Boxing questions on supplements, styles, concentration, footwork, endurance, the Dempsey Roll, range control, roadwork, and more.
10 Heavy Bag Training Tips
Don’t just throw punches at the bag, learn how to hit a heavy the proper way. Here are 10 heavy bag training tips to develop your boxing technique as well your punching power.
Why the Strong Arm Belongs In The Back
After correcting so many beginners, I write the official guide on why the strong hand belongs in the back and not the front.
Just about every month, I see a new fighter standing with his strong arm in front. He’ll give me endless reasons about why he hits harder that way or fights better as a southpaw. Like the rest of them, they all base their reasons on their favorite fighter or their experience in back yard fights. To settle the debate once and for all, I break down all the known discussion points for advantages and disadvantages from fighting with your dominant hand in back or in front.
Everyone wants to know:
Should I stand with my strong arm in the back like all other traditional boxers?
Or should I convert into a right-handed southpaw or left-handed orthodox fighter for some tactical advantages in having a strong front arm?
Do the advantages really make you a force to reckon with? Or are you giving up your natural advantages for just a silly trick?
Read more… about Why the Strong Arm Belongs In The Back
Boxing Mailbag 4-19-11
I answer your latest boxing questions about building speed, fighting shorter fighters, illegal tactics, punch resistance, footwork, ideal fighting weight, concentration, and more.
Drowning Style – Constant Pressure Without Blocking
Learn how to drown your opponent. Take him into deep water and wear him out with this passive aggressive fighting style used by great boxers such as Oscar De La Hoya, Kostya Tszyu, Thomas Hearns, and Vitali Klitschko.
Read more… about Drowning Style – Constant Pressure Without Blocking
Are You Ready For Amateur Boxing?
Being in shape and being in fighting shape are 2 entirely different things. Are you ready for competitive fighting? Let’s find out…
Boxing Mailbag 3-31-11
Boxing questions about fighting shorter opponents, taller opponents, the day before the fight, boxing equipment, when I will make some boxing tutorial videos, and more!
Boxing Sparring for Beginners
There’s a difference between sparring and fighting. Fighting destroys you whereas sparring develops your skills! Want to get better without getting beat up? Learn how to spar correctly!
How to Lose a Fight (Skillfully)
Learn the ancient secrets of how to get your ass beat. Joking aside, I’m talking about how to lose a fight without getting beat up.
Boxing Mailbag 3-7-11
Official March 2011 mailbag where YOUR boxing questions get answered. Footwork, bag drills, style match-ups, flinch problems, keeping inside fighters away, the importance of blocking, alcohol in training, getting ripped, and more!