A complete guide for those who don’t know what type of punching gloves and boxing gloves to buy. You will learn the difference between all the different types of gloves, their uses, and where to buy them. (Please see my UPDATED GUIDE – Best Boxing Gloves Review).
Punching Gloves come in the ever-confusing variety. What’s even more confusing is that the manufacturer claims that each product they offer is the best choice. I’ll help you decipher between the names and the claims.
Why Use Gloves?
Contrary to what other fighting forms like karate or kungfu will recommend, punching will wreck your hands over time EVEN if you are careful. Incorrect punching form as well as unprotected hands will lead to arthritis, weakened joints, weakened muscles, and decreased functionality of the hands over time. It’s scary but it does happen. To ensure that your hands will be protected and functioning well for the rest of your life, it’s important that you always protect them. Just like you would wear headgear to protect your head, you must wear punching gloves to protect your hand. Some punching gloves will even go a step further by providing extra cushion to prevent your opponents from taking too much damage.
A good pair of boxing gloves will be comfortable and will fit your hand around the wrist and fingers. It shouldn’t feel like the glove is tiring out your hand or forcing it to shape in a way that feels awkward. High quality gloves will withstand a punch time and time again without losing it’s cushioning qualities. Certain materials used to make the glove will determine how long it lasts before it tears apart or flattens up. It’s important to note that while some cheap gloves may feel just as comfortable as expensive gloves or seem to cushion the impact even better, they certainly will not stay that way over time.
Real Training Brands VS Toy Brands
Not all punching gloves are made with the mentality of real boxing training in mind. As with anything life, not all are made equal. The worst brands are the ones offered at large sporting chains like Big 5 Sports, Sports Chalet, and Sports Authority. The absolute worst punching gloves you could buy are the Everlast ones that look like the classic boxing gloves. Don’t EVER buy those – you will probably break your hands within a week if you do.
Expensive VS Inexpensive
Just because you paid more for your punching gloves does not make them better. However, the rule of thumb: you get what you pay for, is still valid. A $25 set of punching gloves will probably not be as good as a $60 pair of gloves from the same store. Use common sense and expect to pay at least $40 online or $55 if buying from a store. The best gloves will usually cost around $90 and up.
Different Glove Types
Bag Gloves – There are 2 kinds of bag gloves. The first type is the modern version that looks like a full-sized fully-padded glove that especially made for hitting the heavy bag. It has a denser padding that gives you more hand protection and allows you to hit the bag for longer without the glove going flat. It should go without saying that you shouldn’t be hitting a live opponent with these as the denser foam makes it more painful for sparring.
The second type of “bag gloves” are the old school kind. They look small, and really thin, as if you’re wearing very thin mitts over your hands. They were made only to protect your skin from tearing and don’t offer much cushion or wrist support. Depending on who you talk to (old school vs new school trainer, you will get a different answer about their functionality.) In my opinion, ignore them, they are a waste of time and money. They are designed to protect your knuckles while you deliver hard punches to the punching bag and serve to accustom your knuckles to harder impact. The biggest problem is that they don’t offer much cushion, or wrist support, and don’t weigh as much as a typical fight glove, which could mess up your timing later in the ring.
Sparring Gloves – These are thicker-cushioned gloves with soft padding to soften the blows from one fighter to another. Because this type of cushion is softer, you should only use it for sparring and not for bagwork. Hitting the heavy bag with the softer cushion will make this glove go flat quickly. It’s important to note that sparring gloves should be at least 14-16 ounces especially if you weigh anything over 130 pounds. Some people believe in sparring with gloves that are competition weight for your weight class. (Up to you to decide but at most gyms I was in, we sparred with 14-16oz gloves.)
Training Gloves – These are all-purpose gloves. They’re sold as being good enough for sparring and bagwork but you will realize it’s hard to get a perfect glove that can do both. Some of them are not thick or soft enough for sparring. But if you wanted a cheap all-purpose glove, this will be the closet thing. Figure out What Boxing Gloves to Use
Pro or Fight Gloves – Fight gloves are smaller and more compact to deliver more damage to your opponent. They are not recommended for anything other than real competition.
Aerobic or Cardio Gloves – These gloves are usually made obvious by their very low pricing. Avoid them! They have the least amount of padding and will fall apart faster than anything.
Does the color of your boxing gloves matter? YES! Although red is the classic color, it is less visible to the human eye than other colors in the spectrum. If you’re sparring against someone, it’s preferred that they wear gloves of a color that you can see. Don’t forget that wearing light colored gloves can also help your trainer catch your punches better. I’ve trained at night a lot so I love to buy blue, green, and white colored gloves. I still have a pair of red ones just because red is the classic boxing color. Another knock on red gloves is that sometimes you can’t see the build up of blood stains on the gloves. I know this is a bit morbid but I’d like to know if a pair of gloves have been bled on.
Lace-Up VS Hook & Loop
Lace-up gloves offer more comfort if you like your glove to fit snug around your wrist. For some fighters, it’s just a habit to have lace-up gloves. Hook & Loop gloves are made to be convenient and can be just as supportive as the lace-up while having the convenience of being hook & loop. Most people will prefer the hook & loop gloves because they can put them on themselves without much help. The bad parts about hook & loop in my opinion are that the elastic velcro hooks can tear into your cotto hand wraps and shred them. It’s not a big deal but it’s happened to me before and really annoyed the hell out of me. Lace-up gloves are actually not that hard to deal with. They might be considered even more convenient than hook & loop gloves if you have skinny wrists – since all you have to do is tie the laces just once and then slip your hands in and out every time before use.
Another great thing about lace-up gloves is that it allows you to walk around the gym and ask people to tie your gloves. It makes a great icebreaker for you to walk around and meet the pros, trainers, and other fighters in your gym.
My Thoughts on Different Glove Brands
- Title – I love Title boxing gear. Their brand is quality without being overpriced. It also happens that I see their gloves in boxing gyms all the time. Even their classic training gloves will take years of abuse. Easily the best value for the money.
- Fighting – This is Titleboxing’s “premium” brand. The cushion and padding are great but the wrist areas can feel a little skimpy. I have the hook & loop version and the velcro feels very cheap. Nonetheless, they feel like a great quality glove and cost considerably less than the other premium brands.
- Everlast – One of the most popular names synonymous with the sport of boxing. Much of their gear is unfortunately a bunch of hype. I don’t know why this company has a toy division but many of their products are over-priced and poorly made. Their gear becomes higher quality only when you buy the higher-end pro-grade stuff. You basically don’t see any real boxing gloves from Everlast until you pay about $70 or more. Everything from $65 and down feels too stiff, too much like a toy, or just not anatomically comfortable for the hand. Not surprisingly, I see the name Everlast more inside little kid’s toy closets than I do in real boxing gyms.
- Grant – Awesome gloves with protection all over. They’re very well padded and used in a lot of professional fights. There is a lot of padding around the wrist area which is great defensive fighters or guys that take punches on their wrist a lot (peek-a-boo style, high guard, etc). Excellent quality.
- Century – CRAP. Absolute crap. Unfortunately, many people see this cheap brand sold everywhere like at Big 5 sports and Sports Chalet and actually believe it’s a real boxing brand – IT ISN’T! Stay away!
- TKO – Imitation pro gloves. Their gloves might look thick and feel good at first but they’ll quickly break down and stiffen which gives you less protection over time. Avoid these wannabe-pro gloves like the plague!
- Reyes (Cleto Reyes) – believe the hype. These gloves are made to be more compact at the fist to aid the puncher. It’s important to note that these gloves are made for FIGHTING, definitely NOT TRAINING/SPARRING. The gloves punch harder because they have less protective cushion so it’s important to protect your hands as much as possible in training. They are also very high quality and last forever if you can get the authentic mexican-made ones (there are hidden links on the internet). Again, I do not recommend these gloves for training, especially on the heavy bag.
- Rivals – Very nice, expensive stuff that also looks very cool. In my opinion, you can find equally good gloves for a bit less. It’s up to you if you like their cool glove styling. Quality wise, they are 10 out of 10 – among the best type of equipment you can find. Their headgear are my favorite.
- Ringside – Just like Rivals, it’s very nice and super high quality at a higher cost. These gloves will last forever! They feel great and will look new even though they are 3-4 years old. The inside and outside of the glove stays perfectly intact. Stitching stays together, the cushion still thick. It’s really great quality. Everyone who’s owned a pair of ringside can attest to this. Another 10 out of 10 brand.
- PRO (ProBoxingEquip)– This is a company that is located in Southern California in the LA area. Their punching gloves are crap. I’ve tried even their professional ones before and they go flat within months of heavy use. Avoid them no matter how much their salesperson discounts the price.
- If you mention any brands outside of these, I probably will have never tried them or not long enough to form an opinion. You’re still welcome to post a comment and maybe someone else can reply to you.
Purchasing Recommendations
The best way to buy punching gloves, and maybe anything else in life, is to go to a store that carries the product and try them out in person. Get a feel for the gear and use your own judgment for “quality” and “feel”. Don’t let the salesperson talk you into buying their own generic store-brand boxing products.
After you’ve tried out a feel brands and decided which ones you want, go look for cheaper prices online – they will most likely be MUCH MUCH cheaper over the internet. OPTIONAL – you can call the store back and let them know you’ve found a better price online but you’d be willing to buy in person if they can match the price. I do feel it’s worth paying a higher price in person if the store has a good return policy and good customer service.
For starters, www.titleboxing.com is a great place to start.
Read my other guides on choosing boxing gloves:
what about Winning?
I see almost all the pro’s training with Winning gloves and headgear. I heard they offer the best protection and even have cushion on the palm to help block punches. I’ve bought many gloves and I’m hoping these would be my last pair. (at least for a while)
Johnny N –
I really appreciate the time and consideration you have put into your articles – and have a question about lace ups vs hook and loop – I ordered some 14oz IMF tech gloves and was sent lace ups by mistake which are really nice and feel good when i lace them properly.
I have skinny wrists and can slip my hand in with some effort into the gloves pre laced – So my question is in your opinion am I putting my hands at risk by not have the laces at their optimum tightness? Some times at my gym there isnt anyone there to help me and was wondering if the hook and loop would offer better support than 2/3 tight laces –
i dont mind the laces and just want the best for my hands and wrists. Thanks in advance for your reply.
Hahaha, I did the same thing for many years. I never had any problems but I always re-tied the gloves tighter when I was in a serious match.
hi johnny are the brand twins a good pair of boxing gloves.
Generally speaking: yes.
hey what do u think about the adidas gloves and head gear is it good long lasting quality ???
Yes, the more expensive versions are high quality. I like Adidas gear.
So hey johnny, here where i live i can either get “Naja” boxing gloves (a national brand, Brazil), Pretorian or Adidas. Adidas is the most expensive, and im not very rich so it would be really hard for me to get it. I’d like you to give me an advice, my english is not very good but, if you could discover something about these naja, and tell me which is the best: naja or pretorian, id be so thankful. Resuming: national brand (from Brazil) or pretorian? * i wanna get 16 oz cuz im very small hahah
I have a few fighters, one of them has the winning brand. Very nice gloves in my opinion over priced. I have been buying the stone brand also very nice and priced right. I’m no saleman, I’m just saying nice glove.
Have you ever tried the Hyabusa gloves. They make are quite expensive, and I was curious to know your opinion before I start ordering them. Not to mention they are more stylish than the Rivals gloves, and that is a hard feat to perform…
I don’t like them. Please read my other comments on them.
I think they’re good gloves and well designed. However, they are far to hard for sparring (boxing) bag gloves only!
I agree. Winning gloves are very good. Two up and coming, high quality brands that are making a good name for themselves fast, are Hayabusa and Venum. These won’t be in any title fights, but they are high quality, even at an entry level. I would recommend buying above the entry level, but they are great. I could not find a post option, so I am responding first to your great “Winning” post. Revgear and Throwdown are good and I think that Title may make them. They have hook and loop pull down flaps to protect your training partner. Lonsdale and Leone are good. Cheers!!
The first half of my comment did not appear unfortunately. So here is is: Cleto Reyes, Grant, and top quality Everlast gloves appear in more modern title fights than I can name. The article is great, and I agree with everything, but I am not sure why Grant is not on here. Grant gloves are top quality and are definitively padded for defensive/counterpunches. Rival makes great gear, head to toe, as does Title, and Ringside. Like the article/author said-be careful to make sure you are buying real quality with Everlast. Too many toys. I listed Lonsdale, because they appear in so many UK title fights, like another great contributor noted, but they are readily available here. Superb article. All the best!
Sorry for the extended posts/self replies. Gloves like rev gear, warrior, and one at hat I listed, Throwdown, are not really good brands themselves, but commissioned by ringside or title, with their own logo. Greater care needs to be taken, to check their materials, and zit is just safer to buy Title or Ringside. My Throwdown gloves are actually
Ringside gloves with a Throwdown logo. I now regret including these at all, because their purchase is taking an unnecessary chance at buying junk.
I somehow missed Grant listed here, in the descriptions, but not in the pics of gloves. I am very embarrassed and apologize for this. Clearly I need new glasses. I really screwed up my responses and I will try to erase them. Not my best moment – that is for sure.
All is forgiven, Robert!
Thanks Johnny. I clearly must have been punch drunk when I wrote my awful responses, as I know much better. The more I tried to correct them, the worse they got. UGH! Your article is great. Your videos on YouTube are great. Keep up the amazing work. All the best!
How about lonsdale
Lonsdale stuff is probably only really recognized in England/ Europe but my gym has mostly Lonsdale gloves for sparing and i find them very comfortable and durable
What about Winning? continued.
I only have two pairs of gloves now. Laced 16 oz Cleto Reyes training gloves and Winning 16oz laced training gloves. I love these gloves. The Reyes gloves I only use for sparring. They should not be used for regular training because of the lack or knuckle support. The Winning gloves are the best for training. Real stiff wrist support so I no longer have wrist problems. The problem with these gloves is that when I spar, I feel like I’m shedding power from my punches.
Summary: Reyes gloves for sparring and Winning gloves for training (mitts and heavybag)
thanks very helpfull
punching bag
i have never boxed before but we recently got a punching bag in our home.
what is a good glove type and brand i can buy that is just for the heavy bag.
i am not going to be sparring or anything like that.
not too expensive since its just for my own benefit. and what shud i look for such as wrist protection or knuckle protection?
Please read all the comments above.
bag gloves
If you want good wrist and knuckle protection, just use regular training gloves. You can go into any gym and you’ll see tons of fighters using their regular training/sparring gloves as bag gloves. To me, bag gloves are much too cheap to offer real protection.
I just got some 16 oz Everlast protex 2 gloves at the new sports store along with some hand wraps and a 70 lb punching bag. The gloves were only 30 bucks and the bag 60. They seem to be ok gloves for beginning practice. The “gel” version was 40 bucks but I felt no difference.
By the way, is it ok to have your hands fairly relaxed inside the gloves when punching? My forearms really tire out quick when trying to clench. At the same time, I have this aversion to loose fingers because it seems unnatural to punch hard without a clenched fist.
Your hand should be clinched very firmly , but if you have hand wraps i would suggest looking at the link to tech you how to wrap them solid.
Please read my guides on proper boxing technique. The hands are supposed to be relaxed at all times and clench only when you punch.
relaxed hands inside punching gloves
For proper punching technique. You’re supposed to keep the hands relaxed and clench the fist right before the point of impact. But yes, tightening your fist all the time will tire you out very quickly.
Winning Gloves
I noticed that you did not mention the Winning brand, I recently picked up a pair of 16oz Winning Lace Ups, what are your thoughts on this brand
winning boxing gloves are very good
Great padding, conditioning and feel. They remind me of Grant.
Great site!! Thanks for the incredible information.
Would you recommend the Winning “Velcro” gloves (http://www.winning-usa.com/products.html) for training or their “Pro” gloves (http://www.winning-usa.com/products.html)? I understand the training gloves should be used for training and/or sparring, and not competition gloves, but I’m not shore if the categories on the Winning website correspond with this. Their pro gloves are the only ones that comes laced and in 18oz.
Everyone I know gets the pro gloves. I don’t see why the velcro wouldn’t work for training purposes.
Hey Johnny, what do you think about JAAB gloves and gear? That’s all they sell at my boxing gym, but I can’t find any online reviews or store links or anything like that.
I’ve never used them.
how about twins??
twins boxing brand is awesome!
I didn’t mention them because there’s too many good companies.
tnx for the reply!!!..;-)
how can i make my fist harder??
Conditioning the fist can be done safely but you really need to know what your doing and for combat sports while it might be helpful i doubt it would give you any significant edge. Fist conditioning came about for self defence purposes during the 1800s when violence was a little more common and people had need of their hands without breaking them every time they threw a strong punch. There are loads pieces of equipment to do the job but simplest and best ( ain’t that the way) is called a Makiwara and the best example of a person doing it well would be Morio Higaonna who has spent well over 40 years conditioning his hands and has has them medically checked over and are in perfect health.
In short yeah you can condition the first. Is it worth it ? Probably not, but if you want to give it ago look for someone who knows what they are doing ( which might be hard in west as there is a lot of crap out there when it comes to this sort of thing.)
P.s thanks for the great website Johnny . As a karate guy there is a lot of cross . Got loads of ideas and routines to try out . Keep up the amazing work man!
Thanks for stopping by, Aaron! Always interesting to hear thoughts from fighters of different styles.
Can you tell me what type of glove I need for heavy bag? The specific one.
This is to the makiwara comment. As said in the west it will be hard to find proper training. Unfortunately it will be near impossible. To further explain hardening your hand is not the goal of the makiwara. It is a technique tool. A proper makiwara moves, the board is punched lightly and teaches the user to snap their strike. Over time the hand hardens slightly but not in any special way and you can still damage the hand. This is a very general explanation and as it is not the purpose of this page I won’t go into detail. The art of hardening your fist is lost in most martial arts especially in the west, most the training you find will result in damaged hands. But find what works best for you and be safe. Just please don’t go hitting 4x4s.
hardening the fist
You mean like kungfu style? If you want to harden your fist, you can beat the heavybag more often which builds bone mass and bone density. You can also work on forearm and wrist exercises which allows you to tighten your fist harder when you punch.
hardening the fist
hey man i am so thankful..;-) uhmmm if i beat the bag is it with gloves or without? thanks!!
If you’re working a heavybag ALWAYS use gloves. You’ll end up with bruised knuckles for a week if you punch a heavybag with only handwraps (believe me, I’ve done it before). You can have all the fun you want on a speedbag without gloves, though.
boxing gloves for women
I just started a kickboxing class and the instructor suggested us to buy 14 oz everlast brand gloves. I have really small hands and pretty short arms so the gloves cover half of my forearm. are the gloves too big or does it matter? I tried tofind smaller ones but the only ones I’ve found are the muay thai gloves and are way out of my budget. would you suggest mma gloves for hitting the bag and sparring?
gloves for females
Gloves that cover the forearm are fine! (The larger size gives a big shield to defend against punches!) I would recommend against mma gloves (finger gloves that look like biker gloves) for hitting the bag & sparring since they offer less protection. Everlast is pretty much the minimum standard but you can always find better, I’m sure your instructor won’t mind. I highly recommend titleboxing.com for some great deals.
I started a cardio kickboxing class, just cardio and hitting a heavy bag.
What are your thoughts on the gloves with the open fingers?
gloves for males with big hands
where do you find big gloves and where too buy them
big gloves
Have you tried TitleBoxing? You should call in and ask them for their opinion. They have a great selection and some big guys at our gym got their over-sized gloves from there.
boxing gloves brand
is fighting sports a good boxing brand ¸? and where can i buy winings boxing gloves ??
Fighting Sports is a good brand
I use fighting sports right now so I definitely like them. They are good and cheap. Sometimes the velcro strap can be a little cheap depending on the model you have. I’m not sure where to buy Winnings gloves. Have you went to their manufacturer website and look up to see where they might be sold?
we are gloves manufactuer in China
hello, every one, we are manufactuer as gloves in YIWU ZHEJIANG CHINA,please link into our websit http://cnunion.en.alibaba.com
Fuel Fight Gear
I picked up a pair of Fuel Fight Gear’s “punchers gloves” a few weeks ago when they started selling them in my gym. Amazing. They are like a cross between a Grant and a Reyes glove. They matched the description on their website down to a ‘t’. They are 16oz sparring gloves, but have a very compact feel to them, which helps fit nicely between my opponents’ guard.
They’re on their site for $109, but I got them at my local boxing gym for $75. Well worth the money.
winning boxing gloves
is there any winning boxing gloves hook and loop
are pro mex gloves any good?
@ alex – I didn’t see any pro-level Winning gloves with the hook and look feature. You can check them out here: http://www.winning-usa.com/products.html
@ AB – PRO MEX gloves are good gloves if you like the Mexican style–less padding. They are supposed to be a wannabe Clete Reyes but at a lower cost. We have them at the gym and people do like them. They are quality gloves and seem to last a long time. I personally avoid them because I prefer having more padding. But that’s just me.
are the carta brand boxing gloves any good?
@Sibtul, I’ve never tried Carta boxing gloves so I really don’t know.
Women’s Gloves
What is the difference between men’s and women’s gloves, besides the women’s are pink? I plan to use the gloves for bag training and sparring. So, should I get the extra-large (16 oz) gloves? Any thoughts on the rival rb10-d30 gloves?
@Lori – other than color, women’s gloves are supposed to be a better fit anatomically for women’s smaller hands and wrists. There doesn’t seem to be much difference really. I wouldn’t recommend 16oz gloves unless you’re 160lbs and up. I love anything from rival and will be looking to be the D30 gear as soon as I can. Let me know how they work for you if you get them.
What about adidas boxing gloves? I have seen it on amateur competition, and it seems like it’s quiet good
I bought a pair of adidas gloves and they were crap. Really cheap wrap around area, and from the internet, they look cool, but don’t be fooled.
adidas gloves are great especially aiba model, they are official olympic games gloves so they can’t be crap.
@Richard – I like the brand adidas but have never tried their boxing gloves. They’re more popular in Europe than in America, from what I’ve seen. I imagine them to be very good but I’ve never tried a pair. Perhaps you could tell me yourself?
Big gloves for big boys
Im 6’5, 260 and Im having a bear of a time finding gloves in any local stores that fit. Any opinion on a brand which tends to run large in the hand compartment. I’ve been told that windy’s and lonsdale’s tend to run a little bigger, but I don’t want to order online without a more solid opinion.
I’ve contacted a couple of local gyms and ask what their heavyweights are wearing, but so far i’ve received no word back. Thanks in advance.
@J. Lloyd, Windy’s DO run big. I’ve noticed them in a gym before and I felt like even with a wrapped hand, I was still able to squirm around the gloves. I’ve never tried lonsdale, though. I’ve seen many heavyweights using Grant gloves.
i heard fairtex are some of the best gloves is it true?
Any thoughts on Top Contender?
are TapouT brand gloves any good?
Hey I got some rival gloves and they are really nice , good quality!
Fairtex and Rival are definitely very good gloves. I like both although I’ve never used Fairtex, but I know many serious fighters who do. We do have a pair of Top Contender at the gym. They are good durable gloves but I don’t remember anything special about them. I’ve never tried Tapout brand gloves and I don’t recommend buying gloves from a company that doesn’t specialize in boxing gloves. Just my 2 cents.
Thank you for your review, it is very helpful! I wanted to buy Twins gloves, but really didn’t want to pay $80 for the pair I wanted. After reading this review and the amazon reviews, I think I will go with Title gloves, but I also saw a brand called MRX that sells a nice looking glove made from cowhide leather. Have you used MRX? And if so, would you recommend them over Title? Thank you.
Just reveived a pair of the MRX mma glove.. Total crap. I actually think that if I flex my hand into a fist that the single stitch job will tear. What a RIP OFF. Total waste of time and money on the MRX gloves. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR DECENT GLOVES FOR ANYTHING DO NOT PURCHASE MRX GLOVES. They are made in pakistan and are of very poor grade leather (pleather) and stitching is poorly done. Really wish I would have read reviews before purchasing.
Hey Buddy. I know it sucks about the gloves from Pakistan.
Sorry if I seem to be trying to be wise after the fact, but seriously you gotta be — as the English would say — daft to buy any boxing product that comes from the Indian subcontinent
wow they look horrible
@Cory – MRX appears to be a generic brand that I would totally avoid. Twins or Title are a much better choice.
Thanks for the reply Johnny. I did order a pair of Title gloves. I haven’t received them yet, but feel very good about the order, thanks to your feedback. I couldn’t find any good info about MRX, and I’m glad I did not try them. I’m going to buy a new Ringside 150 leather heavy bag too. My other home bags have been Everlast, and I’ve found them to get pretty soft and filled with rips after a while.
I have one more question, if you don’t mind? Do you think a 150 lb bag is too big for a 150 lb person? Some people recommend lighter, but I feel like I hit hard enough that the extra weight will help keep the bag stable. I’m not sure what the bags at the gym weigh, but they are much more solid and feel better than the bag I have at home, which I think is 70 lbs. Thank you again.
Casanova Gloves
How about Casanova gloves?
Casanova gloves are excellent for training! I got mine a few weeks ago and couldn’t be happier. Nothing like Reyes – more like Winning. Lots of padding for the knuckles and great wrist protection.
@Cory – 150lb is very heavy. The thing is, you actually want your bag to swing but not too much. 150lb is a pretty light person. The bag shouldn’t be flying if you’re hitting properly and not pushing the bag around.
@Pops – from what I’ve researched, Casanova gloves have very little padding and meant for hurting people. If you’re looking for a good training glove, I’d avoid it.
I was looking at getting the Reyes gloves, but you mention they are not suitable for training. I’m a bit confused, as you say sparring gloves are good all-round gloves, and these are sparring gloves. Does this mean I’d need a seperate pair for the heavy-bag? If so, what size would be best for a 143-149lb boxer? Many Thanks.
Hi Frank, the reason why I don’t like Reyes is because their gloves are “puncher’s gloves”. They have less padding on the knuckles and don’t protect your hand as much. It’s really just my personal preference but it’s ultimately your decision. I suggest that you compare Reyes with another brand and see for yourself what I mean. Yes, Reyes hits harder but it’s less protection over the long run. For you I’d recommend 12oz for bag work and 16oz for sparring. If you’re doing boxing just for fun, then stick with one pair of 16oz. I usually recommend Ringside. Or if you want to save money, get Title/Fighting.
Thanks Johnny. I’ll check those out. I think the advice for extra protection is advisable and will consider it. After just a few months, I am getting a little pain in the power/backhand. I guess it’s called a ‘heavy-bag’ for a reason.Thanks for your time.
Have anyone tested the RDX gloves ?
Rdx got one “Leather Gel Boxing Glove”
RDX Gel, I just got some 16oz. They’re not too bad, but I think the Everlast EverGel 10 oz. were far better when I tried them out.
If you want a great glove, that is comfortable and forms an excellent fist with superior knuckle protection – get some Green Hill training/sparring gloves. I got their GYM gloves for heavybag/focus mitt training and their TIGER gloves for all purpose/sparring work. The 16oz TIGER’s are really great on the heavybag. The Green Hill’s are supposed to be excellent for serious boxers and long heavybag and training sessions.
I find them to be better than my Title’s, Everlast’s, Top Contender’s and likely Lonsdale’s, which I haven’t got yet, but am hoping to arrive next week.
I’ve had to try many different boxing gloves since taking up boxing this summer, because my knuckles were getting sore after long heavybag workouts ( I never used wraps early on, but I do so now).
Now with so many pairs of boxing gloves, I can workout a couple of times a day and will always have ‘fresh’ gloves.
I tried to get some RIVAL Ultra bag gloves, but they were back-ordered so I went with the Top Contender sparring glove instead. The Top Contender’s are very soft and feel comfortable, but they are large sized, while the Green Hill’s have a more compact nature to them and are very comfortable.
The RIVAL Ultra’s may be better, but since they are only a bag glove, I can wait until later for them.
IMO, right now, the Green Hill TIGER’s are the best I’ve tried so far.
I was wondering if it would be ok to use a pair of 18oz Grant Sparring gloves for overall training. Would it greatly reduce the life of the gloves or would it be fine? Would there be any advantages to using 1 pair of sparring gloves for all of my training needs?
Thanks in advanced,
Bernard, I don’t know how big you are but holding 18oz all the time can slow you down. You want to use lighter gloves to work on speed at times. It’s not about developing the speed, it’s about figuring what to do with the speed when you have it. Using the same pair of gloves for ALL your training needs is common but if you can afford it, I would have 2. You don’t want to have one beat up pair. I have a lighter pair (12) and a sparring pair (16). Experiment and have fun but using 18oz all the time is a bit much.
Shevlin Boxing gloves
I wanted to know if you heard about Shevlin Boxing gloves? If so, what are your thoughts on them? Aslo,
right now, I’m using a pair of Pro Main Event Fight Gear gloves. I’m using 16 0z. for training in hitting a heavy bag. My wrist started hurting last time I went. I’m also a smaller frame woman. What are your thoughts?
Hi Monica, I’ve never tried Shevlin or even Pro Main Event. You could also try wrapping your hands differently as well as the way that you throw your hooks. I like Ringside and Grant if you need more wrist support.
I’m a female too and used to use 16 0z gloves, but switched to 12. Much better, and more similar to sparring/fighting. You do adjust wrists to different gloves. In the beginning when I went from 16 to 12, I kept hurting my wrist until I got adjusted
What about Golden Gear. they are a newer company handmade in Thailand at a fraction of the cost of other handmade quality gear. Ive had their gloves for over a year now and are still in perfect condition. The owner dan is like 18 or very young and very helpful and very ambitious. Check it out.
Hi Joey, I’ve never tried Golden Gear but at a glance the gear seems very generically made. For the high prices of $80 for training gloves, I’d rather stick to brands I know like Ringside, Grant, etc.
Hey did you ever try Golden Gear MMA out. They are growing and i have been supporting them since.
Check them out. You should email Dan as he has given people good discounts before to try out the brand. He may be willing to send you a free pair of gloves to try out. They have a lot of new products now and are coming out with more. I love their gloves more than my Ringside, Fairtex, and even Hayabusa. Hope all is well Joey. Keep the great articles coming!
They look like the same mass-produced fighting gear I see sold by a gajillion other companies. I would treat them as average until I try them for myself. Thanks for sharing.
I’ve used Golden Gear, I’m training Muay Thai but have a boxing background, that’s why I’m constantly here.. Their gloves are well made. I’ve had the older version for over a year and that’s with using it 6 times per week. It feels like a fairtex glove, I like the wrist support, not too long with sufficient amount of padding. I have white gloves and the creases visible after heavy use, but I guess that’s the price of owning white gloves. I even purchased a new pair of GG gloves because it feels has sufficient knuckle support and allows me to open up the palm area when I catch kicks. I also purchased them because I wasn’t too fond of the pair of Windy gloves that I purchased.
Hi, what about Twins? Are they a martial art glove? Also what about Title?
I like Twins, nice but expensive. You don’t have to buy that level of gloves. Ringside is a great fit and fits better for females, in my opinion.
How do you think Everlast is? For their more pricier gloves? I like to have the laces and trying to find one in pink but not having luck. I wanted to go with Cleto Reyes Safetec gloves in pink cause I like the lace look. But saw some Titles with laces on eBay. What do you think about the Cleto Reyes Safetec?
I’m not a big fan of Everlast. I highly recommend Ringside for female gloves. They have a nice tight fit. I’ve never tried the Cleto Reyes Safetec gloves but I do like their brand. Title/Fighting is good too and pretty cheap. Their quality is a little less than the big brands but they’re still durable and good quality.
I was thinking about the Ringside boxing gloves that you were saying that they have a good fit for women. I like their Professional gloves http://www.ringside.com/ringside/ringside-professional-fight-gloves-9.html
Can I use those for heavy bag and sparring?
For heavy bag and sparring, I recommend training gloves which have more cushion than professional fighting gloves.
Thank you for your help on what brand is recommended for women. However, just wanted to know, can you use a sparring glove for heavy bag training and sparring? I saw this Ringside boxing glove that is sparring, one has the” IMF Tech”, and the other has the “4 Quad Layer Impact Form”. Even tho it has those technologies built into the gloves, it’s still sparring. Is it ok? I like how it has the laces, but if it’s bad to use, I can live without the lace option. Please let me know if those 2 sparring gloves are optional for heavy bag and sparring.
Ringside is good stuff. I don’t mind the laces at all but it’s really a personal preference. Unless you really like the feel of laces, I would avoid them. You can definitely use sparring gloves for anything else you want but do know that the heavy bag will compact the glove and make it less soft and protecting for your sparring partner.
here is the links to those gloves I mentioned.
Hey Johnny,
I started doing MMA (boxing, kickboxing, jujitsu) almost a year ago and since I found your site I go to it atleast once a week. Great site, great info. Has helped me so much with my footwork, stance, and drills. Sometimes we use boxing gloves for sparring and I’m ready to buy my own. Your review of the gloves above was very informative. I’m curious about what you think of some of the MMA companies that have their own boxing gloves (Fairtex, Hayabusa, etc)? I don’t mind spending a little more on a pair of gloves since I know they will last me a long time. Specifically I was trying to decide between the Rival’s and the Haybusa Elite. They both look really nice and from the reviews I ready have good quality as well. Any feedback you could provide would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance. Keep up the good work on the site.
If you’re using the gloves for boxing, stick to the boxing brands. In my opinion, the MMA gloves don’t compare. They might look the same and feel the same but they don’t hold up for as long. I’ve used and also been hit by Hayabusa gloves and they’re good quality but they don’t compare to Rival and Ringside.
I don’t know what it is but MMA gloves are usually way too hard and terrible for sparring. I imagine this is because they are filled with inferior padding and so they have to make it hard so it lasts longer. Boxing gloves have great padding that stays strong throughout years of abuse.
Thanks for the feedback Johnny, you definitely make some good points and have officially swayed my decision :). Thanks for the help.
YES!! I’m glad.
Thank you for your great review.
I sow BOES training/sparring gloves online on http://www.canbox.ca. The gloves looked good on the picture. Could you please share you opinion about Boes product if you have any experience with them?
That website felt sketchy to me. The BOES gloves look cheap and generic. For that price, I would rather go with Rival, which is a great canadian brand.
Thank you, Johnny. I will follow your advise.
I don’t know Johnny, at some of the MMA and boxing fight clubs I visited in the Greater Toronto Area, BOES gloves are the new ‘hotness’. Lennox Lewis and George Chuvalo were at one of those clubs, HUF Boxing, in the summer for a youth camp. I’m just sayin….
The BOES gloves are made from top notch full grain leather and the prices on the website above are actually 30% better than what they were asking at some clubs.
I tried them out and they were very nice quality, but large in size (compared to the compact Green Hills) and a little snug for me at 16oz.. The main thing that prevented me from buying them though, was I found them rather firm for a training/sparring glove and if I hit someone with them it’s likely they would get hurt. (Did I mention I’m a heavyweight?)
My solution, was to have dedicated training gloves (Green Hill-Gym, Lonsdale, RDX Gel) for mitt work, double-end bag, hanging and free standing heavy-bag work; plus dedicated sparring gloves (Everlast 18oz. Green Hill-Tiger, Top Contender SuperSofts) for rotation purposes.
Also, I finally got some Rival gloves and wraps. RB10 and RB50. Both are specifically bag gloves, with the d3o intelli-shock padding – the wraps have intelli-shock too.
They weren’t cheap, but I think they will be worth it. I’ll need some more time before I can give a review however, because I injured the middle finger on my right hand (looks like I need wear wraps ALL the time, plus hold back a bit with my hooks) which combined with being away from home for work purposes (I’m a heavy construction Boilermaker) meant taking the last 6 weeks off from boxing training.
Trial and error and injury has forced me to buy the Rivals and if I had any advice to give someone about boxing gloves, I’d say spend a little bit more $$$ to get a lot more protection.
I wish I had found your site and articles sooner, but do think I’ll be ready to hit the heavybag with renewed focus again in a few days and from what I’ve heard about the Rival d3o Intelli-shock padding, I should be as good as new.
I will post a review soon.
Thanks for letting us know, King Lion! I never tried the BOES gloves but the reason I said generic was because the shape and stitching of the gloves look very familiar. Because of my website, I get sent literally hundreds of offers from mass manufacturers of boxing gloves looking to sell me cheap deals. The BOES gloves are shaped and look exactly like the ones I have been shown.
I love the Rival stuff. I have the new d3o headgear.
I have a pair of Top Ten gloves. They are great for sparring. They have plenty of padding that really does take the sting out of your punches which means you can go that little bit harder without inflicting to much damage on your sparring partners. I’ve been using mine 2-3 time a week for 5-8 rounds of sparring (+ acouple of warm up rounds on the bag) for the last year and a half and they are almost as good as new. However, although they protect the hands really well, I don’t enjoy hitting the bag in them. The curved strick surface feels a bit coupled with the large amount of padding feels a bit mushy. However, for sparring, these are the best gloves I have seen / used / been hit with.
Thanks for the info, Rich. I’ve heard of Top Ten before but only seen them in competition (in like Canada) and never in training. Now I know why.
First of all, thank you so much for all the hard work. You truly have helped me through your website.
Im curious, in your opinion what are the all time greatest sparring gloves you´ve ever used and also what are the greatest training gloves you´ve ever used? Despite the price.
You’re welcome, Raven! The “GREATEST” sparring/training gloves? I can’t answer that, I’ve used so many and enjoyed them all. Ringside, Grant, Rival, Fighting Sports are the first brands that come to mind.
Thanks for the reply
What are YOUR personal favourite sparring and \ or training gloves?
Answered above, Oscar. I don’t have a favorite. There are several good brands out there.
What u hink about BADBOY boxing gloves?
I’ve never seen them or used them.
Hi Johnny
I want to say firstly I love your website, I use your site all the time for advice.
I am from South Africa where boxing is sadly not that developed. I am one of the few trying to excel in boxing with limited resource so your site is great, but I do not like your prejeduce against Everlast its a brand I have been using for years and nothing beats it, we do get Ringside & Cleto Reyes here. But I do think everlast is great not a bunch of hype especially their gloves. No disrespect meant.
Thanks again for a great site.
Hi Jaco,
I’m giving a negative review to the cheap Everlast gloves which are sold in many sports stores here in the states. I have no problems with the professional grade Everlast gloves which are often used in training and competition. The problem with Everlast is that they do have a line of cheap quality products which are targeted for non-serious boxers.
Hi Johnny,
Just wondering if you can help me out. I am a female boxing in Australia for fitness. Although these are fitness classes we are doing everything boxing apart from being punched. These sessions are not being held in a gym. I started approx 3 months ago and are now having trouble with my gloves. I have bag gloves (mike tyson brand) which are now hurting the fleshy part of my middle finger to the point that i can’t bend it properly 24 hours after. It then comes good a couple of days later.
My Trainer thinks that the ridge in the gloves is pressing on this area of my hand when i punch and given that i am now getting stronger has suggested i upgrade the gloves. Ive read your reviews re: sparring gloves but they are just so big and cartoon like. What’s your suggestion for me. I like the compactness of the bag gloves as i feel i have more direction and control when punching. Also keeping in mind I’m never going to be hitting anyone. Is their a type you know of that are smaller or am i going to have to get used to the big ones. I’m boxing 3-4 times a week- 45 min sessions, on pads and bag. I looked at the rival ones which like the look of but they had a video showing them and they were huge.
Throwing punches places a lot of stress on your hands. You have to get decent training gloves if you want the protection. Sparring gloves are for sparring, so avoid those. I suggest getting the bigger bag gloves that look more like boxing gloves. It also helps to wrap your hands properly. The small ones can only offer so much protection and then you’ll have to use bigger gloves if you throw harder punches.
Thanks Johnny. I’ll get some.
Thanks again.
Hi Johnny,
I stumbled upon your site a couple of months ago and haven’t looked back. You put together great information and it’s pretty easy to see why you have such a loyal following. I’m also very impressed that you’ve been patiently answering questions on this thread for a full year!
I’ve been training in an MMA program for a few months now and I bought a pair of Everlast Protex 2 training gloves before I knew any better. My wrists have gotten very sore through working on focus mitts and Thai pads and I’ve been looking for something that will provide the protection I need.
I’ve tried on a few different pairs: Fairtex, which are obviously very high quality and have great wrist support, but are too big for my skinny wrists and fingers; Twins, which I thought had very stiff padding and were also too big for my hands (and they were 8oz!); and Ringside, which, no pun intended, fit like a glove and had great padding despite a few years of use, but seemed skimpy at the wrist, where I need most of my support.
Everything I’ve been reading on forums and reviews says that Rivals are great but are better for people with bigger hands, plus they’re a little pricier than my budget allows. I’ve heard Ringside gloves run small (you even mentioned while answering a comment that they are better for women and I’m assuming it’s for this reason). Is this true? Have they improved their wrist support in recent years?
I’m seriously considering the Ringside Gel Shock Safety Sparring gloves that you have pictured at the top of this post. Have you ever trained with them? Given the situation with my wrists do you have any recommendations if those aren’t a good option?
– Matt
Matt, make sure you’re using full size training gloves for training like 14 or 16oz. The sparring gloves are for sparring. Training gloves are for all purpose boxing training. I do use Ringside a lot and quite fond of them. For extra wrist support, wrap your wrists a little more. It also helps to put one loop of tape around your wrist before you wrap your hands. You can also get the gloves with laces and tie those laces around the wrist area. If you like having thick wrist support, I suggest Grant Gloves but those are more for wrist cushion (against punches) than actual wrist support.
these say woman gloves, http://store.titleboxing.com/rival-fitness-bag-gloves.html
but i dont understand the difference between man and woman gloves
Women gloves are probably smaller and fit their hands better.
Much thanks for the very informative article! I just stumbled on this site while review different glove options and I think I will be spending a lot more time researching other aspects of boxing here!
My purpose is mostly fitness training with occasional sparring, and am looking for the glove which offers the most padding. I currently have Twins 16oz training gloves, which I find hurts my right knuckles and it feels as if am always impacting a wooden sheet inside the glove (between the knuckles and outside of the glove). I had to stop for a few months to let the bones recover to a point that they wouldn’t hurt on touch.
I spent a fair amount of time researching the various recommended gloves here, and have set my sight on the Ringside IMF Sparring gloves. However, these only come in 14oz and 18oz! Not sure what happened to the 16oz, so was hoping you can recommend one over the other for myself (5’9, currently 210 lbs, target is 190 lbs)?
well managed to find 16oz Ringside IMF sparring gloves in a different color, so would you recommend 16 vs 18 for myself, mostly boxercising for now..
If you weight 210lbs, 18oz might be a better fit for you.
In your opinion which would you prefer? Ringside or Contender?
In your opinion which would you prefer? Ringside or Contender?
It looks to me like they might be from the same manufacturer. I haven’t tried them but I guess they might be lesser quality since they’re cheaper than Ringside gloves.
Hi Johnny
I would like to get your thoughts on the Cleto Reyes Hook and Loop Training Gloves for heavy bag work. I am 5’3″ 108 lbs and have very small hand and I am thinking about getting the 10oz size or do you have any other recommendation.
The 10oz size should be good for you. Even 12oz is ok, too. It doesn’t matter as much since you will have handwraps on anyway. But I would say the 10oz will fit you better if you are petite.
Hey jonny i been boxing for a while 2-4 years and i have to say that title boxing gloves are the best. specially the gel brand. i bought the aerobic boxing gel gloves and they’re amazing for the heavy bag. one quick question thought, do you know any good trainers in florida my old trainer retire and my new one really stincks at training. can you please let me know if you know someone.
I don’t personally know anyone but there are definitely many good trainers in Florida. Keep looking and keep me updated. Good luck, Joaquin.
and sorry for misspelling your name
Johnny N can I ask if the Pro-box sparring gloves is good quality gloves or not? I use 16oz in training and sparring but I want to buy new pair of gloves..what do you think is better for cheap gloves like Pro-box and Everlast protex2?
I’ve never used Pro-box but the Everlast Protex series are pretty good.
I was wandering what glove you would recommend for kids 3 to 4 yrs. old?
Get them smaller gloves. Like 10oz. They don’t hit very hard so you don’t have to worry too much about quality.
lonsdale i core (16oz) sparring glove.. any good?
I tried them a few times and I like them.
Hello, anybody tried the new Hayabusa Tokushu 16oz Boxing Gloves? Im interested in that brand and I would like to get some feedback
I’ll use them mostly for sparing and mitt work, for heavy bag I’ll use my old Title Boxing gloves
Great post, Johnny !
But are sparring gloves different from amateur gloves ?? I can’t find sparring gloves on http://store.titleboxing.com/amcomglov1.html
Thanx for your reply !
Opps, I found it, it on the same page http://store.titleboxing.com/gloves-training-gloves.html
Thanx anyway !
Sparring gloves are typically bigger and softer. Amateur competition gloves are usually smaller and lighter for better performance (and more damage). Good luck LINH! Let me know how you do.
Man, I have a pair of Ringside 14 oz. sparring gloves that I bought in 1993 that are still usable! They are pretty weathered but the padding is still good. I have used Grant, Reyes, Casanova, Everlast, Title, PRO, and some others. Ringside makes quality equipment that does last forever, I had used Title Classics before and they fell apart on me. I’m interested in the Rival and Winnings for sure to see how I like them. I was actually sponsored by Grant back in 2006-2008 and the equipment is top notch for sure. Grant, Ringside, Casanova, and Reyes are the best I have used in that order.
At 5’11, 170lbs beginner, should i get 14 oz or 16 oz Title Platinum Training Hook and Loop Gloves? I wear 180 in hand wraps underneath (wrapped how your video taught). Thanks for any feedback, love this site- a wealth of info.
Or would you buy the 14 oz Platinums for bagwork and get some Ringside IMF tech sparring gloves in 16 oz? Or would my hands then feel heavy/slow/tired during sparring. I’d prefer just one glove but could buy two if you feel it necessary. I’m quite fit if that matters.
Get 16oz, Nicko.
Do you know anything about Hayabusa Tokushu gloves. I’ve seen MMA fighters train with Hayabusa gloves. They claim that the Tokushu gloves are scientifically proven to perform better in terms of injury protection. Thoughts? Possibly true or all hype? Thank you in advance. GREAT GREAT article!
Phil, I’ve used Hayabusa before and don’t like them at all. To me, they don’t compare at all to real boxing gloves.
Thank you Johnny. I’m also the Phil who posted below.
I’m torn between the Fighting Sports and Rival Gloves.
I can get them for about the same price. Which would you choose if you were me?
Thank you. Again, AWESOME site. The more I go through it, the better it gets.
In my opinion.. The unique boxing gloves compared to Hayabusa Tokushu are the D3O gloves, made by Rival..
Whatever other gloves are jurassic now…
Sorry english.. I’m from brazil..
Hi – cool site dude. Lots of great stuff on here!
Are there any specific Title or Fighter Gloves lines you’d recommend over others? For sparring and bag work. There are so many to choose from, wanna make sure I am looking at the right ones
I had a set of ringside’s like the ones you have in the pic. They were great but I found the wrist elastic that goes over the Velcro strap kind of annoying. Would love a similar quality glove but without the elastic
Anyway thanks for your help. This website is awesome!
It looks like he’s wearing these in some videos/photos…..
I see you’re using Fighting Sports Gloves. But when you mention great gloves in other spots, you tend to go with Grant, RingSide and Rival.
If you could get the Rival Gloves below for the same price as the Fighting Sports Gloves I linked above, would you say that’s the way to go? Or are they equally good?
It’s gonna be tough for me to try both before I buy. But I think I’m going for one of these 2. Any guidance you can provide would be appreciated. Thank you in advance.
For the record, I only ask because you mention the velcro closure on the Fighting Sports Gloves as being an issue.
Are the Rival gloves better in that respect.
Please chime in when you have a moment. I want to pull the trigger ASAP!
I use the Fighting Sports in demos a lot because the white color makes it easier to see. In sparring, I use whatever’s around and change between my white ones and Ringside.
Rival gloves are really good, I like them a lot. The velcro on their sparring gloves be a slightly more hassle than the Fighting Sports but it’s more secure and better quality.
Hi Johnny
First and foremost great guide and info, keep up the good work!
I’ve been looking for a pair of 16 oz sparring and general training gloves for a while. My best choice so far seems to be a pair of “Twins” velcro gloves. They seem pretty good but I’m not exactly sure, are they actually traditional boxing gloves or they Muay Thai gloves? If they are in fact boxing gloves what do you think of their quality?
Here is the link: http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B007W38U3C/ref=aw_d_var_2nd_sporting-goods_txt?qid=1337157060&vs=1&sr=8-1
Thanks Joe.
Twins is a Muay Thai brand.
boxing is awesome iv been into a few and lost more than i won but i just lost to one person and that is my oldest brother other than that i haven’t lost and so far he has not lost at all i box him every two weeks or sooner.need more people to box but they want box us anymore lol now im starting on 1 against 2 and im going to be the one make it more fun and they might start boxing me agin if they team up with a friend or something lol but i dont see the point with that head gear its better without it cause it toughen’s you up more without it and we dont go by size cause i boxed a dude that had 100 pounds on me he shure did knock the hell out of me a few times but i got him on the 4th round he gave up and the fastest knock out was eather that 21 year old or my brother that was a year younger than me i was 15 and around 160 to 170 pounds at that time thim fights had happen they lasted 8 seconds or less im pushing it at 8 seconds but that 21 year old i went over there to him poped him a few times and he was down
and my younger brother i went over there and hit him once and he started falling and then i hit him untill his body hit the ground and another dude i boxed he was 2 year older than me he lasted 3 punches and cursed like a sailor every time i landed one on him i just boxed him cause he said he beat up like a million people that was 100 times his size well he didn’t put it out that far but close and this other dude i boxed him cause i hated him cause he bragged far two much but it lasted 51 seconds he quit cause he said h i hit him in the throat but his neck ain’t that long unless he was looking in the sky but we watched the video and it turned out that i hit him in the lower chin so he just prety much made up a excuse so he wouldn’t look bad and another dude that i boxed he was long armed as hell he had a half a foot reach than me or a little more and he was about 6 foot 4 inches tall and im just around 5 foot 10 inches tall so a little difference there lol he lasted a min and didn’t know where he was even at
and they was my ken fok i boxed him he is probably a year or less younger than me he was extremely fast but not fast enough he lasted 30 something seconds and my older brother i lasted 6 or 7 rounds of 6 min per rounds with him sense where both had as hell to knock out back when i was in real good shape that was 2 year ago we went our on ways for about that long and i took a brake from boxing and every thing else for that long but anyway he is probably 2 or 3 inches taller than me and has 10 or 20 pounds on me but he won he kinda beat me on stamina so that was the only time i quit my side felt like it had a kife going threw it and my lungs felt like someone was trying to rip thim open from lack of stamina but we aint the type of boxers you see on tv eather we dont throw a punch every min its more like every second unless where blocking each others punchs or trying to doge thim but we dont just go out there and slug it out eather we bounce in and out time to time and make shure our hit are made stuff like that
but anyway i have a hell of a lot more to tell than all of thim storys so iv been in a few and to keep on the subject i have everlast boxing gloves that are beat all to hell and have blood stains on them and the paint is coming off need a new pair and also i dont workout any i just believe that experience is better so boxing is my workout i punch on the bag time to time like once every two mounth’s and swim a prety good bit and go outside and go rock climbing well its kinda like that but dont use a rope to help you up and its prety much huge rocks sticking up out of the water off of a creek near a water fall when the watter near there is almost dry and we have to jump rock to rock we travel over 2 miles climbing over huge rocks and jumping over them so we want get wet from the watter below its a real good workout and we get wood and build extremely big bonfires that take over 6 hours to make thin light it so just average day stuff to make time go by faster
DEAR Johnny N
will it improve your boxing skills boxing two people at the same time or will it throw you of balance from one on one boxing
I’ve seen drills before where you go 2 on 1 and the one guy can use both hands but the other two can only use their jab. It’s more like combat martial arts training than boxing training which is specifically 1 on 1. I’d say it’s hard to do if you have to keep switching your eyes back and forth and don’t have time to really watch your opponent. Also the jab is the most important weapon so theoretically, the two guys will win every time.
Personally, I don’t like it but if you feel it helps you then keep doing it.
thanks man!and i got some 2 boxing videos on my facebook wall just look up john burk if you want to check them out they are not that great cause i quit boxing for 2 years and im extremely rusty but im starting agin now sense stress is over for now but i dont go to a gym i kinda learned myself and how i got into it was my dad got me and my brother a pair of boxing gloves and we did back yard boxing ever sense thin but the reason i got knock down on that one video is because my older brother chest bumped me and i lost balance but i guess there ok going right into boxing without sparing or anything and when i haven’t boxed in 2 years but the quality does suck and it wouldn’t let us record over a min on the one i fell down on and where i boxed that long armed dude he wouldn’t box me over a min but i did bust his nose and the one with my older brother i busted his nose and blacked his eye
I was wondering if u have ever used thai brands like boon and fairtex?
Never. I only use boxing brands.
Hi Johnny!
Do you have any recommendation for woman boxing/punching gloves?
I wanna use it for punching bag. But I have no idea which boxing gloves should I buy.
12oz ringside training gloves.
hey i had a question how are the cheap 14oz title gloves that are in titlemma.com there only 15 bucks. I needed some good cheap gloves.
I wouldn’t dare use cheap stuff so I wouldn’t know. I would guess they’re not as good as the $40 gloves, and those are like barely good enough for me.
How much are a pair of gloves worth signed by pacio worth after a couple years after he retires
I hope it’s a fortune because I have an autographed Pacquiao glove, too.
what pair of gloves packs the hardest punch but that is prety cheep and where can i get them
Cheap and packs a good punch? I stay away from the cheap stuff but I would say Title is the best cheap gloves brand.
Hi! I´m from Argentina. I have recently started boxing so I ´m looking forward for a good pair of boxing gloves. So I have been searching differents of them in ebay. Because here there aren´t some cheap boxing gloves and the best of them are very expensive.
I looked for Mrx, Adidas, Title size 12 oz …. About U$s 30 each one (others models are more expensive). So wich do you recomend me?
MRX: http://www.ebay.com/itm/MRX-Leather-Boxing-Gloves-Sparring-MMA-Punch-Bag-Training-Kickboxing-Red-Black-/270875562229?pt=Boxing_Gloves&var=&hash=item3f117110f5#ht_1532wt_1045
Title: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Title-Boxing-Hook-Loop-Training-Bag-Gloves-2-Colors-/140516104762?pt=Boxing_Gloves&var=&hash=item20b7699a3a#ht_500wt_1023
Adidas: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Adidas-Response-Boxing-Gloves-Size-10oz-12oz-14oz-Black-Red-Glove-NEW-ADIBT01-/270961069894?pt=Boxing_Gloves&var=&hash=item3f1689cf46#ht_2149wt_778
I would use the Title or Adidas. The MRX looks like a cheap generic brand.
Hey johnny first i have to say this site is amazing all the info i need at one place from a person who seems to what what he is taking about ive been reading your articles non stop and im excited to say im entering the world of boxing im 20yrs 5ft10 5ft11 with shoe about 165 im sure i can get down to 152 fairly easy thats my usual weight any way to my question what about TWINS special gloves? ill post the link i kno twins makes mu thai gloves all well but whats the diffrence
html are these sparing or training i would love to begin with just one glove and am willing a to pay the 80 buck as apposed to the 65 title or ring side if it allows me to use one pair for awhile. Also what is a good way to cut weight without staving my self which i wont do
sorry for so many questions just a newbe excited
Twins are good gloves but I don’t use them because they’re not a boxing company. I feel more confident about using the pure boxing brands. A good way to cut weight would be to eat oatmeal.
jw what you thought about ibf gloves
You’ll have to send me a link. But I don’t think I’ve ever heard of them.
I was looking in to getting a pair of all around gloves and was thinking of either fighting tri tech bag/spar or ringside imf tech spar, would you give one the edge.
I would say the ringside. But make sure you buy “training gloves” and not “sparring gloves”. Sparring gloves are not meant for bagwork; they’ll go flat too fast.
would you recommend Heavier boxing gloves (18, 20 oz) for better training and maybe even more strength as well as making it easier to keep my hands up when I step in the ring with the 16 Ounces?? Or should I just go with the standard 16 ounces as an up an coming amateur boxer
And, I know your saying to buy “training gloves” NOT “sparring gloves” but the “RingSide Gel Shock Safety Sparring Gloves” you have in the picture at the top of this page are listed as “Sparring gloves” on ringside.com… would you recommend those for overall safety in the knuckles and wrist??
also, Ive been having ALOT of hand problems lately. what are some good knuckle and fist guard products???
such as http://www.ringside.com/ringside/protective-equipment/handwraps-knuckle-guards/ringside-gel-shock-boxing-handwrap.html
I don’t believe in using excessively heavy gloves. It might make you stronger but it doesn’t allow you to train at high speeds because you’re so weighed down by heavy gloves.
I like the link with the ringside handwarps. The cleto reyes one, I never tried. It looks like overkill to me.
I was looking at a pair of Ringside Angle support gloves they are very nice but they are only sold in 14oz and I fight 130-135 is 14oz suitable for me?
For training gloves, I would stick to 16oz–especially if you’ll be sparring in them.
Also these will not be my fighting gloves just my sparring gloves I use Cleto Reyes 8oz when i go into competition. Thanks
I plan on doing some bag training and sparring. After reading this page and thread I am really leaning towards a pair of Title gloves. Should I definately go with leather, or are some of their synthetics worth using too? Also are the Mexican style alright for sparring?
You CAN spar with their training gloves and yes the Mexican style can be used for sparring as well. Leather is universally regarded as the best material for gloves. It’s durable, breathable, and lasts the longest.
Im trying to decide which glove to get, The Fairtex Training Gloves 16oz or The Fighting Sports Tri-Tech Bag Gloves. I do boxing, but alot more heavy bag work. Between the two which would you choose.
If you do bag work, get the bag gloves.
I find it funny that you talk so much trash on Century gloves yet some of the best fighters in the world are using their gloves and other products. Most of Greg Jackson’s fighters use them and I recently saw Chael Sonnen training with them, Do some more research my man. Just because they have entry level things in the SG market (just as Everlast does) doesn’t mean that don’t have professional products as well.
Matt, this is a boxing site, not an MMA site. As of this moment, Century STILL does not make any legit BOXING gloves: http://www.centurymartialarts.com/Gloves/Boxing_Gloves.aspx Aside from that, no boxing gym uses their stuff because there is so much better quality stuff out there.
If you like them, keep using them. (It’s possible their company has grown from being known as a generic supplier.)
Your linking to the retail site…..of course that stuffs no good. Just like the crap Everlast stuff you find at Dick’s sporting goods or the sports authority. Again, do your research into their pro line….they have some solid boxing gloves. I don’t know if you know this, but boxing is an integral part of MMA, Not here to argue, just trying to make sure you realize you can’t compare their low end stuff to everyone else’s high end products…..not fair to compare Ford to Cadillac ya get me? However, you make a good point in that this post is four years old. and I acknowledge that…and maybe they didn’t have their pro stuff then, but just sayin, you should check out their pro gear, i’m not saying its the best but its pretty damn good….I’m a Reyes guy myself anyhow.
I have yet to see Century in a real boxing gym. I know nothing about their pro stuff.
Can you please show me the boxing gloves you’re talking about?
How do you feel about the Everlast Protex2 training gloves
well I have to admit, I sure can’t find their pro gear anywhere. My guess is it is still in development or something since its nowhere to be found aside from seeing a lot of pro MMA guys using it. I’ll keep you posted if I find it.
That being said, I am a fan and I love your site and the excellent work you do; I reference your work a lot. Keep up the good work!
Well almost a year later I finally found the Century pro stuff I saw, centurycreed.com
Thanks for the link, Matt. I’ve never seen this gear before. Judging from the stitching and construction, it looks very much like mass-produced boxing equipment. They are worth $50 at best and definitely not a $100 professional glove. They won’t be better than a $100 Grant glove, that’s for sure. Try both and see for yourself.
yeah I’d like to try it but its just too expensive. I don’t have a problem dropping $100 or more on Reyes or Grant but it’d be quite the gamble to drop that much on the century stuff; at least without trying it first. And if you think its overpriced then I best just stay away. Thanks for the follow up!
Does anyone have a feeling about the Pro Mex sparring gloves? Seems like a good price point and from what I have heard are comparable in feel to the Reyes gloves
They are nice gloves and definitely comparable. My old trainer had a pair of Reyes that lasted 20 years.
Hi Johnny, what are your thoughts between the ” rival elite bag gloves and the rival d30 intelli shock ? i’m willing to spend more on the d30 if there is a significant amount of protection compared to the elite series, i don’t have a store near me that carries rival gear so i cant try it.
Both are great gloves. You’ll have to read the reviews and decide for yourself because I’ve only used the elite bag gloves but not the d3o version. I don’t think you can feel it if there is a significant difference.
Hi Johnny.
Very good site and very helpful. What brand would you recommend for boxers with smaller hands?
Thanx for your answer.
I would say Ringside.
I do Muay Thai and am looking at these Windy super bag gloves for training. http://www.combatsports.com/csi/windy-super-bag-gloves-2.html
I currently have the 12 oz super bag gloves from Ringside but I’m looking for a thai brand that you can open the palms with for clinching.
Most of the fighters at my gym use the Top King bag gloves with the open thumb for bag and pad work. What are your thoughts? Do the Windy’s look good to you?
I like Windy’s boxing gloves but I know nothing about open thumb gloves.
im very new to boxing, about 4 months now and i am considering buying a pair of gloves, a lot of shops near me sell adidas gloves yet you don’t seem to mention them, are they any good?
I’ve never used Adidas gloves but I respect the fighters I’ve seen using them. They’re a big brand in Europe. Make sure you buy the quality stuff.
I am also new to boxing and I am in doubt which glove to buy:
RDX Ultra Gold Leather Boxing Gloves 14 oz
Any suggestions?
I’ve never used either but I don’t think the Rival Aero are good for real boxing training. It’s more for cardio stuff; it won’t last long under regular boxing use.
RIVAL AERO is used in aero aerobic activities, look for another model of the rival.
Someone suggests some other rival at a low price?
If you want cheap but good, you’ll have to get Title Boxing gloves.
Like this ?
Yes, those would work.
I live in Brazil and I did a list price of the glove + shipping price on the website of E-bay
Title Boxing Hook & Loop Training Gloves Bag $ 47.38
Auth RDX Gel Leather Boxing Gloves $ 60.40
Title Boxing Hook & Loop Training Gloves Bag $ 64.70
RDX Ultra Gold Leather Boxing Gloves fiqh $ 77.67
For all the time for shipping is 7-11 business days, the RIVAL 14 oz. SUPER BAG GLOVES take longer to get here in Brazil.
I do not personally know the quality of these gloves infirm.
Thanks for the help
I would recommend Everlast Protex or Rival super bag gloves. It depends what you’re using these for.
Those are horrible!
What about combat sports ?
I’ve never used them. They look good enough.
I was wondering since im 14 if i go to buy online for like one pair of gloves for both training and sparring should i buy from the youth section of the site (grant,title or ringside site) or should i just get a pair from the adult training section and get the smaller size.
Get the adult gloves. Choose the size based on your body weight, not your age.
Hi Johnny,
Great website!
What is your opinion of Fairtex used as boxing glove?
www. fairtexaustralia.com/index.php?
I know they’re Muay Thai, but it’s not uncommon to seeing boxers using them.
Thank you
I don’t use Fairtex and do not regularly see them in boxing gyms. From what I understand, Muay thai gloves have different thumbs for grapping clinching purposes, etc. I don’t have any opinion personally because I’ve never used them.
Hi Johnny. Wonderful Website. I wonder if you can give me some tips regarding my Boxing Gear. Im a really petite ASIAN at 140 lbs. Do you think 10oz would be enough? Im thinking of getting a lonsdale Sparring Gloves to get me started on a class next week.
I wonder if this is enough since i only enrolled in 12 classes. A lil help?
Thank you soo much
I would probably recommend 12oz or even 14oz for you.
All in all I am quiet disappointed with the garbage quality gloves on the market now a days. It doesn’t seem to matter how much money you spend on boxing gloves. I bought Rival gloves, knowing they were good quality,and seemed to be better than the Morales gloves, which was the only decent quality gloves available where I live.
Back when I first started boxing in the early 90s, the quality of the material/padding in the gloves was very high, you could hit with your hardest hit and although you would feel it,it would not hurt your hand, and back then I rarely wore hand wraps. I could give the heavy bag punches that send it flying around (I weighed about 180 back then). Now I weigh around 220, and when I punch the bag I feel pain in my hands and forearms that I never felt before when I really throw on the pepper on the bag.I also notice that if I work the jab alot I get a sore fist.
I don’t think I became Mike Tyson over night, I just think the quality of boxing gloves has gone down hill fast. they have some kind of new space agey material in them, that I am sure tested well in a spaceship on the moon, but doesn’t seem to work as good down in the gym. The older gloves had padding that was more absorbing and it seems more likely to lose its shape and become a little bumpy over time. This glove seems to keep its shape and composure over time at the expense of being shitty when it comes to hand protection.
I do not think this is a rival problem, as when I test out other gloves they are made of the same shit material and give the same feeling.I am still young and don’t have any bone problem,and when I use my old gloves no pain.
I couldn’t agree more. I can wear straight through the average glove in only a few months whereas one of my trainers still uses gloves he fought with 20 years ago.
Yeah I just find it so strange why they continue to make gloves out of this garbage, instead of just making it out of whatever was in there in the past because there was nothing wrong with it. My bet is that this new garbage is just cheaper. I imagine they must get email boxes full of complaints.
I asked someone who I use to train with and knew a lot about boxing, and had appearantly split his glove by accident. And went to go fill it up with more cotton to give extra hand protection (old timers use to do that alot to save money (ie open a 12 oz glove, and throw in more stuffing of a different color to make it heavier for training). Turns out that theyw switched the material in the mid to early 90s from cotton stuffing (traditionally used) to polyurethane stuffing.
It may just be the long term damage of not wrapping up and throwing those power punches at the bag finally catching up to you? How do you like your Rivals? I’ve been using their super bag gloves for sometime now and enjoy them. I was looking to pick up a pair of the new RB50 compacts with the d3o for mitt use. I was hoping their compact size would let me work in some high speed training and the d3o will offer some protection other small gloves can’t
hey johnny,does rival and ringside gloves have the same hand fitting. cus i have the rival rs10v velcrostrap and i love it,gives a snug fit especially with handraps…i was just wondering about the ringside gloves…im thinking of getting the imf velcro,just wondering about the fitting if its loose or snug fit like rivals…or should i get the imf laces??? wat do u think johnny??? thanks…
Rival is probably more snug but Ringside fits well, too. Laces will typically fit the best because it conforms exactly to your wrist size.
Which brand is better Winning or Grant???
Both are very good quality. It will come down to preference.
Hi Johnny, I have been seriously considering buying the fighting sports tri tech gloves. However I have heard that the position of the thumb attachment is quite poor, and prevents you from fully making a fist (fist only half closed). The end of the thumb seems quite exposed. Have you or anyone else out there had this problem with the fighting sports gloves? I am hoping that it was just a random pair of faulty gloves.
I have the Tri-tech and like them very much but yes, they do not compact your hand as much as something like Cleto Reyes. I’ve had no problem with them but if you want to be picky, then yes I can agree that they may be less than 100% perfect.
Thanks for the reply Johnny, My concern is only to prevent thumb injuries.
hey johnny howz the winning 16oz gloves in sparring? i heard that it offers a lot of protection and when you hit the heavy bag,you dont feel impact on you knuckles also its too much padding and it wouldnt be fair for me when sparring hard with someone using a regular 16oz …is that true johnny or people are just exagerrating? im thinking of getting one as i have problems with my knuckles before may b it would help a bit…
They are good gloves. Assuming you and your partner are both using quality brands of 16oz gloves, you are both being relatively fair.
Hi guys,
I know this is probably a long shot, but are there any Australians on this site that have used Ring Pro boxing gloves? These gloves are endorsed and developed with Johnny Lewis, former trainer of Kostya Tszyu and Jeff Fenech. Any feedback regarding these gloves would be a big help as it is near impossible to access Grant, Winning etc in Australia.
Thanks guys!
I’m just starting to get into boxing & had purchased the 30 dollar Everlast gloves that you recommend never purchasing. I’m going to return them & get the 30 dollar TITLE Classic Pro Style Training Gloves. I hope they are not as bad as the Everlast ones. Do you think they will be ok for my first pair of gloves ?
The title ones are better, they will be fine for basic boxing purposes.
hi good stuff great info an thoughts on Leone 16 oz sparring gloves…..sorry if you already reviewed them thanx freed
No, I’ve never used them.
hiya,my ten year old son has recently shown an interest in getting a punching bag…..do you recommend a type of bag and gloves that are resonably priced? I live in the seattle area im not sure where to even begin to look without going to big sporting good stores like big 5 or dicks….any help would be much appreciated!
Go to a local boxing gym and see what they use. Then order the same thing. A good place to buy online is titleboxing.
Have you ever used Windy Brand Boxing gloves?
Yes, I have. I’ve commented about them above for someone else. Look up ^^^^
yo johnny! Firstly thank-you, this is a superb website. I’ve only been boxing for 2 months and this website has been a huge help, especially your articles for southpaws :D. I’m from the UK and unfortunately Titleboxing is pretty hard to come by over here. I’ve narrowed my options down basically to either a pair ringside gloves or a pair of Twins specials. From what I understand both are great brands, any thoughts on how these 2 brands match up against each other? any small pros or cons?
cheers rich
They’re both good but I definitely like Ringside better. Any other comments were made in previous comments. Look up ^^^
Thanks so much for the article Johnny! and what do you think about the “Everlast Protex 2 Gel Training Gloves”? they look good and are cheap. please reply opions.
They’re bad for the price but there are better gloves out there. Read all the other comments and decide for yourself. Or buy the gloves and see for yourself.
Hey guys I have posted on the southpaw and orthodox forum and still waiting for an answer, I am currentlu using 14oz Sparring gloves from Everlast and they work for me quite good I have used title before and is very comfortable yet I personally prefer Everlast don’t know why probably personal taste but the everlast glove sits on my hand perfectly and I have been using them for quite a while.
Hi I’m 5ft6 and weigh about 160 but my normal weight is 150. I’m looking for gloves just to hit the heavy bag with. I have average to smaller hands and I’ve been looking at the TITLE Classic Hook-and-Loop Leather Training Gloves, should i get the 14 or 16oz gloves? Or are both too big?
Both are fine for you.
Okay thanks! I think I’ll go with the 14oz for speed.
I’m looking for a set of gloves for Muay Thai. Not looking to spend a fortune, in the price range of $20-$60. These gloves are genuine leather and get great reviews on Amazon… but don’t know about them. Any thoughts?
I’ve never used them.
Decided to go with Title classic leather training gloves instead; seemed like a safe bet for $40. Thanks for the help!
Would rdx gloves be any good for sparring? What gloves would you recommend for me I’m 5 ft 6 and about 10 to 11 stone and do kickboxing?
by the way, Id also like to know if its any good to buy a specific glove for a double end/speed bag, for convenience purposes only, like those:
I use regular training gloves for double-end and bare-hand or wrapped hand for speed bag.
I’ve never used RDX and don’t like them because I’ve never seen them anywhere. I’m not a kickboxer so I have no comment about that.
Great work, Johnny, you wrote it in 2008 and I’m reading it in 2012 and I found it to be really helpfull.
Now, I am planing to buy a good pair of boxing gloves, actually 2 of them (pairs), and I will be doing a lot of heavy bag workout, mitt punching and sparring, I’m 6’11 tall and weight 185 lbs. and I’m training for like a year now. My doubt is about the sizing of the gloves, I really like to feel the punch so I was afraid to buy gloves any bigger than 14oz and for that reason I was thinking about buying both Titles Revolution Hook and Loop Training and Reyes’ training gloves on 14oz. I actually wanted to buy 12oz but now I think it would be too sturdy for sparring. What do you think about that sizing? The problem is that I’m from Brazil and Im going to order it online, so I really cant afford to miss order it!
Your size should be sparring and training with 16oz gloves.
cheers Johnny, keep up the good work!!
Hey, Johnny and the boxing community!
I have my first amateur fight coming up next month and I wanted to snag a pair of boxing shoes since my shoes have way to much grip. I wanna slide around a bit more, especially with my hooks! Any recommendations on a good pair of boxing shoes?
Just purchased some Nike Machomai Shoes myself. I love them. Perfect grip, amazing pivot control and outstanding quality. Light weight and comfortable. Check em out on titleboxing.com
Hi Johnny, great site, but you already know that. Thinking of buying Ringside International gloves, 16oz. Whats your thought on them for allround training(bag,mitts…) , except sparing. Thx for your response. Cheers
Cleto reyes all the way. Best gloves anywhere. Dont be intimidated by the lack of padding, this will allow you to grow accustomed to a real fight as many professionals train as well. Although if you do intend to do heavy bag work for extended periods of time make sure you grab yourself a 16oz glove.
Hey Johnny
I’m trying to diside between ringside and rival gloves. I was wondering if you know which one breaths better. Thanks
Great article, mate. Very helpful, especially knowing the ones to avoid.
I’m looking for a new pair of training gloves now, think I’m gonna go with the Fighting Pro style velcro ones in white, but a few others caught my eye that looked pretty nice. Venum makes some very cool-looking gloves but idk how they are in terms of quality. Ive heard good things about rival too and Title’s new BLACK collection just looks fierce. At my old gym all we used was RingToCage which always felt heavy and bulky to me. I’m just into buying gloves that are different from the traditional black and red colors. Was thinking about just getting some of titles leather classic gloves in blue to replace my grey (N)Everlast pro training gloves. They always turn a few heads at the gym but by the time I’m done pounding the heavy bag my hands are swollen and bruised
Hi Johnny!
I’m just about to start boxing and was looking for guides and forums when I came across your website. I was thoroughly impressed by how much effort you put into answering everyone’s queries
I can easily tell that you must be a very avid boxer indeed! I hope to become a regular boxer at a local gym someday soon; it would really be a great help if you could also advise me as to the size of boxing gloves that would be right for me.. I’m 5’11” and currently 188 lbs ~_~ I probably have to lose 5-8lbs soon.. I think I’m moderately fit for my age haha! 33 this year. I live in the Philippines so I’m Asian. The choices of boxing gloves here is VERY limited, I read all your comments but the only decent choices I have here are Twins, Fairtex, Everlast. I will probably go for Twins.. should I get 14oz or 16oz?? I think my bone structure is light to medium because I can wrap my right hand around my left wrist and my thumb and index finger can just meet..
thanks in advance! keep up the great work!!!
I can’t wait for your answer
Here you go, Arthur. Read this and then decide: https://expertboxing.com/boxing-basics/boxing-equipment/what-boxing-gloves-to-use
You’ll never know until you try it first.
Hi guys, what about LEONE?
Their gloves that cost over $60 look good to me.
Hi guys, it looks like u get some good information here, competent and honest. So I will ask your opinion.
I’m 5′ 9″, 145 lbs.I have a pair of GREEN HILL 10oz. with which I train twice a week, bit of sparring, bit of heavy bag.
I haven’t been doing this for too long so the one I have so far feel pretty good. I’m just wondering:
-Should I have something heavier or 2 different ones for sparring and bag?
-I work as a tattooist so that my hand are my tool, gotta take really good care of them. Can I get something better in quality that offer more protection?
I can invest some money on it but of course only if it makes a difference, I don’t care what looks cooler or stuff like that.
I have been going through forums and stuff and I quite liked the Hayabusa Tokushu but, I repeat, I’m not too competent so that every advice is gonna be highly appreciated.
I live in Norway and I’m from Italy, could get them shipped in one of those 2 countries.
Thank u very much everyone.

Get boxing gloves, not MMA. I do not like Hayabusa. (My opinions can be found in comments up above.) 10oz is way too small for consistent hand protection, but I guess it’s still bearable if your punching power isn’t there yet and/or your heavy bag isn’t that hard. You need heavier gloves in general. You can read the guide for my recommendations on sizing.
Thanx for ur reply John, my idea is definitely to get pure boxing gloves, as I said I don´t mind spending some money on it if what I get is good quality. I´m gonna talk to my coach too for recommendations of course. I wanna try have more informations from different sources to clear up my mind in all those choices. I guess 14 oz is what I´m going for.

Good performance and great protection for my hands I goes is what the names I see coming up often offer.
Fighting sport, Ringside, Title…
At first got excited with the top one from Leone(I´m italian and would like to support the company) but honestly haven´t heard a single one really using them.
A last word on a good one u may recommend me with these premises?
thank u very much again
Johnny, thanks for all the advise and educating me and my daughters thoughts on gloves. She is 10 and currently is an amateur,who trains out of a gym in cos,co. She has a pair ringside 10 oz for the sparring and training,and a pair of 12 oz everlast protex 2 gel,and a pair of 14 oz everlast classics for the heavy bag. I just purchased the hybusa ikusa boxing glove for her to spar with.I figure should be ok until she gets better and more time in competing and a few fights under her.When she gets better plan on going all way with ringside imf tech pro fight gloves with quick tie laces,like you said beeter protection and better glove.I do believe you get what you pay for. I just wanted to know if you think the gloves are good sizes for her age and her wieght of 74 lbs.Also if the gloves are good quality for her and what shes doing.
Those sizes are fine. Going 8oz wouldn’t be a bad idea either. I think 14oz is a bit too heavy for a young girl.
Hi Johnny,
First off all great article, thank you for all your information!
I hoped that you could help me out with descission i have to make between 2 boxing gloves.
Yesterday i went to a local boxing store to check out and feel a few boxing gloves, i have come down to a descission that i really like “King Professional” boxing gloves velcro. The fit nice and tight , great thumb support, great padding, and extra padding around the wrist wich is great for defence and its easy to make a good fist, they feel naturally for me. But i have looked around online alot and really like the look of Venum Giant boxing gloves and have seen alot of reviews that rate them 10/10. My local store doens’t have venum boxing gloves (i live in The Netherlands).Could you give me some advise please ?
I don’t know any of those brands. I only recommend the ones mentioned in the article.
do u think title amateur competition gloves will be good for sparring or should I go with title 16 oz training glove?
No, don’t use competition gloves for training; they’re not made for that.
if anyone has ever used these gloves before? if so can I please get some feedback on them.
btw im 14 around 50 something kgs what size is best for training and light sparring?
Check out my other guides on choosing boxing gloves. They’ll help you decide.
Hi my son who is 8 has recently started boxing is there any make of glove you could recommend that would give a good fit and protection on a small hand as small mens or even youth sizes are to big also what weight would you recommend for both bag work and sparring my son weighs about 4.5 stone
Cheers Jase
8oz 10oz is a good start. Wear hand wraps and he should be ok.
Hi Johnny
Great site and I have learned a lot from it. I have read over and looking to see if anybody or you has used addidas gloves, are they any good etc,for heavy bag and pad work. I’m asking about them because they are the ones most easily available to me in sport stores to try on here in dublin Ireland. I’m 6ft and 86kgs and a southpaw, should I get 14 or 16ozs ? Any advice would be great.. Have a nice Christmas !
I have used Adidas gloves before and like some of them while at the same time not liking some others. It depends which one you get. The pro training gloves are pretty good quality.
Adidas are very good gloves, but which adidas gloves are you talking about?? there are so many models from cheap to very expensive… personally I just got expensive adidas AIBA approved competition gloves for my sparrings… they are only 10 OZ, but don’t get confused they have a very special padding and structure and they hit very soft, it’s practically impossible to knock someone out with them and body punches almost have no effect at all… very soft hitting gloves, although being only 10 OZ…. They are very good for sparring only if both of you wear the same gloves… I was sparring with guy who wore regular 10 OZ gloves and it wasn’t a fair game at all… next time I am bringing my old cheap Londsdale gloves so the opponent feel my punches a bit more and we have pretty much equal situation… because now seemed like my punches were softened too,much while this encouraged my opponent to go and hit me… if both wear the same AIBA gloves that’s fine, but the boxing wearing them is different, you don’t take punches that seriously as you would if you boxed with regular gloves. Unfortunately in the club I go to spar no one has any AIBA approved gloves… On the other hand, if you need gloves just for a bag and pads work then almost any gloves will be fine…
Hi Antonio..
I ended up getting a pair of adidas 16oz iprotech with has adiBtO2 on the glove think that’s the model and had professional on the package. I mostly get to work on the heavy bag and shadow boxing in the gym etc, nobody to spar with or hold pads thats any use. and im a lefty. looking to join a real boxing club soon.
Has performance on the pack.. I’ve trained with them twice since xmas I’m happy with them anyways thanks for your comment
What are the best gloves that you can get for less than $60
Probably Title gloves.
Rival’s cheaper models are not fantastic, but for $60.00 you can buy the Rival Super Bag Glove which is pretty damm good….Good padding, small compact design and hand pocket. A really good fairly cheap glove made by Rival. Their more expensive products are in my opinion, the best on the market. As someone with smaller hands, I find Rivals to be amazing with softer to medium dense padding. As much as Ringside is very popular, I found their current IMF tech bag gloves cheaply made with too dense of foam and too wide of a hand pocket. And for my money, Addidas sucks….They suck really bad…Stiff fake leather with bad stiching and a design that does not last due to cheap construction. How they recieived the contract for the Oylmpic Games is shocking to me.
Adidas also has some cheap lines of gloves for fitness girls to hit bags in a commercial gym, that’s what you have seen… But then you have to see their AIBA approved competition gloves basically the same like in Olympics – very high quality leather, very nice feeling, very protective, and very good quality control because they have AIBA label on them.
are you using the super bag gloves or have you gone up to some of rival’s higher end stuff yet? I was just wondering because I use a lot of rival gear and have been thinking about picking up a new set and wanted your thoughts
Great article! Your insight is great, and helpful to those who are starting out. I am co-owner of a new brand of gloves and gym apparel, and would love to send you a pair of our gloves to try out. Email me if you are interested. Cheers, and keep up the good work.
I have to make an amendment to your statement that Ringside is a 10/10 brand… THey have gone downhill and FAST. Just ordered a pair of IMF Tech sparring gloves that my friend had from 2 years ago. His gloves are absolutely amazing, padded nicely, great fit and amazing wrist support. They were made in china. The ones I just got in my order from Ringside were A. made in pakistan B. fit like shit C. made of different materials of much lower quality D. were so stiff to the point that I would be surprised that they would even be allowed for COMPETITION! … For a $150 pair of gloves, these were worse than $30 everlast boxercise gloves. I am absolutely disguisted at their product and they customer service and lack of interest in putting out a good product.
I’ve started to hear this from some other people as well. I’ll have to try some out and see for myself. Thanks for sharing your experience. Having quality protection is very important.
What do you think about the Hayabusas?
I don’t like Hayabusas.
Great article
I’m currently looking for good gloves, but there aren’t many (or any) boxing specific stores in Sydney. Buying title/rival/ringside gloves from the USA will cost 50-70 in shipping alone…
I prefer seeing the product up close to make sure the fit and quality is good.
I should perhaps wait and save up a bit more so I can buy a bunch of stuff from the USA at one time. I need headgear (and i like that facebar one) and a double-end bag.
Hi John from Sydney,
Rival now has an australian store in WA. you can buy online and it might take 2 to 3 work days to deliver…. Hope that helps!
P.S I live in in Victoria and finding decent gloves in AUS is hard.
where can you buy grant gloves these days? I was looking for a pair of grant campeon super bag gloves but can’t find them anywhere.
Have you tried the Ringside website?
So I have recently picked up boxing and wanted to invest in some quality gloves that will last. There aren’t any stores around me that carry gloves worth while so I am planning on ordering some online. After shopping around a few different sites I found a couple gloves I like and wanted to see if anyone had opinions on what ones would work best. I would need them mostly for training and hopefully some light sparring in the future.
Both of these are great and comparable.
I want to buy my boyfriend pair of boxing gloves for his birthday, and I just ordered this one http://store.titleboxing.com/title-black-pro-boxing-gloves.html
He is 264 Ibs and I order size 18 oz, he want to start training boxing again and he needs gloves just for training and sparring. Did I make the right choise or should I get other gloves instead?
You made the right choice.
and I forgot to ask, what stuff do I have to buy for maintaing the gloves?
thank you for your answers
Buy one of things you put inside gloves or shoes to absorb moisture and also keep them smelling better.
G’day Johnny,
My name is Alex and im from Brisbane in Queensland, Australia. I am 16 and want to get a coach and start boxing. I got a discounted heavy bag and some all round bag gloves and was wondering what gloves you sudgest for a beginner as myself (keep in mind that it is hard to find lagit boxing gloves down under – all Rebel Sports sell are cheep ‘Sting’ pieces of crap and some everlast gear.). i have looked at Title boxing.com and was wondering what gear you sudgest you sudgest (i have no budget).
also, what is the differance between Title Boxing and Fighting sports??
Love ur website mate,
Hey Alex,
Having just read all the comments on this thing it seems that a lot of stuff comes up several times. The gloves Johnny seems to recommend are either Grant, Twins, Ringside (although they may have decreased in quality quite a bit) and Title. He has also mentioned Rival as well which I am a big fan of. An earlier post mentioned they have recently opened a store in Australia somewhere so shipping costs shouldn’t be to crazy. The important things to remember are:
What are you going to be using them for?
– if you don’t want a gym bag full of different gloves, especially if you are just getting into the sport, a good 16oz sparring/training glove is a great all around choice that can be used with wraps for almost all basic boxing practices. Keep in mind the heavy bag will flatten out sparring gloves, which may result in a few angry training partners,
Boxing gloves should be made by a boxing company
-although boxing is a big part of MMA, most MMA companies will make (in my opinion) less protective gear. If you do want to go the mma training route, I would still suggest a BOXING glove for your boxing training sessions.
Try to avoid generic gloves that lure in first time buyers.
-All sports stores will sell “toy” boxing gloves that will last a month through any serious training before your hands and gloves will be in rough shape. Most of the companies that make these brands often make high end good quality stuff and buyers get confused and think they are getting the best bargain when buying a reputable brand for a very low price.
COMFORT AND PROTECTION are the most important. Until you have tried on every glove, you won’t know which ones are best for you. Try to find a glove that is comfortable for your hands, offers good wrist support and knuckle protection and then compare it to the steps listed above and you can get yourself a great starting glove for well under 100$ but don’t expect to pay nothing either!
Goodluck Pal
Thanks Mate for the help, i can get some Lonsdale L Core training gloves to Brisbane for under 100 bucks so i mite do that (i have to admit that lonsdale is my fave boxing brand). i have and will concider other options tho if anyone whants tio thro some my way
anyways, thanks again for the help mate,
TitleBoxing and Fighting Sports are the same company. But “Fighting Sports” is the name they give to their better quality equipment. I would suggest any pair of gloves that cost around $40-60 for you.
I’m surprised no one mentioned Fairtex brand. They have a ‘tight fit’ model that are absolutely beautiful leather and fit a smaller hand very snuggly. You can wrap hard and really firm your wrist with a tight velcro lock for regular boxing or bag work, or leave the wrist looser for Muay Thai. I have a 12oz pair for bag and pad work and a 16oz pair or sparring. Believe me, if you hit someone hard with the 12’s in sparring and you are big (I’m 220) you are going to have a fight in the parking lot after you leave the gym. Always respect sparring, which is learning by wearing good, heavily padded gloves, usually 16 or 18oz for men and 14 oz for women. I also have a lace up 10oz pro pair for fighting and mitt wok. They are beautiful hand made, full leather and are about $100–definitely not a cheap glove. I have have a twins 16oz elastic wrist which have very thick padding but they are bulky, I use them for sparring with really small people. But the insides are just too big for me but a person with big hands might like them, the range for 8 to 16 oz with elastic wrist. The run about $70. Great info on this site, by the way.
Hey, Johnny! You have an amazing site here!
Long time MMA fan recently turned back on to the sweet science.
I started to train again and bought some Everlast Protex2 16oz gloves.
However, they are pretty crappy and I’m looking to upgrade to a better brand with better protection.
The problem is I’m having is most of the good brands you recommend are now being made in India and Pakistan and aren’t as good as they used to be.
So, my question is, are there any good gloves that are made in the USA?
Thanks for your time.
I’m aware of many gloves being made in India and Pakistan, with many of them being horrible quality. A quality glove is quality regardless of where it’s made. I don’t know specifically of exact models being made in the USA.
6’3″ 205 pounds, very big hands
I have been hitting heavy bags bare fisted and have no pain so no hand issues.
I plan on only heavy bag work and zero sparring.
What gloves do you recommend?
Hey Chris, check out my boxing guide called “What Boxing Gloves to Use”.
Thanks for this site, i just started my boxing workout 3weeks ago, i bought twins gloves. They are really good and comfortable to use especially if you use the right size of gloves.
How about Ring to Cage?
I don’t like them.
Any thoughts on RDX gloves?
I’ve never used them.
Are the TITLE Classic Aero Boxing a good buy? Its only 30 something dollars and you mentioned that TITLE products are usually good.
NO! Those gloves are for aerobic or non-serious boxing. You’ll have to pay more if you want serious hand protection for real boxing training.
ive been using everlast boxing gloves for 2yrs. already but its durable. I guess ive been paying for the name only. At present i tend to box as a way of exercise and sweating all the fats i have in me. I dont compete but im trained by a prof boxer. Im need a gloves that im comfortable with and will not leave scar marks on my knuckles..what brand do you suggest please?
I would suggest the ones in the article.
Thanks for all the useful info Johnny.
I personally think people need to just think what they are going to use their gloves for before purchasing and this will help them make the right choice.
I am nearly 50 now and just do ‘light’ sparring, pads and bag work. However, the bags I use at my current gym are quite light and also at home I use a super-fast and light double -end ball. Also a relatively light and small 3in1 angle bag. I am far more interested in speed than power nowadays.
So even though I weigh 185lbs – I prefer Mexican style gloves.
I love the speed and feel of my 14oz Reyes Velcro gloves and I have also just ordered some 12oz ProMex gloves.
However, I WOULD NOT use either of these on a very heavy bag…………the ones that feel like they are full of sand and dont move. And obviously not for full-on sparring!
People need to just think about these things before they jump in and buy gloves. How are you going to use them? How heavy are the bags you train on?
I have also used Twins, Sandee etc but the thumbs and wrist support dont feel right for boxing.
I also used some RDX once. The foam went flat and the gloves loose in a matter of weeks. Not good.
Thanks so much for the info. However the bag were using is heavy. My friend suggested windy instead. But eventually yours is helpful.
Hi, I want to buy a good but not that expensive, Im a begginer, I would like if you recommend me some pairs.
(Sorry if my english its not good, it isn’t my first lenguage)
The only gloves I recommend are the brands listed in the article. You can also read through the comments for other ideas.
Thank you
Hi Johnny, you mention the same glove could be used both for sparring and bag work, which Rival glove model would you recommend? I’m afraid the sparring glove would break apart easily at the bag. What do you think about the RB50-d3o model? Thanks for your advice and great site!
Use whatever Rival glove model you see that says it’s for training. Definitely do not use a sparring glove on the heavy bag. It won’t break apart but it will just go soft quickly. I haven’t tried the RB50-d3o gloves yet.
The thing is in their website, in the glove section, there are 3 main categories: Bag gloves, Sparring gloves or Fight Gloves, so its sort of hard to understand which glove they consider apt for all training purposes. Thanks again for the ton of advice, learning a lot from your videos!
Ahhhh…I checked just now. I guess they don’t have any all-purpose gloves which I agree with. A quality glove should be more specific. The all-purpose gloves are usually for cheaper brands like TitleBoxing which are made for casual boxers to try out the sport.
Hey thanks for taking the time to check that
Hi Johnny, amazing site, Im still learning, still finding new useful info in your articles. Unfortunately where I am living, there is just Everlast, Adidas and than Muay Thai brands like Windy, King, Top King, Twins. Please, which of those you would recommend ? Thanks a lot.
Try them and see for yourself.
I am a newbie to boxing but plan to start at my local gym, I need a sparring glove and am wondering which to pull the trigger on. My wrist is about 7′, I weigh 150, and I am 5’5.
All of those are comparable. But for sparring, you should get sparring gloves.
I was wondering if anyone has used hatton leather pro sparring gloves. Or any of the hatton gloves in general. I’m after a more compact 16 oz glove for sparring. Currently I use king, top king and raja gloves as I mainly do Thai boxing but I am moving towards boxing now and was after a smaller glove. For your information king top king and raja make excellent gloves, just a bit bulky as are most Thai gloves
Whats your opinions on TITLE Boxing Premier Leather Super Bag Gloves ?
I never used them.
Im new to this so I really just wanted to start off taking some classes and using the heavy bag a lot. I am hearing so many different reviews so I need some help on what you would recommend for me. I would be boxing to tone up, lose weight, and to get fit (at least I’m not expecting to go pro at this time
). I am 5 5 and I weigh about 120 pounds. I do feel as though I have sensitive wrist so I wasn’t sure if I should go for 12 or 14 oz? Should I still get sparring gloves or can I do aerobic?
Follow the guide. Aerobic gloves are not meant for serious boxing training.
So I’m considering buying some new boxing glove soon, since the gym at my university won’t lease out their gloves anymore with the dropping of the Boxing classes. I really enjoyed the sport though, and I still want to practice on the heavybag and speedbags. Based on your considerations I looked at Title and found the Classic Revolution Training Gloves looked comfortable, durable, and affordable. However, I also noticed you mentioned Ringside as a good brand for women boxers because of the extra wrist support, and they are rather cheap too, like the Ringside Pro Boxing Gloves or Golden Glove Heavy Bag gloves at about the same price. I haven’t found the training gloves you mentioned, though. Do you have a recommendation for one of these glove types?
You’ll have to look around and compare what’s available. If you want to be safe, use the brands I mentioned.
Hi, I was wondering about the rival rb10 gloves and what size I should get. I´m a 140-5 lb female with normal hands I think and I like to wear 180″ mexican handwraps underneath. My previous brands are just the hook and loop from everlast 12 and 14 oz. and the old black Ringside imf tech bag gloves size M, my fav. I´ve also got some everlast evergel pro leather bag glove in size M but they are rather tight over the knuckles and I need to wear shorter handwraps, sometimes the feel too small. Rival store in Cananda said I should get M one while the australian store said I should get the Large one. I´ve seen some reviews suggesting that the glove compartment is rather small compering to other brands like Ringside. So maybe L is a better fit for me or not? Anybody got any thoughts or does someone got the RB 10 in size m or L and tell me if they feel big or smallish?
Get whatever gloves you want. In regards to the handwraps, you can wrap your hands a different way to make them less bulky. Experiment and see what you like best.
you mention in your article to stay away from fitness or workout glove but what about the rival RB40 FITNESS BAG GLOVES and what your opinion on the rival RB50 Intelli-Shock compact bag gloves ?
I haven’t tried either of those but as long as they cost more than $50, they should be pretty good. Both will be ok for general recreational boxing.
Hi, anyone got any opinion on training gloves with gel padding? These in particular http://www.ringsport.com.au/486-Rival-D30-Intelli-Shock-Bag-Gloves which are listed both as “bag gloves” and “training gloves”. Johnny, totally agree with you about bag gloves, but I don’t have enough experience to judge if these are training gloves suitable for bag work, or bag gloves trying to be grownup as training gloves? I have an old knuckle injury (not from boxing) so I appreciate a fairly compact fit over my hand wraps and good impact absorption. Any thoughts most welcome! Cheers
Bag gloves are pretty much all-around training gloves. Some are just too hard for sparring which is why you can switch to sparring gloves, which are softer.
Thanks for the reply Johnny, appreciate your time
If I’m not expecting to spar with my heavy bag gloves, would 8 oz be too light (protection) for me @ 145 lbs. Thanks, great site by the way.
8oz is way too light for extended training. Get 12-16oz like everyone else! Many trainers would consider you lazy if they saw you hitting the bag with 8oz.
Hello Johnny!
I have a question regarding the Rival gloves.
According to their website they give a size recommendation
depending on bodyweight and hand size.
In my case I am 1,90m with 83kg and relatively
small hands.
They recommend for Bag gloves:
14 oz because of my Bodyweight and
10 oz because of my hand size.
What to do?
Just today I tried the RB1 in 10 oz and it is fitting
nice and tight.
Do the gloves get much bigger inside in 14 oz?
Gloves do get bigger as their weight becomes heavier.
Here’s a comparison of the top brands, and some info about the actual process of acquisition.
Part 1
Part 2
Hi Johnny, I admire and respect your entire work, I can tell that you put so much passion in it. Eveything is like a map, for when somebody’s lost and wants to get back on track, or just wants to learn more.. I read all your articles and found them fascinating, each and every one of them. I’m a boxer from Eastern-Europe. I was researching on some boxing gloves, in order to aquire some, and I found your article. After spending some time reading and researching about every brand, and seeing that you approve of the Title gear, I decided to get Title gloves, these ones to be precise http://www.titlemma.com/p_PPBSG+12+BK/SV.aspx
Thank you so much for the suggestion, the info, you provide, is so valuable. Got 12 Oz. I have two concerns though with the gloves. 1. The glove compartment is very big. I double wrap and still there is space left. 2. The wrist area bends and don t offer much protection, in my opinion. It does not support the wrist as I expected, this thing being obvious from when you close the velcro. Apart from this, it’s a fenomenal glove, feels like true pro quality. Still, I can tell that something well padded as a grant glove, feels much more protective around the wrist area.
I got my eyes on these : http://www.titlemma.com/p_FSPGTG+12+BK/WH.aspx
They seem to have a better \ no bending wrist protection area .. Very well padded ( seems ), and superior to the Platinum ones. I saw, at the branding description of gloves that you stated “skimpy around the wrist are”, but I’m sure you were not refering to these ones. I am thinking of getting these in stead and sell the Platinum ones.
So my request, if you are kind, is to tell me what glove with great wrist protection and whole construction, without being skimpy at the wrist and the glove compartment too big would you recommend for sparring\ training\ bag. I was watching the fighting sports gel training ones and Grant. But Grants are so expensive.. So do you think Fighting Sports would be a leap forward, or what other would you recommend given the facts ? Please take into account that shipping takes forever to East Europe, and if it’s not worth the progress or they are the same construction it’s not worth ordering.
Thank you so much for who you are, and if you find time to answer this, I will deeply apreciate.
If what you really want is wrist support, get Grant gloves. On the other hand, you have to think about why you need wrist support. If your punching technique is poor, then you have to improve on that rather than rely on the gloves.
Fighting Sports is basically Title but the premium and higher quality version. They’re good but not as good as Grant.
Thank u for replying JN. I am NOT looking for a glove with JUST wrist support. If I really wanted to buy Grants, I would have made an extra effort to buy Winnings. My wrist does not hurt, my technique is correct, I am practicing boxing and muay thai for years. The Title gloves just felt a little skimpy at the wrist area, just like u stated about the fighting sports one, in the brands description. I am sure u are experienced enough and your technique is correct, still you felt them unsure in the wrist area. In the meanwhile I started, day by day, training by training, to love my Title gloves. My pondering was upon the fact that the Fighting Sports Gel ones, could have been a better choice, in terms of wrist protection or more. If u ever tryed both, you would be the most reliable source .. In general, I was curious about what you think about gel gloves. I was dissapointed by gel wraps, still have to wrap mexicans first, ALWAYS. The titleboxing salesperson says it’s a big leap to buy the fighting sports gel one, from the Platinum Paramount, but I can t trust these statements, not from a salesperson.
Johnny, I was just curious : what top 3 brands\ exact gloves of the specific brand, did you use and became your favourite ones ? I mean really ones you loved and relied in training .. You tryed so many different models, from what I see, I’m sure we would all want to know.
All the best Johnny !
My top brands are Ringside, Grant, Winning. But I’ve used many others that are also just as good. Adidas is up there, Rival is up there. There are many good models out there. You have to try them to see what YOU like. And see how it feels in your hand. When your hands feel good, you like the glove more.
Thank you. God bless you.
What are the ‘hidden links’ to the authentic mexican made Cleto Reyes?
I didn’t know there were hidden links.
It says above in the cleto reyes section:’They are also very high quality and last forever if you can get the authentic mexican-made ones (there are hidden links on the internet).’ By the way I love your work and I have learnt HEAPS from your stuff
Ahhh yes…..I don’t remember anymore. That was so long ago. I think it was just specific links to their direct Mexican website in Spanish. Look around on the internet, Sam!
Ok thanks, I will
hey man, i understand what you said about bag gloves but sometimes its hard to tell between what that really means. does it pertain to anything called a bag glove, or those weird skinny gloves that pop up when you google bag glove? im looking at Rival Ultra Bag Gloves and wanted to know if those would be under your category of “crap”. im gonna go 14oz. if not, i’m just gonna get some Title Pro-Style Leather training gloves.
Rival gloves are good. And yes, please avoid the old school skinny bag gloves.
Hey Johnny, thanks for giving us all of this sweet info on boxing it has made me so much better technically
as a boxer!
I just wanted to ask you if you have a opinion on what the best high intensity sparring 16oz gloves are, (aside from Winnings they are just slighly out of my price range) because I do lots of intense sparring and I REALLY need new gloves. My price range is anything up to $150.
Thanks som much again and keep up the good work =)
You’ll have to try different gloves and decide for yourself. All the brands I listed are high quality and pretty comparable. Winnings, of course, stands above them all.
Hey Johnny,
Just new to reading your site and also new to boxing. Have played lots of other sports before but had never given boxing a go, am 33 years old now and only just realising now that it pretty much is the best thing you can do, great workout, intelligent and a load of fun.
Am going to buy my own gloves as I am tired of using the gym supplied ones. Basically I do heavy bag work, and pads with a partner. We are going to start sparing in about a months time and already I am excited about that.
I am thinking of getting these gloves here: http://www.fightingsports.com/p_FSPTBG+12+WH/BK.aspx
I don’t have the biggest of wrists (about 19cm around) so I don’t want the gloves to feel too loose and cause injury to my wrist. Do you reckon that these gloves will be okay for me for this and also for hitting the bag, pads and upcoming sparing?
Thanks mate, its been great to read your tips, I shown everyone in my class how to wrap their hands after reading about your method and we all agree that this is by far the best way.
Nathan from Sydney
Don’t worry about the wrist area, Nathan. Wrist protection comes from your handwraps, not so much the gloves. The gloves in that link are fine but they are more for sparring than for heavy bag training. For hitting the bag, I recommend you to use bag gloves or use the gym gloves so you’re not flattening your own gloves.
How about Fairtex? is that a good brand or crap?
let me put this way there are several choice in my country such as Everlast Level III ,Fairtex, Twins?
which one is better?
because when i’ve try to buy gloves online from titleboxing.com or another web they don’t ship to my country.
And some time i saw in professional match they used Everlast gloves, so i think everlast(the highest level) isn’t crap right?
Try those gloves and see. Everlast has both cheap and pro gloves.
This is an awesome website but I am a little confused. If I want to hang a heavy bag in my garage, what type of gloves and what weight should I use? I weigh well over 200 pounds.
This guide answers that question for you.
Thank’s Johnn
Were i live the only gloves i can get are either Everlast or Pretorian. Which ones would be better for me to get.
Are these good gloves for hitting a heavy bag?
http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004LWZ3JG/ref=s9_simh _gw_p200_d0_i1?pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=center-2&pf_rd_r=086QGNMZQ0BWAYAQ06 BX&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=1389517282&pf_rd_i=507846
These look good to me.
Thank you Johnny!
Hey Johnny,
I am not trying to become a boxer, i just want to use it as a workout basically.
what would you think would be the best type of bag gloves and heavy bag to get. I do not want a cheap pair of gloves nor cheap bag that will eventually break down and hurt my hand. Does not have to be the best items either, again due to the fact I am only going to be doing this as a recreational activity, middle of the road would be perfect.
Also is there a difference between hanging heavy bags and free standing bags? would one be better than the other in my case?
I’d appreciate your input.
Thank you.
Hanging the bag is best because it can swing freely 360 degrees. Get whichever gloves I recommended in this guide.
Juan..Isn’t Cleto Reyes gear cheaper down there?
I’m not sure.
Hi Johnny!!
Such a cool site you have. I am starting in box but I am loving it….your site is so helpful
Want to ask you something….I live in mexico and over here is harder to find equipment….so I will have to order a pair of boxing gloves from titleboxing.com I cant try them over here cause I cant find them any were.
so I want to ask you about the TITLE GEL Tri-Brid Training Gloves have you try them what do you think I am in between those or the Fighting Sports Tri-Tech Hook-and-Loop Training Gloves. what do you think?
I hope to hear from you bro…..I want to order this pups soon!!! I am using the gym ones but they stiiink man haha….
They’re a little different from each other but can be used for the same purpose. It comes down to personal preference. You can also email the customer support and see what they recommend.
Hey I’ve started to do light pad work at the gym with my chum but have no clue what kind of gloves i should be using! My friend lent me her RDX gloves? But they’re hurting my wrists and the knukles of my baby fingers lol I’m female an weigh 110lbs hope you can help please?
Lins x
Hi Lindsay, maybe you can try using one of the brands I recommended in the guide. Make sure your hands are wrapped properly and use a bigger size than recommended for your weight if you want more protection. Last but not least, learn how to punch with proper technique!
I really wouldnt recommend RDX.
There stuff tends to be mostly very basic entry level, dressed up with flashy logos.
Its OK for what it costs…..but it is extremely cheap.
Real leather would always be my starting point for any gloves.
Hi, also doing light bag work. Checked out a store nearby that sells M______. Thoughts on the brand? Thanks!
I’ve never heard of that brand.
Hi, thanks for the review on the brands. I want to buy a training glove, but still unsure which one is better
between http://store.titleboxing.com/title-platinum-elastic-training-gloves.html
can you tell me which one i should buy? Thanks
from studying this arcticle and comments. both are nice gloves. id say you cant do better than the 2nd pair for the price, but in brand, the quality goes up with the price. so if money is no object then get the 1st pair.
i shouldnt speak for anyone else, and im probably wrong, but thats what ive gathered.
I’m gonna go with a wild guess and figure perhaps the more expensive glove (from the same company) is the better one.
Hey mate. I have been boxing for about a year and just drew my first fight. My problem is that when leading up to the fight, with all of my sparring, I would often come out of sparring sessions with sore thumb joints from collecting my thumb when throwing punches in close. I have been using ‘PUNCH’ gloves but think they may have something to do with it as the thumb seems to stick out abit on them? Can you suggest a good glove where in particular the thumb is tucked in nice and tight or is this all a stupid question?? haha
Try different glove brands and see what you like.
Hey Johnny, thanks for the article; I’m thinking of buying Title gloves, and therea are 2 options: synthetic and real leather; the real leather ones are more expensive, and I don’t know if it’s worth to spend a little more, or if the synthetic ones will do.
Thanks againg, and greetings from Guatemala
Oh, and one last question, what weight do you think would be appropiate, 12, 14 or 16 oz gloves? (I’m like 120-130 pounds). Thanks.
I personally like to spend more money. Leather is good because it’s more breathable. As for the glove size….read my recommendations in the article.
Thanks man, great articles and great advice! Take care.
Hey johnny! I am a new boxer and am very glad i came across your site.
I am a 19 year old former college football lineman turned boxer. I had to end my football career early due to a knee injury. i could have kept playing, but i decided to give it up when my scholarship got pulled. But anyway, back to boxing!
My dad is a former professional boxer from the late 70’s and 80’s. He wasn’t very famous, but he did go pro and had lots of fun doing it. After many years of being retired from fighting, he has opened a boxing gym, which has been quite successful in the short time its been open (2 years).
Anyway, back to the real point. since giving up football, i decided to pick up boxing at my dad’s gym. i’ve been enjoying it a lot and have recently decided to become more serious and try to compete in this sport. since getting more serious. i have decided its time to buy more/better gear. My first priority is getting a new pair of Sparring gloves. i have been using a pair of 16 oz Ringside IMF tech from my dads gym gloves for the past couple of months, but i decided that i want my own pair of gloves now and need some guidance on what to buy. My dad knows a little, but hes a little behind on the times when it comes to the new-age gear out on the market today.
Anyway, i have been looking at the Everlast Protex 2 Evergel training gloves,
( http://www.shopeverlast.com/protex-2-evergel-training-gloves.html )
and i remember you saying in your article that the less expensive Everlast gloves are crap. Looking at these, for 60 dollars, they look like pretty nice quality gloves. I was just wondering your opinion on these? if you don’t recommend these, what do you recommend for a 6’3, 250 19 year old novice fighter?
Welcome to boxing, Gunnar. Those Everlast Gloves are OK, nothing too fancy but they’re alright.
thanks for the guidance. I’m going to do a bit more shopping around before i decide what pair to buy.
Hey Johnny love the site!!
What do you make of the Tuf-Wear brand and the gloves they produce?
I’ve used them before and they’re OK, nothing special.
Hi Johnny,
I was just wondering about the [removed] boxing gloves. They seem a little cheap, but I want your opinion on them. What do you think?
By the wya, your site is fantastic!
If I don’t mention them above, I’ve never tried them enough to form any opinion. The ones listed in the guide are what I recommend.
Thanks for the great articles i love ringside and title gloves but one glove is catching my eyes from everlast is their mx training gloves what are your thoughts on those
I’ve never used those before.
I’m hopelessly lost in a sea of internet reviews trying to find the best glove for my situation. I’ve been doing mostly bag/pad work for 1-2 hours/day 5 days/week for about two years. I’ve worn Everlast and Title gloves and have not been impressed by the quality or level of protection. I am female 5’7″ 140 lbs 7″ hand circumference. I’m interested in finding a glove that offers a tighter, more supportive fit in the wrist and something that will break in nice and snug to fit my smaller hands. I’m also looking for a glove that is not pink (enough with the pink already!) or nothing too bulky and difficult to strap up. I’ve considered the Rival RB10 Intelli-shock Bag Gloves or the RB1 Ultra Bag Gloves, but I’m having a hard time trying to figure out what makes the RB10’s worth an extra $80. The Title gloves I have now are so beat up I may as well upgrade to tube socks on my hands, but I haven’t been able to commit to a decision based on the reviews I’m finding. I would greatly appreciate any guidance!
If you’re unhappy with Title/Everlast, you’ll have to try one of my other recommended brands like Grant, Rival, Winning. The higher cost is supposed to mean that it’s made out higher quality materials. Mainly the gloves are supposed to fit better, retains their cushion longer, not tear as easily.
Hey Alice, did you see my reply? Are you pro, we are about the same size
Hi johnny, I’m planning to take up boxing soon and I need a good pair of all rounder gloves (for paddings, light and heavy bags and sparring), as a beginner what kind of gloves should I get? I’ve been looking at title boxing gloves and hayabusa. I’ve read through this post and all of your comments, but it has gotten me a little more confused on the differences between bag gloves, sparring gloves and training gloves. May I know which one of these is a all rounder glove (for paddings, light and heavy bag and sparring)? Also, is Lonsdale a good boxing brand for pure boxing? Im also wondering whether to get laces or hook and loop.
Here are some gloves that im interested in getting:
http://store.titleboxing.com/title-black-pro-training-gloves.html (a little pricey, are they necessary for a beginner like me?)
http://store.titleboxing.com/hayabusa-kanpeki-2-16oz-gloves.html (not sure what kind of gloves are this made for)
http://store.titleboxing.com/title-black-pro-boxing-gloves.html (named as just ‘boxing gloves’, so are they all rounder gloves as well?)
Would appreciate if you take a look at all these gloves and give me some adviceson which gloves should I get! Thanks! Cheers!
For an all-around glove, you need training gloves. You’ll have to try different brands in order to figure out what you like best. The only ones brands I like personally are the ones listed in this guide. For a beginner, you can start with a $50-80 pair of gloves.
Hi Jhonny, what are your rhoughts on using mt gloves for boxing? Like king, fairtex and twins brand?
I personally recommend boxing brands as that’s all I see in boxing gyms. Occasionally there are the Muay Thai brands but I personally stick to the boxing ones.
Hey boys don’t forget the other half of humanity. I just love Cleto Reyes lace ups are far the best for women. We have smaller wrists in general so the lace up makes the glove feel part of ourselves. The fact that I can’t take the on or off helps. Secondly they make sure you feel the punch better through your hands which tells you how much you have hurt your opponent. Finally I hate this fade for different colours especially white. It is not a wedding, either black or red for me.
Hey, I just thought I should comment on a couple pairs of gloves I’ve worn so far. The first pair or gloves I used were the 16oz Ringside IMF Tech gloves that appear so highly regarded by everyone here. I picked them up last year, but to be honest, I really didn’t like them at all. Of course, I was using them for both sparring and bag work at the time, which you really shouldn’t do to conserve padding for your sparring partners. The gloves were way too big for my hands, even with 180″ wraps on, and after 4-5 months, the cloth lining on the inside of one of the glove started to rip off, foam was falling out of the glove, and the foam pattern on the punching surface of the glove was visibly bumpy due to movement of the foam.
I’m only 5’5″, 130lbs, and I’ve always focused on good form, so these gloves should’ve easily taken the punishment I put them through, considering it was only for half a year, and heavyweights use the same thing. Furthermore, I didn’t like the wrist protection, but maybe my wrists/hand are small in general. So, about 4 months ago I bought some 12oz Rival RB1 Ultra Bag Gloves for training, so I could set aside the Ringsides for sparring. So far, they still look brand new, and I’ve been using them 5-6 days a week, 1-2 hrs at a time on the bag. The hand compartment is much more snug in the Rivals, which better suits my preferences. I intend to stick with Rival in the future unless they take a step down in quality at some point. Do you know if Ringside dropped in quality recently? I saw someone else comment earlier that this was the case. It was just weird to me because no one else seemed to have such a bad experience with the IMF Techs.
I can agree that Ringside is not the same quality it used to be but it depends on which glove you’re talking about. Their cheaper stuff is now average and their high-end stuff is still pretty good. I do like Rival.
Hey Johnny! Is Reyes pro fight gloves and training or sparring gloves exactly the same? Except that sparring\training gloves are heavier than the pro fight gloves? Is pro fight gloves and sparring gloves made using the same materials which is why you do not recommend Cleto Reyes for training? What do you think of the Reyes training or sparring gloves?
I don’t use Reyes because they don’t offer enough protection for me. I do understand that they make training gloves now but I’ve never tried them. Generally training gloves are thicker.
Oh and I’m referring to 16 oz cleto reyes sparrring/training gloves
As far as I know, this is the story with Reyes. All the gloves are goatskin/head leather and great quality.
The original lace-up fight/contest gloves were filled with horse hair and got a reputation as a punchers glove. These are available in 8oz and 10oz only as they are designed for pro bouts.
They will not last long at all using them on the bag, as the padding isnt designed for bag work.
More recently they then brought out the same product but with a foam filling (Safetec) which is written on the thumb to distinguish them. These may last a little longer, but they are still designed for fighting, not training.
There is then a range of other (non contest) gloves in both velcro / lace-up / combination, which I assume use the foam padding, even though it doesnt say it on the glove.
I personally use the velcro training glove (14oz) for allround training and cant fault them (except the cost!). Comfortable, great quality (especially the stitching) and last a long long time.
Hi Johnny,
Im planning to start boxing soon, hence I’ve been looking around alot lately for a good pair of boxing gloves. As I live in Singapore, it actually costs a lot for me to get a 40 dollars Title boxing gloves since I have to pay an additional sum of 50 dollars for the shipping. Therefore, im trying to get the best gloves out of the ones that is available in my country. What do you think about everast protex 2 evergel and everlast protex3? Also, would it be wise of me to get a pair of Twins Special even when im doing pure boxing but not muay Thai?
Lastly, should I be using 14oz or 16oz gloves if I weigh 65kg?
Thank you!
Everlast Protex are fine. Twins boxing gloves are good, too. You can read my guide up above for my recommend size of glove weight. It’s ultimately up to you.
I know it’s been a while since you wrote this list of gloves so maybe you’ve tried some more. I wanted your opinion on Hayabusa gloves if you’ve used them. Btw I love your site I love your tips and you’ve helped me a lot. Thanks Johnny.
I’m pretty dead set on only using strictly boxing gloves made by boxing-focused companies. I will never really care for Hayabusa because I don’t take them seriously. If their gloves have gotten better, I wouldn’t know about it. I like using Grant, Reyes, Adidas, Winning, Fighting, Rival, and some others. I’m haven’t gone around looking for new gloves and I’m pretty skeptical every time I see fancy designed MMA gear marketed for the masses.
What I recommend is for you to try the brands I recommend and compare them to Hayabusa for yourself and see what you like better.
And Venum. These are just asking if you have tried them.
I only wear Venum shorts every now and then, I’ve never used any of their other gear or gloves.
Great info thanks! On the fence between twins and fighting sports tri-tech for heavy bag work. After doing all my research and trying to keep it within a reasonable price these are the two I’m leaning toward. Looking for great hand protection and wrist support, any help/suggestions would be great, thanks!
Both should be fine as long as the gloves specifically say “bag gloves”. “Training gloves” would be the next best option.
Hi johnny so are the everlast pro training gloves that cost 30-40 bucks not good…
The pro trainning gloves arent so good in my oppinion they wear out to quick if your looking for all right gloves in that price range Title has some nice Leather lace up training gloves for only $40 bucks their pretty durable and comfortable way better than the pro boxing gloves. check em out this is the link
$30-40 sounds really cheap to me. At best, it might be good for a cheap glove but it won’t be better than a $60 glove. Does that make sense?
what would you reccomend in the way of small compact gloves with open fingers so i can onpen hand movements like my knife hand or ridge hand and a little grappling
open soz
I only buy gloves for boxing purposes so I have no experience with the MMA-style open finger gloves.
ok thankyou
Hey, I bought the rival elite bag gloves 4 months ago and completely destroyed the inside part of them, my hands got hurt… I train twice a day 5 days and 1 time on weekends. I’m looking for some protective training gloves that will last! I was thinking about the ringside gel shock safety 18 oz, would you recommend those or some others since I will use them a lot!
I would say the Ringside ones won’t be too much better but you can try. Maybe you can try Grant gloves.
Hi johnny
First off big fan of your site taught me alot looking at your pages. I know it’s not to do with gloves I’m just wondering what’s your preferable brand for handwraps as I’m so confused on quality and brands and the choice between cotton and semi elastic mexican style ?
Semi-elastic Mexican style is my favorite. I use TitleBoxing handwraps.
As a recent beginner to boxing (for fitness really, as i am old lol) I bought some TITLE gloves today based on your recommendation.
I went for 14oz general sparring and i tried many other brands on, and yes the TITLE ones fit nicely & feel snug without being too tight. Good thumb length also, my thumbs feel crushed in some gloves. They were cheap @ 29.99 GBP too!
Good site mate, keep up the good work!
I just joined LA Boxing and they recommended buying a pair of gloves for myself. I don’t want to keep using the gloves they supply, they get pretty gross from everyone’s hands being in them. The gloves they sell are Pro Main Event. I don’t wanna buy them just because it’s the brand they sell. And I don’t want to spend a ton of money because I’m still just a beginner. But I do want something that will last and be of good quality. Is there a brand you could recommend instead if their gloves aren’t worth the money?
Anna, try TitleBoxing. Get their $50 training gloves.
I’m a Chinese student in Wollongong,Australia,now I’m using a pair of Everlast Authentic Cardio Glove.Bought them for 17.5 dollars,sales price.Ha ha.
By reading this article,I thought maybe this is why I have hurt my knuckles everytime after training.I’m thinking to buy a pair of new gloves,but there are no other brands in Wollongong except everlast,and some local brand:SMAI,sting,and so on.
Can anyone help me to have a look of this one?Thanks.
And,should I keep using that cardio glove as bag glove?I don’t want to leave it in the corner.Although it is very light.
Those gloves are average or slightly below average but definitely better than your Everlast cardio gloves. Stop using the cardio glove, it’s poorly made and won’t protect your hands very much.
Thank you,Johnny.
Now I decided to go to a store to try some of gloves,maybe I will buy one there.Here are some gloves that store sells,it has a online shopping website.No discount,though.Please give me your opinion about them.
This one seems good,but I think it’s too expensive.Is it really worth for its Australian price?In America it only costs 59.99 US dollars!
I think this one is my best choice,as long as I can find a pair of 16oz one.
Rock seems like a Austraila local brand,however,it might be ok or they won’t charge 70 AU dollars.
This is my second choice,regardless of weight.I’m using a pair of wrap of this brand,the type is:http://www.rebelsport.com.au/Product/Sting-Elastic-Quick-Wraps/41039701.I think it is ok,although its workmanship still needs some improvement.
And,I have some question about the weight of gloves I should use.I’m 162cm,67.5kg.
In your article What Boxing Gloves To use,you have suggested that:
120lbs & down (12oz or 14oz)
120lbs – 150lbs (14oz – 16oz)
150lbs – 180lbs (16oz – 20oz)
180lbs & up (18oz & up)
I have calculated my weight in pounds,it is 147 pounds.Maybe 16oz gloves suite me better?
Oh,I’m a male human.Ha ha.
I’ve never tried some of the brands you mentioned. That will have to be your call. The only ones I like to use are the brands I mentioned in this guide.
I have bought that sting titan one,the last link shows,in the store.
It feels good,made of real leather,and its inside is smooth.And my wrists now feels better in bag works and punch mitt works.
The everlast gloves in that store are all synthetic leather.
What’s your opinion of the real leather and synthetic leather gloves,any difference between them?
You should check out a guide to saving money on boxing gloves! Includes cheap boxing glove deals
Hey Johnny,
I have been a fan of your site for quite a while.
After countless hours in the internet (including your site) searching for reviews to get some new gloves( I lost my hayabusa tokushu) I bought this gloves:
I have been practicing boxing and muay thai quite a while. I weight 185 pounds, i bought the 16 oz.
What do you think of this gloves? I will use them for bag work, mitts and sparring.
Thank you four help!
Since you’ve already bought them…let me know ask you: what do YOU think of the gloves?
Hey Johnny – I like your reviews. You seem to know what you’re talking about without being biased toward one brand or another, and that is hard to find these days since so many reviewers are just promoting their own products. My all-time favorite bag gloves for boxing are Ringside IMF Tech Bag Gloves (not their similar but in my opinion not quite as good “IMF Super Bag Gloves.” I am a big fan of that IMF padding.
Can you say how those compare to gloves made by Rival? Does Rival use injected mold foam?
Also the last time I bought Ringside gloves was the summer of 2011. Has their quality remained the same since then, do they still make the IMF Tech Bag Gloves the same way? I ask because many brands these days have great quality one year and then bad quality the next year. Like Everlast was a really good brand until the original owner of the company died back in the 1990s. Now I consider Everlast one of the worst brands on the planet. I guess companies just shop out their gear manufacturing to the cheapest companies without regard for quality. But Ringside has never let me down.
Thanks – Tommy
I don’t know about the terminology but I’m definitely a fan of Rival gear. They make good stuff. I also haven’t used the latest Ringside gloves but I do get the feeling at times that their quality has dropped from what it was 5 years ago.
Do you have any experience with the material they call D3o? I think Rival uses it in some high-end bag gloves. But the gloves only weight 10 ounces which sounds way too light to me. D3o is supposed to be some kind of high-tech padding used in helmets, motorcycle gear, etc. Thanks
I’ve only used Rival’s d3o headgear (but not their gloves) and I like it.
Hi Johnny, your thoughts on Promex gloves from Title? Thank you
I like them but don’t use them regularly.
thank you johnny
What can you tell me about Venum Boxing gloves?
I don’t use them. But from the looks of them, they are nothing special. Not bad, but not special either. Average stuff.
My buddy and I are trying to get into boxing and we are attempting to buy good training gear for a decent price. We don’t have a boxing gym in our town so it’s a little difficult to get good instruction. It’s going to be people like you who train us through instruction via -here, youtube, and other boxing forums.
I was wondering if you would recommend either the: TITLE boxing traditional training headgear or the TITLE boxing full face training headgear?
For wraps I’ve heard good things about the TITLE mexican style? But Title or Everlast?
Don’t know anything about mouthpieces. Double or single? FightDentist, ShockDoc, TapOut?
Your forums have been already extremely helpful, so thank you. Your thoughts would be greatly appreciated
Headgear/wraps/mouthpiece, you have to try and see for yourself what you like. You can check out my Boxing Headgear review for my thoughts on headgear I’ve actually used before.
Any suggestions on the ounces of the gloves? I have a 16oz pair of Fairtex gloves that I use for training and for fighting / sparring. I used them in one amateur fight but I realize now that I need to get specific gloves for specific things.
I think I’m going to keep my Fairtex for sparring but I need some bag gloves and I’m not sure of what oz. I should get? Not really sure of how much of a difference the oz’s make.
It depends on your weight and hand size. I’m 6’2 and 170lbs. I prefer 120z gloves for bag and pad work, but I don’t have overly large hands. The general rule is that the bigger the glove, the more hand room there is.
These are the best bag/pad gloves I have ever had and they will go on sale all the time.
I use the 12oz and have never hurt my hands.
Gosh this is a big line of comments. If you reach this point I would like to say. For interest. I have big hands, but not that big, and I have never been able to buy gloves, off the shelf, big enough to use hand wraps, and get gloves on, not even with XXl’s. And I ain’t gonna pay for ‘custom made’ ones. Many years ago when I did’ competitive boxing’ the official tournament glove’ were a nightmare. I would force my hands into them, and then during the bout, forever be warned for slapping, as I could not clench my fist. Not fair at all.
Now for general training, I just buy the biggest and cheapest decent glove, I can get, and slit them down the palm side, so I can get them on and off. Unfortunately its not much help as far as ‘hand wraps’ go, so I have to be careful and keep a keen eye on my knuckles etc. Lacing gloves are a ‘no go’ and some Velcro’s are Ok, but not always. On another subject, Like a lot of other folks, my glove linings are usually soaking wet after a session. And can easily stink to high heaven if not dried out. However, I have found that these wire ‘bird feeder’ tube things,are ideal for shoving up the glove, and placed upright over a coat hook in the drying room, works a treat in drying them off. CU all, Alexander
Hi johnny, I bought a 16oz hook and loop cleto Reyes gloves from ringside . Can I ask is the gloves Goode to use for heavy bag ?
Try it and see if you like it.
Hey Johnny
I noticed how you’re a big fan of Title
Do you recommend any Title sparring gloves? preferably Velcro strapped.
Check out their gear and buy something that costs over $75.
Ring to Cage mim foam sparring gloves with safety strap (2 straps on wrist), Excellent gloves. Went to fight shop with busted hands, guy was like use these 18 ounce versions on bags, & he was right. Totally saved my hands and wrist support is tippy top notch. 2.5 inchs of knuckle foam!
Hey Johnny, great job! Don’t know if anyone has mentioned Leone gloves, but they’re great gloves! You should check then out if you haven’t already.
I’ve been looking, researching, checking out different brands seeing whats good and last for abit.. I’ve been looking for an 18oz glove, I’m 240 kinda tall kinda stalky a little chubby haha.. so I could throw a little more committed in sparring and not worry about holding back and focus more on developing skill and technique.. Would 16oz gloves do a pretty good job in what I’m looking? they’re also probably gonna be used as bag gloves too for a bit. I dont want a heavy glove if its gonna hurt speed and developing good skill..
I guess an pretty good all-round glove is what I’m looking lol
Hey Johnny,
I’ve been looking into what brand to buy and I was reading reviews for boxing gloves on amazon. It seems a lot of people complain about ringside being very tight fitting, which is a problem for me because I have large hands.
What brand do you think is more spacious for the hands and offers the best protection at the same time?
You’ll have to try out different brands and figure that out yourself, Dan. I would suggest Grant or Title.
Hi I’ve like to buy windy thai gloves or twins … what should i choose for good durability and quality for training ….Tnx
Both are pretty good and comparable.
Yet another great article mate. Thanks to this I ended up going for a pair of Title gloves for my first gloves (whereas I probably would’ve ended up getting a big name pair like Everlast) and I’m really impressed with them so far.
Everything I’ve since heard about Everlast ties in exactly with what you said so you’ve saved me a load of wasted time and money! Thanks for writing this.
Hi Johnny great article and I take your advice, and I’m thinking about buying a pair of title gloves. The
red ones you use in your videos look pretty durable and great. What are your thoughts on those
and what’s the name? Would you recommend them?
They are the Title Classics (lace-up version). They’re ok for the price-range of $35-40 but you can definitely get better gloves if you’re willing to spend $100.
Johnny, I just had my first training session and I am looking for bag gloves. I don’t mind dropping some money on gloves so I was thinking of going with Rival RB10 Intelli-shock bag gloves. I am just not sure if they will work for me though…thier largest size is 14oz but I am a big guy. I weigh 350lbs, am I going to hurt myself with 14oz gloves?
You’ll need bigger gloves for sure, Jeff. 14oz is not big enough for you.
Hi Johnny
im new at boxing and im about to buy Hayabusa Ikusa 16oz training gloves, im going to use them alot of the heavy bag so my question do you recommend them or no?
im 170 lbs 6ft
thanks in addition
Great site Johnny! I just ordered me a pair of 16oz Title Black Fierce training gloves. Any experience with it? Any good in your opinion?
Hello Johnny, since this post has some years now I wanted to know
if you agree that Ringside quality is not the same
because I’m from Argentina and deciding which ones I could get (buying online), I was thinking this brand but now I’m reading they are not so good anymore. What do you think? Are they worth the price? (Ringside Pro Style IMF Tech Training Gloves, $110)
Ringside is not the same as they used to be but I definitely feel those will be fine for you, Ana.
ok, thanks for taking the time to answer
Can i ask you about buying boxing glove.
I’d like to buying boxing glove now. so I’m thinking about “winning Boxing glove” and “Reyes boxing glove” both are 14oz and for traning, and i gonna use them for sparring and traning.
my weight is 138lb (61kg), and I’m not a professional player.
I’ve played boxing for almost 2years.
which glove is better for me?
could you please answer for me?
Dear johnny,
I am going to order ring side pro style imf training gloves $110 (18 oz).. Im 191 pounds.. For bag workout… Is that a good option?
Or would you like to recommend something else?
Hi Johnny,
I was after some advice on gloves for training. I’m new to this. I just fractured my foot 4 weeks ago and got into this modified boxing where you sit on a swiss ball (engage the abs and not load the foot up too much). I’m realy enjoying it so am looking to keep going, get into fitness boxing and sparring, pad work. Not sure about heavy bag just yet, will be focusing on pad work first.
Can you recommend gloves for a female; I’m 52kg, 5’6″. My wrists are fairly narrow/slim and my hands are medium size but again long slender fingers.
I read some reviews and winning gloves get thumbs up, Rival also had some sweet reviews and Title and ringside.
And is there a size I should be aiming at? I was thinking 10-12oz gloves but not 100% sure.
Cheers Johnny
Hello Johnny,
What about proTmex gloves ? I read it from Title.com that it says it is like Cleto Reyes’ boxing gloves except it’s more affordable. I’ve already made my order for a pair of ProTmex (http://store.titleboxing.com/pro-mex-professional-hook-n-loop-boxing-gloves.html) but after randomly coming across a youtube boxing glove review which says that it’s not that great of a glove, I’m starting to worry about it ! Please let me know what are your thoughts. Thank you!
Hey Johnny,
I was wondering if you had any suggestions on training shoes or what brands are better than others as well as which brand has the most value? Please let me know your thoughts!
Thanks, Ben
I like Nike Boxing shoes.
Hi what are Main event pro gloves like have you had dealings with them.
Also would you say Thai boxing gloves are ok for western boxing?
I am 18 and know nothing about the boxing gloves & their sizes.Please suggest me budget gloves,my classes are going to start after a week.Thanq guyz
Hey man
I am checking out Rival RB10 Intelli-shock bag gloves ( http://rivalboxing.ca/collections/boxing-gloves/products/rival-rb10-intelli-shock-bag-gloves ) and I wanted to ask you something.
I know they say “bag gloves” but does that mean I can only use them for that? I love hitting the mits and do easy tagging sparring, isnt it okey to get these gloves for that kind of use?
What are your thoughts
I’m 1.90cm and 93kg
Love your article What do you think of Combat Corner Gloves ?
Any opinion on these gloves
Hey Johnny,
I think you have a typo on the following sentence, “It should go without saying that you should be hitting a live opponent with these as the denser foam makes it more painful for sparring.”, on the “should”.
Thank you, I made the fix just now.
My take on Everlast gloves is, you get what you pay for. The Everlast gloves sold at mass merchants aren’t much use for anything except dressing up as a boxer for Halloween.
HAHAHAH, YES! I only wear my cheapo Everlast toy gloves at Halloween parties.
Any thoughts on snug gloves for a petite female boxer who has very small hands? I spar and do bag classes.
Check out Ringside Apex Boxing Gloves. It’s one of Ringside’s Boxing gloves that has IMF Tech. It’s compact and quite affordable. You should check them out.
Go to a store and check out different sizes.
I took some of your advise and got the Rival headgear (awesome) and a pair of Rival bag gloves. The bag gloves are of excellent quality but the thumbs are short. I’ve bruised my thumbs a couple of times as the thumbs just seem to be very small and my thumbs are pressed right up against the tips.
I’ve heard a couple of other people say the same thing about Rival gloves. Any recommendations for gloves that might fit a little better? I’m thinking about trying Title gloves next.
Try different brands and see for yourself.
Hi Johnny!
I just started my Muay Thai lesson about 2 months or so and i’m seriously thinking about buying my very own personal gloves hahaha. I’m 5.4 feet & 108 lbs. What’s your opinion on Venum Contender (10 ounces). Sorry for troubling you with my beginner question. Your advice is much appreciated
Dear Johnny
I’ve been boxing for a year now. I wanted to step up my game so I invested in a pair of 16 oz Velcro Cleto Reyes training gloves.
I am 5″7 and 67kgs i don’t neccesarily consider my hands to be small, but the gloves do seem a bit big for me. They are also quite heavy for 16 oz gloves. I’ve had these for a month now. I have no problems with the padding like many people have complained about. But they just seem like a very hard pair of gloves to use or adjust to. I just wanted to know if you’ve known individuals or had any problems of your own regarding Cleto Reyes gloves. I know they quality, but maybe they just not for me? Or do I need to break them in more? Besides from the actual quality of the build of the glove I don’t know what’s so amazing about them.
Hey Johnny,
I would like to know which one of the ringside gloves is the best in your opinion. I’ve read different comments from a lot of people online but im still not convinced on what to buy. Im looking for something under $150. It would be great if you helped me.
hello sir can you reccomend me a boxing gloves? im 5’4, 64 kg no background in combat sports
I have two pairs of cleto reyes, one for fight and others for training/sparring, they are not how you said, the fight ones, yes they are like a rock but the training on es are food for bag and sparring
Hey,do you know if the Atf boxing gloves are good because in my gym they are selling them.I want to know if i sould bye them .
Sry if i had done errors, english is my second language…
bag gloves. Green Hill vs. Ringside?
Ringside (UK) are good gloves if you go for the more expensive ones. Very comfortable, and quite a nice tight feel.
I spent $260 yesterday on a new set of shingaurds/gloves/helmet from a proboxing shop. The gloves were 89.99 however they have the hayabusa brand design. These gloves have good review but can it be possible that it is a cheap knockoff because I can’t tell material quality and I don’t want the gloves to turn to crap they were so expensive
For anyone in the UK Green Hill have a great sale on at the moment. Great gloves in my opinion.
Hi Johnny,
I’m a newbie and don’t plan on doing anything too serious but my MMA class recommended boxing gloves and I want to use them for class and for the gym (to hit a sandbag on my own). I know you don’t like Everlast so I was debating between Ringside or Title. My friend who has done boxing for a couple of years before, however, says that for what I will be doing Everlast won’t wear out. Would you agree? I’d like your opinion before making a purchase since there’s a 30 dollar difference between the 2 brands!
PS just before I went to a nearby boxing store and the only brand they had were pro all for $130!! Crazy expensive here!
Hi Johnny. Thanks for your great articles and videos. Much appreciated as a beginner boxer. There was a short conversation in this thread about wrapping hands. Of course, I always wrap up, but am wondering how you would feel about incorporating some of the hand strengthening tips in this video?
There was a short conversation in this thread about wrapping hands. Of course, I always wrap up, but am wondering how you would feel about incorporating some of the hand strengthening tips in this video.
I do like the thin gloves idea. You have to be careful and work your way up. I can imagine some beginners trying to hit full force right away and hurting themselves.
Hi Johnny,
Great informative site. Can you please recommend a good quality leather with velcro glove. I am 5’2′ and 102lbs. I’m doing a mix between karate/sparring and bag work. Am i better off with a 10 oz versus 12 oz re speed as everyone I spar is signifcantly bigger and more advanced. Also is there a preferred color?
Yall tripping about the Cletos not recommended for training. You know they come in different weights. not all cletos are fight gloves. I use 12 and 14 oz on bag and mitts. They are great training gloves..
I don’t recommend them because of their shape. Yes, they do come in larger sizes…I’ve used 16oz Cletos as well, but their shape has less padding in the fist area than other brands. They’re still great gloves and I CAN use them for training but I don’t like to unless I want to spar hard.
Hi Johnny,
I’m looking to get a pair of gloves and have decided on either fighting sports, ringside’s or just biting the bullet and getting a pair of winning gloves as it seems like they are the best. A couple of years ago I broke some bones in my hand and have some trouble with it still, so i’m looking for a good quality glove. Would you go with 14oz or 12oz for bag and mitt work for a 140lb female?
Thanks for your help.
What is your opinion for the venum elite lace up gloves ?
Venum is an awful brand. Don’t use.
I’m starting boxe now, so I’m looking for a good glove. I’m a small woman, so most of the gloves are huge for my little hands. I wonder if the Adidas Box Fit Boxing Gloves 10oz is a good option for me (it’s just for fitness purpose)
Those would be just fine for you, Izabella.
Hi Johnny I live in Australia and new to boxing.
I was wondering what your opinion would be on Sting (I have the Arma +) and Rock.
They seem to be the only brands I have found in stores other than Everlast and I haven’t been able to find consistent opinions on either Sting or Rock. I also have a 12 Oz training glove and weigh between 129-136 pounds. Would that be fine for a beginner?
I’d appreciate your opinion.
hey just a ? about gloves, did not see this 1 brand “Iron Body Fitness” was given a pair of bag gloves, are these any good or how about this Low/Med/High as in good to use? not price Thanks just wanted to know before I gave them to a friend. Thanks alot for your time.
Since I am from India, none of these are available or are murderously expensive. But I have researched a few and found out some brands and if you know them, please advise.
Since I am from India, none of these are available or are murderously expensive. But I have researched a few and found out some brands and if you know them, please advice