Is Winning still the best boxing gloves you can get?
- Anybody asking that, just slap yourself right now.
C’mon guys, stop kidding around. Winning is still very much considered the BEST BOXING GLOVES in the entire fighting world. The Japanese brand has not only managed it’s brand respect over the years but more importantly, it’s quality control!
Not hype at all. Also not reliant on endorsements like other brands *cough* GRANT *cough*. Winning gloves are the de facto standard for pros all around the world, purely out of choice. No gimmicky marketing, or redesigns every year. They are simply incredible gloves! The gold standard and extremely popular with pros and serious amateurs.
Let’s find out why fighters love them so much!
Winning – Background & Reputation
I wish I could say more about this company’s history but I know nothing of it. What I can share however is my personal feeling of the brand, the way it was communicated to me and the way that the boxing community views them.
Look at most of today’s brands and what do you see? Annoying advertisements everywhere, email spam, internet ads, affiliate marketing, even home mailers. They’re everywhere. And they’re always on sale! (How is that a “sale” when you’re always on sale?)
Most boxing gloves out there insult our intelligence. They assume you don’t know the difference between a quality glove and a shit glove. They assume you’re naive enough to fall for fancy graphics over substance.
And they’re right! *shaking my head*
For every 1 pair of Winning gloves that are sold, there are probably 20 Title gloves, 10 Ringside, 10 Hayabusa, 5 Reyes, and 5 Venum gloves being put on fighters. Worst of all, many of those other brands all claim to be “THE BEST GLOVES EVER MADE!”
How freaken silly! It annoys me to no end. Can you imagine if every fighter went around claiming themselves as “THE BEST CHAMPION EVER”? That’s how most glove brands occur to me.
But then when you look ONLY at the pros and what do you see? Many of them, and in even some gyms almost all of them wear Winning. Heck even many of the serious amateurs wear Winning as well. The question is…how is it that they got to be that way?
Winning evokes the nostalgia of a time when PRIDE exceeded EGO…gloves of Japanese pride!
For those not aware of the difference:
- PPRIDE – is the feeling of accomplishment.
- EGO – is a sense of self-esteem or self-importance.
Whoever runs that brand does in the most respectful way possible. I LOVE THEIR BRAND for their no-nonsense way of marketing it. No spam, no begging, no promising, no gimmicks. For the longest time ever, they didn’t even have a website. It was a photograph of a printed Japanese ad with English over it (lol, like a dubbed-over poster) and posted online. That was it. There was some mail-order information and the whole thing looked like a scam ad for an overseas toy company.
Their marketing was so laughably bad and yet charming at the same time. They were the epitome of old school marketing. Not a single representative from their company could be found in promotional videos hyping up their product. They never sponsored or endorsed any fighters. Their company banners weren’t obnoxiously plastered all over fighting events.
It’s as if all their company ever cared about was about making quality gloves AND NOTHING ELSE! They didn’t care about marketing. They didn’t care about distribution, promotion, nothing. If they ran out of stock, too damn bad, you just gotta wait.
And if you’ve ever been to Japan (which I have), you’ll understand right away why they make the best gloves. The most high-tech, intelligent, humble, and hardworking people you’ve ever met. That whole country is PERFECT at everything they do. It’s in their culture.
So it’s no surprise to me at all that you never ever hear of BS problems with Winning. No torn threads or torn leather, none of that crap you get with other brands. This company makes gloves as if you were going to fight a 100-year war in outer space.
Oh and they make assumptions about you, too:
- They ASSUME you’re a serious fighter.
- They ASSUME you need the best glove possible.
- They ASSUME that you will train for a long time.
I can’t say enough. I love a company that respects its customers. Winning doesn’t make gloves for fighters. They make gloves for champions.
Winning was the pros & rich kid’s brand
There was no reason at all for a regular kid like me to have it. Sure, I was hardcore but not like going to tournaments every weekend. You could say I was a typical club fighter. Good enough to go rounds with everyone, skilled and durable, but not a career fighter.
And it wasn’t only the gloves that you had to get. Many fighters will get Winning’s legendary headgear as well. Super light and yet so damn protective. Some fighters will even get the headgear first. (Your brain is more important than your hands!) Anyway, it’s all on you and what you can afford.
I don’t get people saying they can’t afford $400 headgear or $400 gloves when I see them walking around in $300 Air Jordans and with a $600 iPhone in their hand.
Reasons why some pros don’t use Winning:
- high cost
- don’t need (or don’t like) their pillowy cushioning, and/or prefer other brands
- sponsored to use other brands
- prefer flashier or custom glove designs (although Winning does do custom gloves designs as well)
- not easily accessible (in their country or region)
Buying from Winning-USA (in Redondo Beach, California)
Kazumichi’s showroom
Yes, this story gets a whole section to itself because it’s part of the ‘Winning experience’ for me. The USA distributor (probably the only distributor outside of Japan) happens to be in Los Angeles just a few miles away from me in beautiful Redondo Beach, California. It’s run by a very erratic Kazumichi Hayashi and his wife Junko Hayashi.
Being in LA, I’ve heard about him for a long time and his strange ways (through friends and other fighters). He used to run a “showroom” out of his own house in Redondo Beach. You call him up and he screams at you a few times over the phone before giving you an appointment to come see him.
When you arrive at his house (or I think it was an apartment), he lets you in and shows you his closet full of Winning goodies. For a good 10-15 years he operated this way until his wife couldn’t take it anymore. She basically said STOP BRINGING PEOPLE TO THE HOUSE and GET AN OFFICE! He complained about having to pay for an office as well as running it but ultimately gave in after only a few more years—haha!
After seeing the recent decline of Sabas gloves, I was cautious to make sure my favorite gloves did not go the same way. I absolutely didn’t want to be wrong about recommending Winning to boxers all over the world. Yes, I bought a recent pair of $400 Winning gloves just for you guys!
If you don’t already know by now, DO NOT CALL KAZUMICHI! I repeat, DO NOT CALL HIM! (red text) He hates phone calls. He’s a really nice guy in person but will come off as an insane mental patient on the phone. He hates phones! (He probably hates all technology after 1990.)
He hates going to his office, hates getting phone calls. He hates people acting fake or tough around him. Anyway, I contacted him the ‘preferred way’ which is via email and made an appointment. He responds very quickly and precisely. Your email won’t get lost, I assure you.
Office chaos
Unlike other fightgear shops usually located on a main street, the Winning-USA office was located in a half-empty strip mall. I found the tiny office at last on the 2nd floor where it seemed to be the only one in business. It was a tiny office with one desk, a few chairs, one couch, and walls plastered with boxing pictures all over. AHHHHH—that authentic boxing vibe that I love—pictures and autographs all over the walls!

Inside, an old Japanese man working behind his desk yelled at me, “Are you Dave?!”. I clarified that I was Johnny but he seemed in disbelief shuffling through his papers with handwritten notes. After a couple more tries (more incorrect names), he finally gets my name correct and introduces himself as “Kazumichi”. Through the shut door behind him, you could hear people discussing boxing gear and sizes. I guess I was supposed to wait for my turn.
Alone in the office with him, he began his version of 20-questions while I checked out the photos on his walls. I’ll let you judge our “natural chemistry”:
- Me – yes, I do.
- Kazumichi – I HATE THOSE GUYS!
- Me – [silence].
- Me – yeah, they do that sometimes. [I’m really not sure what to say.]
- Me – that’s good.
- …more silence..
- Kazumichi – WE ARE ALL EQUAL!
- …I just let him ramble while I stared at pictures…
- Kazumichi – AND HE BUY ME GIFT!
- Kazumichi – COME HERE! I SHOW YOU!
He proceeds to show me secret drawings of custom gloves designed for Canelo. He also showed me a custom one for Amir Khan as well…and perhaps thinking I still didn’t believe him, he shows me a photograph of Amir Khan wearing his custom pair.

Ali, Tyson, De La Hoya. Hearns, Hagler. Then Barrera, Morales, Pacquiao, Mayweather. Then Triple-G, Canelo. Everybody was there. In many of the photos, Kazumichi and his wife were in there with the fighters as well. All the photos of all the greatest fighters of the past 50 years taken in their absolute prime. The photos were in such pristine quality, as if the prime fighters could jump out at any moment. From the sincere smiles and body position, you could tell these fighters knew him well and adored him. These weren’t fan-pictures, but “family shots”.
A hispanic guy suddenly burst through the front door carrying boxes through the shut door to the other room (the showroom, I presumed). I mistakenly thought this guy was his employee or delivery guy but it later turned out to be a local gym owner who came by often to buy gloves. Kazumichi stopped him to tell him about me (very loudly), “THIS GUY WRITES ON THE INTERNET! I HATE INTERNET PEOPLE!” It was funny because Kazumichi didn’t seem to hate me at all.
Kazumichi’s career
He told me his life story while the sales discussion/negotiation was still going on in the other room. Kazumichi was a former professional boxer, a lightweight. At the height of his career, he almost got to fight Roberto Duran but then lost the eliminator fight leading up to it and the opportunity dissolved. He claims he took a lot of punches. After his pro career he became a sport photographer for a popular boxing magazine in Japan. It got him special entry and ringside seats into the biggest boxing events for many decades. Because of his work, he lived in Los Angeles (close proximity to Vegas and many famous gyms on the west coast of USA).
Throughout his photography career, he was always close with the owner of Winning Boxing. From how he explained, I imagined the owner to be an old-school Japanese businessman. The company didn’t want to go global or to have distributors. They had no desire to be mainstream or make as much profit as possible. They simply wanted to create quality boxing gloves and have the business run by trusted people. The owner loved and trusted Kazumichi with all of his heart, and probably since he was living in the US (where many people ordered from), he begged him to become his USA-distributor. It would be the easiest way to deal with orders coming from the US.
Not surprisingly, Kazumichi declined about a hundred times. Made excuses to avoid every phone call and meeting with his close friend. He loved his photography job covering the biggest names in the sport at famous destinations around the world. To be tied to an office shipping and distributing goods didn’t seem like much fun for him.
In a bittersweet sequence of events, Kazumichi’s wife (Junko) had developed an illness forcing Kazumichi to rethink his constant traveling. Upon discovering they were both in the same city (I forgot where in the world), Winning’s owner called him and asked, “where are you?” and then intercepted Kazumichi right at the airport as he was flying out. This time, Kazumichi agreed accepting his new responsibility as the Winning-USA distributor. It seems the job never grew on him (or so he claims). He never liked being in the office and came only by appointment (no walk-ins). If he could, he would prefer to go to the office only one day a week if even that.
Still waiting for the showroom

We’re an hour into my visit by now and FINALLY the showroom door opens. Some came out with a bag of gloves and paperwork filled-in by Junko. Right as Kazumichi nearly finishes ringing up, 5 more people walked in. I had no idea who they were and neither did Kazumichi. He repeated his entire game again of insisting on guessing people’s names even when they had already told him. It seemed the 5 new people didn’t fully know each other as well; they simply walked in at the same time.
Sensing a room full of strangers, he yelled out loud to them, “THIS GUY HAS A WEBSITE! HE WRITES ON THE INTERNET!” while pointing at me. As they smiled politely, he yelled again, “I HATE INTERNET PEOPLE!” before running to grab a sheet of paper in the back. Out loud, he asked the buyer, “who are your favorite boxers?” Taken aback, the buyer stumbled across a few names and finally his transaction was complete. Kazumichi started his “everybody is equal” all over again to the new people. He yelled a new question at me this time, “ARE YOU GOING TO BUY?!” After I said ‘yes’, he answered, “YOU DON’T HAVE TO! ONLY IF YOU WANT!”
Sensing his stress, I told him it was alright if he took care of the others first. I didn’t mind waiting at all. At this point, the phone rang and I got to see his spite for them in person.
He picks up the phone in front of everyone and yells, “HELLO! KAZUMICHI! WINNING-BOXING, USA! WHAT DO YOU WANT?!”
By now, me and the hispanic guy (I feel awful for forgetting his name) had already chatted a bit and were just laughing at Kazumichi’s eccentric phone responses. “Dude, you should blog about that!” he joked. And well…here you are, reading the play-by-play.
The others in the room were just awkwardly staring at each other not knowing what else to say. Luckily, 2 of them were a quick transaction. The other 3 were together so they went into the showroom altogether with Junko. The phone rings a few more times and Kazumichi yells his usual pleasantries at them before FINALLY accompanying me into the showroom.
Finally entering the showroom
I tried on some headgear and also some gloves. He’s really nice; gives you all the time you need to try on the headgear, check yourself out in the mirror, and throw some punches and bobbing-and-weaving movements. If anything, I felt more pressure from the nice folks waiting outside than I did from Kazumichi himself.
I told him I was still checking it out. And he responds much softer, “Ok. You know…you don’t have to buy it.” (Almost whispering to me, as if it was some kind of secret.)
Hahahah, worst salesman of the year. So terrible and charming at the same time. The headgear fit perfectly but I didn’t need it this time. I was here for gloves and then went straight to the task of picking out my 16oz blue Winning gloves. Why did I get blue? I feel it’s the color I most associate with Winning. The classic Winning blue color!
Afterwards, he very carefully wrote down all my information as 5-6 other people came into the office and waited their turn personally. And then it was my turn for the dreaded post-sale interview. He asked me which fighting sports I trained. If I was amateur or professional. Who my favorite boxers were. Hahaha….all this while a half dozen other people in the small room were waiting for their turn.
Winning Gloves Performance review
Up until recently, I had only experienced Winning gloves through other fighters. Borrowing or playing with a friend’s Winning gear but never really having a pair of my own to beat up on. The pair I’m reviewing now is already over a year old and tested throughout bagwork and sparring. I’m very proud to own these gloves and proud to review them as accurately as possible for you. They’re such a joy to handle and compare side-by-side with other gloves. I appreciate them more every day.
Quality & Craftsmanship

Winning is probably the best leather for boxing gloves. The only other one that I think is even better is probably Di Nardo of Italy (those cost $1k/pair). But Winning definitely has the edge in the “mass-produced” world.
I hear people trying to compare other leather, like from Mexican boxing gloves, to Winning and they need to stop that crap. Winning is easily so much nicer and classier. When it arrives, it’s got a beautiful rich buttery texture and with leather conditioner on it to keep it soft and supple. I don’t know even one other manufacturer that does that. Why?…probably because their leather is junk stuff or lower grade, that’s why.
Don’t believe me? Just buy it for yourself and compare it to anybody else. You don’t need to be a leather expert to know the difference. You can see and feel it right away.
Look at the texture and wrinkles. That’s the biggest giveaway of quality that you can see from pictures. The leather is not so thin but yet folds easily. Other gloves have leather that’s either too thick and stiff, or thin and flimsy. I love the luxurious look and feel of Winning leather.
Winning stitching is perfect. Honestly, it’s just Japanese culture. They’re absolute perfectionists and their gloves are no different. Winning gloves are crafted perfectly with every attention to detail. The stitching is perfect everywhere, like it was done by machine. The ends are very cutely tucked in and finish. I don’t know how else to explain it but to say they are finished in a very “cute” manner.
We already know the legends about Winning’s unparalleled padding. So many brands have attempted to copy it over the past decades. Super soft cushion that protects your knuckles through its big pillowey padding. So protective in fact that some fighters even complain that it’s TOO SOFT and feels too much like you’re punching into pillows. (Some like more feedback, or more “thud”.) Either way, I love it for training. Feels great on the bag but exceptionally soft for sparring partners.
The padding is thick around your knuckles, back of the hand and then slims down toward your wrists. Still some padding on the back of the wrist and then relatively thin on the front of the wrist and palm area (as with most gloves).
This is one of the most underrated aspects of a boxing glove and something I’m sure you’ll appreciate so much about Winning. Winning very EASILY for me has the absolute best lining in the world. It’s perfect! Feels fantastic. So damn super smooth, you will love it!
Smooth lining makes it so much easier to put your gloves on and off. Rougher lining snags your hand wraps more, creating annoying friction that requires you to loosen up your glove laces more. When putting on the gloves, rough lining will pull your hand wraps out of place. When taking off the gloves, rough lining can trap your hand inside more easily. Life is so much easier with smooth lining. And of course, Winning’s lining is breathable and high quality, also prevents sweat from penetrating.
I also like that the lining is carefully stitched to the inside of the glove. Some gloves have smooth lining BUT the lining is not fasted well, it kinda floats around in the glove creating a feeling of an annoying slippery layer that won’t let you grip the padding. With Winning gloves, the lining is unnoticeable once you slide your hands in…you just feel the padding and the glove.
Performance and Durability
What else do you expect from the most copied padding on earth? It’s GREAT! Unrivaled super soft and plush protection. Feels like you’re punching clouds. My knuckles feel great. My wrists feel great.
Winning’s comfort is another one of those unrivaled qualities. But what IS it that makes it so comfortable? And in which ways is it comfortable?
- Ergonomic shape – a shape that truly fits your hand perfectly. Yes, it really fits like a glove. Feels broken in already. So plush and smooth.
- Anatomic thumb – Winning has the most comfortable thumb of all boxing gloves! Very distinct unique shape that you notice right from looking at it. I’ve taken a guess at the secret. It’s the superior craftsmanship and materials. The softer leather and softer padding allows them to build a smaller and more curved thumb which fits more like a “glove” around your thumb. Other boxing gloves use stiffer leather and stiffer padding which forces them to make a big thumb that feels like a splint (limiting mobility) rather than a glove (allowing mobility).
- Easy opening/closing the hand – soft padding/leather combined with great craftsmanship/shape makes it’s a really comfortable glove that lets you open and close your hand easily. You feel so much less hand fatigue using these gloves and they feel broken in right from the start. Other gloves make a fist easily but you can’t open the hand much, or vice versa.
- Smooth liner – feels great on your skin, also feels very cool in temperature. Great
- Secure/supportive – you feel more comfortable when you feel safe. And the gloves feel very secure/protective!
These are high quality gloves. Made to last. Made for professional use. No toy junk. No gimmicky marketing. It’s what pros all over the world use. They don’t need to convince you of anything. The gloves speak for themselves. Winning is one of the most trusted brands in boxing. Very unpretentious.
My personal thoughts on Winning
Should you buy them? (What kind of fighters should buy them…)
At the price of $300-400—YES, THEY ARE WORTH IT! But are they worth it for beginners? Are they worth it for people who can’t afford it?
I do secretly think that some people wear them only for the status and not because they even train on that level. First off, if you’re the kind of person who’s only hitting the bag twice a month and not training for competition…you probably don’t need Winning. You could do just fine with some dense bag gloves.
If you’re training seriously, plan to spar, or want another pair of great quality “soft” gloves that don’t cost as much, why not try one of the copycat brands?
- Read my comparison of Winning vs Ring2Cage C17’s & Sabas Supersoft – Winning boxing gloves VS the copycats
Where to buy Winning Gloves
You can choose to buy Winning gear in either real leather or synthetic option. I’ve been told that Winning uses Lorica (made in Italy), and known as the highest quality synthetic leather possible (an Italian told me this). It looks and feels very much like real leather and very hard to tell the difference.
Kazumichi Hayashi
811 N Catalina Ave #3002,
Redondo Beach, CA 90277
[email protected] (email him, do NOT call!)
www.winning-usa.com (super ugly site)
Go in person so you can get the same crazy experience I did. I’ll warn you ahead of time. Despite his best efforts, old man Kazumichi is disorganized as hell. He can’t remember anybody’s names or what time they’re supposed to come. It also doesn’t help that his English is poor and he reads off every name like it’s the first time he’s ever heard it.
You may think you’ve nailed down an appointment for “Wednesday, 12pm!” but that very quickly becomes a 2-hour wait when random characters jump in and out of his office as he scrambles to make sense of his handwritten notes.
While Winning only has one official US distributor (Mr. Kazumichi), there are many gym-owners or equipment dealers who buy from him in mass and then resell at gyms in their neighborhood.
If you aren’t able to get to Kazumichi, there might still be an unofficial “dealer” nearby you. Usually, it’s some random guy who visits all the local gyms once a month and sells gloves to all the pros there. Call up different boxing gyms and ask around. If there’s pros training in the gym, there’s probably somebody bringing Winning to them.
For those of us who can’t buy in person, you can also order them online. This is usually more expensive and may take longer. There are a few main places I recommend:
LACES (other colors available)
VELCRO (other colors available)
- Amazon (my affiliate links above) – I get a small commission if you buy from here.
- America-Ya on Rakuten – I’ve never bought from this seller (Steve but many people use it to get authentic Japanese boxing gear like Winning gloves, or Mizuno shoes. Customization also available. I think this is probably the best and most hassle-free option if you want custom.
- Koubudo on Rakuten – another person selling authentic Winning stuff. There’s a lot of debate back and forth on who’s cheaper (A-Y vs Koubudo), nicer, better person to buy authentic winning gear. I don’t know since I live nearby the USA distributor.
- Kozuji.com – another trusted online store. Their available stock can change from time to time.
- WJAPANBOXING.com – I’ve never seen them before but they look ehhh…seems like a US-based reseller.
Be careful buying from anywhere else! How to make sure yours is real? I think real Winning gloves always come in a plastic bag and leather conditioner on the gloves. The conditioner feels like a light grease. There’s usually a little paper tag accompanying the gloves as well.
It’s easy to tell if you’ve seen a pair of real Winning gloves in person before. The leather, inside liner, and overall craftsmanship are pretty hard to copy. There are also helpful videos like this to make sure you don’t get cheated…but then again, cheaters always find a way!
haha made my day with your story 😀
it seems I’ll have to cross the atlantic ocean at least once again in my life to see the famous Mr. Kazumichi and buy a pair of his wonderful gloves.
as in fact, I’ve got some rather cheap ones at the moment and start to feel their deficits. nothing that a sewing needle and some strong thread could not repair… but still, it would be nice to have real quality gloves.
Hahaha, glad you enjoyed and hope you get to try a pair of Winnings soon.
Are winning gloves good for big hands and long fingers?
Yes, they are fine for that.
How long does it take to break in Winning gloves?
They are very comfortable when brand new so no break-in time needed. Very luxurious soft leather and comfy padding.
Are Winning gloves good for bag work and sparring?
Great review, Johnny! I just want to ask you a question because it seems that most people say that the only way to get gloves from him is to go to him directly. Can you or can you not order from his website? Thank you. God bless and more power.
And also, you got 16oz, right?
I highly recommend to go directly but you can order online with the links I provided. The online links are from other sellers, not Kazumichi. But if you email directly, you can order from him directly as well. Yes, I got the 16oz as shown in the images.
Thank you, sir!
Hi Johnny!
Thanks for the link to http://www.winning-usa.com.
I wrote to Mr. Kazumichi on an e-mail, found out from him all the details that interests me and made an order to Russia.
Delivered quickly, no problem. Just made a mistake when they indicated the phone number on the package))).
Awesome! Which color/size did you get?
Black color, 14 oz, Velcro. Gloves are just fire. I’ve never met gloves more conveniently.
May I ask how long you got your gloves, I made order two weeks again, and wrote an email to him one week again; But still did not get an email about the tracking number
ago, not again, sorry
October 17, the order was sent from Japan. October 23, I received an order in Russia. The track number was sent immediately by e-mail.
On the website http://www.winning-usa.com, when placing an order, it says: “We do not have any inventory information in factory in Japan, so we can not answer for estimated delivery date for each order. The most of normal order shipped in 1 – 1.5 month. Custom order will take 50 days now. ”
Maybe your order has not been sent yet.
How many days did it take to deliver?
Seven days to process the order. Plus another seven days for delivery from Japan to Russia.
How long do you think it will take to deliver to Hawaii?
I think the delivery will not take much time, they send express delivery. But the shipment of goods can take up to 1.5 months, as it is written on their website.
Hey Johhny,
Just an FYI that the https://www.wjapanboxing.com/ is 100% fake
1) My wife is Japanese, and we have ordered items from Winning and talked to customer service reps directly. The website is selling items that have been DISCONTINUED, and that aren’t in the 2019 Japanese catalog
2) They are selling gloves that don’t exist on any other authorized Winning website.
3) Their refund policy:
“Any return or refund due to customers will not be accepted.” Thats it.
4) No real way to contact them (email, phone, real address etc.)
Thanks a lot for all you do for the fight community
– Hal
Greetings mate. Just asking that what would be the best route for ordering Winning gloves if based in Pakistan? Via Winning USA (I want to!) or Rakuten or other means.
I imagine ordering from Japan would be faster to Pakistan.
How long does it take for Winning-USA.com to ship to Hawaii?
I don’t know but I’m sure they can answer that question for you very quickly via email.
Do they ever get late?
You mean in shipping? Or answering emails? I don’t know about shipping because I always bought in person.
I mean answering emails.
Hey Johnny I was wondering if you still think the wjapanboxing website is legit? I haven’t really heard of them and there’s really no way to contact them in their website. I’m interested in the 16 oz wide strap velcro gloves they have. Thanks
I’ve never tried them at all and I wouldn’t try them as my first choice.
I finally got to try them, in 14 oz and I was really disappointed. Maybe my expectations were too high with all the hype surrounding those gloves, they weren’t awful or anything terrible but I really didn’t understand why they would be so expensive. The ratio cost quality doesn’t match. The velcro version has very poor wrist support, I never care about that in gloves as i am always satisfied but this time I couldn’t help but be displeased . The thumb annoyed me, first time ever I get annoyed by the thumb too, I never have thumb issues. Padding was ok but and sounded very different from other gloves in the bag, a deep and mat sound unlike the snappy sharp sound other gloves make. They also weighed their weight but the padding didn’t strike me as soooo fantastic, just reasonable. If they were 100$gloves I wouldn’t be shocked but given their price I was left scratching my head in disbelief. I tried the headgear too and on the other hand I was blown away by how good that thing was, the cheek version. So really I don’t know why people praise those gloves so much, maybe a form of internet fashion, few people actually tried them but everyone mentions them in articles? I don’t mean you Johnny and if you like them well who am I to judge, but I think they are one of the most overrated boxing item.
Hmmm…I’m definitely shocked to hear that. Being that they compare very nicely against other gloves on many aspects. May I ask where you bought yours from?
A friend got them in Japan, I don’t think they are fake given the general quality and feel of the leather and padding but I guess I should try another pair to be sure.
Can you post any photos? I want to see the backside and palm-side of the gloves.
Hello, very interesting article and review. Thank you. I have a question if anyone can help me with the winning size. How big of a difference would the 18 OZ size glove be compared to the 16? I have 2 pairs of gloves (12 and 16 cleto reyes) and looking to buy a winning pair 18oz. It will be my first time buying winning. Great article again. Thanks.
I have been using everlast for a longtime . Using them on heavy bags . Have you compared them to Everlast
Hey Johnny, I loved reading your review! I’ve emailed with Kazumichi and he is definitely a bit of a nut case but a classic cat for sure!
I’ve been torn between getting the Cleto Reyes Training gloves 16oz (velcro or laces? Not sure?) or these Winning MS-600 lace ups. I want max knuckle and wrist protection, but I keep wondering if its really worth double to pay for Winning. Or maybe if I can get away with using Reyes which is also highly regarded. What would you say?
Considering they both would last maybe 4 years of recreational use as my single pair of gloves for all types of training and sparring (3-4x per week), I don’t mind paying the price, just trying to see if it would feel justified. What’s your take on this conundrum?
I had the same conundrum, trying to choose between Cleto and Winning, but in the end, I went with the 3rd choice presented by Johnny – Topboxer gloves. I went for a Topboxer Win1 and also considering getting an Alien (Mexican style, Grant-inspired design) to compare the two. In Singapore where I am, Cleto Reyes is selling for SGD$299 and Winning is $600. I can get both Win1 and Alien for USD$110 each (SGD$152). I could buy 2 Topboxer gloves for the price of a Cleto Reyes and 4 for the price of a Winning.
Would the quality of Cleto feel 2 times or Winning 4 times more? I believe it is always a law of diminishing returns – maybe they are 10-20% better (which is subjective), but do I feel like I’m missing out on good support, quality stitching and padding? I think I’m very happy with what I got for the price. Would you consider getting one of each from TopBoxer to use like me? They will also last 4-5 years, before you have to decide again which of the two type of gloves that you would finally get?
I’ve had both Winning and Reyes and hands down I prefer the Winning’s (I’ve had 4 pairs now over the years). The Reyes were just really hard, the lining was rough, the were overweight, and I felt the shape was awkward. The Winning’s just feel so natural for me. I’d pay the money every time.
I just pulled the trigger on a pair of black 16oz lace-ups from the winning-usa website; however, I see that my credit card has yet to be charged and I received no confirmation e-mail despite getting one from the website.
I e-mailed Mr. Kazumichi about it but have yet to receive a reply. Perhaps I just need to be a bit more patient, but I’ve done that in similar situations and have always payed the price for it. If I don’t hear anything within the next couple days, I’m going to notify my credit card company beforehand and tell them to cancel any charges that may arise for that business, items, date, and amount.
Anyone else here had anything similar happen with the winning-usa website?
I checked my e-mail just after posting here about my problem and found a new e-mail in my inbox from none other than Kataoka Keitaro of winning-usa. What timing!
Anyway, for reasons unknown to both me and my credit union, my credit card was declined. I ordered something else, a small and inexpensive item from another website that I needed using the same card and it worked without issue. As such, I went right back to the winning-usa website and put in my order and actually got both the order number from the website, like before, but an instant order confirmation and receipt e-mail, which I didn’t get before, showing everything is good to go.
Love your story. I’ve been to see Mr. Kazumichi 3-4 times over the years and I can 100% vouch for every word of the story. He’s the absolute best, nicest guy in the world. Always asks the same questions. Insists you take a picture together at the end with your new gear. The last time I was there he actively tried to talk me out of buying since my existing gloves were only a couple years old. Then he bitched for half an hour about how he was having problems with getting Winning Japan to send him enough stock. Just an absolute blast. The experience was worth every penny and the gloves and gear are even better!
Do you know boxing gloves maker 1v1fightgear.com? A veteran owned and made in USA, in Florida to be exact. The boxing gloves maker, Jason, only talks about quality and craftsmanship on every boxing gloves he built.
I just got 10oz fight gloves and now I know why people in the boxing industry love their boxing gloves.
I’m well aware of that brand. Jason personally contacted me and said he would send me a pair for review. Then when I didn’t hear from him for a while and followed up, he said he was too busy. I guess that’s a good sign of their quality. But I can’t personally speak on them since I’ve never tried them.