I’ve got some exciting news for fighters in the Los Angeles area. I am offering boxing workshops during the last weekend of July. All boxers, fighters, coaches, are welcome!
During this 2-hour interactive workshop, you’ll develop new fighting skills and get personal feedback on your boxing technique. The key topics will be developing world class balance & footwork for fighting, and advanced power punching technique. It’s a hands-on learning experience to develop your fighting skills directly from me!
Who this workshop is for:
Serious boxers, MMA fighters, martial artists, or coaches with an interest in learning world class footwork and punching technique. Although no prior experience is necessary, the workshop is more beneficial for individuals with at least 6 months of training experience in any fighting art. I will not be going over boxing basics—this workshop covers only advanced fighting technique!
Learn the secrets to balance and footwork used by the world’s best dancers. We’ll be doing the same drills I learned while training under my brother—Brian Nguyen—a world renowned tango champion. (FYI: did you know Muhammad Ali trained in ballet?)
First you’ll learn how to train and activate your ‘balancing’ muscles for better footwork. Then I’ll show you some advanced footwork tricks. You’ll find there is more to grounding yourself than simply bending your knees and lowering your center-of-gravity!
Things you will learn:
- how to stand solid like a rock but move with the grace of a classically trained dancer
- how to block punches without being pushed back
- how to move around the ring without getting tired
- how to move like a cat, slick and powerful (yes, there is a way to learn this!)
- how to move your feet quickly without upsetting your balance
- how to bounce in & out THE CORRECT WAY (slicker & more energy-efficient)
- the difference between a push-walker and a pull-walker
- slick step-drag technique
- tricky footwork moves like: the “fast pivot” and the “one-legged bounce”
- special drills and exercises for developing your balance muscles
- …and much more!
***Note: these are NOT the typical skipping drills you did in football practice!
In addition to the principles you’ve learned for fighting footwork, you will learn how to ground yourself for incredibly solid punches. First, we’ll break down the body mechanics behind the jab, cross, hook, and uppercut. Then, we’ll learn how to generate maximum rotational power (HINT: it’s not as simple as moving every part of your body).
I’ll demonstrate the key punching mechanics and show you how to load a punch from the INSIDE of your body. Once you know how to move your body, I’ll review some little-known secrets to DOUBLE YOUR PUNCHING POWER IMMEDIATELY.
Things you will learn:
- how to throw a real step jab (the commonly referenced but notoriously misunderstood “falling step” technique made famous by Jack Dempsey)
- how to throw deadly left hooks (even while popping your body up OFF the ground, a la Mike Tyson)
- how to throw killer right crosses without having to “load” the punch
- the proper way to “dig” an uppercut
- how to throw fast flurries WITHOUT having to think about handspeed
- how to punch non-stop without getting tired! (yes, it’s actually possible)
- how to generate maximum rotational force WITHOUT using all of your energy
- …and much more!
Learning the truly essential skills of power punching will allow you to throw powerful punches even while using less effort and less technique!
Cost – $50/person for each workshop. Early registration and payment required.
When – Saturday or Sunday from 2-4pm (you only need to register for one day, not both)
Location – the location will be finalized and emailed to you a few days before the weekend.
(It will be most likely in North Hollywood or somewhere else in the LA area.)
What to bring – shoes, socks, hand wraps, gloves (please be dressed for light physical activity)
Reservations – spots are limited to 15 persons/day so register ASAP.
(absolutely no refunds, no exceptions)
(absolutely no refunds, no exceptions)
would it be possible to film it live while you do it, and maybe you can add the footage to your e-book?
I definitely won’t be filming it but if the workshops are really popular, I might turn this into an ebook & video.
I’m a thousand miles away…goodluck and will wait your ebook
I agree with J!
will you be making some individual articles of each technique later on
These techniques are much too complicated for articles. I would probably share the easy ones as an article and the harder ones in a premium ebook.
i am over seas but would like the opportunity to learn these techniques
Then I’ll have to make this another ebook/video series!
Johnny, i’m a good thousand miles away from Los Angeles and couldn’t afford the flight so i would really appreciate it if you would make a combined or individual articles about the techniques you will be showcasing. Thank you very much for your help.
Hey Johnny! Great site, been perusing your articles for a decent amount of time, and have learned tons of theory turned into practice. Thanks for that! Unfortunately, I’m Minneapolis based, and cannot make your workshop. But if it becomes popular (I hope), maybe you could take it to major cities? Something to keep in mind. =] Keep it up!
If it becomes popular, I would definitely be willing to travel to other cities. Maybe I’ll have to organize some plans with established gyms or something.
I am from Spain… distance about 10.000 km snif snif
Good luck Johnny!
Note1 : Ebook and video superb idea!!!!
Note 2: Power punching secrets part 2????
Power punching secrets part 2 is being delayed because I’m busy writing the diet guide but it’ll come in about a month or so.
I would love to attend your workshop but wouldn’t be able to make it but if you did film it or offered it as a course I would definitely buy it & I’m sure plenty other people would too.
Hey Johnny Im having trouble with paypal, can i pay you in cash?
Hi SC,
I need payment in advance so I know exactly how many spots are available. May I ask what problems you’re having with Paypal?
I just had problems with the billing address but its working now. See you on the 28th.
Thanks, SC! I’ll see you soon.
Where is youre gym jonny? Do you use this stuff to train actual fighters in the amateurs and pros? i am from europe and was in LA early in the year. just sounds a bit like a gimmick.
I train out of several gyms and yes, this is stuff I use to train competing amateurs. A lot of this stuff sounds like a gimmick, doesn’t it? We’ll have to wait for the feedback to see if I’m as good as the hype!
You should come to Chicago and make one here !
Hey Paul can you recommend a boxing gym in Chi town for me to workout in while Im there for a while? I want to work out and possibly spar the talent there…amateur or semi pro guys. Thxs!
Best of luck with your workshop Johnny! Bro if its anything like your site it will be a awesome event for all. I really want to meet you at one of your gyms one day to train…in the near future.
BTW do you know of any boxing gyms in Chicago you’d recommend?
I never personally been to Chicago so I can’t recommend any right now. I hope the one Paul suggested works out for you.
Im currently training with Krav Maga Iliinois. They are located north from Chicato in Highland Park. The boxing coach si very good and he is very experienced and patienced. So if its close to you and you have time come and give a try
Thxs again Paul!
I would love to be there but I am in Ohio..Hope you can fime this for later or I will but it. Thanks..BIll
hey johnny i signed up for saturday and im not sure if the transaction went through.
Hi Thair,
It didn’t go through. Can you try it again? You’ll know the transaction finished when your paypal shows a payment.
I dont have a paypal account, I was paying as a guest. Do I have to sign up for paypal afterwards for it to work or can I just pay as a guest and the transaction will work without making one?
Never mind I got it thanks johnny see you there cant wait to learn all that stuff. I love boxing best sport in the world
I got it. You’re signed up for Saturday. See you soon, Thair.
Hey Johnny. Awesome site bro. I’m a beginner that just took up boxing 6 months ago, and I’m really interested in attending your workshop. I’m comfortable with the basics and have sparred a few times, but not sure if the techniques you plan to teach might be beyond my current ability. Do you think your workshop would be good for a beginner like myself?
Ray, I think you might be the perfect person for it. I will definitely be teaching many things beyond your level but there will be many things you would benefit from. As long as you generally know the basics of boxing and want to learn the things I mentioned above, the workshop will be perfect for you.
Man I love your posts very detailed and accurate. Thank you very much!
Man..Wish I could make it out there, Johnny. Hopefully you will have another in the future.
if i wanted to fight like aroan pryor what could i do to do this?
It depends what you like about his style.
Just felt like sharing this amazing video I found on youtube,
Dinner with the Champs (Ali, Frazier, Foreman, Norton, and Holmes together)
HEY GREAT VIDEO! Thank you for this. Very nice to see them talking about their fights.
thanks johnny for a great workshop ive been to a couple and by far this is the best . I am for sure going to use a lot of the things u showed me to improve footwork and power .U were able to breakdown things step by step not anybody can teach like that im glad i went and hope u make other types of workshops i wud really like to go them
Thank you Johnny for the great tips. You made the techniques nice and simple, easy to understand and execute when at the gym. I’ve reanalyzed how I throw punches and use my feet in the ring. I can definitely say that I learned a lot and I continue to see my skills improve ever since taking your workshop.
Hi Jhonny,
Are there any workshops scheduled for 2017?
Best regards and thanks for the great advice you give.
Not at the moment, Arturo. But where are you located? I’ve gotten a few requests but from all different corners of the world.
I’m located in Mexico, south of El Paso, TX.