Q: Have you got any tips to improve balance? Exercises I can do at home? Afterall, a boxer without a good base, is a useless boxer.
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Rival High Performance Signature Series Punch Mitts
A quick review for Rival’s self-proclaimed “boxing’s first and only correct punch mitt designed by (The Coach) Russ Anber”.
8 Reasons Why Heavy Bags SUCK
YES, it’s true – hitting a punching bag all day might hurt your boxing skills. The main reason why is because over-training on a heavy bag makes it easy for boxers to develop bad habits.
Everlast EverGel Glove Wraps Review
There’s been a lot of hype about the Everlast EverGel Glove Wraps ever since they came out. We’ve seen pictures of many professionals using them in advertisements but are they really that good? I always thought they looked cool but I never considered them to be much better than regular old fashion handwraps.
Mastering The Left Hook
The complete boxing guide on how to throw the perfect left hook punch. This guide will help beginning boxers who can’t seem to get a left hook that feels right or even experts just looking to add power and form to their existing left hook. Learn 4 different types of left hooks and when to throw them.
How To Punch Harder
This is the ultimate punching guide for boxers, fighters, and just about anyone who wants to learn how to punch correctly and punch hard! Learn how to throw knockout punches now!
Setting Up the Left Hook
A series of combos and boxing techniques to help you setup your left hook. Many boxers know how to throw a great left hook but for some reason never learned how to set it up. Read on to learn how throw dangerous left hooks without getting countered.
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Training Out the Flinch Reflex
This is a guide base solely on training out your flinch reflex. I’m talking about the natural reflex where a fighter may blink or close his eyes and stiffen up his body when he sees punches coming his way. It’s natural but there is a way to fight through it. You basically have to practice.
How To Take Punches Better
Believe it or not, there’s actually a science to absorbing punches in boxing. There’s a lot more to absorbing punches then just good genes, heart, and bone structure.
16 Basic Boxing Tips
A quick list of 16 basic boxing tips your trainer should have told you. These boxing tips will improve your boxing training, boxing punching, and boxing defense. Good luck!