This was my first gym where I tried out boxing for the first time. I loved everything about it. It’s small, undersized and you can probably train here forever and never pay a single dime (that’s what I did). Awesome trainers, individual attention.
The fighters here are TOUGH! This is a Mexican-style gym. 97% mexican, 1% white, 1% black, 1% asian (me). There are pro’s and amateurs and regular club fighters. They have all the equipment you could possibly need. The place can get crowded sometimes but it’s still a fun place to train.
I was here when:
- Julio Gonzalez was making a comeback (former light heavyweight champion)
- Librado Andrade was undefeated and contending for the super middleweight title
- Enrique Ornelas (Librado’s younger brother) was still undefeated
- Alfonso Gomez trained here
- Jose Armando Santa Cruz & his brother trained here
- and numerous others.
The sparring can be rough. I often found myself in brawls. … or maybe that was just my style back then.
La Habra Boxing Club
343 Hillcrest St
La Habra, CA 90631
(562) 690-4559
the past
I trained in this gym from 87 to 93. Everyday was an infighting war. Sparring was with whoever was around. One day it could be 120 pound accomplished pro. The next day it might be a 250 pound novice tough guy. It didn’t matter who it was. It always ended up fighting on the inside working short hooks, uppercuts, body shots and angles. Dave taught me alot about the game and alot about myself.
La Habra Boxing Club
How does one join this club? And how much do they charge?
You don’t have to “join”. It’s simply a boxing gym for anyone to come in and workout. They charge whatever amount you’re willing to pay, $2/day or even free. This is your typical youth center boxing gym, it’s not a commercial gym. Just walk right in and you’ll see what I mean.
Let me know how you like it. I haven’t stopped by in years.
This gym is not far from me and I am highly interested in going there. I was looking for a new trainer with whom I can train with as much as possible. Would this gym be a good choice to find someone that can help me with my progess, while not paying more than I currently am which is 75? Thought I’d just ask before I visit this place
I haven’t been there for a while so you’ll have to go there and see for yourself.
I really want to join this gym but i heard the building burned down in march 2010?
@bob definitely didnt burn down. just around the corner from me.
@bob – I freaked out when I read your comment. I read around online and it looks like they did some charity money to raise some money and re-open. I called the number and it goes to a working voicemail. I think it’s open again. I hope this place was as homely to you as it was to me in my beginner days.
@Jonny N
wow, honestly i didn’t think anyone would answer my question! Well… I’m glad you said this place was homely, because that’s all i want to see in a gym.
Thanks Jonny N
@Jonny N
Hey thanks for taking time and answering my questions. I think I will give it a shot and stop by soon. By the way you have some good info on the site.
Have a good one.
Is this gym available for adults??? or just youth????
because i turned 18 and graduated high school but can’t afford a for-profit gym
@Peter – yes, the gym is for anyone. I first started learning how to box there at the age of 19. Have fun but be safe!
Does this gym throw you to the sharks or is it at all possible to do some slow controlled sparring? Also, do they work you until failure many times?
Gian, when I went there… I was thrown to the wolves. To be fair, I was young and rowdy and wanted to fight anything and anyone. But yes, if you come in there real mature and tell them you want only slow and controlled sparring, they will give you exactly that. As for working till failure, they won’t force that on you. But you will be inspired watching the other fighters around you that you’ll do it to yourself just to feel satisfied with your workout. I’ve grown a lot since I was there 6 years ago.
I’m a 21 year old girl who really wants to learn how to box and whose always wanted too but I want to know if I can get the attention I need to be good but I don’t have money to pay and wondering if its still possible to be a decent boxer at my age
Place still open?
I’m moving into the area soon and had my eye on this place since I realized I am moving! Is this place still open?
Jessica, 21 is definitely not to old for a girl to start boxing! In fact it is the perfect age. Believe it or not it becomes much harder to teach men as they get older then women. If you are eager to learn you could have a bright future in the sport. I have coached many women who started in their early to late twenties and they have become some of my best boxers.
Hello I want to go back to the boxing club.. but i want to know if someone can train me individually. I am willing to pay a decent price. Thanks:)
Hi Jessica,
It’s never too late to fall in love with boxing. 21 is not too old at all. Jess is right about women picking up boxing a lot faster than guys. Females are better listeners and generally just better learners than many guys who have too much pride/ego/arrogance.
@Mel – I haven’t been there in a while but I think it is. Check it out.
Hey Johnny,
Do you know of any boxing clubs in the Tustin, Santa Ana or Irvine areas similar to the La Habra boxing Club?
You’ve really peaked my interest
Awesome. I live about a mile away. So what happens when you firs show up? Is there someone you should talk to or sign up w/? Someone who can show you around and let you know the rules and what not?
Hi RobertEC,
Just walk in and be like, “I’m new…who do I talk to?” Somebody will sort you out. They’re friendly folks there, they’ll show you the ropes. Don’t worry about anything.
Say you wanna train there and then fight as an amature, and then maybe even take it to the next level as a pro. Can the trainers help you get there? Because I really want to fight atleast a few times in the ring. 🙂
@Miguel – just show up and let them know what you’re dreaming about. It’s a good gym to be at. They’ll work with you and hopefully you make it. Good luck, man.
Mr i like join with you are boxing club, im from sri lanka, im national boxer , how to join with you, pls replay to me
Considering taking on boxing at an amateur level
Hey there, I’m 21 years old and although I have no experience with boxing I have long aspired to give it a shot and compete at an amateur level. As a guy am I too late? I’m also a student, do you think I could pursue amateur boxing at this gym? Maybe I’m being redundant since there are many questions similar to my own but I’d really appreciate any advice from somebody with experience in the sweet science.
Not too late at all, James. Give it a try!
How do we join ?
Hello Jonny N i am new at boxing and i am doing a project for my school and i need to know how long the practices are and what days to go on i am a 12 year old turning 13 and i want to know if that is a good age, i am very interested in fighting and love to wrestle. thanks.
Emmett, boxing training usually lasts around 2-3 hours. There’s no age too young or too old but it’s important to know the pace should not be too fast. Hopefully, you find a good gym that will move you at your own pace and train you alongside with other kids your age.
Thats a boxing gym! everyone is on a piece of equipment and there are people waiting in line just to spar. every single person in there is doing something, is it like that from the door open until doors close johnny?
Fortunately, it’s not always like that. I haven’t been there in years but it used to get packed after 5pm on weekdays.
Do you have to follow their routine or can you do what you want?
If you want a coach to look after you and teach you his knowledge, you have to do what he says. If you just want to workout and be left alone, you can do whatever you want. Actually for the second option you don’t have to go there lol.
Hey I’m. A wrestler and i did mma for 6 months would this be a good place to get better at boxing
It is a boxing gym so I would have to say yes.
I know I was just saying cause I went to the la boxing gym and it was garbage and cause in my mma gym I only learned a couple of basic boxing combos
OHHH. “LA Boxing” is not a real boxing gym. It’s a commercial chain fitness gym.
Yeah I figured it out when I tried it out and im checking out the LH boxing club tomorrow
Let me know how it goes and what trainer you worked with. I hope the place is still busy as it used to be.
If i’m just trying to find a new hobby that can help me lose weight, would you suggest this place? Or is it only for boxers that are trying to compete?
It’s a good place to workout. Lots of motivation and good instruction. Make sure you tell them you’re not looking to compete and don’t want to spar.
I can imagine how much that gym means to you. Most likely they have rescued numerous youngsters from the streets, preventing them to live a live in prison. Teaching the young ones all about respect, self-respect and self-confidence – All those mental skills society badly needs today!
Sadly, I can´t visite it cause I live in Germany. 🙁
Best wishes from Germany!
Keep punching!
Hi I want to start boxing and check out this gym. I was wondering what I should buy to show up with? I assume some gloves, a mouth piece and wraps?
Having your own mouthpiece is a must. Gloves and wraps, you can borrow from the gym if you don’t have your own. Of course it’s always better to have your own.
My son really wants to start boxing, he is only 4years old will they work with him here?? What time dose the gym open and close?? Thanks,
This gym is especially good for kids. I don’t know their closing hours anymore. Please give them a call yourself. 5pm is a good time.
I’m looking into places where I can learn how to box, get a good workout, and lose some good ole weight! This place sounds like a good place to go! Any comments or suggestions?
I used to go to a boxing gym by my work. I sustained a head injury while sparring. If I go here, will they force me to spar or can I opt out?
No one can force you to do anything you don’t want to do.
Well, I’ve been training there now for about 2 weeks and it’s been great. Jerry is my trainer but I tried suggesting that I just want slow-conditioned sparring for now and I have a feeling he is going to throw me to the wolves. I’m 5’5 190 lbs and I really just want slow conditioned sparring but no one is doing that here. I feel like the odd man out in terms of it. I want to be built up from slow conditioned sparring but I don’t know how to sell slow conditioned sparring to people here. I don’t even know how to explain it to others. I tried talking to other fighters in there and one guys said “there’s no such thing.” I’m afraid of getting my ass whopped repeatedly and becoming discouraged because the trainer is throwing me in too soon. I flinch, I don’t know what punches look like, and I have bad cardio. I really don’t think I should be sparring so soon. I want to find a trainer that starts their fighters from slow conditioned sparring and start asking around. The owner of the gym put me in a jab sparring match with a kid. We were going pretty hard, too. I split my lip and we were jabbing each other pretty hard.
You mentioned above a few years ago I be mature and let them know that slow conditioned sparring is all I want. Who do I ask? Should a trainer be present? Do I ask fighters or trainers? Jerry is matching me up tomorrow. I’m not a total beginner to sparring but all I want is slow conditioned sparring and to be built up from there at least for a month or two before I jump up the intensity.
In order to learn I should just do what Jerry says, but I don’t owe an asswhoppin to anyone. Especially if all I want is slow conditioned sparring at the moment.
La Habra is a tough gym. They threw me to the wolves, too. Unfortunately, that’s how they’re accustomed to doing things over there. If you don’t like it, you may have to go somewhere else. Or at least start working with other “friendly” boxers…ask them before you spar with them.
Hours are M-F 11 AM-7 PM
I let the gym owner how I felt about what was going on and he kind of sorted it out. This place really does look out for you!
I also spoke to my trainer and he reassured that he’ll take care of me. I’m starting to trust him more and more now.
im 14 going in 15 and i havent been involved in sports for a while (arounfd 2 -3 years. and i ve been wanting to do some sort of MMA or boxing. . i have NO experience with either whatsoever. is this the place to go if i wanted to start learning ?o
This is a good place to learn real boxing.
nadja just won her pro debut. im sending this from the fignt right now haha
Who’s her trainer? What can I say, La Habra does a good job.
Dave is her trainer. It was a great fight.
I am curious about how to box, are there people there who would be willing to show me the basics? I already have black belt in Tae kwon do but I am looking to expand my horizons. I’m 14 and female if that makes any difference.
Yes, they will be happy to show you the basics. Come and have fun.
Does the club itself offer lessons?
Back when I was there, we didn’t have official class time. Everybody showed up whenever and got taught by their coach. You’ll have to call them up now because maybe things have changed.
Is it still free? I’m a poor college student and I’ve been wanting to box ever since I was a child. I’m nineteen now and I have time to box. I want to become more athletic, learn to defend myself, and possibly compete. PPlease let me know the rates. Thank you for your help.
Call them and ask.
I’m 15 and have no experience with boxing, I’m not too fit so you would expect I’m a bit chubby but I’m not overweight, but I really want to learn how to do boxing and am determined to go through with it no matter what, when I enter the gym do I get assigned a coach or do I choose one, and on my first day entering do I bring my equipment or do I go to sign up and then come the following day or week?
It really depends on the gym. The best thing I can say is to visit several different gyms and walk and ask your questions and see how they’re set up. Some places have community gear, some don’t. Some give you a personal coach, some don’t. It might also depend on the type of gym or how much you’re paying, or how good of a potential fighter they think you are. There are lots of variables.
Hey jhonny your videos are really inspirational i have always been a fan of boxing but never had the guts to join a gym. I recently a couple months ago joined a boxing gym. And i always watched your vids i just now found out you trained at the same gym i train now at la habra boxing club. My mind was blown.. Your really inspiring i feel like i train at the same place manny pac trained lol.
I’m glad to have inspired, Danny! Hahaha…although you’ll have many more champions and figures to live up to. La Habra is a well-esteemed boxing club!
What are the gyms hours? and how much do they charge?
Give them a call or stop by and find out. I don’t know right now as I haven’t been there for years.
My daughters only 15 and she’s interested in boxing. I grew up in la habra however I never gout a chance to go. Is it a possiblilty she can go.
Why not?
My name is julio… How much is it to train at your gym I would like to how to box…so I can maybe some day box in competition in 28 yra old
Learn how to box…sorry
I think his gym is free but you can choose to give them a donation. Sure you compete at 28 yrs old, age is just a number you know.
Hi I just wanted to know the fees and hours – Thanks!
Same here, I hope there’re keeping it the same way. All the boxing place I came across in Orange Country have contracts.
Do we get to choose our own trainer at La habra boxing club? Or do they do they select 1 for us.
I have no idea. You come and there are several of them. Sometimes you choose them, other times they choose you. Try it and see.
As a past employee of USA Boxing and a volunteer for many other Olympic Sport programs, I have come to know quite a few LBC members and club owners. With these individuals comes the many stories of how they want to get their nonprofit and 501 C 3 status but just do not have the knowledge, time, or energy to get it done not to mention the money needed to apply.
In fact, as of 5/26/2019 I have helped 205 sports clubs get their 501 C 3, State Nonprofit Status, fix their revocation status back to compliance, and raise monies for how they want to help our youth who are less fortunate.
My program includes educating each nonprofit for one year to understand how to run a nonprofit and tap into the many ways to raise funds and reimburse yourself for nonprofit expenses that you have spent to help your local community kids.
You may wonder what qualifies me to be able to help with nonprofit status and 100% guarantee success with all filings. This is because I started my own nonprofit in 2007, I have a Master’s Degree in Nonprofit Management which includes all areas of running a nonprofit. In fact, I have been so successful with helping that everyone of the clubs and non-clubs I have helped are willing to be a reference about my honesty, experience, knowledge, and exemplary integrity. I am sure that many of the clubs I have helped are friends and competitors within your boxing sector.
I charge absolutely nothing to listen to your needs and I have even helped some clubs regain their nonprofit status that was lost due to failure to file annual forms with the IRS and their State.
If you decide to finally gain your nonprofit and 501 C 3 status and are curious as to average costs, I have attached two documents to for you to review that give a better idea as to what I do for you and what you get as well as how much I charge. Due to the fact that there are no risks with my services why not take a look and contact me at the phone numbers listed below or by email.
Dave Boucher
719-360-5839 cell 719-209-1456 office
[email protected]
Master’s Degree in Nonprofit Management – Regis University 2004
2 Timothy 2:15
Are you gentlemen currently sparring