Q: I live in a rural town and there aren’t any boxing gyms around. Do you think I could become proficient by working with books and internet articles? – Keegan
A: What you’re really asking me is: “Can I become a good boxer by just reading books and internet articles?”
The answer is going to be a resounding “No”. While boxing is more than just a series of punching combinations and defensive manuevers and fancy counter-punches. The best way to learn is by doing, not reading. While reading will help you to become a great puncher, you will never truly become a good boxer until you practice with others.
Even though there are no gyms, you can most certainly create your own gym environment. Get some friends together and spar at a really REALLY slow pace. Begin by just tapping each other. I taught many of my best friends how to box this way. Little by little as you all watch youtube for inspiration and practice lightly with each other, you will all get to some level of boxing proficiency. While you might never be as good as if you were trained by Cus D’Amato, Roger Mayweather or Freddie Roach, you can most certainly become good enough to amaze yourselves!
Practicing alone will help you become a good puncher, but if you want a good defense and learn how to box, you’ll have to spar with others. That’s the only way. It’s more fun to train with others than alone, so give it a try!
I too started out in rural town in Southwest New Mexico. My heavybag was hung between two trees and my speedbag platform was attached to the Clothes line (when people used to hang clothes to dry). We had a 14×14 concrete slab that I would invite all my buddies to so we could spar. I also sparred with my dad alot. It doesn’t matter where you come from, no excuses, if it’s in you you will find a way to make it work for you. In 2008 I was ranked #8 by the WBC and currently have a record of 18-4-1 (12 KOs). It has not been easy but growing up in a small town is no excuse not to follow your dreams. If you want it bad enough, you will find a way to make it happen.
Joaquin Zamora
Very inspirational life, Joaquin. I saw your fights; you were really good, man.
I love boxing . but my father has not support for me and boxing but I am start a boxing but not find a coach . please help me please train for boxing
I really want to try boxing but I don’t have the money to spend on it since I am still a middle school student and my parents don’t support my boxing dream because of my broken forearm.I try to learn boxing by watching your vids,and reading your articles.
my reply is for last two comment …. dont expect from any one that they will accomplish ur dream…. if u have faiyh on urself and courage to go for it so eventually u will find a path a road to victory….