I’ve written a hundred articles on how to box but I never explained why YOU should try boxing. Boxing is more than just a hard workout!
Boxing Is Fun
Enjoying something is probably the number one reason why anybody ever got good at anything. The one thing boxing has over fitness exercises is FUN! If you ever plan to be successful at anything, it has to be fun. Otherwise, it becomes work, becomes a chore, and you’ll quit before you ever get a routine going. This is the problem with most workout routines.
Literally EVERYONE I’ve seen that puts on a pair of gloves for the first time has fun. Hitting the focus mitts becomes a game and they enjoy the challenge. There so many pieces of equipment in the gym and so many skills to master that boxing never becomes boring. Even after the boxing session ends, they go home and watch videos online. They shadowbox at home and become inspired by other boxers. There are very few exercises that leave this lasting impression. Can you imagine someone going home and fantasizing about running?
Boxing Is Challenging
Many people think boxing is challenging because getting hit in the face must be painful. They think of boxing as going to war, and they imagine themselves having to throw and absorb punches like Rocky. Let me give it to you straight: boxing is easily one of the most difficult things you’ll ever do in life – physically and mentally. It requires, strength, power, speed, endurance, reflexes, intelligence, and heart.
But wait! There is another little known reason why boxing is so challenging: it is because it’s common for you to see the best athletes in the sport on a regular basis. Think about it: how often does the average kid ever get the chance to go to a basketball court and witness Michael Jordan or Kobe Bryant playing basketball? The chances are virtually zero. Millions of people participate in activities where they never get the chance to see a professional at work. Quite often, the hardest-working athletes are already the best in their sport wherever it is that they practice. There is nobody around them that is better and so they’re not as inspired to improve.
Boxing is quite different in this aspect. It’s easy for you to workout at a gym and watch professional boxers train at the same time with you. You get to witness the impossible everyday in the gym and you’re constantly inspired to push yourself to new levels of performance. And what better than to be motivated by the best athletes in one of the hardest sports ever? Plus, these professional boxers who hit the big time are applauded throughout their industry as they are doing something which is incredibly hard and requires so much skill, that is why bets are placed on them through online betting platforms like fun88 and others, because people believe in them and want to see them win, not just for financial gain but for the fact that they admire their tenacity.
Boxing Improves Confidence
Boxing is a great confidence booster. The sport molds fighters out of average people. There is no greater way to overcome your fears and claim your courage by climbing through the ropes to meet your opponent at the center of the ring. Imagine yourself reborn again as a warrior when you stare out at your opponent through your headgear, bite down on your mouth guard, and clench your fist inside your gloves. After having to fight in the ring, other challenges in life seem much more manageable. Boxing improves your attitude, confidence, and outlook on life.
Boxing Is A Great Workout
Have you ever seen what a boxer body looks like? Hard, lean, ripped, without an ounce of fat. Everybody knows boxing is one of the toughest workouts you can ever do. Training to fight is unlike any other kind of physical exercise. Your body has to be in the best condition possible. Every part of your body is used during the fight and you would be a fool to get lazy and pay for it later in the ring. Boxing is not a sport you can be lazy at and it shows in its athletes.
I’ve had many friends that tell me they lose 3 pounds in a single boxing session compared to only 1 pound at the gym doing regular weights and cardio. Boxing is a sport where your coach, your opponents, and you yourself will push you beyond your limits. It’s no wonder that boxing will definitely get you in shape faster than anything else out there. I sincerely mean it!
Boxing is a fun challenging workout that improves your confidence and gets you in shape faster than anything out there. Try it for yourself and you’ll find boxing to be that awesome exercise you’ve always wanted.
Awesome post
Great post 🙂
I thank God for providing somebody like u. Ur tips to me are as precious as Gold. I have nothing but enough respect for u. Boxing is a game i wish every man to participate in because it defines the real man. May God almighty inspire u the more to educate us.BLESS!
thank you!
Thank you. I appreciate the kind words.
well said Johnny!
🙂 I agree that brings in more confidence.
The best boxing site ever.
Iam boxing for more then 7years ,and I can tell you its the best website about boxing ever, and all this information is for FREE, please Respect to writer.
Mantas, thank you. My sincerest gratitude!
I’m a newbie at boxing, been bitten by the boxing bug two months back and been at it ever since. You just put into words everything that I’m feeling about boxing now. This site is really great! keep it up. ^^
My first boxing class starts tomorrow:-)
Boxing for fitness.
I’ve been a regular exerciser for years. I’m 34. Over the last year, my motivation and interest to train diminished, so a friend invited me to a local boxing gym. What can I say, i’m hooked; pun intended. My fitness has increased tremendously and there’s never a boring moment. Plenty of challenges each time, and a great trainer aswell. I’ve also found i’m not bad at it. Not quite sparring level yet, but I can see this being a life-long pursuit. It motivates me to keep healthy out of the gym too.
Good luck Keenan, you’ll have a blast i’m sure.
hey johnny…you had me laughin with this one: “Many people think boxing is challenging because getting hit in the face must be painful.” of course, it’s definitely true….and if you’re sparring for a while you’re bound to get a good knock on the button at some point. i think people are worried, and rightfully so, about long-term effects on the brain. you didn’t mention much in your article about that. in your opinion, what are the risks? why not go through other types of cross-training that don’t involve the taxing blows to the head? if you had to recommend a cross-training program which one would it be. i’ve seen lots out there…crossfit, p90x, insanity, etc. just curious!
my site: http://www.pxreviews.com
@scott m – actually, it is possible to train boxing without sparring (getting hit in the head). many of boxing’s exercises have incorporated all that stuff you see in p90x, crossfit, etc…for many years.
Do you think it is safe to practice boxing if you just train and do some sparring? at which level does the “real” risk beginn? i know getting hit in the head sometimes isnt ideal for the brain, but at least i would believe im gonna be the next Einstein, i dont believe its that bad. Did you ever ask yourself these questions?
Don’t take shots you can’t handle. If it hurts, stop! Higher level fighters (or more genetically gifted ones) can take harder shots.
This is the most helpful review i’ve ever searched for boxing, you get me motivated for the sports.
Now I try and face some hard, challenging session of boxing….cheers!!!
Hi there guys i only went for a introduction to boxing in the gym and i so much want to join but im just finding myself browsing the net doing research about boxing,im 33 and REALY want to join a boxing gym,any tips please :)?
Greetings friends, I am glad read your comments on boxing. I have not try boxing before but i have imagine myself in a ring fighting with an opponent, I want try it and I strongly believe that I have boxing talent and I also have confident that I can do best, I love seeing myself doing boxing, I’m 24 years old, I need tits and help, I will be most grateful. Email Address: [email protected]
i think this really helps me learn what i want to do when i get older and grow up to be a strong women and to teach that you can be a girl and still play a boy sport don”t stop just because a girl or a boy says you can not do it because you are a girl just be your self and do what you want to do.
Hey Johnny! Love your channel a lot man! I have a very amazing question for you and i really need your help, I know you’ll give some great advice, i get your a very busy man, and i get that, but i want to do something amazing that can possibly bring it back to where everyone does it, but I want to see if they could put boxing in school, I live in Butte, Montana. They actually used to have in here in schools and i see team pictures from those teams, but I know you have a lot of knowledge of boxing, and i was wondering if you can give me a lot of advice that can maybe convince the whole MHSA ( Basically the whole school state board ) about starting boxing in schools, advice about insurance ( i know USA boxing has a insurance program though) sponsors, and other things i might need to know. I feel that there will be some people on the school board that would be against it.. that’s when maybe i could counter it and convince them, maybe you could give me some other pointers about what they might try to use against me so i could find out a good counter, thanks to this article i could talk a lot about benefits, injury but a lot of advice would be amazing because I’d love if boxing would be a school sport, and i know you would to! I’m very confident it can happen, I already talked to athletic director about starting one, he said its a awesome idea, but the whole state would have to agree to it before they even start one, so if i can get a lot of great advice about it, i want to create this very big presentation that talks about everything, but i need to know everything! so johnny maybe if you can give me some advice so i can start boxing in school cause it be the best!!! Thanks Johnny i was hoping i could talk to the school board soon so if i could get some advice fast, that would be amazing! P.S thanks for this useful article!