Workouts don’t have to be hard to be fun!
The *official* ExpertBoxing EASY boxing workout is for people to enjoy boxing while getting into great shape. This weekly plan includes boxing drills, conditioning, and sparring without taking up too many hours of your week.
I highly recommend this easy boxing workout plan for anyone to enjoy boxing without killing themselves in training like competing boxers. The workout is still pretty intense and gets you into great shape without taking up all your time and energy. You’ll look just as good as any boxer and still learn all the same great boxing techniques, but without the pressure and responsibility of competition.
You’ll be working out from Monday through Friday. The sparring days are your easy days, also known as the “fun days”. Friday is just running only. The weekends are your rest days. Actually, you know what? This is the EASY boxing workout; just take a rest day whenever you feel like it. (Seriously, it’s ok.)
Easy Boxing Workout Schedule
Monday = power conditioning
Tuesday = sparring
Wednesday = speed conditioning
Thursday = sparring
Friday = easy day
Saturday & Sunday = rest days
MONDAY: Power Conditioning
- Use your momentum to complete the workout. Some exercises are easier when you go a little faster.
- No resting, try to finish the conditioning portion within 60 minutes before your body adrenaline runs out.
- Do the power conditioning workouts in any order you want. (Share the equipment.)
- You are building power, not size or strength. Use a lighter weight than what you can handle.
This is conditioning, not weightlifting.
- 15 minutes jumping rope
- 15 minutes stretching
- 15 minutes shadowboxing
Power Conditioning Workout
Power Exercises
Clapping push-ups
- Set your hands on the floor at shoulder width or slightly wider.
- Do a push-up and clap as you push yourself up and off the ground.
- 2 sets x 10 reps
Explosive Box Jumps
- Stand on a box (about 12-24 inches high) or the edge of the ring.
- Drop off, land on the balls of your feet, and immediately bounce back up.
- Rest only at the top, and not at the bottom (if you need).
- 2 sets x 20 reps
Alternating Jumps
- Stand by a box (12-24 inches high) or the edge of the ring.
- Stand on your back leg as you raise your front leg to lightly step on the box.
- Keep jumping and alternating your feet.
- Keep your weight on the back leg, and your hands on top of your head.
- 2 sets x 20 reps
- Stand with your feet at shoulder width or slightly wider.
- Bend your knees as you lower your hips to the floor.
- Go down at least until your thighs are parallel to the ground, before going back up.
- 2 sets x 30
Medicine Ball – Lunge
- Stand straight while holding a 10-20lb medicine ball on your head.
- Lunge forward on one leg and then return to standing position.
- Repeat with other leg.
- 20 reps each leg
Medicine Ball – Chest Throws
- Stand with a partner facing each other from about 5-10 feet apart.
- Throw a medicine ball back and forth between a partner
- 20 throws (each person)
Medicine Ball – Side Throws
- Stand side-by-side with a partner about 5-10 feet apart.
- Swing a medicine ball in an upwards diagonal direction at your partner as you rotate your upper body.
- The other person will catch the ball and let the momentum swing the ball away before swinging it back again.
- 2 sets x 10 throws for each side
Medicine Ball – Cross-over Push-ups
- Place medicine ball in the middle.
- Do push-ups from side to side landing a different hand on the ball each time.
- 15 crossover push-ups for each hand.
Medicine Ball – Cross-over Press
- Using platform in the middle (or another medicine ball).
- Step on and off the platform from side to side.
- Push a medicine ball straight up into the air as you come up each time
- 20 reps each leg
Medicine Ball – Step to Press
- Step up onto a box (12-16″ tall) one foot at a time.
- Push the medicine ball straight up into the air as you step up.
- Step back down and repeat with the other leg.
- 20 reps each leg
One-Arm Dumbbell Row
- Bend over a bench and brace yourself with one arm.
- Hold a 10-20lb dumbbell with your other arm, with the palm facing you.
- Pull the dumbbell up, bend your elbow as you point it towards the sky.
- 15 reps each arm
Standing Military Press
- Hold a barbell at shoulder level right by your neck.
- The weight 15-80lbs (should not exceed 30% of your body weight).
- 15 presses into the air
Dumbbell Side Swings
- Stand straight a 10-20lb dumbbell in one arm.
- Swing it out to the side up to shoulder height and let the weight swing the arm back down.
- Switch the dumbbell to the other hand at the bottom and let the momentum swing the other arm out.
- 15 swings on each arm
Ab Roller
- 15 reps from your knees.
- Do 50 crunches if you don’t have this equipment.
- Grip the pull-up bar so that your palms are facing you.
- 2 sets x 8 reps (do all at once if you can).
- 3 rounds heavy bag
- 3 rounds speed bag
- 3 rounds double-end bag
- Work techniques and combinations on the mitts with your trainer.
- 3 to 4 rounds
- The mittwork can interrupt your bagwork anytime your trainer is ready for you.
- 100 push-ups (at any interval you want)
- 100 sit-ups (at any interval you want)
- Do this at the end of your day.
- Run 3-5 miles.
- Do this at any time of day. Doesn’t matter if it’s before or after your workout.
If you’re not sparring, you’re not boxing. So every boxing workout should involve sparring. Without the sparring, you’re basically just doing fitness bootcamp, “boxercise”, or taking a cardio class at 24-hour fitness. Sparring is always fun as long as you keep it EASY. The moment you start to feel uncomfortable, you should speak up immediately. Ask the other guy to slow down or lighten up his punches. Fighting through the pain is the best way to ruin the fun. Also show your sparring partner the same respect. Control your punches and give him some breathing room if you’re overwhelming him. Don’t let your ego destroy the fun of boxing for you or for others.
- 15 minutes jumping rope
- 15 minutes stretching
- 15 minutes shadowboxing
Technique & Mitts
- Do some light work on the mitts with your trainer to learn some new techniques.
- Do 3-4 rounds EASY sparring.
- Can have an extra first round as “jabs only” to warm-up.
- Can have an extra last round as “very light punches only” to work at inside range.
- Try to work on the new techniques your trainer just showed you.
- 3 rounds heavy bag
- 3 rounds speed bag
- 3 rounds double-end bag
WEDNESDAY: Speed Conditioning
This is a combination of speed and speed-endurance. Being fast is one thing, being able to maintain your speed throughout an entire fight is another. There are also some drills to improve your balance and coordination. Don’t take any breaks during the drills and conditioning, go from one exercise to the next. The important thing to developing speed is to relax! Focus on relaxed speed, do not focus on power!
- 15 minutes jumping rope
- 15 minutes stretching
- 15 minutes shadowboxing
Footwork drills
1-legged Balance Squats
- Stand on one leg
- Bend the knee to squat down and touch your feet.
- Straighten the leg as you clap your hands above your head.
- 20 reps in a row, then switch legs.
T-cone Drill
- Get 4 cones, weights, medicine balls, or any objects.
- Place the cones in a “T” formation about 12-feet wide and 12-feet long.
- Run and touch cones in this order A, B, C, D, B, A.
- Face your body forward the whole time and don’t cross your legs.
- Do the T-cone drill 5 times continously.
- Have 2 fighters chase each other around the ring trying to step on each other’s feet.
- Once they get good at this, have them play “foot-tag” without looking down at each other’s feet.
- Do it around the gym if no ringspace is available.
- Have fun and don’t take the drill too seriously.
- 2 rounds for each fighter.
- Same as ideas as foot-tag but this time fighters try to tag each other’s upper thighs with their hands.
- Use lots of back & forth footwork.
- 2 rounds for each fighter.
Shadowbox Sparring
- Have 2 fighters in the ring shadowboxing against each other as if they’re sparring.
- Make sure they stay 1-2 feet away so nobody connects.
- Encourage them to throw lots of combinations and pay attention to each other.
- 1-2 rounds.
Slipline Drill
- Tie a rope or string across 2 posts at shoulder height.
- Have boxers weave back and forth under the rope.
- Go forwards and backwards.
- Throw a few punches on each side of the rope before going under again.
- Do 1 to 2 rounds.
Dumbbell Shadowboxing
- Do SLOW shadowboxing while holding 1-2lb dumbbells.
- Going fast will damage joints, do NOT go fast!
- 15 minutes
…put the gloves on now
Punching Drills
Tabata Heavy Bag Drill – “High Hands, High Knees”
- 2 fighters pair up on the heavy bag.
- One holds the bag while the other throws fast straight punches on the bag.
- Switch every 15 seconds.
- The focus is PURE SPEED, not power! Go as fast as possible, keep pushing it.
- Aim high at an area ABOVE the fighter’s head.
- Lift the knees and move your feet as you punch (high hands, high knees).
- It helps to motivate and yell at each other.
- 2 rounds
Tabata Heavy Bag Drill – “Combinations”
- 2 fighters pair up on the heavy bag taking turns punching & holding.
- Fighters will continously throw whatever combination the trainer calls.
- Fighters switch every 15 seconds.
- Trainer calls a new combo every 30 seconds.
- The combos we used were: 1-2-3, 1-2-sidestep-2, 1-3-2, 1-2-5-2, 1-2-3-2-sidestep, 1-1-2.
- Make up some of your own combos!
Jumping Jabs Along The Ropes
- Jump in and out as you jab the ring ropes.
- Every time you jump back, jump back diagonally to the side.
- Continue all the way down the rope.
- Go 3 times moving to your right, repeat again but moving to your left.
- Try to move while jumping as low as possible to the ground.
- (It’s best if you can “jump” without taking your feet off the ground.)
Jab Race
- Put up to 4 fighters on opposite sides of a heavy bag.
- Have someone count SLOWLY from 1 to 10, pausing at random intervals.
- Everytime a number is called, all fighters jab the bag as fast as possible.
- Do 3 jab races.
- (It really helps if everyone is relaxed and focused on pure speed. Not power.)
Jab Defense
- Pair up 2 fighters in the ring.
- Have one fighter chase the other around with multiple jabs at a time.
- The other fighter simply slips and rolls off the jabs (with his hands behind his back).
- The drill works much better if the defender is chasing the puncher.
- First-time boxers can use their hands to defend instead of having to slip.
- Focus on maintaining balance.
- 2 rounds of jab defense for each fighter.
- 3 rounds heavy bag
- 3 rounds speed bag
- 3 rounds double-end bag
- Work techniques & mitts with your trainer.
- 3 to 4 rounds is plenty.
- 100 push-ups (at any interval you want)
- 100 sit-ups (at any interval you want)
- Do this at the end of your day.
- Run 3-5 miles.
- Do this at any time of day. Doesn’t matter if it’s before or after your workout.
FRIDAY: Easy Day
- Run 3-5 miles
- 100 push-ups
- 100 sit-ups
- stretching
Fridays are your easy days. Be lazy and enjoy it. Run with a partner and talk about stuff. The 3-5 miles will be done before you know it. You don’t even need to warm up or anything. If you still have lots of energy, just spend it stretching. Do not try to sneak an extra workout in.
Resting only! Do NOT, I repeat, DO NOT WORKOUT on Saturday or Sunday. Enjoy your non-boxing life. Don’t try to burn every ounce of energy you have. It’s a common beginner mistake to waste all their energy on days that don’t matter. If you have a lot of excitement to workout, GREAT–save it for the week!
- Your long term goal is not to succeed.
- Success is inevitable if you are persistant.
- Your long term goal is to stay motivated!
Staying motivated means not using up all your motivation. Save that mental strength and let your passion for boxing and working out grow.
The secret to always having energy to workout
is to always use less than what you have.
The Easy Boxing Workout?
Easy boxing workout; just like I promised, right? It’s fun and challenging enough for you to make great progress but still easy enough for beginners to try out. If something feels much too hard or you’re experiencing pain, please stop! Give yourself some time. Different exercises will have to be modified to make it easier on certain people. Feel free to increase or decrease the number of repetitions as needed. Skip entire exercises if you like. Take an easy day anytime you want. Hell, take an easy week if you need.
You are not a pro,
so don’t expect a pro-performance out of yourself!
Just have fun!
What if it’s too easy? You can add the running and end-of-day core workout to Tuesdays and Thursdays as well. Or add some mitts to your workout everyday to develop your boxing skills faster.
- I know many of you have been asking me to make a harder and more comprehensive workout for competing amateurs and right now it’s looking to be quite the impossible task. It would take a whole video series to really explain and demonstrate all the little details of a COMPLETE boxing workout. This can be a future premium product if there is a demand for it. Otherwise, I recommend for you to train in your local boxing gym and do what the other competing fighters are doing.
This is a great article, thanks for sharing it with us. You certainly cover plenty of territory in this; it is well structured and is very comprehensive.
Every time I visit your site I find myself learning something new. Your sharing your knowledge with us is very much appreciated!
Hey is 14 a fine age to start doing these boxing workouts
Yes, why not?
Hello, Don’t you think that 15 minutes of jump rope, 15 minutes of stretching, and 15 minutes of shadowboxing is too much time? And can you tell me how much time take each workout approximately please?
while 15 minutes does seem like a long time when thinking about it, the time flys by when your doing a workout. this apllies to all workouts. sometimes ill start working a bag and then ill look at the clock and i realize its been 45 minutes, i cant speak for everybody but i know that i often lose track of time when doing my excersises
Yes personally I think that 45 minutes for a warm up is way too much! 45 mins warming up then to do a full workout. It seems youll be training for hours to complete these workouts. Your body will start to produce hormones after one hour or so that actually start to ‘use up’ your own muscle as energy. I know your not bodybuilding but you are building your muscles for power. Its not good to over train like this, in any sport. Boxing needs explosive muscles, high intensity as well as the ability to produce powerful attacks for 12 rounds……not 2 hours of fighting!
If you’re a serious athlete, you HAVE to warm-up and spend the time to do it properly. Go watch Olympic athletes train and go through the motions and see how long they take. If you don’t have time or are not yet conditioned like a true athlete, sure 45 minutes may be too much.
Awesome Article
Thanks for the posting this great workout. I will definitely be adding some of this to my current training. Do you think that in the future you could post a Hard-boxing workout (for athletes who are competing as well)?
I love this article!
I am bacially a beginner. I don´t even have one clue about boxing.
Starting to love the sport just recently, it just woke up ^^
The problem is, I don´t even know where to start.
I tried going to a boxing gym, “Club”. But since I am overweight I would say easily 20pounds to much, I was told to “trim” down my weight first.
First I was running constantly every day, 7 days a week. My body was crying in pain…but I kept on going.
And even now, I am still overweight. I lost maybe 4-5 pounds after 2 months of “in my eyes, training and work outs”
I don´t even know if it´s my work out times during the day…or if it´s im eating during the wrong time a day…
Could someone please tell what would be best? If it would be, get up in the morning run, then your breakfast….and then the next step when to eat lunch for your daily workout…
I love the sport so much…and I feel like im making one step forward when I workout and then as I settle down day after like I take 2 steps back.
Would appricate any help what so ever!
Greetings from Germany,
David Baker
Hi David,
Check out my Common Sense Boxing Diet, lots of helpful and effective dieting tips in there.
Do your boxing trg to loose weight. Do not run best fr you to swim. I hope you enjoy the boxing trg and good luck
@Jeff – It’s not too much time at all. It’s the standard rate for any boxer in the gym. Some people might only do 3 rounds of jump rope, 3 rounds of shadowboxing, and 10 minutes of stretching.
@EC – The hard boxing workout is already done and needs images before it’s ready to go. Soon enough! Let me know which exercises you liked the most.
hi johhny .. thx for ur great article … is it okay to do these workouts on separate training times every day ,,, like early morning and the afternoon ?
and ., medicine ball part was so good ,, they r so effective … and foot-tag .. i trained that with my friend and it wa a lot of fun
this is indeed a great workout but it is definitely not a power workout. the reps and sets are all wrong for effective power training. Im not saying its not a good workout, you will undoubtedly get stronger and more conditioned, and certainly some of the exercises are “power” exercises in nature, but the design is incorrect and many of the exercises are not power exercises at all. For example a squat is not a power exercise, a jumping squat is a power exercise. Power exercises by definition must have no deceleration. If the exercise involves deceleration it cannot possibly be power because exercising for power means to deliver your strength at the highest speed possible, in the shortest time. If you perform an exercise with deceleration you are not training the muscles to deliver the strength in the shortest time, you are, in effect, conditioning them to slow down at the end range of motion. Also reps of 15+ will utilise the slow twitch muscle fibre to a far greater extent than the explosive, white, very fast twitch muscle fibre used in power training. Dont get me wrong, this is a great workout for sure, i tried it and loved it, but its not a power workout and it wont improve your power delivery as well as it could if it was designed properly with the right types of exercises and the right reps and sets.
very similar to my basic workout plan, nice work. I’ve gone from training for amateur boxing to training for amateur cage fighting but I still come here for all my boxing tips, its all still useful! I think the power building workout is fine, it’s not supposed to be for competing fighters so there’s no need for some of the more grueling or advanced power exercises, which I know from experience can actually cause damage if you don’t have decent S&C to begin with.
As always great article, I look forward to the fighters workout, I wanna see how my program stacks up!
Yes i agree absolutely, a true power workout for beginners would just result in sore knees, shoulders, hips etc. There needs to be a good deal of S&C in place first, along with a lot of joint stability work. To be fair you cant really prescribe a power workout for beginners, not in a literal sense. The extra power they gain from this workout will come more as a result of extra flexibility, mobility, core strength and endurance, simply put, just learning to use their muscles properly. As i said, the workout is a great one, i have tried it with a few clients and they found it “tough but fair”. My point, albeit perhaps a pedantic one, was simply that it is not strictly a power workout.
On a slightly different note, i was wondering if you would put a “10 tricks of…” and use Hopkins as the example. Anyone who goes this long at the top of the game must have a good few defensive tricks up his sleeve and it would be interesting to see what kind of tricks he utilises in bouts. I know Nazeem Richardson is quite the tactician so it would be interesting to get some insight into his techniques.
Looking forward to the Intermediate workouts
@mehran – These workouts are to be done all at once. The only part that can be split to a different time of day is the running. I’m glad you liked foot-tag, we love it here too.
@Darren – thanks for your feedback and I do agree that these aren’t pure power exercises. I learned this routine from some Canadian international amateur boxers. In any case, it sounds to me like you’ve got some great ideas. If you could give me some EASY power exercises, that’d be helpful for us all. If it’s easy enough for clients, that was exactly what I was aiming for.
I have definitely thought of making a 10 Bernard Hopkins boxing tricks. He’s a crafty guy who fought in the HD-era. I would have much rather done one for James Toney but some of his best stuff isn’t in high quality footage. Soon enough.
@Jonny H – The fighters’ workout is nothing too crazy. Just long and boring/tiring…like any other training.
Johnny, having run through it a few times now, i would possibly only include some bunny hops, or jump squats from a deep position, the box jumps you have in the workout are cool but people tend to use their quads or thigh muscles a lot more than their glutes or backside muscles. For delivering powerful, snappy punches its really the glutes that are lacking for most people. I always know if my clients have been using the right muscles for punching because they tell me the next day that their backside is killing them. If you get right down into the low “bunny hop” position and jump up, it recruits the glutes a lot more than the thighs. To be fair, having done this workout a few times with clients now i dont think you need to include much else. The throwing and jumping exercises are enough to establish a good base for beginners and, as i mentioned before, i would be wary of putting too much pure power stuff in at the beginner stage. The power gains will come at this stage just from increasing flexibility, range of motion and joint stability, also fitness levels. Anyone who has ever held the bag for beginners knows that they have great power….for about 20 seconds
, so just by increasing fitness this workout will increase their ability for power. If anything i would include a good stretch program rather than adding more or different exercises.
Darren, thanks for the feedback. I’ll see what I can do about targeting the glutes. The box jumps were actually intended to target the quads and thighs. Your comment about the beginners only lasting 20 seconds are hilarious. I’ll definitely need your feedback for the amateur boxing workout.
Boxing on the Biscayne
I go to the gym regularly at Biscayne Boxing & Fitness Club and have done their many innovative routines. I have now done your menu of routines and I must say they are intense but yet had a relaxing feeling.
@Oliver – I’m glad you said “intense but relaxing”. That was exactly what I was going for.
How much time does it take to do the workouts described for each day? The Monday workout, not including the running, would take over two hours to complete.
I spend 9 or 10 hours per day at work, so what you’ve described isn’t practical for me. Do you recommend abandoning whole exercises or reducing the sets/rounds you laid out?
@Dan – the workouts can take 1-3 hours each day in total. The Monday power workout can be done in one hour if you just go straight through it and don’t stop or rest. After that is however long it takes for you to hit the bags or do the running. If you don’t have enough time, just take out half the exercises and save them for next time.
i heard that running can be bad for the joints. Would there be a good cycling alternative. Thanks in advance.
@Randy – I’m pretty sure there’s always an alternative to running. But you could also try running with better form. Humans are made to run.
When the amateur boxing workout comes ? this too easy workout for me ?
Should I sit up with go down fast and go up fast or with slow movement??
what’s the difference between chin up and pull up, what is it targeting for? thanks
@Ramin – The amateur boxing workout is on its way. I have to take some pictures still and add some more workouts to it.
@ales – when you do the sit-ups, try to find a rhythm. Some people go up fast, others go down fast. I’m the type that likes to go down fast, and I think that’s harder. A chin-up is grabbing the bar with your palms facing you. A pull-up is grabbing the bar with your palms facing away from you.
hey, i was wondering what exercises i should do at home, i live in christchurch, new zealand and we just have had a couple of major earthquakes (you might have heard) and all gymns are closed. i have a light medicine ball and a pool but i don’t know what exercises would help and which would be pointless or ruin style
@michael a – there are so many good medicine balls. Do squats while holding it out in front of you, or above your head. you can also do plyometric drills where you step up and over the medicine ball. or jump over the medicine ball. also try throwing the medicine ball down at the ground hard (from holding it over one shoulder).
Isshadowboxing 5 times a week bad?
@uso – shadowboxing is good. I think every coach’s dream is that you shadowbox everyday. Make sure you stay on balance and don’t build bad habits, though!
the guy
A great routine. But a shade too intense. Still, good. If one can do half of this, they’ll benefit big time. Nice.
Yo bro !

Is the amateur boxing workout almost ready ?
Im gonna to amateur so it would be good if i could test that workout
Not ready yet!
hey i was just wondering when the amateur workout was coming out?..hopefully soon!
Hey Q, the amateur workout isn’t ready yet. There are so many tiny little details that have to be explained. Imagine something as long as the Common Sense Boxing Diet that I wrote a while back.
Great I appreciate that your taking the time to make it a great workout
What do u think of mixing boxing and weight training. I have 10 years plus of training with weights and have been boxing now for a year. I do not plan in fighting but do this to stay fit. Heres my typical training regine. Please note all my boxing is to 2 minute rounds. I train 5 days a week when im working at home. Mon,tues,thurs and friday i mix up boxing and weights. My boxing routine on average would be a 2 mile jog,3 rounds of footwork, 6 bags, around 6 rounds of pads, 4- 6 rounds of sparing. This obviously changes sometimes i might do pads and bags or bags and sparing just depening on time an how i weight routine would be mon- legs 3 sets of squats 60 kg,80kg,100kg. 3 sets walking lunges with 25kg sand bag then 3 sets of leg extetions.sometimes i lighten the load of squats to 60kg an do this as one giant set x3. Tues- chest 3 sets flat or incline bench( alternate each work out) 60- 90 kg, 3 x flys 20 kg. Bis 3 x barbell curls 40kg 3 x hammer curls, wednesday day off thurs-shoulders 3 sets presses 60lb dumbells, 3 side laterals 15lb, upright rows 3 sets 30kg. Tris 3 x push downs 3 set body dips. Friday back 3x deadlift same weight as squats but only 5 reps, pull downs then rows all 3 sets. Saturday if i train depending on what ive done through the week might be body sparing about 10 rounds with about 4 different people all different weights and styles. Obviously i do my abs aswell. I dont do this week in week out because of work commitments but this is based on a average week when im working at home. Please remember i still lift a bit heavy because im not a boxer and have no intentions of fighting just enjoy training. Plus my workouts differ from time to time because our trainer is a fan of bodyweight and light weight training cicuits and a few of the lads in the forces so we do mix it up alot. This is just a routine that i like. Can you please give me your thoughts on this please. Many thanks
Hi Martin,
I didn’t read your workout too carefully because it doesn’t matter too much. If you never plan to fight or become good at fighting, you are free to train any way that you wish. If you seriously want to increase your boxing ability…fighting movement and fight performance, then you will drop the weights without question.
I did powerlifting for 3 years before I came to boxing. It took my trainer 3 months to convince me to stop lifting weights and the difference was tremendous. He was right after all. Not a day goes by that I feel weaker, slower, or less powerful because I don’t lift weights anymore. In fact, I find my body to be tremendously more agile, more powerful, and more FUNCTIONALLY ATHLETIC by focusing my workout time on boxing-related exercises instead of weights. You’ll never know which is better for you until you try it.
Do you know when the amateur workout will be released?
Not for a while, Rob. So much other stuff to be released first. I have workout notes from over a dozen different trainers that need compiling to make a really great quality amateur workout. I’ve spent 25 hours writing the first draft and it’s not even close to done.
When you say 2 sets of ten, your implying that theres a break to take? how long of a break is this?
One minute break, Chris.
How about the heavy bag? is it overtraining or bad to use it say 5 days a week?
There’s nothing wrong to use the heavy bag 5 days a week, Mike. But it’s probably too much if you hit as hard as you can 5 days of the week. Try mixing it up, speed workouts, accuracy workouts. Don’t just throw power all the time, you’ll wreck your hands like that.
For people doing this at home, who have no equipment, instead of sparring, i body box with friends, is that okay? (we go full power, no gloves, kicks an knees to, anywhere except the head)
It’s dangerous to fight without safety equipment and full power. That’s how people get seriously hurt all the time so I don’t recommend it. I suppose it’ll be ok until you guys start learning real technique and start hurting each other.
Hi Johnny,
I will be trying your workouts on two 123 lbs girls tonight and lets hope they like it. They are new to me so I have to try something fun cuz they are younger. I will give you feedback after a few day then we will start on Monday in full swing, if they like it. Thank you!
That’s great, Rachel. Let me know.
I’m 35 years old guy, lack of exercise and I have arthritis. Is it still possible for me to learn boxing? Or I better forget about it?
Of course I’m not trying to compete or going pro but I wonder if I can start boxing and maybe not always lose when trying to spar with someone. How long it takes from zero to reach some point where I can box decently?
You are not too old at all, Han. It’s a great sport even for a 50-year old guy to stay in shape and stay sharp. If your gym is good, you can be sparring within a week and having fun. You have to make sure someone can go light with you. 35 really isn’t that old. Some athletes can peak at 32. If you’re brand new to boxing, I highly recommend you check out my ebook.
Hey Johnny, great article as always
A few friends of mine want to star boxing and i want to recomend them this article but do you mean they have to do all of these power building exercises you described in one conditioning day or chose just a few of them? Also how long can be one of these easy workout sessions?
Sorry if my english is bad, i’m European.
I’m looking forward for the amateur boxing workout article
Frost, you can definitely do all the power conditioning exercises in one day. It might be hard the first couple times but your body adapts quickly to them. A typical workout session can be 1-2 hours without including the warm-up and warm-down.
When’s the amateur workout coming?
Still in the works, Rob
How;s the amateur workout coming along?
Nice will be trying and showing my son
I just wanted to thank you for this awesome work out! I’ve been struggling with my weight loss for a while now. I used to lift weights, and while I enjoyed looking better, I’d lose interest because it was the same motions day in and day out. I was using an elliptical for the run, and it was aboslutely mind numbingly boring. I came across your site, because I was interested in learning how to box. After a few articles I found your easy boxing workout. Your workout is pretty freakin spot on man. I’ve never had a workout kick my ass so hard before. Like others have said, it’s tough, but fair. I’ve had muscles I never knew how to work out before, feel destroyed and sore 2 days after, I’ve gotten stitches in my side from just doing the excercises one after the other. I’ve had to modify a few as I’m by myself, but from what I see, from the results, it’s working.
I’ve already lost a ton of fat, as well as gained a ton of definition. I’m not sure about the power and endurance yet, as I’m currently deployed 8000 ft above sea level, and not used to the air, but I know its coming! Thanks for writing this article, I printed it up, and showed my buddies at work, trying to get them to be some sparring buddies.
Phillip, YOU ARE AMAZING! I love the energy. Your story would serve as an inspiration to so many others. Keep it up.
Can you explain the Medicine Ball – Cross-over Press more? Not sure what you mean exactly…
Stand sideways with one foot on a platform. Then stand up on it with both feet as you push the medicine ball straight up into the air over your head. Then step one foot down on the OTHER side as you bring the ball back down. And then keep repeating while stepping back and forth from one side to the other.
hi, I was just wondering if there is something I can do besides sparring because I’m currently boxing at my house but I will join a gym once I get out from school, so for now I was looking to see if there was an alternative to sparring. Thank you
There’s really no substitute for sparring.
Very hard workout program min 3 hours :(.
this is not the standard program..this is hard, not beginner..not average..This is a preparation…not routune..continuous operation is not routine…
above but sometimes 6 week etc applicable…
The following is always…..Total 90 min…
GYM; kickboxing or muay thai 3 day a week.. clasic routune..average routune..
warm up
total 15-20 min
Shadow boxing
heavy bag
mit work
sparring ( not always )
Push up- abs, etc
sometimes push up sit up etc an shadow boxing mix workout..sometimes…
TOTAL; standart 90 min …..,max 120 min…min 60 min…
sometimes circuit…saturday..
your gym routines ??
Okan, I don’t know what level of fitness you are but this routine is definitely considered easy for the average amateur boxer. Of course it’s not easy for the average person but that’s the nature of boxing.
Good routune ; 3-4 days a week..
Power Exercises
as Gym….
sometimes ; Easy Day….
your writings, a nice routine created..:)
always remain in a form appropriate for the standard….
When exiting boxing match ; championships etc; according to importance ; 6 day a week…or do 6 day + am and pm workouts..
But always, keep fit ,hobby, sport, off season, street self defance for boxing workouts routune As I wrote above….
everybody different purpose…….
my best compliments…
Phil here again, giving an update. I’ve been sticking with your program, and throwing some MMA bag work on Tues/Thurs since I don’t have a sparring partner. I’m going to be honest here and break down what I do:
I spend about 30 minutes in the gym doing your excercises. The rapid pace, along with the bodyweights is a genius combination, so let me break down what I do:
5 minutes stretching
Entire monday workout + accessory weights. Shoulder shrugs, Dips/crunches
Tuesday 3 rounds of heavybag workout (3 minute rounds)
Round 1: Combination of 5 punches, squat, 5+ combination, squat, 5 punch combo rest 15 sec. Do as many as I can
Round 2: 15 seconds on bag, 15 second rest.
round 3, 5 squats, elbows touching knees, Circle bag once one way, reverse to the other way, 5 squats at start, and 15 seconds of punching.
Wednesday, I do your speed workout, in the ring, and do some Kata’s from Taekwondo
Thursday is my MMA punching workout
Friday is my freeday, so I just do whatever I want.
Here is where the magic came in at.
from start to now, I’m able to do:
100 pushups in a day
100 situps in a day
Run 2 miles in 24 minutes
Dropped 2 pants sizes
It takes forever for me to feel tired/winded my endurance has increased hardcore
I’m currently up in the mountains about 6000ft above sea level, and it doesnt even wind me anymore
and feel so much more fitter, stronger, even without lifting heavy weights.
I wish I can spend more time working on this workout, and I’m really interested in getting into a boxing gym when I get back.
Phillip, your progress is inspiring! I’m really happy for you man. Keep at it!
ho johnny i was wondering when is the amateur workout going to be released ???
Hi pat, the amateur workout is still not finished. It’s incredibly long and a lot more work than I originally imagined. The problem is that no workout is ever the same. A serious boxer will be constantly adjusting his workout from week to week. My ultimate plan is to release the amateur workout as a premium ebook and sell it for $ because that’s how much time it takes me to write it. I’ve already gotten 10-15 pages of routines written down and it’s still not complete.
If you want a free one, I’m sure you can find many on other boxing sites/forums out there. Or the one in the article is pretty solid.
I’d pay for this, where is it?
I really want to see what your opinion is for an amateur competitive training regimen.
It’s not out yet but I’ll let you know!
Previously when i train in Muay thai, the daily routine almost the same every day, morning run 6 KM,then 30 minute shadow boxing, 30 minute bag work, 30 minute pad work. (afternoon rest)
(after 3 hours rest) run again 4km, shadow boxing 20 min, bag work 30 minute and 30 minute clinching. end with sit up and etc.
But now because i have to work, thus i can’t spare any time for training.After back from work i would just did sit up and some exercise to strengthen the jaw. (believe me you will get tired after back from work, and dun feel like wanna do any aggressive work out at all)
As for the weekend, i will spend time in heavy bag workout. Anyway your website is excellent as it is not only benefit the boxer but also benefit the muay thai fighter and kickboxer.
I was just wondering if there is any good alternative to sparring as I dont really have anyone to spar with.I am looking for a partner but in the meantime id like to get started
There is no alternative to sparring, but you can do more focus mitts I guess.
I’ve been looking for something like this for a very long time. I appreciate the work you’ve put into the site, particularly the detailed explanations on throwing correct punches. I do have one question: is it possible for you to add a print button?
There’s a print button at the very bottom of the article. It’s right next to the Facebook & Twitter share buttons.
i need boxing periodization trainig plan making please my help
Hey Johnny!! This site is great, and I’m so glad that you are sharing it with all of us. I’ve learned so much from just this article, as well as the other ones. I was wondering if it is wise to do the power conditioning two days a week, instead of just on monday? Will this be beneficial to the boxer or would it be a bit too much??
It might be too much. Your body might not heal and you end up being sore and unable to develop your skills as quickly because your muscles are still repairing. You can still try it if you really want and you can see for yourself what works or not.
I LOVE this site. I have gotten so much out of it. Thank you very much!!!
One quick question about the “Alternating Jumps” on the Monday workout.
Are you describing something like this:
Or something more like this:
Again, I really appreciate your site. Please keep it up!
– David in Texas
The first one. Great link, btw.
Hey. I was thinking of buying ‘shadow boxing resistance bands’. Do you think they would be a good purchase?
Neal, Ireland
I enjoyed them for a little while and stopped using them completely because they were making recovery muscles lazy.
Hello, what about squats? does joe frazier did squats beacuse i just see he did jumping rope and jogging… will not squats make you slower etc?
Squats are a good exercise. I didn’t have them in this workout but are useful. Any exercise can be bad if you do it improperly with bad form or too much weight, etc.
so just good technique? not to fast not to slow ;)?
Good technique is the standard, not the focus. The focus is on achieving your goal. The goal is developing your muscles conditioning or muscle memory.
Ehm… I guess squats are part of this workout (see “power conditioning”)… ahaha. Good stuff, anyway, I stole some ideas from it.
More questions:
What about protein, what to eat, chicken breast, eggs at night? ebfore i sleep? 30mintues before i sleep is that important? beacuse if i dont eat what will happen. After training i am eating an apple (big one)
About protein: yes you can.
Protein before your sleep? it depends.
1. I think eating before sleep 30 minutes not that good…
2.i wonder why fighters like, m tyson, joe frazier did not do squats.
3.what you thinka bout this:
Stretching Is Dangerous!: Don’t Stretch For Better Health there writte that stretching (static) bad ..
but dnamic stretching before workout is good.
Hello i have heard taht calisthenics Calisthenics if you’re trynna tone up and condition…
Weight lifting if you’re trynna pack on the mass…
But then again weight lifting can do what calisthenics does when treated the same way.
if i want to keep my muscles lean and let the be quciker what should i choose, you said that you have nothing to small weights.
Use the workout I suggested above.
I don’t want to be a bother and I know people have asked this before but when is the amateur workout coming out? I really want to be a boxer very soon and I have no local boxing gym that is close enough to me to travel to frequently sadly. I feel confident that I am done with the beginner’s one which I really appreciated that you posted which helped me at least have a short term goal and guideline but I want more. I want to box soon somehow! haha
Also forgot to mention. Since I obviously don’t have anyone to sparr with. I need something at least to get me ready in the mean time or something =(
I probably will not be doing one anytime soon (if ever). Also if you do not have a partner, you will not be able to complete the amateur boxing workout.
Thanks for all of this info! I started women’s boxing classes about a month ago and I am obsessed. My goal right now is to prepare for sparring, and I do have a gym and a trainer to help get me there. I want to use this workout, but in order to make it work with my trainer time/gym sparring time, etc, I need to rearrange the days a little bit, so here are my questions: Is it necessary to have the rest days back to back or can they be split up? Could I do a sparring day as the first day of the week with my two “rest days” before that? Is it a bad idea to end the week with a sparring day, followed by the two “Rest days?” Thanks so much for any help with this! Reading your articles has been so helpful so I don’t have to ask my trainer every single question that comes to my head!
You’re welcome to change this anyway you want! There are no rules. I suggest having 2 rest days because 1 day is not enough to heal from hard training. You will find out as you try it.
Hey, i dont wanna be a pro or anything, i just wanna be good enough to defend myself, so with that said, i wont be able to do sparring at all, but I can still hit the heavy bag and such, would a replacement if i was looking to get harder punches and hand speed, but also looking to build strength AND power be to do this like
mon: power conditioning
tues: speed conditioning
Wed: power conditioning
Thur: speed conditioning
Fri: power conditioning
If not maybe you could point me in the right direction?
That’s way too much power & speed conditioning. The most you could do is what you have for mon-thurs and then make Friday and easy day. I would use the same workout I have above and skip all the sparring stuff. If you’re not looking to compete, then it doesn’t matter what you do.
about ses, pull ups etc.Is that good if i shake out musles? beetwen sets? and how does it look like? i mean hwo to do that correcly
Try it and see. I don’t have any guides on proper form for many exercises, so you’ll have to go on youtube for that.
Have you written the amateur boxing workout yet johnny?
I’ve decided not to do it anytime soon.
can u please show us some stretching exercise after workout please thanx
Yes, in a future article.
please jonny do more articles like this well help alot of people think about it.
Hey Johnny I do my roadwork early in the morning before having any breakfast and i have noticed that i have lost my muscle mass. If i eat something before doing my workout then i wouldn’t loose any fat and I have gained a lot of fat recently which i really need to loose. johnny do u have any suggestions regarding what i should do Thank you in advance
Sounds like you have some dieting issues. I would recommend for you to read my “Common Sense Boxing Diet” and to see what you can learn from it.
Muhammad Sami,
I assume after running work out you eat enough protein and carbs for restoring your body, and drink enough water. If you do so, then any muscle that is gone it’s very good for your fitness and you should be happy… unfunctional muscles make you less powerful, less efficient, slower, consume your energy and so on…
I should clarify that there are no such things as “unfunctional muscles”, more like “ineffectively used muscles”.
“unfunctional muscles” means they have no useful function in boxing, I should have added unfunctional muscle for BOXING… while at the same time those same muscles could be very functional for heavy benching or heavy shoulder presses for example…
Just wanted to say that this is a great website and thanks for sharing so much and giving these tips out for free. I’m a boxing enthusiast who just started training (mostly for fun and fitness) and get most of my info from this site as well as choice videos from youtube and some tips from Dempsey’s old training manual.
Hi Johnny .
I’m 30 years old, do you think I’m too old to start boxing training?
Never too old to start boxing training.
I find it very hard to stick to the same training schedule. I work 5 days of the week and my job would be physically demanding. It would involve a lot of heavy lifting, pulling fire hoses, shoveling etc . .
Have you any simple advice on what aspects of training i should focus on? Without over doing it.
If you like boxing, focus on the skill aspect. If you just like a good workout, then do the parts that are most challenging to you.
Hellooo, Johnny!
I’m 13. I’m starting a diet and this workout, but without the sparring. Do you think that’s a good idea? I mean, my friend’s got some sparring stuff; I can spar with him occasionally, but not twice a week or anything. It’s because I don’t want to start competing until I’m about 15, when I’ll have more to give. My mom wouldn’t have money for any sparring equipment or boxing shoes at the time, and she wouldn’t have time to take me to any boxing rings, because she has a job and is going back to college. I’ll try to get my friend to start it with me, so I’ll have a friend to train and start with, even though he’s a lot bigger then me. Do you think it would be a good idea to bulk up, train, and diet for a few months, but not begin sparring yet? Will that have an affect on my boxing at all?
-Brendon (Thanks for your awesome articles, by the way.)
You can do whatever you want, Brendon. Your body will adapt as needed.
Hey Johnny!
I have a question about the 15 minutes of shadow boxing in the warm up.
Is that 15 minutes of throwing nonstop punches with no breaks?
Thanks for your time.
should i do 100 push ups and situps at the end of my day training or at the end of the whole day ? and would you suggest to do pushups, situps ,quads at the morning or is it better to do some warming exercises at the morning and harder ones like pushups at the evening ?
Do those at the end of your workout. As for the morning stuff, that’s personal preference. I don’t believe 100 will make that much difference but if you want to, why not?
Are you still working on the amature work out
Not anymore as it’s much too long and too many months of work (not only for me, but to ask others to help demonstrate in my videos). If readers were interested, I would consider taking out a few months to write it up and take videos and explain everything and put it up for sale.
I know many people are very interested, including myself. Is it not possible to make a short one without videos, similar to your “EASY Boxing Workout” article? I’ve been checking your site often hoping it’d be up one day. I actually didn’t see this comment until today >.<
There’s no simple way to do it. The only way to make it simple is to take stuff out and then it wouldn’t be the same anymore. If anything, this EASY Boxing Workout right here would be the simplified version.
Thanks for the reply Johnny. I’ll keep an eye out if you ever write the long version. There are other things I look forward to from you such as the standing core exercises you mentioned for power punching. In the meantime, I’ll get to catch up on your 2 new articles
Hi Johnny,
I just wanted to say that your website is awesome and very informative. I have a quick question. In regards with the core training, can I replace the 100 reps sit ups with an ab roller ?
You can replace anything with anything. If it’s more effective and works you harder, why not?
Awesome. Thank you for the reply.
Hi Johnny I’m a bit confused by the way you phrased some things so I’ll ask here. For example, when you say do 100 pushups at any interval you want, do you mean do 100 pushups at once at any interval or do you mean split up the 100 pushups in between all the other workouts and do them at different intervals?
I mean for you to split up the 100 push-ups into any interval you want. Sets of 10, sets of 20, sets of 25, etc. But do them all at once, don’t mix them in between other workouts.
i notice a huge difference between sets of push ups. If i do sets of 20 i can reach 240 push ups total. if i do 60 (max boxing pushups i can do, sadly), rest 75 sec, 30 reps, rest 75 sec, 20 reps, i did 110 total but my arms are just as or even more dead. That means if i did 20 reps per set to 100 would be barely tired :O I’m sure there is a difference, but would you mind explaining and which one is better?
The more challenging one is probably the better one. It’s like doing interval sprints vs jogging really slowly for a long distance.
I absolutely love this site… wonderful boxing tips, thank you for taking the time to setup such an awesome website.
I’ve been boxing at home (heavybag/shadow) for sometime now, then joined a boxing club last night. It was absolutely amazing. I am only boxing for fitness and strenght. I think its very important to have a good coach. I am female, 36 and I think you are never to old to start.
Keep up the good work!
what can I do to improve chin-ups , ty for response
Without having to write an article as a comment, use your lats (not your biceps), and use good form.
Hey I’m a beginner boxer and I’m so addicted to boxing I’m 13 and about 55 kg I’m hoping u could give me a good body workout ( mostly for abs and arm ) for a beginner.
Sorry but I have no equipment at all not even a bag.
You’re at the right place, Will. Scroll up and read everything. If you don’t have a certain equipment, then you’ll have to improvise or skip the exercise altogether.
hey johnny, i weigh 58 kgs and i have to loose about 7 kilos in two months i have lean muscles, any idea about how can loose that much weight smartly ? and my height is 5 feet 6 inches. ??
Use a good diet! Check out my article on the boxing diet. My fighter’s diet ebook is also a great resource if you need more detailed step-by-step information.
Sorry man but I don’t have any boxing equipment can u please make a article on a workout with no equipment please I’m waiting till I’m allowed to go to a boxing gym it’s pretty good the one I wanna go to fighters factory I need it please and another question on the rest days can I still run?
For a workout with no equipment, you should look up calisthenic exercises online that require nothing more than your bodyweight and gravity. There are lots of videos of guys on the street or using pull-up bars to get in shape. Search “bar brothers” or “bar starz” and you’ll find dozens of these types of videos. Yes, you can run on rest days.
Thx man I’ll try these sites
hey jhonny where is your boxing gym im looking forward to come to united states for my boxing training, training in India is no good. i really need a good trainer!
My gym is in Los Angeles. There are also many other great boxing gyms in the United States.
Hi Johnny.
You mentioned above that the shadow boxing bands were making your recovery muscles lazy…. Can you explain this? I just started using them to help me on my home training days (no bag or equipment) and my shoulders are murdered at the end of a session. I realize I need to work the pulling motion harder so I throw in seated rows after each round to work out the rear shoulders and back.
Love your website.
The boxing bands offer resistance only one way (usually against the punch), which means you’ll exert more force sending the fist out but won’t need to work the muscles in the opposite direction because the bands are returning your hands for you. Instead of weights and resistance bands, have you tried shadowboxing and skipping rope?
Hi Johnny, awesome stuff u got here!
-I want you to ask about the power conditioning: can i mix the workouts(ex: box jump,push-ups,alternate jump 15 each, rest 1 min, then again for 3 sets?) or each at a time?
-Can i do power conditioning like 2 days a week?
-I have 80 kg, how can i maintain this weight if i don’t do weightlifting?
Best site ever. Really explains how things work. I am getting on in years but love using the heavy bag ,shadow box ,skipping rope and light dumb bells. Cant get hold of speed ball yet but looking forward to using one. Learning the snapping punch at the moment ,harder than it looks but will not give up…Take care, dodo.
I don’t know if my last post stuck ,so for now ,keep upp this site it awesome .Dodo.
I got both comments. Thank you, David.
Hello john, it’s my first time trying to learn something like boxing and when i read this part “No resting, try to finish the conditioning portion within 60 minutes before your body adrenaline runs out”, i just want to know if it means all the listed exercises from power exercise, have to be done within 60 minutes?
Thanks again, and nice article, good job
Exactly, try to do the whole power part in 60 minutes. It’s hard the first couple times when you don’t know the routine but you will eventually get faster.
Could you explain more about how to stretch muscles before training ? How do you stretch the arms and shoulders and how long for? Is stretch necessary before hitting the heavy bag or shadow box?
Use dynamic stretching routines. You can look up google and youtube for this. Stretching is highly recommended (necessary) before every workout if you care about having an effective workout, maximizing performance, and reducing chance of injury.
Johnny Im curious as to why you chose chin-ups (palms facing you) instead of pull-ups (palms facing away and wider grip than chin-ups). All the other guides prefer pull-ups, but you must have a reason for choosing chin-ups instead right? Please enlighten me.
If you can do both, do both. This is only an EASY boxing workout and so I choose the easier option.
I just want to say that since boxersizing I have realized there isn’t room for smoking .I used to smoke 30 a day at least now I have cut down to 2 to 3 a day and my breathing as become less erratic .Hopefully I will cut smoking out completely in 3 to 4 weeks. I am 53 now and smoking for 35 years took its toll but thanx to training and wanting a healthier life style I hope to live longer and much healthier .
Congratulations to you! It’s never too late to start living healthy.
Wow congrats. Is boxing really effective for quitting smoking?
I’m not sure how they’re related but try and see if it works. Good luck, Kilsheir.
Hi. I’m a female 25 who just started boxing to compliment my taekwondo training and I’m enjoying it so far. This workout seems great for me to incorporate into my TKD training, which I felt was not enough for competition. My main focus is upping my endurance, but I must admit I’m a bit lazy when it comes to the running part. Is there an alternative to running or do I have to just make myself do it? Oh and any advice for someone who will be training mostly at home and how do I stop from switching stances all the time. I’m used to switching for kicking and it’s been a hard habit to break.
You can try interval sprints or swimming? Or more intense rope-skipping?
I had started boxing on 2009, and I have got some medals and awards from the government, but it is more than one year that I have been addicted to Cigrette, and …
I don’t know how did I came here and read the above workouts yesturday night haha
that I decided to start BOXING again !
I met my trainer and old friends and tomorrow is my first day after one year!
Thank you very much JOHNNY N
Thank you for this article.
Thnks ..
this is a great workout you got here , i’m kinda new to boxing (1month) I’ve got fast hands But my punches are not strong enough .. Can I get some Drills For footwork & some tips on getting strong hands
Hello. Work out is great and now I am looking for a workout to get me ready for amateur boxing. Do you have the Amateur or Hard boxing workout yet? Thanks.
That workout isn’t ready and probably won’t be done anytime soon. It will take so much work to put that together and explain every detail that I would only consider selling it.
Fun workout, and I got a quick question. If this is your “easy” workout, what would be an idea of a “hard” workout? Or could you possibly make an article about it? Thanks! Learned a lot from your videos & articles! Hope to hear more soon!
That might be a premium guide in the future. There is so much detail to explain for a truly complete boxing workout.
Wonder, what do you think is a tough hard intense boxing workout?For proffessional boxer?
Too long to answer in a comment, that’s for sure. Hundreds of specific exercises/drills and many variations of them.
Hey I was just wondering where you say:
3 rounds heavy bag
3 rounds speed bag
3 rounds double-end bag
do you mean three rounds of each or choose one and do three rounds
3 rounds heavy bag = 3 rounds on the heavy bag.
I am a total befinner at This, but I enjoyed Your program after trying out
the exercises for monday.
noe, i am heading into tuesday and i don’t have a sparring partner. While looking for one, should i just do bag work?
How should i start sparring? How should i hit and where? Hope you under stand my question.
i would’t like To get injured or injure my partner by going out To hard.
It’s up to you to decide how you want to spend your time. If you’re new to sparring, please check out my article called, “Boxing Sparring for Beginners”.
Hi Johnny, awesome article as usual!
I`ve been reading up on your training guides and have been trying to follow them. I also read the article on how weight training is not very beneficial to boxers and agree 100 percent. Now, I`m not a boxer per say but I am training like one. My question is, are there any other alternatives to hitting the punching bag and getting the same benefits? All the boxing training guides including yours always include it.
There are no boxing gyms close to me so I`m only going to a normal gym as of now so I`m not sure how to get that extra strength. I`ve fallen into the trap of doing weight training and now am getting a bit bulky, which is what I didn`t want!! Is the punching bag just that essential?
I don’t believe there’s any substitute, no. You have to train with it yourself to see what I mean. It works your body differently and I don’t think you can mimic that exercise without having something to punch. Maybe hitting the mitts with someone would be similar.
Hey Johnny,
Great site. Can we super set the condition workouts to speed up the workouts or do you recommend following the workout listed above
On Monday’s workout.
Try it and see if it works for you.
Jon great article man..
I love the routine you revealed here..
Gonna try it today when I hit the gym
Great…let me know how you like it.
“The secret to always having energy to workout
is to always use less than what you have.”
Great training advice, and ‘YES’ please create a total boxing training routine Johnny in the future as I’d look into it for sure. Something like a whole 3 month training routine, switching it up with a hundred or so exercises to keep it interesting (like the AthleanX training guide style – although that’s for general fitness and just a reference guide to a good style of workout plan – just an idea) would be great. A whole week boxing routine exercise plan is easily available, but there any (as far as I know) total 3 month long boxing training routines, switching it about to keep it interesting.
This short quote / idea has had me thinking about it over and over in my mind over the last few days. I’ve always worked out till I’ve physically pushed myself to the limits, but have been sore and kind of pushing against the current to workout for the rest of the week, which has always not been enjoyable. But this idea is counter-intuitive and interesting.
Umm . . . good point . . .
When I get around to it…I’ll probably have to sell it. I attempting outlining one a few years back and it would easily get to over 100 pages. There are so many exercises in there that need proper demonstration and explanation that it simply wasn’t quick-&-easy to put together. But I hope to finish it in the future for sure.
The description of your alternating jumps exercise on Monday makes absolutely no sense.
Actually. The description of a majority of your exercises seems like it was written by someone who did this in a hurry, or doesn’t fully understand the English language. No offence, but being a little more descriptive would be helpful.
No offense, but being a little more descriptive in your comment would be helpful.
Regardless of how flawed this article was written, it was written with passion and care. I elaborated where I thought was necessary, and held back where I thought should be obvious. If you need clarification, ask for it and be specific in what you want. Claiming not to be offensive while still being offensive…(and yet still not taking your own advice and being specific in what you want)… is not going to help you, me, or any of the other readers.
At the very least, you could start off by being grateful. You know…simply courtesy and politeness to another human being who is doing you a free service.
I can’t believe this person has been so rude to you when, like you said you are providing a free service!! Until this comment I was pleasantly surprised that everyone was being so nice. This article like all of the others was very well written and explained. Your website is very informative & I have found it very useful as I’m about to start training this week. Keep up the good work and ignore the ideots which I’m sure you do anyway!
Question about the workouts, alot of the workout equipment I don’t have, ie medicine ball, heavy bag, what do i do if i cant do them? And do we do all the exercises, or as many that take an hour?
If you can’t do it, you can’t do it. Find a substitute/alternative, make up your own, or skip the exercise altogether. You can do some, all, or none at all. You can take as long as you want. There are no rules, this is simply a guidelines for what an effective boxing workout might be like. Everybody has their own version to fit their own needs.
Hey man, I was in kickboxing for 2 and a half years, but then (because of working nights) i was always either too tired, or I couldn’t make it to the gym. Do you have an article about workouts at home with minimal equipment? Any feedback is greatly appreciated
I will write one soon for this, Jay.
Aye man. I love your articles and videos. They have taught me alot in boxing. I’m 14 years old and ive been boxing for a year and a half. And your videos have helped me so much . But i don’t lift weights at all. Well i mean other then my body. Do you think its bad to not lift weights for my age or not? Please reply as soon as you can man
Weights aren’t bad, just stay away from heavy squats or anything that requires a lot of technique.
This type of routine would be great for off session athletes aswell
This is a pretty old article so not expecting a response but here goes.
I’m relatively a beginner fitness wise. When doing the power exercise days, by the time I get to the bagwork section I’m pretty much completely done and am struggling to even do one decent round.
As my form kind of falls to shit at that tiredness should I just skip the bagwork, or should I do less reps on the other exercises so I’m hopefully able to have the energy left at the end for the bag. I guess a third option would be to replace it with shadow
So yeah, just wondering what the best option there is. Thanks in advance and thanks for all the great work.
If you’re beginner, ease up on things. No need to do the full workout. Start where you can.
thanx for sharing ur great knowledge
i want to know what is the best material used to stuff the heavy bag
Hi, I m from India.i m 25 years old,i want doing boxing now. 9991369693 it’s my what’s app number. Can anybody suggest me,how I started boxing now.please pleasr
I don’t think doing light weight dumbbell workouts or doing pushups is ever going to help build power… I used to do 220 pushups, I did two or three sets of it, combined with 3 sets of 30 pullups, and I didn’t have much striking power, then I switched to using weights, and I got way stronger and could hit much harder.
I think actually, the type of workout given here, is to train a guy who will always win via dicision and not KO. but that’s just my experience and opinion. I do muay thai btw, not boxing, so that might also be a factor.
How much push up and sit up recommend as i sit at office whole day so my waist and torso are pretty cramped when i swinging or rotate even after warmup and stretching.When i perform my back hurt like stab by a knife but i still tryingto do as best i could.So it is really required to do 100 for each workout to maximize best performance?
Start wherever you can and adjust the workout for your body. Every person’s body responds differently. Find what works best for you, feels good and gives you great gains.
johnny hello, thanks to you I evolved, I live in France and the majority of boxing clubs are not good, a lack of rigor in the technical .I find a very good club boxing after having changed several times for 8 years.
the footings of the day you can faires in one interval.?
the weekly routine program is sufficient for thee an amateur boxer who wishes to retain its acquired outside competition period?
Hi Benoit, I’m sorry but I’m not sure I understood your first question. The weekly routine should probably be a minimum for amateur boxers.
this is nightmare for beginner just by looking at it….No wonder mike tyson pack a punch like no others.
One blow are certain KO for average guy for real.
Nightmare training makes YOU a nightmare for your opponents.
Johnny, I’m slim and strong in the legs but weak in the arms how can I improve my arm strength and will leg strength help you at all in boxing.
Leg strength is definitely a huge benefit in boxing. It helps your balance and punching power. Weak arms can be helped with lots of push-ups, pull-ups, speed bag, and shadowboxing.
Hello Johnny! I just started today. My instructor, Rob, in Campbellsville ky just established the hurt locker here and i signed for boxing. He showed me the jab technique and we worked on footing as well. My question is this: Boxing can be overwhelming with the vast amount of knowledge you need to pick up, so where should beginners start picking up information? By this I mean, where should we focus our efforts as begginers so we dont end up with bad form or incorrect muscle memory? I want to put my all into this, I just want to make to make sure im in putting it in the right place. Thank you for any feedback!
Start with my “Beginner’s Guide to Boxing” article. And remember…boxing is an art, too. So there are many ways to go about learning it.
About dumbbell shadowboxing, when I was young I do shadowboxing in dumbbell fast,and my joint is damage, in sparing its have pain, sometimes my joint is wrench,left and right, so in this case I stop boxing for one year,now I start training, but now some times its have pain, more in sparing,so what I do?
Stop shadowboxing with dumbbells. And make sure you warm up your arms and joints (probably your entire body, too) before you do any shadowboxing.
Hello Johnny,
I want to ask about the neck bridge exercise. My concern is that, Is that (neck bridge) safe to do because some physicians says that neck bridge is dangerous for spinal cord and some says that its very effective for neck strengthening. Where should i go with?
– Mustang
Neck bridges are indeed an extreme exercise and unnecessary/dangerous for 98% of people. Start with the chin straps that go over the head and work your way up. I would not recommend neck bridges unless you have a short neck. Take it slow, my friend!
Hello Johnny, I really like your articles, my name is Adelson Lima, I wanted to ask the help of the most experienced because I have a muay thai background (I just did not work), and I have a amateur boxing debut with 3 rounds of 2 minutes on March 16 in San Juan, I would like to know which training methods are best for me to be well prepared
obs: 24 hour scale work
Thanks in advance
This is good. And realistic for ordinary people with no time. Anyone who eats clean and does this will be in good shape.
Ive always wondered, how long to you rest between sets for optimum power increase? Thank you for the guide, been using it for a few weeks now and i am feeling great !
1 minute is ideal. Basically, you want to let your heartrate drop but not to the point of completely normal resting.
perfect thank you for the reply and thank you again for the guide !
Will, you ever do a workout routine that will get you in top shape for competing in amateur fights/pro? I’d happily purchase the course or read the article if you ever decide to make a full 30 day or week or routine that will help me get in perfect shape for any competitions.
Hi Marcos, I’ve been scheming to do it. It’s actually lots of work and takes so long and so much explanation. Showing the workout is easy, telling people how to do it right is what takes forever. And then of course, having to teach people how to make variations of it. Even if you watch pros and trainers. They are constantly adjusting their routines as the years go by.
That totally understandable, but if you do ever release a competitive work routine as an article or a course, I’d be more than happy to read or purchase it
Thanks bro,I will follow it all along
johny, are there any sample pictures or videos about a medicine ball cross over press, I don’t understand what you’re saying