The one and only – ExpertBoxing’s complete list of punching combinations for boxers. This is just a list of combinations only.
It’s not about what punches you throw, it’s how you throw the punches. A basic 1-2 punch combination becomes very deadly when you mix in some variations differing in speed, angle, footwork, timing, and power.
If you need further explanation as to why and how you throw these combinations, please see my other articles on punch combinations.
For counter-punching routines, please click here.
Mix & Match and Enjoy! (Last Updated 2/8/12)
Punch Legend
Each number below represents a punch. (Combinations are for orthodox fighters. There is a small section for southpaws below.)
1 = jab
2 = right hand
3 = left hook
4 = right hook (or overhand right)
5 = left uppercut
6 = right uppercut
b = body (example: 1b = jab to the body)
[] = blocking
() = rolling
{} = rolling under
// = slipping or lean away from
<> = pivot away from
p/pccw = almost all pivots are on the front foot (“p” means pivot clockwise on the frontfoot, pccw means pivot counter-clockwise on the front foot)
bp = backfoot pivot. very rarely used (bpccw means pivot counter-clockwise off your backfoot)
ls/rs = leftstep and rightstep. self-explanatory
bs = backstep (example: 1bs means you backstep as you throw the jab, 1-bs means you backstep AFTER you throw the jab)
f = fake (example: 1f-3 means to fake a jab to the head, and then throw a left hook right after)
t = tap (example: 1t-2 means to throw a light tap jab, followed by a right cross)
sl/sr = slip left, slip right (example: 1-sl-3 means jab, then slip left, then left hook. 1sr-2 means jab as you slip to the right and throw a right hand after)
To use the punching combinations listed below, simply chain the combos in this order:
starter > ender OR starter > combo > ender
(1/14/10 ad)
Common Punching Combinations
Most commonly used punching combinations inside the boxing ring. (These combinations are complete as is, no need to pick a starter or ender for these.)
These sequences are commonly used to start off your combinations. You are also welcome to start off a combination with a counter-punch. To look up counter-punches, please look up this guide: xxxx
Advanced Combinations
Highly advanced punching combinations that require advanced movement and highly coordinated punching skills.
Punching combinations for use up close or when in the clinch.
Tricky Starters
Used these combinations to open up highly defensive opponents as you confuse and penetrate their defenses.
4b-6-3-2 (works best in close range)
Power Enders
End your punching combinations with these punches to do the most damage to your opponent. Ending with these punch combinations may leave you vulnerable to a counter-punch so beware!
Evasive Enders
End your punching combinations with these punch series to get you out of harms way safely.
4bpccw (pivot ccw off the backfoot as you throw a right hook)
Punch Combos for Orthodox Against Southpaws (left-handers):
Punch Combos for Southpaws Against Orthodox Boxers
Evasive Combos
Share your own combinations below!
- Got some interesting combinations I haven’t listed? Share them below.
- It might also help to explain what nuances, details, or angles you used to make them work.
More Useful Boxing Guides on Punch Combinations
Great! I’ll definitely use these.
What is the difference between a “Roll Under” & a “Roll”?
Also i wish he would show the Peek A Boo version of what he just went over
really good
would you please reply with the most effective ways to punch in shoe shine combinations
shoe shine combinations
Sorry Hector,
I didn’t understand your request. You want to learn how to throw faster flashy combinations? Are you asking for techniques or the exact punches to be used?
what does 1-/1/ and 2-{3}-2 mean?
1-/1/ means throwing a jab and then slipping the counter jab.
2-{3}-2 means throwing a right cross, then rolling under the counter left hook, then throwing another right cross.
do you sponsor youth fighters , in Baltimore City
I do 1-3-4-/1/
Can u put how to counter and defend that chart u just named
off cuz if I throw a combination and he cou ters I wanna know how
to either defend or recounter is offense like if I throw 1-2-3 then
he slips and counters now me being back on defense show should
I do to counter is offense is there sequences
I’ll have to write a lot of articles about common counters and punches to watch out for. Because it’s too much information, I won’t put them here but I’ll definitely be writing about it soon!
great dude….. i’ll use them…….. Thanks for all ……..
Blue wizard
this is nice
im orthodox. what’s the best combo for a bigger person?
For bigger guys, use your footwork and lots of feints to get them to commit. Any combo with a back step or fake in there would be very good for you.
1-2-1p, and also 1-2-1p-2
1-2b or 1-1-2b or 1-1-2b-1p
when you’re being chased: 1-backstep-2
If it’s a short stocky guy, you use a lot of pivots. If it’s a taller guy, you’ll need more feints.
8)8);-);-)thery are really cool.but how long it requires in a punching bag for a better workout
For a good heavy bag workout, you only need 3 rounds of 3 minutes each with 1 minute rest in between. During the last 30 seconds, try to punch as fast as you can non-stop at the bag–throw just left-right-left-right-left-right.
Yes it is, Robert. Depending on who taught you and whichever way you prefer it. Some people don’t even call out overhands, they just feed you the mitt in a way that calls out for it.
inside fighting – shoe shine
Yes, please show proper inside fighting shoe shine. For instance: 1-1-2 your way in and…
3b-4b-3b dip left
3b-4b-3b-4 dip right
4b-3b-4-3 dip left
5b-4 dip right 4
Thank you.
Hector Gil
Hlo Gonro what is the means
3b,4b,3b,dip lift.
3b,4b,3b,4dip right
4b,3b,4b,dip lift
5b,4dip right 4
@Gonzo – watch Sugar Ray Leonard vs Marvelous Marvin Hagler. THOSE are perfect shoeshine combinations! Some of them are pure headshots, others start at the bottom and work their way up to headshots.
walterweight boxer
i do appreciate online you training you provide cause most of we boxers from subsaharan africa we dont have skilled and critical trainers, this cause most of fighters to lose in international games. so through your programmes i wish i will be the best and make others best. thank you!!!!!!!!
@lutufyo sanga – that is very unfortunate to hear and I’m honored to be able to help any way that I can. I wish you and your teammates the best of luck.
thanks for the website,I’ve studying for the last couple of days.I’m just getting back in the ring after 7yrs and having issues with ring rust.I was an avid boxer once upon a time.any advise on building a good foundation? I’m not as agile as before
During my 7 yrs laid off I did a lot of weights ,now I look like frankenstein hitting the bag?
Just work it slow. Shadowbox slow. Hit the heavybag slow. Spar REALLLLY slow. You’ll be back in no time. I have to deal with ringrust every time I’m away for more than 2 weeks. It sucks but with a little confidence, it comes back every time.
Whats a good instense boxing workout regiment, without overtaining?my primary goal is to focus on technique for now.but, how should I mix roadwork, and with atleast of plyo weight s with out overtrain ing. Sucks I burn myself now probably gonna need a week or two to recover.thanks
Intense boxing workout coming very VERY soon. The only way to make sure it’s not over-training is for you to know when to stop yourself. Increase the pace slowly.
brain damage???
great article and blog man!!!
i want to know if boxing below 18 will actually affect my brain even a bit???
i go for punching big bags in the gym….will it affect my brain???
i am 17 and 5’11” in height….
@avinash – If you take hard hits to your head everyday, yes…I’m sure there will be some longterm damage even if just a little. You don’t have to be knocked out to suffer a concussion. I wish I had more expertise in this area but I don’t.
i kinda swing my body into every punch ..most of them smoothly without using too much energy..only ones i do use alot of energy are left hooks.. do you think thats a good strategy.. im very quick and slick but not very strong or im always using my feet in my punches ..and i throw snap punches and after every combo i jump away(not literally jump but smoothly manuver out ) i dont weigh much either I weight 125
If you make it work, it’s a good strategy.
can u post sum other combos..i am very bad at hitting the heavy bag..pls!!!
love the site.
Your passion for boxing and love for sweet science is inspiring and very up lifting:)You are a man with the vision,dream and all the tools to make them come true….persistence,patience,determination and will:)Thank you for contributing to the sport and for helping others to become Champions in the ring and outside of it:)With respect,best luck to you…Mike:)
Thank you brother.
keep up the good articles Johny, and thanks for sharing your knowlegde!!
In your combination list you refer to under starters a 1-6b but under your legend there is nothing for a plain b could you help with this thank you
It shows under punches. “b” = body, so 6b means right uppercut to the body.
Hey Johnny,
Just to clarify, is 2 (“right hand”) just a cross jab? Or is there something I missed?
Also, do you have any combinations that include corkscrews? I know that’s traditionally only used as a block hit when dealing with an under trained fighter or a street fighter who throws wild punches, but it would be cool to see some ways to put a left, right, or even double corkscrew into a combination.
The #2 punch is a right cross. By default, it’s a much harder punch than a jab. As for corkscrews, all straight boxing punches are typically corkscrew punches by default. I am assuming that by “corkscrew”, you mean the fist to be rotated to land with the palm facing down at the floor.
Hii Johny…
I find your combinations very useful & deadly….however, could you suggest some special tactics for shorter guys, like me…
I’m 5’5 by height & play in Light Weight category…Most of the time I face guys, taller than me……so what could be the deadly punch combinations for guys like me…
Probably combos with more overhand rights.
for shorter guys use a thundering overhand right, again and again. they think you being shorter you cant get to them, then as he learns to block it come in with huge right hooks to body, then as he defends that go back to big overhand rights keep your defense very tight. go in quick get out quick with jab at end of every combo
Hey Johnny!
I look at these combinations and it has the same style that Jerry is teaching me at La Habra Boxing club.
I understand that he was your first trainer also! Except Jerry always has me follow up on my power punches!
Hahaha, yeah…Jerry’s all about that left hook right hand follow-up. Is Jerry still at La Habra now?
Yeah he’s still here teaching anyone who is willing to learn. He stresses hitting to the body a lot! I’ve learned so much from him and I’ve only been training at La Habra for 3 weeks. He also encourages sparring everyday! Haha
Yeah, that’s exactly how he was with us. You could come in with a broken leg and he’d still strap headgear on you.
i’m very happy to discovered this site, so excite.
My nickname is chezyswingle, being called biggy at the gym, i started boxing train 02 march 2012, i love boxing sport so much.
I want to know how people got knocked out, cause i always got knocked out in all my sparring and i dont know why.
People get knocked out because their brain took too much impact.
needs descriptions on how to combat with my boxers teammate without being knocked out all the time.
Hey there, excellent site, with a great deal of information! If you don’t mind shooting me an email, I’m up here in ak and have some questions, but don’t want to fill your entire wall with them.
Melinda Rae
Send it! And then I’ll decide if it’s too many questions.
thanx jonny,im goin to use these combinations as im preparin to move away from the amateur ranks here in zimbabwe.
Johnny, I just started boxing, I just wanted to know if you have any beginner tips and to thank you for your amazing site, it has been incredibly helpful for a newbie like me.
I’ve got plenty of tips. Take a look around all the different categories in the website. The “Beginner’s Guide to Boxing” on the right side is a good place to start.
Is that small section for right-handed or left-handed southpaws?
The word “southpaw” refers to anybody who stands with their right foot in front and left foot in back.
I saw a Cus D’Amato combination that was 7-7-1-2-1. I am guessing that the 7 represents a left hook/dig to the body?
You’ll have to look up his numbered combinations but yes, I think the 7 might be the left hook to the body or maybe a left uppercut to the head.
Thank u verry Much. It helps me Beeing more créative.
great article dude.
This pretty much irrelevent to the article but, here it goes. I’ve been boxing since I was 16, I had one fight, lost by decision. I am 23 now, I have had multiple trainers since I began, although I have only had one fight, I want to compete again. Only this time I feel SO ready, afterall, I have been training for 7 years. My question is: do you think age is a limiting factor? Or do you feel that your age has nothing to do with competition, but rather the way you feel and what mental/physical condition you are in, is of utmost importance? I love your website btw thanks for all the great advice! Please email me back at your convenience. Thank you!
I don’t know how to answer your question because there are so many examples of good fighters from all ages.
It comes down to whether or not you want to fight.
If you do, then train for it.
If you don’t, then don’t.
Johnny N,
Love your site, I started Boxing Workouts in Nov 2012, I have follow alot of your teachings, how to’s & tips and I have progress greatly over a short period of time. I totally got the Boxing Bug, My Wife supports me fully and we have even opened a boxing club & gym. We are setting up Coachs and programs to be in full swing very soon. Your site is wonderful and I have shared it with everyone I’ve worked with and plan to continue using it as both myself and our new Boxing Club grow.
Thanks So Much,
E.B. McLlarky “C-4”
Conway Boxing Club
New Hampshire
Congratulations C-4!
Let me know when your club and website is fully up and running. I wish you all the best in your business. Keep boxing!
that was amazing dude can you pls tell me now to develop one punch knockout power
Work on all your punching skills. Punching powerfully has to do with technique. But getting a knockout has to do with skills. Timing, accuracy, rhythm, the strategy to setup the shot, the experience to get through your opponent’s defense.
Wow, what a great site. I am 51 years old and just started to fulfill my dream of learning how to box. I hope I did not start to late. I am in excellent physical shape and am a health fanatic. I already have been jumping rope religiously, and hoping this helps. On my off day of private lessons, I practice at home. Can you give me some ideas what to practice, or should I just reinforce what I am learning in the gym? I have at home a speed bag, heavy bag, double end bag and a reflex bag. My trainer said do not be too concerned with the speed bag as yet….I want to learn boxing techniques at my lessons rather than the physical aspect of the sport ( I already train hard on my own time in a gym). My other question is I am going to buy another heavy bag to supplement the heavy bag I already have…thinking of a wrecking ball or an angle bag…what do you suggest? Thank you so much.
Shadowbox in the mirror and move around. The double-end bag is great and much better on your joints than the heavy bag. I’m 28 now and already feel like I can’t go 100% on the heavy bag because it wrecks my joints. I like the wrecking ball over the angled bag.
Can you please explain what’s the difference between () = rolling
{} = rolling under in a combo set?
Rolling means rolling a punch off your shoulders from standing position. Rolling under a punch means going under it in the opposite direction of the punch.
(3) means you’re rolling AWAY from the left hook.
{3} mans you’re rolling UNDER the left hook. (Going towards it).
Hey Johnny,
Great info on the combos. Few questions. The first one is I have all of the bags… speed, heavy, double end, and slip bag. I’m 35 this year and really don’t have any desire to compete and am to old anyway. I don’t mind a little sparring though many claim they will do some sparring and then back out… and I have a tiny bit of sparring experience. I guess some people are just afraid to get hit lol.
Anyway. I have a bad shoulder so heavy bag impacts don’t feel to good when it comes to that. I also don’t want to hang the bag up in our new house because it shakes the whole thing and will wake our baby up, so that one is out for me. The speed bag has a platform I had built out of 3 pieces of plywood glued and screwed together, but is still loud. I guess those 900.00 platforms are the ones that make the least noise huh? lol. The double end bag seems to be ok, but my question on that is everyone likes a different way that it is strung up. I have mine set to where it will hit me in the face if I don’t get out of the way… even at my own range, but every pro boxer I see has it set like super tight to where there is very little movement on it.
Shadow boxing really is the only thing I have right now ( I use 2 lb dumbells as well) and just work common combinations. I am doing it for fitness, but to build speed and honestly for self defense. Is it enough to help with power as well as speed, reflexes, etc?
My footwork is what isn’t very good though. Is there a video, or particular fight that shows pretty common footwork, but is pretty basic? There are literally NO boxing gyms around here so I have to try to learn the footwork all on my own.
Any overall advice?
Sorry for the long string of questions.
Pros like their double-end bags super tight because they have very fast hands and care more about fluidity.
Do not shadowbox with weights.
The typical footwork you see in fights will be the typical fighting footwork. It’s impossible to hold a perfect stance ALL the time unless you’re constantly running and not engaging. A real exchange is supposed to get messy at times.
Practice what you can with that you have. Shadowbox and move around.
Ok, thanks for the advice Johnny. I’ve been watching your videos on youtube, good stuff. Thanks for taking the time to do them for all of us.
can u post sum other beginner combos on the heavy bag..i am very bad at hitting the bag and i can get it that i dont get power..but i can shadowbox well..sp ny tips plz!!!1
Work on your punching technique. It takes time.
Johnny, I’m been watching your videos and training techniques it’s very helpful
I appreciate what you have done your a good teacher but do you know to practice defense and reflexs
At home cuz I would go train at a gym but I don’t have money$$.
Im pretty good in offense my punching techniques improved but I just now want to practice my defense really bad. I’m 16 an I got lots to learn but please get back at me with some advices or techniques about defense at home
You need at least someone to do mitt drills with and a sparring partner.
Alright, I will thanks man yu really do help bro
Have you heard of people teaching the 4 as an uppercut instead of right hook/overhand right, due to the amount of distance/time it takes the right hook to travel from the left hook.
1 – jab
2 – cross
3 – left hook
4 – right upper
5 – left upper
6 – right hook/overhand right
You’re definitely correct. Many trainers teach the system you mentioned but for me it’s less logical when I try to explain it to beginners. And so I like the system I use better. It doesn’t really matter as long as you know the punches. Every trainer you meet may have a slightly different system.
Some catch jabs on the right mitt, some catch jabs on the left. Some use “7” as the left hook to the body, some use “5” as the left hook to the body. I’ve seen numbering systems go up to 14.
I got a question about fighting. I don’t know if you would want to answer
This but okay say I get in a fight an the guy rushes at me with punches non stop
An he is bigger than me. I should back away an block until he slows down right
That’s up to you. It’s not a bad idea.
I am a 55 year old martial artist who has been studying traditional martial arts for over 40 years. Your website offers great advice and I wish I had discovered it sooner. Despite my years of training, my fighting style is very static because it is the result of too much basic training in static positions and not enough fluidity. Inspired by your advice I am favouring SLOW shadow boxing and pad work combinations in lieu of my tradional karate training.
There is life in the old dog yet!
Very inspiring to see you trying new arts and even boxing at 55, David. Not bad for an old guy.
Sick page, from a boxer’s mind, let alone an Asian American who thinks and masters this. Thank you my friend.
I need help learning which combos are good for street fights and which combos are great starter for right handed fighters.
I have quite several questions about the punches in boxing.
First of all, if you want to see my boxing punch number system, here it is (I am orthodox, and an intermediate, by the way.) :
1-Jab 1B-Jab To Body
2-Straight Right 2B-Straight Right To Body
3-Left Hook 3B-Left (Shovel) Hook To Body
4-Right Hook 4B-Right (Shovel) Hook To Body
5-Left Uppercut 5B-Left Uppercut To Body
6-Right Uppercut 6B-Right Uppercut To Body
7-Overhand Left
8-Overhand Right
Now, here are my questions:
Question #1: Is it more logical to put higher numbers for body punches, rather than having the letter “B” at the end of a punch number?
Question #2: For a hook to the body, would you also recommend lowering your level, and then throwing it just like a standard, flat (0° angle) hook targeting the head (That’s what I’ve been practicing on for a little while now.)? If yes, why? If no, why not?
Question #3: In most boxing punch number systems, Punch #4 would be labeled as a right hook to the head, while Punch #6 is labeled as a right uppercut to the head. However, in some other systems, it is the other way around. Do you have a thought on why that is?
Question #4: In all boxing punch number systems, why would the right hook be also called an overhand right if it is really two separate punches on one punch number?
Question #5: Is it really worth practicing to throw an overhand punch from your lead hand? (I’ve also been practicing the overhand left, as well; I would like to add this to my punch arsenal, and it would either be #7, #9, #13, or #15.)
Question #6: In your personal opinion, what do you think is the most devastating and painful that is used in boxing? (In my own opinion, it is either the left shovel hook to the liver (3B), the right shovel hook to the spleen (4B), the left uppercut targeting the solar plexus (5B), or the right uppercut aiming for the same target (6B).)
Well, these are all my questions about the punches in boxing. Hopefully, if you get the time to answer all of them, I will gladly except your answers, Johnny. Thank you, and have a nice day!
Oh, and here’s my last question. (I just came up with that one!)
Question #7: Is there such thing as an overhand punch that targets the body in boxing? If so, where on the body should the punch land?
Thank you, again! Happy New Year!
there are so many boxers with many loses than wins are they fighting for money only not sport
Hell Johnny I found your website yesterday and have enjoyed trying to learn some of your techniques.I am working on Bouncing my punches off the bag and not leaning forward to gain power on my 2 and 4.Thanks for the info and please keep it up. Tom
I don’t understand this completely. In the “southpaw against orthodox” section is 1 a jab and 2 a cross (left)
It doesn’t say. Legend says 2 is a right but following the legend that would be 2 rights.
Thanks a lot for web site. A lot watch on television and think they know everything about boxing. They say an art form but they know nothing about the art. This web site reveals some of the technical sides to the strategy that goes into defeating an opponent in the ring. I myself have done some amateur boxing
in past years love the brush up.
Are the combos for a orthodox the same for a southpaw. I am a right handed but had my stance change as a kid. And know I can only use the southpow satance
Hello Johnny
Thankyou for this great information I have always liked boxing and enjoy training at it.
I see in your discussions that you recommend learning boxing until it is ‘automatic’ for us. I have a question then about the list of combinations above.
Question: What is the minimum combination list to know ‘automatically’ before taking one’s first Amatuer fight? You have said a lot about amateur preparation but I can’t find a minimum list specified anywhere.
The reason I ask is some coaching manuals recommend only basic 3 and 4 combination lists for the first fight, as they reckon defences, fitness and endurance are key.
What do you think is best and the minimum combo list to drill and ‘ work up’?
There is no minimum or maximum. You learn as much as you want or need. Some areas are more competitive than others. Your question is a bit like asking me, “How prepared do you have to be to get into the college of your choice?” The answer is…it depends.
My best advice for you is to train in a gym that has other amateur fighters and to see what they do. That will give you a good luck of how good you have to be in order to compete. As for coaching manuals, the majority of them are quite run down and don’t explain the many details you need.
Yes O.K, but Johnny you post the information not myself. Now, to explain my question.
It is well known that in other M.A, to fight the open senior tournaments people first achieve black belt status, 3 to 4 years of constant training, as you know. One can start fighting earlier but they can only fight at their belt level. Black belt requirements are pretty-well universal.
This is why I questioned your list and minimum requirements for the boxing amateurs. I agree it would change from area to area and also through the decades, but generally the amateurs are keenly contested and usually have people who are from ‘not bad’ to ‘very good’. I agree re. manuals.
Personally I reckon I could specify a list of minimum requirements to learn ‘on automatic’ before recommending anyone for the ring, as per the black belt requirement in M.A, and I reckon so could you.
So it is not a bad question really.
It’s hard for me to compare in the context of other sports because boxing competition is really quite different. There is no minimum requirement. You could be a day one beginner and enter a fight. It’s possible to find a 5-year boxer doing his first fight just as it is a 5-week boxer doing his first fight. Quite often, these two can even be found facing each other in the same match.
If you wanted a sports comparison, it would be something like entering a marathon. There is no minimum skill or requirement to enter a marathon. You could be one of those doing-it-just-for-fun guys or one of those serious I-want-to-win guys.
As I understand, your original question to me was what was the minimum list of combinations to know before entering a fight. And that’s like me saying, you should know a minimum number of running techniques or breathing techniques before entering a marathon.
My answer to you remains just as I have first stated it. Look around and see how good the guys are and make sure you are at a comparable level, otherwise you can be very seriously hurt. Some areas have relatively inexperienced competitors and everybody appears untrained. Other areas can be full of ringers and dangerous competitors who look as good as the pros. For me to give you some kind of universal combination list to pass on to beginners would be the most irresponsible thing I could do as a boxing teacher. Boxing is quite unforgiving as a sport and quality truly matters more than quantity. Besides…the ability to memorize punching combinations doesn’t correlate well to overall fighting ability.
Iam a 19 year old boy nd doing boxing for a year but still not able to do body movement while punching in a right way.can u please suggest me how to do it perfectly ?
how to prepare himself for learn boxing?
Sweet! Very informative! I’m currently trying to implement more mitt routines into my personal training. I saw that you have a 10 day boxing course, but is there a course for just mitt work??? Because I could definitely use that! My new client is pretty advanced and I want to keep up with him.
I don’t have a course for just mittwork. I’m also a little confused. Are you looking for a course for the mittholder? Or the puncher?
Sir, I am 23 and weight is 72. I want to know which of the joint and muscle has to stretch for better balance.
Johnny God bless you for this superb article
I’m a Nigerian and I’m my state we don’t have any boxing gym apart from our civic center were boxers training only on Sundays.
How do I develop my footwork and boxing skills?
Johnny I don’t understand the movement stuffs
I don’t know How to pivot neither do I know How to roll
please I need your help badly
Will u please tell me what is pivot?
A pivot is when one foot stays in one place and the other one swings around.
I have dabbled, Trained and competed for 40+ years from Hawaii to Washington D.C….I books, videos..tried a lot of silly stuff over the years and had the good fortune to have learned and study with some fantastic trainers..for the most part though I have found that 90% of the trainers don’t know squat. They throw kids and men in there totally unprepared ..I must say you have giving this great thought and attention to detail…great job man!!
Regarding pivoting on the front foot it says clockwise but I’m sure its counter clockwise is it not?
So orthodox steps across with the right foot?
Sorry read it properly now its late when I’m reading it lol.
what’s right hand?
Usually, either right cross or straight right or it doesn’t matter.
can i use and train these combinations in a heavy bag?
I don’t see why not?
I’m gonna give you guys some floyed may weather mitts nonstop drill
Tip : go easy medium speed and power repeat continuously non stop
3-5-3-2-3-2-block left-2-3-2-left shoulder roll-2-3-2-slip right-slip left-duck under-2-3-2-snap back-2-3-2-1-1-1 enjoy your workout
This website helped so much. Thank you and keep up the good work?
hi,could talk about courage as many can’t find(and it’s quite a complex subject)thanks
Hey Jhony,i’m 5’11 but like to pressure and fight in close range,this is bad?
Nothing wrong with that at all if you feel comfortable that way. Of course, many coaches are going to beg you to use your height advantage and stay away.
Thought I would add a comment as. I one has commented for 3 years. Awesome article and content. Great knowledge and experience and well put together. I’m just starting to train with my 14 year old and have decided one of our workouts will be boxing. Just got the pads and we start tomorrow. Lock down in the uk means either be miserable or be bigger and better than before, I’m choosing the latter. We start Friday and we had a small go on Monday and we were terrible. Thanks for the article it really has given something to work at. Thanks