Click on download links below to download your ebooks and videos.
Contact me if you need assistance: expertboxing [at] gmail
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- Note: it will ask you to sign up with your Paypal account and ONLY IF you don’t cancel after the free 90-day trial period, you’ll be billed a discounted price of $8/month. Don’t worry, you can cancel your subscription anytime easily from Paypal or the EB membership site itself. It takes 2-seconds. Just cancel within 90-days and it won’t cost you even a single cent.
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Yeaaaahhh baby just bought this EBook/video… too sick to do anything but we got it those who haven’t bought it Hurrrry up and show support
Just bought how to box in 10 days hopefully next week i can go pro
Hi, i purchased the course but none of the videos will download. Any help ?
Hi Darren, please click & hold down the mouse button to see if the contextual menu comes up for you to download.
I bought it off my phone how do I download it
Hi Wayne,
Please check your email for the login. If you don’t see it, there’s a good chance it went into your spam folder. Let me know if you see it now.
whats a great video especially the balance workshop and tips like a hips wall , using the core muscle as a balance muscles ,and 90 degrees angle of uncles .
Cant belive is a so little tips but can makes a big changes . Are u going to make anymore videos at all?
You mean for more premium guides? Yes, I have a new one on the way.
hI, johnny, I just bought the “dancers footwork”, in some exercises YOU HAVE TO PUT THE FEET TOGETHER to move forward or backward, but as far as I know I HAVE TO MANTAIN THEM ALWAYS SEPARATED to HAVE the balance,
if I do the exercices of your videos, Do you think I could make the mistake to put them together when Im moving forward or backward in a fight ? what do You recommend? (sorry about my english Im from Mexico)
Juan (john) manuel
Different drills focus on different aspects of moving. Let go of the technique after you’ve practiced them and focus on fighting. Your natural ability should be improved by then.
I’ve watched both of your video’s, however when I have went to save the Ebook and workbook to my computer it will save however when I open it with Microsoft word it comes up with a list of encoding
Hi Ryan, thank you for your support. The ebook is actually a PDF file so you need to download and install Adobe Acrobat Reader to viewer. Give this a try and let me know if you still need more help.
Hey Johnny
Finally purchased the course. Looking forward to getting started. How can I transfer the course to my Ipad?
Hi Kevin! I would download the smaller version of the videos and copy it over.
Hi John,
Just got your book and have spent the last 2 hours reading it. I am in a charity boxing match it 3 days and have been training for past 10 weeks
(see ) so looking forward to my first and probably only fight. At 50 i have found a sport i truly love and will continue to box as long as i can. I love the simplicity and tips, the does and dont’s etc. Just from the 2 hours i have spent reading your book i know i will fight so much better. Your book consolidated what i have been taught in the past weeks. Look forward to watching the videos. Thankyou. Cheers Barry
Finally learned how the throw a good left hook to the body .
Im in awesome thank you johnny
Great site and all your info on here and in the book and videos have really helped me improve. Any chance of splitting the videos into the respective sections? It might make the creation of DVD’s and scene rewinding a bit easier.
That’s not a bad idea, Tom! I don’t want to split this into so many files because it makes it that much harder to manage and update. I will see what I can do. Thank you for the suggestion!
hi Johnny i can wait to try the programe
Hey Johnny im just wondering how to download onto iPad thanks
Hi Mick,
Use the smaller video version and upload it to your Itunes. From there you should be able sync it into your iPad. Other members have also converted the higher quality videos to iPad format.
Hey there,
I have been going to a boxing gym for about a year now and thought i would buy this book to see what other useful ideas i could get.. This website itself is
great however , there is no members area option on the homepage.
cant wait to hit the boxing gym to practise some new moves!
Cheers guys
Hi David,
The “Members area” is a URL:
Let me know if you have any other further problems!
My province is Quebec
Hi Johnny, I enjoyed reading your book and though a lot of the information was something I already knew through my many hours of online searches and trial and error, I mostly got the book for motivation and to reassure myself that what I am doing is good. I recently started kickboxing and your website is a lot of help to me, so thank you for that. There was one thing that I never knew, is that there is a difference in vitamins. I looked all over online and can not seem to find the same vitamins that you are taking. Do you think you can point me in the right direction of where i can get those vitamins or a comparable brand?
I would really appreciate it.
thank you
Hi George,
I listed the manufacturer names in the book in the same section. Check it out and yes, there are many comparable brands out there.
Hi Johnny-In your e-book you recommend eating a big meal 2 hours before your workout. If my workout starts at 5:45a.m. when and what should I eat? I know I wont have time to digest a big meal without waking up at 3a.m.
You don’t need to eat before a workout if you’re training right after you wake up.
I have tried to put the video I purchased into my iphone3GS.
But I have faild.
I wonder if there is some kind of ‘protect’.
Non only the video I purchased(10 day boxing) but also the videos I downloaded(fron YouTube) can’t be put into my phone.
I wonder if it is just my mistake or it is because of protection.
I’ve read your reply up here.
I’ll try using small version.
But I wonder yet.
Because downloaded videos from YouTube aren’t put my phone not only 10 day video.
You might also have to convert the videos to another format to make them compatible on your phone. You can use free software called “Super” or also “Handbrake”.
I’ve solved my problem about putting videos into my phone.
Smaller version of 10 day boxing is put my phone.
And low quality version of videos from YouTube is put my phone.
Great! I’m glad it worked out for you.
Arizona represent. The last two books I checked out regarding nutrition and physical fitness were Schwarzenegger’s Encyclopedia of Body Building and a compilation of Bruce Lee’s training regimens as they evolved. I learned a lot from those two, but I have a feeling yours is going to be much more practical. Take my money!
LOL! Thanks, CHOW!
Hi Johnny,
I have a question on basic footwork. Specifically the pivot.
When you pivot i know the front foot remains on the ground, what about the back foot? Should it be dragged around like a step drag or can it be lifted off the ground?
It depends on how big your pivot will be. It would make sense to take some weight off the back foot so it can move easier. The bigger the pivot, the more weight-shifting you need.
Hi Johnny.I have bought the boxing set,but I tried to play the videos but obviously they cannot run.I have Windows xp.What should I do?
Hi Pantelis, please download the latest codecs. If you’re on PC, you can go here to download them:
Download the codecs, install them on your computer, and trying playing the file again.
Hi Johnny.I studied the pack and to be honest I have improved my couter attacks.I have become more aggressive now.Before that I was very defensive.Now I try to be more imaginative during the fight and I have developed many counter attack techniques.Also I have increased my self-esteem.Generally speaking this box set has been a masterpiece and I believe it gives a broad scope of boxing.My level is boxing is amateur but I want to improve my footwork techniques and balance.Basically I am very good.I salute your effort for this.Its worth the money and more.Also I will try to print the workbook.I wish you all the best Johnny in whatever you do.You helped me improve myself.A thank you is not enough
Hey Johnny , i have been reading your articles regularly for a while now and i have learned a lot from them.
Your combination of theory and practice almost seem based on a scientific approach.
After 1.5 yrs reading your articles for free i felt you deserved the money even without me buying anything really.
The Dancers footwork for boxer’s was an offer i simply couldn’t refuse.
It is a great concept and it shows how seriously you take the Art / Science of Boxing.
I will be studying the lessons and will drop some feedback sooner or later.
Many thanks for your hard work.
Hey Taz, I really appreciate your support. Thank you so much!
Hello there
I just purchased the How to Box product. I downloaded the pdfs no problem and the content looks brillant. Unfortunately I need some help please downloading the videos. The videos won’t play. Please advise, I am using Firefox version 26.0.
Thanks very much
Hi Hing,
Please try right-clicking the download link and saving to your computer. I would also try using another web browser like Chrome. See if that works and if not, please email me directly for a faster response.
Johny i just watched the videos abount balance footwork and punching power
all i can say is fantastic staff it helps a lot :)) keep doing it;)
hi Johnny
I have been looking at your dancers footwork for fighters but personally think its priced too high (my personal opinion ) I was wondering if you have thought about dropping the price too see if you sell more ( not sure what your actual sales are ) if it was around $45 I would have already bought it but at $85 think many people might give it a miss? I thought maybe you can do discounts if people have bought other videos from you already ? ( as I have )
I know you have put a lot of work in to these videos and don’t want too sound rude just trying to see if it will improve sales (again not sure what your sales are ) but also would bring the price down a little for the buyer sometimes less is more.
anyway hope you understand have a great day thanks.
Hi Steve,
No offense taken! Thank you for your honest feedback. I do appreciate your helpful business suggestions. In regards to price, I’ve found that my sales are not elastic to the price. I only sell a few copies every month and the people who really want the products will gladly pay whatever it is. Even if I lowered the price, sure more people can afford it, but it’s not like more people will want it. Because I sell so few copies each month, I feel more comfortable and more self-respect to price my product to the amount that I feel it’s worth.
The knowledge shared in them is priceless and the time I spent to learn these things and then to create the product can never be bought. It’s simply my love for the sport that I created these courses and whether or not they make a lot of money, I’m just proud to have produced something unique and truly beneficial for fighters. In regards to the dancer’s footwork…I can tell you right now nothing like this exists anywhere. I’ve been to many fighting gyms, and nobody knows even 10% of the stuff taught in this course. In respect to the amount of time it’s taken me and my brother to learn these things and in respect to the masters we learned from…I just wouldn’t feel good selling it for less. I sell it for $84 because I love it so much and because I feel comfortable knowing it’s easily worth more than that, and I wouldn’t want to devalue something really precious to me. If your grandmother passed away, you wouldn’t sell her old favorite watch (even if broken) for $10, right?
ok you have sold it too me hahaha
Thanks, Steve.
Just purchased the training resources, i will passionately complete this 10-day and come back and post my results! I hope to learn all i can and do my best, maybe i will get into amateur boxing.
Thank you, Adan. I’ll be waiting for it.
Hello Johnny!!
First to congratulate you for the great work you do, then tell you that would be very useful for people who do not master the English added subtitles least in English to read at least what you say to translate and understand it (in my case I’m from Spain and have basic English).
Another interesting issue is you to put a guide on Rigondeaux, moves and tricks.
And finally have a personal email to write on the subject of sending fights and tell me what should be improved so … ??
Thanks and greetings from Barcelona (Spain)
Hi Toni,
I would love to get that done soon. And perhaps even put sub-titles in other languages. My personal email can be found through the “Contact” LINK at the very bottom of my website.
hI, johnny, I just bought the “dancers footwork”, in some exercises YOU HAVE TO PUT THE FEET TOGETHER to move forward or backward, but as far as I know I HAVE TO MANTAIN THEM ALWAYS SEPARATED to HAVE the balance,
if I do the exercices of your videos, Do you think I could make the mistake to put them together when Im moving forward or backward in a fight ? what do You recommend? (sorry about my english Im from Mexico)
Juan (john) manuel
It’s a drill to help teach you body awareness and develop certain part of your muscles. Just because you drop your hands while running, eating, watching TV, doesn’t mean doing all those things will give you bad boxing habits.
Hi Johnny, finally i have the time for training. once question: my house floor is too hard, I want to jump the rope. Can I use an antifatigue mat, like the ones used in the restaurant kitchens for this exercise? Juan (johnny) from México.
Thanks a lot
I’ve never tried one of those so it’s hard for me to comment. Maybe you can buy some gym mats? The hard black ones, not the cushioned blue ones.
Hi Johnny, i’ve been training for 3 weeks with the double end bag and the rope, thanks to your suggestions (move with the balls of the feet, etc) I move easier and quick, and I have good balance. One question: can I use a wall bag? I have no space at home, I want to train with the heavy bag but for the moment I HAVE NO TIME to go to a gym, maybe in 2 months. If so, what kind of exercises can i use, and WHAT IS THIS FOR?
Its always a pleasure to talk to you, Juan from México.
Do the best you can with what you have. If all you have is a wall bag, I guess you’ll just have to throw whatever combos you can at it.
Hi again, Johnny what is the difference between slipping and head movement? I think the first one you have to bend your knees or move the body showing the thinnest part, but when you move your head, u have to move the body to counter, or not to loss the balance? What i undesrtand is what you say: HEAD MOVEMENT is not for avoiding punches BUT FOR SEEKING AN OPENNING! ( this is great)
Thanks a lot
Kick me some apps for hp 2 pass the videos 2 DVD, please!
Hi, johnny, I just want to thank u for your advices, I live in a small city in mexico where there are no good gyms, I attend one where the technic is not good, however I´ve been training as u say, and sometimes the trainer asks me if I have ever been on the ring, or if I have ever gone to another gym, one day I lied to him and I told him I was in a LA gym for one month, and he just said “ahh there are very good gyms there, thats why u move like that”
thanks again
How can I copy the videos to a dvd?
Its the fourth book I buy from you (the 30 day fighter´s diet) and all of you guess why is the fourth? greetings form Mexico.
HEY Johnny, when can I have the 30 day fighters diet?¨I bought it last saturday, thank you
Hi Juan,
I saw that you bought the other 3 products but not that one. Can you contact me directly via email, please.
Hi Johnny, since I bought the first one, you gave me one password I’ve been using, with this fourth one I realized I Was given another password, I used this last one so I could download “the fighter diet” with no problem. Thanks a lot
Hi I have a question. I can’t download the abw2013(cam2)-powerpunching, abw2013(cam2)-balancefootwork, abw2013(cam1)-powerpunching, abw2013(cam1)-balancefootwork, and day1-part2-powerpunching. What can I do?
Hi Han, I replied to you via email. For everyone else, please try a different browser if you’re having download problems. Try Chrome or Firefox.
Really loads takes forever man. What can I do about it. I use google chrome and tried my laptop too
Your videos do not load right. I have several videos and they all load right. You might have good product man but I can’t view it. Tried safari and chrome
Hi Michael, please contact me directly for a faster response. In regards to your problem. Are you having a problem downloading the videos? Or actually playing the video files?
Yea man playing the videos is the part that doesn’t work. It stops a lot and I never get to finish them. I tried it on my desktop too and it doesn’t work . Even went to the local laundry mat for wifi.
Michael, please download “VLC media player” and see if the files will play on that. If you have a PC, please search online for “klite codec pack”, download and install it.
No jonny your videos still take forever. I have an iPhone. And I downloaded vlc but what does that do exactly? And idk if ” Klite codec pack” will get me viruses.
“Klite Codec Pack” is most definitely not a virus and VLC is a media player…but these are irrelevant since I understand your issue now. The videos are high quality and should be downloaded on a computer with internet connection (this is noted on the page). Michael, please email me directly for a faster response.