
-Learn all fundamentals (punches, slips, ring control, foot movement, body positioning and distance)
-light sparring
-heavy sparring & smoker fights
-amateur fights (you need marketing to get this far)
-professional fights (you need even more marketing to get this far)
At that point you’d have to find how the USA qualifies their candidates (ex: age).
Hey guys,
I’m 235lbs, 6’2” and usually spar with people around ~180 lbs (or less!). I’ve been training muay thai since 2011 but only recently started getting into sparring again. The attitude towards sparring whether in boxing or kickboxing is the same. I always come to Johnny’s site because he has great advice in general.
My dilemma:
-I feel that I have to go 20% speed in order to not injure my opponent. I recently recorded myself and found that I was moving a lot slower than other guys I’m sparring against (even guys that are taller than me are still at least 50 lbs lighter). Because I am going lighter (whereas they can go harder) I’m having trouble snapping my punches and having “crisp” movement. I’m afraid I’m developing bad habits.
Do you have any advice for when I spar versus people like this? I don’t want to hurt anyone but at the same time I want good sparring practice.
-I go light on a round kick, they catch my kick and sweep me.
-I go light on a double jab, they counter real fast (whereas if I pounded it in, they wouldn’t be able to counter).
-When I land a kick, they just absorb it and come back with punches (if I pounded the kick, they’d be on the floor).
Hi guys can you help John Derieaux Reno shepherd wants to keep fighting other real life professional trained boxer in real life professional boxing Live sports events in the boxing ring to defend his world heavy weight championship belt against his challenger for his world heavy weight championship boxing belt’ 2016) after he defeats the world heavy weight boxing champion! & than putting his championship titleon the line, to fight! tonight Live on Fox’s sports tv Network channel 265, fSN, okay? He can retain his world heavy weight championship belt’ the champ is here” never give up” contact his brother cody shepherd, at 1-801-9051264 so he fights to win? every time he steps in the boxing ring On Live tv and to give other boxing fighters a chance to win his world heavy weight boxing championship belt’
Hi guys my friend John Derieaux Reno shepherd he wants to become a professional boxer in real life professional boxing Live sports events in the boxing ring On Live tv channel’s fighting a real life professional boxer champion trained, to be the new future world heavy weight boxing champion! Defend his championship belt to the number one contender for his world heavy weight championship title belt’ 2016) every Saturday night? On fSN Fox sports 1 channel 265, at 7-8p.m every saturday night’ and tonight? contact his brother cody shepherd okay and him at 1-801-905-1264 so he can fight to retain his world heavy weight boxing championship title belt’
Hi Jonny.
In the first hand I want to say thanks for your website, and all your tips, I’m just starting but I feel that I’ve learned so much from here.
In the second hand I think that I could help you translating the website to spanish, I’m actually from Colombia and as a native spanish speaker I have been realised that too many articles are bad translated.
Greetings from Colombia.
Hello Johnny, Do you teach us how to punch using our Lats?
Yes, I do, depending on the punch. Every punch is different.
I love that I stumbled across your site! It’s amazing. I don’t see an email link to send you an inquiry about training. I’m in Los Angeles and want to start training again and wanted to know where you train out of and what your rates are. Thanks!
My name Borhene, i’m 22, I’m from Tunisia north africa, and i’m boxer but i can’t to live my dream here because no chance here no one want to help me and i’m poor not a rich man for this i can’t to live my dream ?.
But i know a can to be a champion just i need help for someone get me out from my country thats all.
I want to play with a name of another country, because with a name of another country i can to training good and i can to be a champion and famous i believe in myself no one can béat and get me down. I will be the best ever
Would you make a special offer for Black Friday or Ciber Monday?
I would like to buy the EB Premium Membership but I’m unemployed so it’s difficult for me to get the money. I’m already saving for it, and eventually, I will buy it, one way or another, but a discount, for as little it can be, it would make an awesome early Christmas gift.
Hi Ivan, I’m sorry to hear about your unemployed situation. I don’t feel fair to give discounts to one person without offering the same to everyone else and also don’t feel fair to myself for discounting my own work but I do have tons of free information on my site and Youtube channel which you can use to improve without any spending any money at all. I wish you a great year and Christmas, nonetheless. Hope to see you in the EB Premium Membership one day.
Hi there johnny,
so if i purchase your power punching course i also get your other 4 courses as well thrown in, am i reading this correctly? Thanks
That is correct, Sean! All GOLD members get access to the special members-only videos, group and also every premium course that I have now and including future ones. It’s an incredible deal.
Hey johnny, I hope I’m not bothering but I recently signed up for affiliate for your product . my niche is about helping out anyone interested in boxing. Let me introduce myself, my name is Juan Cabrera former professional boxer in the 90, and my website is world finest boxing gear, since it was the easiest topic to write about I’m new to the IM, but I been putting a lot of hours to hurry up and get something done and succeed, I’m in program with wealthy affiliate, so let me know if I can help you help me ,maybe I can learn from you while promoting your products, hope to here from you soon. I would be promoting thru my blogging on my site .
Best wishes,
Your site has some good information, thank you for that.
I wonder if you can recommend a kids sparring glove?
Age 6 and 9?
Thank you,
Hey Ryan, check out my boxing gloves review guide!
I have a question i just signed on with a personal trainer it has been about 3 weeks going on four. I originally signed up for weightloss and boxing but all we have been doing is training exercises like the ropes,squats and bicycles ect. So my question….is this how it normally goes? Endurance and weight loss before the actual boxing or what? I’m lost on this please let me know I don’t want to waste my money -_- no matter how cute he is.
Hi, I just want to say thank you for all the info on this site. And also I’ve just finished reading your updated boxing glove review and found it very interesting and helpful. The only thing I wondered is if you’d possibly done something similar for gloves that are available for purchase in the UK. As from all the purchase linked ones you talked about were either unavaible here or very expensive to import.
Hi Debbie, I’m US-based so I’m sorry for not having tried all the UK brands. There were a few that I spoke very briefly about in the miscellaneous section of that guide. Do let me know what brands you’d like me to cover.
Hey Johnny whatsup.
Loving the content on this site. I have a question regarding the correct way to warm up for boxing and where rope work should fit into your boxing sessions.
A lot of people do a kind of dynamic warmup, arm swings, hip rotations etc.. others exclusively with the rope. Is there a correct and wrong way?.. for example would it be a good idea to warm up for 5 minutes with some dynamic movements and then maybe 5- 10 minutes with the rope?.. Perhaps 10 minutes rope work as a cool down also.]
The main thing is whether I should see my rope work as mainly a warm up/cool down thing that is gonna help with footwork simply by the nature of the tool itself or whether it should be seen as part of the workout itself on par with shadowboxing, bag work sparring etc. As in for example you warm up with dynamic movements for 5-10 minutes and then maybe spend 10-20 minutes with the rope before even starting technique work or shadowboxing.
I hope this isnt too confusing. I have asked 2 other trainers and I get a vague answer. I know the rope can be used for conditioning sometimes and not just to warm up with but is there a better way to warm up that makes better use of training time.. long warm ups fee like they can detract from time spent learning new skills or putting more effort into the meat and potatoes of your boxing training.
I wanted to hear your thoughts on this..
All the best man – Anthony.
Hi Johnny, I just want to get your opinion on the quite recent adidas pro boxing gloves.
I have seen pro MMA fighter wearing it for heavy bag work.
I intend to buy it soon.
Do you think I should get it?
Anyone any opinion?
pleseas I want to become a great boxer for Nigeria pleseas help me.
After a year of saving for it, I was gonna get the gold membership. I was waiting for the end of the month, and found out that right now is 100$ more, What a shame! Is there any chance you would make an exception for people who miss this, just like me?
Hi Johnny! You have a cool site. A lot of information about the technique of boxing. It is interesting for me to see how the American boxing school differs from the Soviet one, for example. Many interesting articles about boxing gear. What boxing box would you recommend? And what is the bandage for the groin?
UFC gym Can they are. Try to sign up for boxing at lake Forest can
I do want to Know I will be come Boxers
We were wondering if you would be interested in doing a review on our boxing gloves?
I just bought some Casanova boxing gloves based on the YouTube and written review by Johnny Nguyen, which was a great review (thank you Johnny N). However, there was a problem-the gloves were HEAVY. Please read my email to Casanova (Necalli) further information. Hopefully, Necalli will make it right.
I just got the gloves I recently purchased from you and there is definitely a problem. I ordered
Casanova boxing gloves (Necalli Professional Hybrid Boxing Gloves with Hook and Loop, black, 16 oz). I got these gloves after watching and reading the great review by Johnny Nguyen (Founder of ExpertBoxing). When I got the gloves out of the box, I immediately sensed that they were VERY HEAVY. So, I weighed them several times. Here is the problem and results.
The right glove is 21.3 oz (5.3 oz overweight), and the left glove is 20.2 oz (4.2 oz overweight). While I can except some variation (between 0.2-0.4 oz) this is just unacceptable.
Please let me know how you are going to make this right.
Hi Johhny,
I would like to have your opinion on speed bag training. In fact most of the new generation trainers doesn’t think this could be useful and tend to avoid such training.
Thanks, regards
WHAT? Who said that?
Hi Johnny
here, for example, they say something like that:
Let me say I strongly disagree with that and would like to have your opinion.
Thanks, regards
I see comments in there disagreeing with that. Not much else to debate.
I think your review of Sabas not made in Mexico is not based on any fact. You have a responsibility as a reviewer to tell the truth, or in the least share your opinion but not state it as fact without evidence. I’ve bought 2 pairs from Sabas in the last year and both me and my trainer are in agreement that these are good quality gloves.
My custom pair arrived in a couple of weeks. If these gloves were in fact made overseas, this timeline would be nearly impossible for the price they sell their gloves. Shipment by air overseas is very expensive, and by boat would take 6-8 weeks. There is no way they are flying in custom gloves from Pakistan and selling them under $200.
“You have a responsibility as a review to tell the truth…”
Yes, I do! And that’s why you’re welcome to meet me in person in Los Angeles anytime, check out my entire boxing glove collection where I can show you all the gloves I have…from Pakistan, Mexico, Japan, Thailand. And judge for yourself.
You’re also welcome to try ordering a pair of cheap Pakistan gloves direct from the manufacturer for yourself. A single pair can be made AND shipped for around $35 easily (the glove itself only costs $5-7). Perhaps you should learn more about boxing gloves and the business, and then rejudge Sabas for yourself again. I believe that you too, should know the truth for yourself.
Completely agree with you Johnny. Even in Italy we have producers (maybe I should say markers, since they don’t produce anything locally ) which react polemically to reviews where the cheapness of their items emerge clearly. Furtunately people are waking up and learning how to distinguish well crafted gloves from cheap pakistan clones, even thanks to your articles.
Hello sir! My name is Vipin. I’m from Dehradun . I’m learning boxing till 6 month. I’m 22 years old. Iwant to know that is there any boxing tournament held in Uttarakhand for my age??
Please answer me sir.
What I’m about to tell you might or not make you crazy hope God gives you vision. Will let u know be the critic. In amateur boxing I did 75 fights in pro I did 222 wins undisputed in USA,Belgium,etc never lost if I did can’t remember born in Los Angeles,Norwalk I was in HBO and ppv fought in 169 lbs to 240 lbs including international exhibition fights as well as Japan,Russia,china,Canada,etc same for football including bucaneers,dolphins loved Marino for NBA warriors ,Knicks , Lakers I even talked to kristaps porzengis,luka doncic and lebron James brought them were my family is. Lebron James has 10% in blaze I told him I had 25% this was in orange blaze then we’re we living fullerton,Cali,usa then Lew alcindr Kareem I told him i. Had more points than him I used the name Ricky Moses 54k points or more. My buddy is still playing lebron I also talked to Kareem about basketball ,inventions and bill gates. I was with Katy Perry and Melinda gates in sauna nude . But bill is very rich $100 billion Katie at $100 million and Im just drooling..🤨🤯 I was very athletic. Been out for years I met a lady knew Kareem . I was at the HOF with. Allen arvydis etc in turkey I had ,$3 trillion but they evil and 2 castles. Be careful lots of countries hate usa 😭 the Corona virus 😂 etc horrified I had lots of partners like Fidel Castro but it’s difficult keeping them. Lots of psychos and perverts . I showed a account of $5 quadrillion every quarter or $20 quadrillion👽 nothing but problems after. In network it was $15 billion . I don’t cheat on taxes 😂 😜 I follow most rules trust me. The way it’s preserved is USB,flashdrive,etc in boxing , nfl,NBA,etc in MLM I did 7 opportunities was a billionaire in boxing made $1 billion in my main events .etc in tennis I faced Agassi,nadar,etc I played Olympics . May God help me 🙏😇 and you be the wigns etc
Hello Johnny,
I discovered your website recently and I love it! Thanks so much for all of this!
I do have a question that I think about a lot though: do you have tips for people who need glasses in everyday life? (Boxing with visionary problems) I didn’t find any articles on that… I mean, in some places people say you can’t even learn boxing with contact lenses, they dont risk it, and in some places they say it’s not a problem at all. I’m confused about this, do you know some tips? or even some stories about guys like this?
Thanks! Kind regards,
Fighter. Fought with contact lenses or glasses? No, but my vision keeps getting worse with time, hence my question about tips to continue…
Dear Johnny,iam in the process of compiling a book entitled “boxing famous knock outs”I read your article “how to throw a knock out punch” this is a excellent article and I would like your permission to use it in my book, of coarse all copyright procedures and acknowledgement,will be observed I do hope this request meets with your approval .regards Philip kendall
Hello, my name is Chris Firth, I have read your blogs with interest for a few years now. I own a company called Pro-am boxing equipment, we have been trading for over 25 years. I am also a former boxer and amateur coach, professional trainer and manager, so i am quite experienced in all round boxing equipment. I started out many years ago working for Pro tec martial arts, as they wanted to break into the boxing equipment side of things, I helped design a range of boxing equipment and started.selling it to other coaches. After a few years working for Pro tec, I set off on my own and opened a boxing store. I took on distributorship for Everlast pro gear (not the fitness side) and did very well for them. I worked alongside Wayne , the then owners son, developing an AIBA approved range and modernising some of the range. When Grant first came out in the 1990s, I was their European distributor and built them up over here and also did a little with their designs to. I was also around that time working with other companies, like Reyes, it was me who got them into making velcro strap gloves and refining them, working alongside Elizabeth Reyes. I also was involved indirectly with some of the Adidas range, originally the boxing sidenof Adidas was run by Peter Paffen of Paffen sport, they paid him to kind of take over his brand and designs and have him run it for them, at first they replaced his logo with the adidas logos and they kept the same manufacturer in Sialkot Pakistan and still do so today, it is called Starpak. Starpak made a designe of horsehair filled fight glove for me in the late 1990s, which I supplied to Matchroom shows, I discontinued it about 3 years later. This is now what you see with the Paffen sport logo on favoured by Tyson Fury and identical to the Adidas pro mexican glove.
Fast forward to today, Iam and managing fighters and still.have my store near Liverpool, I dont work with big brands these days and i only design my own brand. I have a budget range made in Sialkot Pakistan and i distribute for smaller companies that I like. Campeon i like to work with, ii sell some of their range which is very good value for money I find and they are great in helping me to make my own mexican brand of my design, not a clone or a mix of other brands, that is one thing I hate is using other peoples ideas, I have created some boxing equipment over 30 years that everyone uses in gyms, had them made and within a week ive seen them advertised by other companies worldwide, curved focus mitts, air mitts and stretch handwraps were all my ideas, it is impossible to pattent them as Pakistan, India and China do not follow pattent laws. Anyhow i have gone off track there. We also distribute for Zaragoza boxing from Houston Texas, you should try his Mexican made gloves and headgear, I rate them very highly, probably the best I have come across in a while and the pro fighters love them here. I am also in the process of becoming distributors for Casanova as well, who seem very good people and slightly better quality than Campeon (which is why I have them making my designs there).
My brand Pro-am like i said earlier has been around over 25 years, I pride myself on it being my own designs, using my experience in ring and gym to make good value for money boxing equipment. I have had my own gloves and headgear approved by AIBA in the past, which was used in the Manchester commonwealth games and in international tournaments around Europe and my pro range has been used in many world title fights over the years, I have exported all over the world, some things to the USA but I dont market there , it doesnt really bother me. What i do is look at ither brands occasionaly to see if they have improved andnif I need to compete in any way. I agree with a lot of your findings, I despise all the rip off brands and the clones from pakistan drive me insane, I get up to 10 emails, messages and phone alls a day from everyone who lives in Sialkot who will give me better deals , they make the best and so on. I also have a dislike for bigger brands who copy and charge a fortunes for substandard gloves, some that you rate JI think are below average, I dont like Rival, its made cheaply in China as you know of synthetics, some of their overall designs are very good, but spoiled by using cheap manufacturing, similarly Winning, although good for small hands and nice padding, again a lot of synthetics are used, both rival and Winning headgear is very poor comfort wise and neither durable. At the top end also i think Di Nardo is out of shape, badly designed and the 8oz fight glove enormous, beautiful craftmanship and stunning leather quality, but to me look like theyve been drawn by a 10 year old . Fly on the other hand, nice British hide, average padding but they have tried to copy some of Rivals ideas, some of Grants and some genaric Pakistan styles, i dont think DiNardo is worth the money £1000 for most items that are out of shape and you have to wait from 5 months to 9 months for delivery, Fly seem to take a while to deliver also, i’m not too sure about them yet. I k ow you o ly review gloves, but I design and have made the full boxing range of equipment, so mynopininion is not just based on fit and fell of gloves, some brands may make great gkoves byt very poor headgear.
If you would like to include some of ours in the future, let me know, for a little old company we have a good range. You can also get hold of me on both facebook pages, Chris Firth or Pro-am boxing equipment, or email.
I am from Mexico and my son is 3 times national medallist. . I wish someone recommended me some of the best coaches in the world to prepare it for three or four months.. he is empowered and extremely disciplined. In Mexico he has had excellent coaches but I would like the best of the best and I think it is important to also have more experience with different styles of boxers. He is 17 years old and the intention is that he continue in the Olympic field and later in the professionalism of gloves with a well-established career on the Olympic ground. thanks The intention of the preparation is in order to improve for the Olympic Games qualifying rounds that were postponed until 2021
I’m interested in your secret to boxing defense. But I live in Kuwait. Is there a way I can learn from you online (instead of purchasing a video as I understand from the youtube video you uploaded)?
Hi Albara, the STBD is an online course. You can also check out my free website and Youtube channel. Those are all online too. I’m sorry if I didn’t understand you perfectly.
I am new to kickboxing and have been using my male friend’s old gloves – they suck and I hate them so I am investing in my own. I have been reading and researching a lot of gloves and I was wondering if you knew anything about Society 9 Bia gloves? Your videos and list of info on gloves has been so helpful but doesn’t have that company at all so I was curious if you had heard anything about them?
Thank you so so much!
Hey !!.one of the best website to improve my boxe 🙂 even for the french men I am;)
Thanks 🙂
Please help me to join amateur boxing
Hey, I want to start boxing but don’t where to start from what workouts should I door how to start as I’m a beginner. Please help me out with that.
Why don’t you call it broccoli ears, and instead you call it cauliflower?
Hi, which one of your courses teaches the back shift uppercut not front shift; tx!
Do a article on using footwork as a southpaw to keep your opponent against the ropes and in the corner and keep them them there too.
Hello Johny,
Just giving you a heads up that Necalli Boxing released an updated glove – with firm wrap velcro and hybrid latex padding. No reviews yet online, I was hoping maybe you would review them, since you are on good terms with Casanova. Have a nice day!
Hello! My grandson is wanting to begin boxing. Wants a speed bag and gloves to start.
He’s 15, 200#, almost 6ft. …. I read ALL through your EXCELLENCE, articulate, expert reviews (and tags) of different brand gloves, but didn’t find, speed bag, beginner type gloves….
Lower cost but worthwhile, due to my income.
My choice may or may not encourage him!
Any brands noted for beginners would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time.
Hi I’m sorry to message I know you don’t want to receive any emails but I was wondering if you could train me to be the greatest boxer alive tbh I don’t really have anyone to help me to get into boxing or anything and I don’t know how to sign up and I just get scared just looking at the place I promise you I will train hard how many hours how many days I don’t care I’ll do it since I was kid I’ve been hearing i won’t get no where in life I’ll be a toilet cleaner and when my mum passed I didn’t have no one to help instead I had people robbing me using me laughed at embarrassed got cheated on loads of times instead of getting into the gym getting big and getting onto my dreams I went on drugs been smoking way to much but I don’t wanna be like that I want to make my mum proud and I want to show everyone even my own families that I ain’t a low life loser I will become the best again I am sorry for bothering you but if you could help me in any way please
What are the best gloves for people on a budget?
Any recommendations on how to locate a good gym with a good choach?
I have a guide on this.
Stop deceiving people sex before fight is bad it weakens. You can not recover what you lose during sex in a week, how much more having everyday. Also doing it wrongly weakens you spiritually.
Why dont you do a video now and I know it’s been a while since I commented or seen your site but could you do a article about how to get into doing different roles in the boxing world like being a trainer, promoter, ring announcer or commentator?
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Nia Soares
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