This boxing tip is a quick little reminder for boxers to always remember to punch high and low.
Try this: Jab High to raise your opponent’s guard…and Hit Low with your right hand low to his midsection. It’ll knock the wind out of him.
When you do this boxing tip, you have to really sell it to your opponent and make him believe that your right hand was going to go high. You do this by looking him straight in the eyes even as you throw the right hand to his body. Looking at him square in the face will also make sure that you’re paying attention if he throws a counter-punch at you.
Remember: Jab High! Hit Low!
very useful
You give great advise.. I have been following you for the last couple years. I used to pay 90$ an hr for professional boxing training… I started boxing officially a few years ago, since then I’ve sparred 1 professional fighter as 3 golden glove NYC champs.. I stop paying for training about a year and a half now and I’ve been following your boxing philosophy and Bruce lee… Not only have I became a better fighter I am now a volentere trainers at a non profit gymu t… My knowledge of boxing has exceeded my boxing ability… It’s hard for me now to get a good work out in the gym because my guys are always asking me for help… I’ve been training myself for a lil over a year because of you I don’t need a personal trainer.. Boxing trainer are always asking me who’s my trainer then try to play me when I tell them I train myself… Anyways thanks or all your help I’m a big fan… Hope one day you’ll come the NYC non profit boxing gym… Elmcore
I’m happy for you, Maxwell! You’re doing a good thing for the community.