for balance, footwork & punching power!
The Advanced Boxing Workshop is now for sale! I’m releasing over 2 hours of footage from my live boxing workshop on advanced boxing techniques. You can now see all the techniques, drills, and exercises I shared with the boxers that day.
Find out exactly how I improved their balance, footwork, and punching power in only 2 hours!
Check out footage from the “Advanced Boxing Workshop”
“Advanced Boxing Workshop” recorded footage
- 120 minutes of instructional video — raw recorded footage from my live boxing clinic demonstrating and explaining advanced fighting techniques on balance, footwork, and punching power!
- BONUS CONTENT — I have included another 3 hours of footage from my recent workshop JUNE 2013. See 30% new content, new camera angles and higher quality video!
- THIS IS A STREAMING COURSE – no physical items are shipped, and also no downloads allowed. (I no longer want to deal with large video file hosting.) You’ll receive a member login after signing-up, where you can stream your course videos. You need internet to watch these videos.
- 2021 UPDATE – I have plans to reshoot this with me in full focus in front of camera. It’ll be better and updated information, and definitely much better video quality.
Advanced boxing techniques taught in the workshop
The workshop covers only advanced technique. This is not an instructional for those wanting to learn the basics. It’s an in-depth view into how the body works, how it balances, moves, and naturally generates power. The instruction was designed for serious boxers, MMA fighters, martial artists, or coaches with an interest in learning world class footwork and punching technique.
Learn the secrets to balance and footwork used by the world’s best dancers. We’ll be doing the same drills I learned while training under my brother—Brian Nguyen—a world renowned tango champion. (FYI: did you know Muhammad Ali trained in ballet?)
First you’ll learn how to train and activate your ‘balancing’ muscles for better footwork. Then I’ll show you some advanced footwork tricks. You’ll find there is more to grounding yourself than simply bending your knees and lowering your center-of-gravity!
- how to stand solid like a rock but move with the grace of a classically trained dancer
- how to block punches without being pushed back
- how to move around the ring without getting tired
- how to move like a cat, slick and powerful (yes, there is a way to learn this!)
- how to move your feet quickly without upsetting your balance
- how to bounce in & out THE CORRECT WAY (slicker & more energy-efficient)
- the difference between a push-walker and a pull-walker
- slick step-drag technique
- tricky footwork moves like: the “fast pivot” and the “one-legged bounce”
- special drills and exercises for developing your balance muscles
- …and much more!
***Note: these are NOT the typical skipping drills you did in football practice!
Become the HARDEST PUNCHER in your gym!
In addition to the principles you’ve learned for fighting footwork, you will learn how to ground yourself for incredibly solid punches. First, we’ll break down the body mechanics behind the jab, cross, hook, and uppercut. Then, we’ll learn how to generate maximum rotational power (HINT: it’s not as simple as moving every part of your body).
I’ll demonstrate the key punching mechanics and show you how to load a punch from the INSIDE of your body. Once you know how to move your body, I’ll review some little-known secrets to DOUBLE YOUR PUNCHING POWER IMMEDIATELY.
- how to throw a real step jab (the commonly referenced but notoriously misunderstood – “falling step” technique made famous by Jack Dempsey)
- how to throw deadly left hooks (even while popping your body up OFF the ground, a la Mike Tyson)
- how to throw killer right crosses without having to “load” the punch
- the proper way to “dig” an uppercut
- how to throw fast flurries WITHOUT having to think about handspeed
- how to punch non-stop without getting tired! (yes, it’s actually possible)
- how to generate maximum rotational force WITHOUT using all of your energy
- and much more!
Learning the truly essential skills of power punching will allow you to throw powerful punches even while using less effort and less technique!
(Day 1 of the workshop was a success!)
Compliments from boxers that attended live
The workshop was undoubtly well worth the 2 and half hour drive. I would consider the training methods and instruction top notch world class. The second hour with the power punching blew my mind. I really felt more powerful than I ever felt before. The adjusments and little details and inputs you guys give us were making a dramatic difference instantly. I was always considered a good hard puncher but the 2 hour workshop took it to a whole other level. It made me more excited and motivated too keep training and learning new stuff.
The website and articles are a gift in the internet. Im glad I paid $50 and drove through LA traffic from San Diego because the 2 hour experience with Johnny and his crew was priceless. Any aspiring fighter would be foolish to pass up an opportunity like Johnny’s boxing workshop.
— Thair
The workshop was awesome! I learned a lot of details about advanced footwork, how to punch harder, and how to conserve energy. My favorite technique was how to conserve my energy by breathing more efficiently. It really helped and I can already feel the difference while I was shadow boxing today. Johnny is a great teacher and really knows his stuff.
My footwork and body mechanics have definately improved since I learned how to control the ground with my feet and also the hip and back drill. My fighting experience in boxing is novice level but I’m a grappler gravitating towards MMA.
— Sam
Thanks again for the workshop on Saturday. I thought it was great! Excellent workshop and would highly recommend for any level boxer. It was a very interactive and hands-on experience, where a lesson/concept was explained/demonstated followed by a short drill where participants could practice executing the techniques. Johnny would take time to focus on each person and give personalized advice based on what he saw in each person’s technique.
My favorite techniques were in the first half of the workshop on balance and footwork. I felt that these ideas and concepts shed a different light on how to improve movement. Johnny’s demonstrations of moving the head, hips, then legs was an excellent example of how and where our movement really comes from. Moving/punching using the core was also my favorite.
You totally delivered. This workshop shed a whole new light on how to execute basic techniques more efficiently and effectively. I was able to come away with a lot of new concepts and information…. stuff I will definitely keep in mind as I continue to train. I plan to practice the drills we learned, and am confident it will make a big difference in my learning process.
— Ray
how do i purchase this? i have respect for you johnny but i honestly dont feel comfortable with putting my credit card on here but im definitely interested
any suggestions on ways to pay?
You can setup your bank account with Paypal if you don’t want to use credit card. But either way, I assure you Paypal is safe. It’s been a standard form of online payment for over 10 years. I suppose I can do a check if you want.
do you know any other good boxing websites like this one
Paypal is safe as a kitten, buddy. No worries….I’m ordering asap.
will my account be available forever?
Yes, available forever. I saw your order. Thank you, I appreciate your support!
Correct me if I am wrong is this a DVD? My birthday is coming up soon and I think this would be a wonderful thing to put on my Birthday list. Keep me informed if you would. Thank you.
It’s a digital download. Happy Birthday Curtis.
hey, can I advertise this on my site?
You are free to advertise anything of ExpertBoxing on your site. Thank you for sharing ExpertBoxing.
Is the workshop tape a download or are u sending a DVD if I purchase it.
It’s a download product so you’ll receive a link immediately after purchasing. No DVD is sent out. I’d love to offer that in the future. Currently, DVD’s are a lot of time and costs to create and ship out DVD’s and they’re as cheap send out internationally. I will consider making it an option (a much more costly option :/) if there is enough demand for it.
I must say your website has reignited my drive to dust off the gloves and train. As both an avid fan and practitioner of the sport I have grown to appreciate boxing as an art form. You’re site does an excellent job of creating the ultimate human weapon: mastered technique, positive mindset and dedication to hard work . The ingredients are a receipe for success in more than just boxing. Thank you for all your hard work. I am happy to support you in purchasing the web video.
Thank you,
Welcome back, Rob. Thank you for the support.
Hey Johnny! Just wanted to give a big thanks for turning this into a video! You may or may not recall, but I was disheartened that I couldn’t make your workshop, as I’m Minneapolis-based, and had inquired bout you taking it on the road. Absolutely the right call to get this into a video, save you tons of time/money. =] I’m stoked to get home and get this going, so that my sparring game can improve asap. Anyways, thanks for all your time and work for the site/video! Hope for the best.
You were definitely one of the people to convince me. I hope you enjoy it. Thank you.
Well first of all thanks…I been to a lot of gyms and through a lot of coaches….my main thing is boxing…but I also do mma… the whole finding the center and using the ground-gripping technique is helping.The punching technique helps too…and the breathing …everything you taught that day was very good helpful info…and I have to say I gained more power in my punches…thanks again
In boxing, its all about technique. The workshop just blasted me with tons of information on improving my technical skill, well delivered, easy to understand, and Johnny is very helpful as he guides you step-by-step through the process. I learned great footwork drills for stability and balance there. Greatly recommended for anyone who wants to improve their balance and movement in the ring. Well worth it!!
Thank you for the great workshop. I sparred my teammate today and I could see improvements in my agility and control throughout the fight thanks to your instruction. I used to throw punches and be off balance right after, but now I felt like I was in better control of my body and form. What you showed us was pretty useful.
Thank you Johnny for the great tips. You made the techniques nice and simple, easy to understand and execute when at the gym. I’ve re-analyzed how I throw punches and use my feet in the ring. I can definitely say that I learned a lot and I continue to see my skills improve ever since taking your workshop.
thanks johnny for a great workshop ive been to a couple and by far this is the best . I am for sure going to use a lot of the things u showed me to improve footwork and power .U were able to breakdown things step by step not anybody can teach like that im glad i went and hope u make other types of workshops i wud really like to go them
Is this accessible to read with iPad?
Yes, you can, Tony. They are in mp4 format.
my agility just went up thank you johnny :), and i send my appreciations to your brother brian for sharing the knowledge with you to share with us :), what do you think about handball as a drill for boxing? it can improve cardio, reaction, timing, etc, may i get your opinion on adding handball as a personal drill?
J, that’s awesome. Improved agility in only a day is a pretty fast improvement!
Handball would be a good exercise and reaction drill. I remember the Klitschkos playing table tennis to improve their reaction times.
hey johnny , im very interested in purchasing the product ,, but unfortunately , i live iran and because of recent activities in here ,, there is no possibility for me to purchase it online .. is there another way ?
Hmmm, would it be possible for you to send a money order?
online buy and sell in iran is not possible ,,
eh ,, because of recent iran activities in nuclear science , all tha money tranfers are banned , i think
it was possible to transfer money from bank accounts , but now ,, i think its not
Would it be possible to print a money order from your bank and mail?
Johnny, I have not received my order from yesterday. Thanks. Tony
Hi Tony, can you please check your spam folder to make sure it’s not in there? I can resend you the login but I don’t want it to go to your spam. If you don’t see anything, please send me an email and I’ll forward the member access information right away.
Can I use Moneybookers?
Sorry, Daniel. I only take Paypal right now.
What do you think about Ricky Hattons comeback?
I think he should stay retired because I doubt he can outdo what he did in his career previously. But if he’s doing it for the love of fighting or he needs money, well then I don’t blame him.
Johnny, any plans for hosting a second boxing workshop? I regret not attending the first one. Would be awesome to plan a trip to southern California and attend your live session. (I am a one-year student and new boxing enthusiast.) Thanks,
Hi Glenn,
I am definitely considering doing one in the future. If you have any ideas for a future workshop, let me know.
Thanks from Spain. Got! Three great videos to view with tranquility!!
Thank you! Let me know how you do.
Johnny..If I get this sent to my computer, could it be downloaded onto an IPOD or other Mp3 device?
The files are already in mp4 so you can definitely transfer it to an iPad. If you want to watch it on an Ipod, it’s recommended to convert it to a smaller sized mp4 file and then it will be fine. As for other mp3 players, it depends on whether or not they can play video files.
Ok..Thanks, Johnny!
I am 58years old and next week I’ll be defending my Australian Masters 55yrs plus Middleweight Title won at the 2011 Games. Thankyou I will put some of your workshop tips into action at the Adelaide Boxing Masters.
Hi Johnny,
First up I want to say how great the workshop seminar vids are, there’s so many great tips there, thanks for putting so many beneficial tips into one seminar. Got a few questions on the punching techniques though. Not really sure where else to post these questions to you so I put them here.
You know with the imploding vs exploding, why do you use an imploding spiral with the straight backhand, but with the hook and the uppercut, the technique described in the vids is much more along the lines of exploding, i.e coming out from a compact structure to an open one. Why is it different for the hooks and uppercuts? Especially since the hook is the most circular punch there is. Why do we use the wider, slower arc? Is it because the wider the arc the more power? But if that’s the case, why not use a wider arc for the straight right as well? I can see though how the techniques for the hook and uppercut you describe have a lot of power, I can really feel much more of my back getting into the punches. I’m just really geeky minded, so I like to understand the principles behind why certain mehanics work better than others.
Also, on weight transfer vs balance. In the movements you describe, such as your uppercuts. I can see that shifting your weight to the leg of your striking side really adds balance, but I was wondering about weight transfer. Even though we’re not consciously trying to shift weight from one leg to the other, is your weight actually being transferred into the punch anyway with this, or is it just using the muscles to create the momentum?
When I watch a lot of the top level boxers, I see a lot of them step before they punch, especially the old school boxers like Joe Louis and Sugar Ray Robinson. In fact I’ve even seen Ray leap a little of the canvas when delivering some left hooks. What I’d like to know is, is that step in beforehand something they use to generate momentum? Can you use it to start your momentum and then continue it with a grounded corckscrew motion that you’ve described in your articles? As for the drop step, got it working better with the tilted pelvis posture that you described. I love that tip, it realy centres your weight, allows your body to absorbs incoming force through your structure more, and in the drop step it really allows your weight to drop with your front leg. The trouble I had in the past was that when I attempted the drop step in the past, my hips were back and my pelvis was tilted so my butt was back, leaving mos of my weight on my back leg even when I drop stepped. But now with the hips forward, the backs traight and the pelvis tilted, I feel much more weight land on my front leg. Speaking of the drop step, I’ve looked for Dempseys using it in his clips, but the clips I’ve seen of him all have him using more whirling hooks into his opponents. The one champion I’ve seen where the drop step is obvious to me was Rocky Marciano. In fact I’ve seen a couple of huge hitters in the UFC use it too, most notably Dan Henderson (with his famed ‘H-bomb’).
There’s other forms of martial arts that utilise the drop step as well, it seems to me that it’s just a different way to generate power than a rooted spiral motion. Both can generate tremendous power. I have heard it said though, that the drop step is a better alternative for bare fisted punching, which is why the old timers utilised it (not to mention palm up or vertical fisted punching). But for modern boxing, due to the size and weight of the gloves, that a grounded spiral motion is a superior method of power generation due to the different mechanics involved. What’s your take on it?
Thank you for the feedback! There are some amazing questions. I respect your eye for detail. Answers:
– The hooks and uppercuts I demonstrate in the video are most certainly “imploding punches”. My BODY might appear as though it’s exploding but the energy is certainly imploding. Please refer to the exercise in the balance portion where I taught fighters how to “pop up” while stills ending their energy inwards.
– I used the wider arc only to help demonstrate what I’m doing. In reality, you can do it with a tight arc or a wide arc as long as you understand how power is generated (and the way it’s supposed to feel). Please refer to my video here on (Left Hook Technique: It may give you some more ideas behind the mechanics.
– The weight shift happens BEFORE the uppercuts, and it’s definitely a conscious movement. The actual movement of the weight shift itself however is not meant to add power to the punch. The weight shift merely puts you into position to dig for more power.
– The reason why my techniques feel so powerful is because they teach you how to put more of your body into the punch. Many people don’t realize how many muscles they leave out of the punch. I would say many of them use only half their muscles, and sadly, it’s because they were trained that way. And so I devised some tricks and tips and techniques to get people to incorporate more of their body into the punch. So when you go over the techniques, try to see what part of the body feels awkward or feels stressed and you’ll understand which muscles I’m trying to add into the punch. At the same time, I’m also removing the focus from certain muscles so you will see that certain muscles become underpowered which makes it tricky at first.
– Leaping punches are a tricky subject. Some guys leap for the element of surprise, not the element of power. However…if you leap downwards, it can ground you harder to return with a more powerful uppercut. The difference is like comparing yourself throwing a ball upwards at your opponent, vs bouncing it hard against the ground right in front of him. And yes, you can use a downward leap (even though it looks like you’re jumping upwards) to send you into an imploding punch. (Please refer to my video on How to Close Distance: and compare this to the footwork techniques I taught.)
– The falling step is actually basic boxing advice. You don’t have to look to old timers, every experienced amateur and pro uses it. Watch how olympic fighters jab and you will see the falling step every 2-3 seconds. The more skilled they are, the less they have to “drop” in order to get that power. Beginners require a lot of distance, often over a foot forwards. Advanced fighters only need to drop an inch or two to get that drop power.
– Imploding is the best way to get power. And all powerful punches typically need some kind of implosion. Now some punches, you implode while having both feet grounded stationary. But OTHER punches, you implode while releasing one foot so that your body (along with the foot) slides forward to bring you closer into range. So in actuality, the falling step is actually still an imploding punch except one foot is sliding forward. It’s not that the falling step is used more often than a stationary punch, it’s that sometimes you notice certain things more than others. It does make more sense though that a falling step is used often because it takes you into range. From a strictly power standpoint, staying perfectly grounded (without lifting or sliding either feet, keeping them grounded) is the most powerful.
Jeff, I’m curious to know how you did. Thank you!
Hi Johnny
Thankyou for your interest in how I went in the Australian Masters recently.
I won my division, 55yrs middleweight for the second year, 23pts to 13.
I started off slow but my strong punching told as the fight went on (thanks to your workshop tips).
My opponent Wayne had reach on me but I was able to back him onto the ropes and hook and uppercut.
Thanks for your Export Boxing knowledge and discussion on boxing technique, I enjoy reading and learning from them.
This is awesome. I’m very happy for you, Jeff.
will i be able to use similar muscles for power punching as i will for speed punching? but obviously the quicker flex for the speed
or should i just see speed as explosive and power is implosive?
Very good question! Naturally fast guys use explosive speed. But explosive speed doesn’t have the power as IMPLOSIVE speed. Used correctly you cannot benefit from the maximum speed of explosive movement and the power from implosive movement. This comes with knowing how to use the right muscles for generating power and the right muscles for delivering power.
Generally, no. Power comes from the biggest muscles in your body where as hand speed comes from the quickness of your arms.
Thanks for the answers Johnny,
I finished watching the balance video, once again many great tips there, I especially love the moving with the feet instead of the legs concept. I can see how the pop up drill really pulls your body downwards (and in doing so, elastically loads your posterior chain) but what I meant by exploding instead of imploding was the upper body. In the power punching articles, you mention starting out with body and limbs wide in an open position and then drawing them in to a closed position. In the hooks shown, it looks the other way around, with the body starting off in a closed position and then opening up as the punch is thrown. The only thing I can think of as compacting, is the back muscles, which would be going from open to closed.
I like the leaping downward concept, I can see how it would load your legs for a powerful hook or uppercut. But I have seen Ray Robinson leap as well, as though loading from a crouch and then leaping. Have a look at the 2:31 mark of this Ray Robinson highlight to see it
I didn’t know that the falling step was used so regularly, I though most were just stepping in, thanks for that, I will look more closely now to spot it.
Nice instructional video on the left hook, the pec/shoulder lock was a big aha moment for me, I’ve always been hooking with my hook behind me instead of in front of me. Gonna use it and the elbow drive from now on.
Once again, cheers for the great vids
Hi Nishan,
What I said in the articles was for teaching and displaying a concept. What I demo’ed in actual use appears different because the technique was modified to fit realistic conditions. I assure you 100% the hooks are in fact implosive. Do not be misguided by the appearance of my arms. My technique is far beyond what I explained in a simple guide. I can move my arms however I want as long as the power is still generated implosively. Just like you learned how to “pop up” while still grounding yourself… you can also learn how to “open up” while still imploding. The reason is tactical. The left hook is a shorter distance punch so it’s not a good idea to open up beforehand because it leaves you open. With the right hand, it’s ok because it’s not as likely that I will get attacked at the far side.
ALSO….I taught everyone how to “load” the punches beforehand in the workshop. That “loading” technique that I taught can be used to pre-open the punch for an implosion afterwards.
The ultimate explanation is that the arms can move however you need them to move as long as the power is generated implosively.
As for the hook Ray Robinson used, it’s nothing more than a lunging hook used to surprise an opponent that thinks he’s out of distance. Sure there’s a lot of power and the element of surprise but they are not the most powerful (because he’s jumping up instead of down). In Robinson’s example, the punch appeared to have great effect but you have to understand the guy was already weakened and on his way down. Joe Frazier knocked down Ali with the same kind of hook. There is no magic technique behind it. It’s as easy as it looks. Bend you knees and lunge forward (while straightening/springing your back) as you whip out a swinging hook. The punch is not a pivot (since you cannot ground and pivot in the air) so you rely on the swing of the arm or body to rotate you….or you can use a back spring for a more linear force generation.
Take some time and spend another week or two practicing the techniques using various angles. Try shifting your weight differently as well. Try to use “bad technique” and invent new ways to use the techniques I taught and then let me know how much more powerful you became.
okay thanks Johnny, I think I understand now. So am I right in assuming that in the hook,, the shoulders and lats are both turning and imploding inwards towards the spine?
Makes sense about Ray’s leaping hook, probably just to cover distance, I can see how it’s not as powerful as a grounded punch. I will practice some more and see how my mechanics and power improve
Generally, YES. It’s a tip, not a rule. And a movement, not a position. It might not apply in all situations.
Hi Johnny,
I haven’t got to watch all of the workshop yet, but anything I have watched Iv found excellent and have put into practise right away!
I’m particularly focusing on the drills for keeping a straight back and transferring the weight to my hips instead of legs. I tried this out in sparring and felt much lighter on my feet. I also found taking shots to my guard was now much more comfortable and less troublesome thanks to your technique! At the moment, I do feel slightly more restricted from a head movement perspective, but I assume this is down to lack of practise with that particular method.
After I finish watching everything, Ill let you know!
Hi Johnny,
I really enjoyed the in-depth video on the falling step. I found the point on clamping the ground and moving with the inside of your foot to be the biggest golden nuggets, but I was pleased with the workshop all round. I had a big problem of jumping as I moved forward but when I made a habit of stepping with the correct part of my foot, my body moves downwards more naturally now. Very good stuff Johnny, I look forward to seeing what else you’ll have in store
How do i pay w/o paypal? buying as soon as i find out a safe way. If i send a check, can you send right away? Also, is it a flat 27.00?
Hi Sean,
You are correct, the cost is a flat $27.00. I can take a money order if you can’t do Paypal. (I don’t take checks.) The product is digital–I can activate your account immediately after receiving your payment so you can download the videos. Contact me directly if this works for you.
The advanced boxing workshops are amazing Johnny. Why was I never taught any of this when I was fighting? Well never too late. ha.
I only wish I knew all this when I was fighting. I had about 20 fights and floated round gyms as I knew there was more too the technical side than I knew. The main part about your plan it you can add it too your workout straight away and add to your shots. If im correct your type of hook is what Danny Garcia knocked out amir khan and the Mexican in his last fight last week.
I have a good number of stoppages before I knew this so your going to make me dangerous
Some people don’t know this and/or the ones that do know this don’t know how to teach it. I’m glad you enjoyed it.
I’ve got to recommend Johnnys programme to everyone who wants to advance their boxing technical skills. I found I had some knowledge but this course gives you the keys so you can use what you may have effectively. The DVDs explain clearly what you need and johnny has replied to any queries I’ve had.
You can effectively bolt these principles on to what you have straight away. Johnny’s technique slots straight in on top of your own technique. As long as you know the principles you don’t have to do much repetition, just a few rounds of each shot.
Until you know this stuff you are intermediate technically , this will take you to advanced. I’ve trained and sparred with pros and not shown any of this by em. Although especially one of my mates uses this stuff even though he can’t explain how it worked and he was level of winning best fighter on amateur internationals.
Im just starting to get the new moves into combinations. Great stuff
Great job on the detail of the videos and the books! Great value. Take care, Don.
I thought this Advanced Boxing Workshop series was great! I bought it for my son. He struggles with his balance and learned many new concepts from the tips and drills shared in your video. His balance and footwork is already looking so much better inside the ring. Thank you.
GREAT VIDEOS! I thought I knew how to punch (and I already have a great punch) but your techniques took me to the next level. You had so many approaches and methods that I had never heard of. Nobody out there teaches this, sells this, or even knows how to explain it like you do. A great video from a great teacher. Much respect to you.
Johnny when i downloaded, i exited out of the site and let the download run. 2 of them were completed, but the other one failed. I went on to your site to redownload it but it told me it was a members only page. So now Im stuck and can’t get back on to the download page to get the final part. What should I do?
Hi Ty,
Log into your email (the one you used to Paypal) and you’ll see an email with username/password for you to access the members area again. Sorry about the failed download. These are big files and the server gets overloaded at times.
All i got was a subscription email is that it, or is it something else.
There should be another one. Please check your spam folder to see if another one went in there.
So johnny I know what i need to get to the downloads page but how do I actually get to that page that showed the login boxes to go to my page of downloads
P.S can I view these on windows 8
Hi Ty. Send me a direct email and I’ll re-send you your login information. You can definitely watch these videos on Windows 8.
what’s your email
Go to the very bottom of my site and click the “Contact” link (it’s on the left side). I don’t paste it out because annoying spam bots scrape emails off the site and spam me.
I have viewed this workshop 2 times, and as an active amateur boxer, I must say Johnny is an excellent coach. I’m being trained by a 71 year old legendary boxing coach (Winston “Buddy” Shaw), who has been in the fight game since 1955, and MANY of the things he is teaching me, Johnny also teaches. He has done his homework, I highly recommend the Advanced Workshop. I am officially a student and fan. Apply the methods Johnny teaches, and your boxing skills will IMMEDIATELY improve. He is the truth.
If I order this how much would it be in British pounds?
I’m guessing around 16 to 17 pounds? I used a converter online and hopefully it’s accurate.
I’ve only gone through Day 1 Power punching video so far and loved all the lessons in it. I could definitely feel (and hear) the difference in the power of my punches after following your video. But I look forward to Day 2 Parts 1&2 videos! I am sure they will be very helpful as well!
Johnny, I have already learned a great deal.
I spar several time a wk. I have been able to utilize info. on power, straight away. The foot work is clear, but needs further practice. I will continue to study and practice/use material presented. I anticipate increased improvement.
I would be especially interested in future workshops… expansion of material, more detail, exercised/drills etc.
I study numerous training DVDs. Your approach is functional and unique.
I will send review for posting next wk.
John M
Hi Johnny, I think this review is more complete and accurate.
John Mastro
This workshop is more that a series of punching combos. It is a structural approach to movement and body alignment that increases agility, speed and power. The material in this workshop is clearly presented and demonstrated.
The concepts are practical, straightforward and unique. I have numerous other teaching tapes where this information is referenced, but never covered w/such clarity and detail.
If you follow the material presented in this workshop and do the drills, you will be able to use this material to improve your stand up. With continued practice, it’s potential is limitless, and you can realize improvement in all aspects of your stand up game.
I purchased the Advanced Boxing Workshop a few days back. I must say that you are an excellent instructor. I’ve purchased a lot of boxing training videos and watched a lot of instruction on youtube and your methods are by far the most detailed. Most instructors/trainers just explain what needs to be done but you also explain, how it should sound, how it should feel…you breakdown the movement into it’s components…you make it very easy to understand…I now understand things I’ve learned before in a different way…really great stuff.
The only negative I feel is that I really wish you had taped the first day of the workshop too. I’m hoping that you do another workshop so that you can tape the first day and provide us with a copy of that to fill in the gap of missing information. I’d also really love to attend a workshop so I hope you plan to do more. You provide so much information on your site that you could almost have an couple hour workshop for each of the articles you write…I’d attend them all.
The information on these videos was so good that I decided I’m going to go back and buy your Introduction program as well because I feel like there’s probably some nuggets in there that I may not know about.
I feel lucky to have found your site.
Thank you very much.
Hi Tony,
I hope you know the first day has the same material as the second day. And so with the complete footage from the second day, you will have all the material I taught. I provided the 2nd part from the first day to give people different angles or adjustments to learn from.
Unfortunately the person recording day one screwed up and missed the footwork portion. But since day two was recorded perfectly fine you won’t miss anything.
Thank you for the amazing feedback! I plan to go much further in-depth on both these subjects in the future.
Hi Johnny!
I watched your expert boxing video carefully, especially the footwork part (which is often terribly neglected in any martial arts) and found it very interesting and helpful. I teach thai boxing and close quarters combat here in munich/germany but since my own boxing techniques sometimes need some inspiration and further input I was looking for something like your videos. Very excellent material!
Thanks a lot, kind regards, Oliver
Thanks for the Advanced Boxing Workshop. I now realise that I still have plenty to work on. Wish I had this tuition about 10 years ago – I’d be a much better boxer today. Cheers.
hello mate,
id like to purchase one of your products but dont want to use paypal. is there any other way i can send you my details?
Hi Vik,
You can send me a check or money order. But that will take a bit longer to process.
Hi Johnny,
Firstly, thank you for the time and attention you’ve put into the info you share on the website. I was happy to pay the few dollars for the DVD in recognition of the website content alone.
Secondly, I’m finding these aspects particularly helpful at the moment:
1 – (website) skipping as if going down stairs – YES! Thank you! I know my fitness isn’t up to much in comparison to many of the guys I train with but I’ve really been making things difficult for myself by having sub-optimal images in my head about what I’m meant to be doing.
2 – (DVD) boxer’s bounce, again as if going down stairs, and using the smallest steps for speed – ditto – and very helpful to link the corresponding article on the website to a video of manny pacquiao
3 – (DVD & website) the slapping not pushing punch – Guilty! Having methods to work with, like the short sharp breaths, and the different image is very helpful
4 – (DVD) throwing the other elbow back when hooking – opening one’s self up, like drawing a bow (I’m so concerned about protecting myself that I’m always very closed, and I will very rarely open myself up like this in sparring, but by using it judiciously and rarely I hope I’ll make it a useful tool for myself)
5 – (DVD) the concept of imploding not exploding for power, energy conservation and grounding
6 – (DVD) the footwork exercises and drills – I’m working through these and can already see the benefits and usefulness.
Thanks again.
If you have some experience with boxing or striking, this video will definitely bring clarity and consistency to your punching power- the hook, the cross, the uppercut. Even if you are already a powerful puncher, these techniques and ideas will definitely give you a new edge.
If you are a new boxer, then you are lucky to learn how to punch correctly without developing bad habits. Johnny’s teaching is super detailed and technical.
The footwork drills are really revolutionary and different. This is not about skipping rope. After trying out the drills and concepts, I can immediately understand how the technique gives me more control and power, but I’m sure it’ll take a while to really develop the muscles that I never thought about trying to use. This video is totally worth it and I’m gona buy another one!
For those who want to get serious in boxing, “Advanced footwork & punching power” is the right choice for improving. I found the footwork really useful: regardless of your level, you still need to master perfectly your foot placement otherwise you will be off balance, won’t be able to attack and defend yourself. Same for punching. The videos teach you well how to punch wisely without wasting too much energy. I used now these elements in my trainings at the boxing club and I can see the change and my confidence in boxing is much better. So all good!
Everything from the website to the videos via the books are amasing. Heaps of tips an tricks. So many toolss and drill to practice in order to achieve your own goal. What is given is priceless. Congrat man, your job is awesome
The videos are great! I look forward to incorporating everything into my training. I think these vids combined with what I’m learning at my gym is gonna make me dangerous!
I’m seriously interested in buying your stuff. Especially the stuff mentioned at the very top about blocking without being pushed back and exploring the kinetics of jabs hooks and getting the most out for as little in as possible. My question is is it a DVD? If so does it work in the uk? And how much does it cost in pound sterling? ££££
Hi Alex,
This is a digital download, so you’ll be able to download it anywhere in the world (immediately after purchase). I don’t know what the conversion to pounds would be but if you click the “BUY” button, maybe it can show you before you approve the purchase.
Does it support and or can i view from sumsung note 2? Sorry if I ask stupid question.
Yes, you can watch the videos from a Samsung Note 2…although you may have to download them from a PC first.
Hey Johnny,
Your How to Box in 10 Days is a good basic course. Actually we also bought your advanced Boxing Workshop first and like it very much. And although advanced, it is one of the boxing vids I’m using to coach my son. We’ve both learned a lot from it, and a lot of it is original thinking.
Thank you for your generosity with the free vids on Youtube. You’ve taught many people many things, and that’s something to be very proud of.
I would like to see you do do future advanced products on footwork, setting angles and traps, and head movement.
Hi Johnny,
It’s been a few days, indeed, but I’ve just had enough time to have a quick look at the video. The next week-end could be the opportunity to study it seriously. I’ve been focusing on a lot of your posts recently, so one thing after another
Before a feedback about the video I’ve purchased, I would like to thank you for all you’ve done on ExpertBoxing !
I discovered you website a few months ago when I was looking for boxing routines on heavy and double-end bags. I have those bags in my cellar, and I needed further tips to train properly.
And I found my “golden training tips mine”, ExpertBoxing !
I read your posts almost everyday and test your advices on my bags and training partners (I also train in a gym, in a mix of muay thai, self defense and pancrace). I wanted to improve my boxing skills and techniques, and thanks to you, I can do it with my computer, my bags and without leaving my favorite training partners (we are training together for about ten years).
I’m a primary school teacher so I don’t have 6 hours a day to train (I train 1.5 to 2 hours a day, 5 days a week), and you’ve helped me to gain a lot of time !!!
So, thanks again, and see you soon for the feedback
Kind regards,
how much it cost to buy the advance boxing guide?
The cost is up above…it’s $34 for 4-5 hours of footage (showing material from 2 boxing workshops).
my what do you advise a guy who is 24 years old and he want to be boxer and be professional ?
and how long it take with him to be in good condtion ?
I don’t know how long but if you’re serious, you should start soon. If you’re completely brand new, it will take you at least 4-5 years before you can think about going pro. Most people would need 10 years of training first.
Thanks so much for making these videos available. You do such an amazing job of building these skills up quickly from all the important small details. It complements very well the style of my trainer who never really explains how to do anything but rather just corrects one mistake at a time until you’re doing things the right way.
Hi Johnny,
thank you very much. I’m living in Germany/Frankfurt . Your videos are very usefull. your puchning advise is perfect, I mean with using the opposite arm to get use to rotate the upper body
Sorry about my english.
Please go on with your work and show more aboat strategies an tactics in fight/sparring.
I’ll order all of them…
Hi Johnny
Loving it
The info/drills are very different to what ive ever seen.
Was looking for a bit of help – in class(krav maga) we hold body pads for our opponent to kick punch. I struggled to really hold my base. I am 5.6 and 155lbs. 40 years. Been training in muay thai for one year and my fitness strength is well above average.
Many thanks
Ok, I just bit the bullet and bought the advanced boxing workshop over the footwork one.
Mainly due to my thinking that it will be of more immediate use in the ring. It has a bit of footwork drills in it already.
The dancing is a bit abstract, but will probably buy it down the line.
No worries. It’ll be here whenever you’re ready for it. The important distinction to make is that you’re not buying “dance moves”, you’re buying “footwork drills”. The drills will improve your footwork for ANY type of movement. And it’s much more in detail than what you’ll find in this one which is only a 1-day seminar. Anyways, thank you for your support! I appreciate it very much.
Hi Johnny, i bought your seminar but i had a problem with download, my router sucks. So, i need to download again. What do i have to do, to reach the download page?
Hi Nelson,
Please check your spam folder for the login details. With this login, you’ll be able to access the members area and download the files again. Please send me a personal email if you need further help with this.
hi, i am trying to keep downloading as i purchased advanced boxing workshop but where do i find my account? thanks
Hi Jas,
Please check your spam folder to see if the login details went into there. Inside the email is the information you need to log into the members area and download the videos. Please email me personally if you need further help with this.
Hello Johnny,
Are going to be doing any workshops soon and what gym are you coaching out of?
Hi Will, I don’t have any plans to do any workshops soon. Maybe summer next year but no plans for anything right now. I coach a couple fighters out of a private gym.
Hello Johnny
Thanks for your Advanced Boxing Workshop. I have learned a few moves on footwork from your instruction. I have had some previous boxing experience prior to learning Wing Chun Kung-fu now and our Sifu was also an amateur boxer so needless to say my school practices quite a lot of sparring as would-be western boxers. There was a lot of stuff in your A.B.workshop that I have had previous knowledge of ( pelvic tilt etc). However there is couple of good foot moves in your workshop which I have successfully applied in sparring.
Where can I get more of these foot manoeuvers from you ? I want MORE boxing footwork please. Overall though I love watching and reading your gen on boxing, It helps and you talk a lot of sense.
Best Regards
Enso Ghisoni
Hey Johnny,I just decided to go for the Golden Gloves in my state at the end of March.I have the confidence to do it. Problem is I haven’t fought since 2009.What is a safe effective training regimen or do you have any advice?I was thinking of purchasing your advanced footwork but not really sure if thats a good place to start or not.
I would start with the “EASY Boxing Workout” I have on my website. The advanced footwork is just a little something extra for you. But you should definitely have a solid understanding of the basics before you look into that.
This DVD is really really good, I thought i was an advanced level boxer, but i’m a total beginner again. The info is definintely advanced stuff, don’t worry at all about sucking eggs, almost everything was new to me in this DVD.
when i watch the dvd, i’m totally reminded constantly of pacquio’s fighting style and foot work.
This makes sense since Johnny N, did his foundations in a mexican gym.
THe dvd doens’t cover old school boxing though, the english stuff from the 1900s.
and there is hardly any overlap with the youtube videos, which i watch prodigiously.
whats up Johnny, I learned a lot from your workshop. I just started boxing a few months ago and i feel like I’m already one step ahead of the game. I would like to see more hip and ankle drills related to boxing in your next video. Other than that I definitely learned a lot.0
I was wondering if you have a package available in which someone can buy all of your instructional videos together for a discounted price?
Hi Ann, I don’t have any package discount right now but it’s definitely something I plan to set up perhaps late next year.
Hey i was wondering if you had anything that can help me out i am verry stiff. Perhaps you could point me to a video you have of proper stretches or something that can aid me. Its hard to work on my footwork when i am stiff as a rock.
Thank you in advance
– Jorge
You can look up yoga stretches on Youtube which would be very beneficial to you but I would also recommend to shadowbox, skip rope, and do slow sparring. Being stiff is very common with beginners.
Hi Johny im from Poland and im been boxing for three years had 15 fights won 14 . i also train 5 times a week and love your videos.
So thats a great staff i enjoyed. sorry for my anglish i know isnt really good but hope u understand that. all i can say is fantastic staff it helps a lot :)) keep doing it;)
they helps me a lot because i can correct the little things like foot angle . i just watched the videos abount balance footwork and punching power
Hey Johnny I just finished watching the workshop videos and damn they’re awesome! Definitely like what you promised, I can feel an increase in my punching power just from practicing one or two stuffs in the vids and am looking forward for more increase as I do more of your drills! After I’m done with this, I’m also interested in purchasing the boxing footwork workshop, seeing how slick the way you move I’m expecting great things from it, too bad it’s a bit too pricey for my budget, I’m hoping for a member discount or something man, that would be really cool!
I’m also hoping that you’d release a new product focusing on head movement and overall defense, I’m really looking forward to improve all aspects of my boxing!
That’s all I got to say, I loved this product and it’s worth the purchase, thanks Johnny!
Hello Johnny
You gave me a few ideas, thanks, but at 53 and with one lung it’s a bit too much for me. Don’t worry, I had cancer 34 years ago and am a very fit man for my age and disposition, I pride myself on being fitter than most. It’s been hard work but enjoyable.
I trained at a very good club when I was a lad (Lynn AC) in London. However cancer cut me down and robbed me of competitive fighting. Never mind, it wasn’t the end of the world. After fighting hard for a few years to regain my fitness I have managed to do thousands of rounds of sparring over the years, but I have to say to my sparring partners that I can’t take body shots as I’ve no lung behind my left ribs…!!! Haha
Anyway, I still work the bag, shadow box, slip bag head movement and footwork drills. I think you come out with some very valid points as does JTvanV.
I too have found over the years that heavy weight training compromised my boxing especially reaction and speed so I just stick to bodyweight. My old coach Sid always said if you haven’t mastered your own bodyweight then you have no right picking up a weight.
I also do a workout focusing on explosive movements but keep the reps low and rest periods longer as I feel the CNS gets worn out too quickly.
I try and do something every day if possible, even if it’s only for 10-15 minutes and I don’t go balls to the wall every time either.
When I get a spare bit of cash I’ll invest in your strength/conditioning package as I’m always keen to try sensible well thought out approaches to becoming a better athlete (even at my age :-))
All the best Johnny,
Me and my brother learned a lot and really enjoyed the workshops live. My shoulders were killing me after all the advanced punching drills. I really like how you showed the power being generated from within. Never thought of that before. Thanks again for hosting. Youre a great coach!
I was just thinking about what your workshop is doing for me when I saw your new article the other day.
Main reason for checking your workshop out is footwork. I started boxing a month ago and I found it hard to find my stance. It just didn’t feel right and I wasn’t able to change it. Your guidance in balance is very valuable. Not only have I understood the why behind the balance, I was able to apply the learnings with result. Now I feel comfortable in my stance. I feel a upper and lower body connection that Is making me feel more confident and in control.More grounded. From here I will work on your footwork drills but the balance is really my” first things first ” and build from there.
Looking forward to my growth in boxing and thanks for your great coaching video !
Greetings from Amsterdam , Holland
Hey Johnny, I tried your implosive punching during my last session on the heavy bag and I felt more power and I could hear that loud pop on the bag. I already have a pretty good snap on my punches, so that coupled with the implosive techniques I felt my punches penetrating the bag much more then before. I also felt soreness in the muscles in my legs. I previously never felt that from a heavy bag session. The craziest part of all, I was throwing these power shots much more effortlessly then ever before. Your techniques are simply dope. Just off of this experience I decided to purchase the advanced foot work and power punching. If you gave this info away for free, Im excited to see whats in your programs. Thanks for all the info and keep it up.
I’m 46 years old and have been a fight fan since childhood and always wanted to participate . It’s the only sport I follow or enjoy, I began attending a local gym religiously about 3 months ago , I’ve changed my diet and have been working very hard in hopes of fighting in the masters in the next year hopefully. I have worked hard on basic footwork etc but the video has really made it click for me , very happy that I purchased it. Any advice you can give an old guy or help of any kind would be appreciated. I’m super determined and dedicated to doing this. Thanks for the videos.
Like the comment above mine, I’m an old dude too. 47. Awesome workshop. I am preparing for a fight and am able to get the better of many of the younger, more experienced guys at our boxing gym thanks to the footwork tips from the video. It was like a missing link for me. You’re a terrific teacher! It would be nice to be able to work with you some in person sometime.
Hi bought footwork and punching power last week, but cannot log into my account as it says my email isn’t recognised?
Please advise
Craig – England boxing UK
Hi Craig,
I sent you an email just now.
how do i purchase this? Could you delivery oversea???
Hi Chris,
This is a digital download so you can purchase the course and download it to your computer from anywhere in the world. Nothing physical will be sent to you.
Thank you for your reply.
So, If I pay by credit card online ,then I can download by my computer,right???
Exactly, Chris. You can download it straight to your computer right after payment. You will receive an email with your member’s login. If you don’t see it right away, check your spam folder.
I have a problem I’m a big kid and was wondering do you have big kids at your gym and was also wondering, I just read a book box like pros by Joe Frazier and he said that it would be smarter to get into better shape before you go to a boxing gym I want to know if that is true or not
We do have “big guys” at the gym. I’m sure they exist in most gyms if not all. It’s better to be in shape before doing ANY physical activity but if you’re not, then going to the gym would still be beneficial to you anyway. Of course, you shouldn’t spar hard if you’re not ready for it.
Thanks for the videos mate and thanks for sharing your techniques and making them available. Its an awesome video. After watching the footwork part I have to get your other video “Dancers Footwork” so I will be buying that in the next day or so. Your ideas on how to move your body are gold, I can’t wait to see what you have on “Dancers Footwork”. Thanks again.
Dave Watson
No hay en español el curso? ?
Not yet but soon.
Johnny quiero el curso pero por paypal no puedo comprar…puedo enviarte por western union??
Hi German. Please contact me directly and I will reply via email.
The Advance Boxing Workshop was excellent. Doing padding with a 14 year old young fighter I have already begin to see the new power in his punches. It was just a matter of positioning his leg stance as illustrated in your video. I found the drills and attention to details most helpful. I will review the punching video again and again to get even more pointers. I also enjoy your newsletters. They are very instructive.
If you have any information on things to do to increase late round endurances I would appreciated. I am a new amatur coach and learning day by day.
El curso es espectacular…se aprende muchisimo…y se entiende bastante si tenes ingles basico..recomendadisimo!!!
Hi Johnny
Really enjoying the videos – learned a lot already. My wife Mami bought it for me for Christmas but I couldn’t resist to watch before then.
I think getting the posture and balance right has really helped me to get much more power and efficiency in my punches. I’m surprised how much difference its made already – I thought my punching was pretty good beforehand but feels a lot better now.
I’m just trying to keep going through the drills so these differences become more ingrained and not go back to bad old habits.
A future idea for a workshop might be to do something that’s able to build on the things learnt on footwork in this video but maybe not as in depth as the advanced footwork video you’ve already made (as that one might be outside some people’s affordability range – although it does look very good). Another possibility is a sparring workshop.
Thanks for all your work – you’re a great teacher!
Best wishes
Hi Johnny,
I’ve only made it through a bit of the footwork video so far – some good tips on foot strengthening and balance — but look forward to checking out the rest this weekend. Just wanted to say I’ve enjoyed your YT videos a lot. Started boxing about a year and a half ago and they’ve been a solid help along the way by giving different perspectives from what I get from my coach. I am still training hard, looking forward to my first fight early summer. Your videos were the beginning of a major turning point in my footwork capabilities!
–Nathaniel W
Hey Johnny, I bought these videos awhile back and am getting back into boxing so I wante to use these again but the laptop I had them on just broke on me. It’s been awhile since I bought these so I don’t really remember much about the purchase except the email I used. how can I go about downloading the videos again? Appreciate it man.
Hi Jay,
Send me a personal email and I’ll re-send your login information to you again.
I have purchased this program today (payment via paypal) and I could only download the video on footwork.
I can’t return to the page for download. Can you please give me a link, I tried to get a password but didn’t received any e-mail.
Hi Guillaume,
Please check your spam folder to see if your login email went in there. If not, please email me personally and I’ll take care of you.
Thank you for your support!
Q tal Johnny:
la tecnica de tirar el hombro hacia atras en los ganchos es excelente, tambien la tecnica de ser implosivo, el trabajo de pies para mover el cuerpo agilmente.
increible…te estare contando nuevas experiencias
saludos desde paraguay
The video curse is incredible…you are a genius
hi Johnny my name is Antonio Loved what I purchased Advanced boxing footwork man the tips were unreal I used to bounce a lot and step first and then push. This was like a total break through for me!!! I like Tim Bradly the way he moves he just walks and dos ‘nt bounce. Man the tips are like a revolutionary break through for me. I read Haislet book Bruce lee used to wright some of his JKD book on boxing form 1940 and I read Jack Dempsey book on explosive power and some other book that was written on boxing that was used by the navy during world war 2 . And Jonny I am in shock do not know how you obtained this information on foot work, but the stuff is outstanding. Lead foot doing all the work wow hips in the ground. I honestly could not believe this , this is the best way to move!!!!!! Thank you so much.
Johnny I liked many of your concepts and ideas very much. I too have been involved in boxing ,muay thai, martial arts for about 50 years .
Your foot drills and exercises are very good for strength balance and coordination. Foot work seems to very neglected amongst most new fighters. They all just want to hit the bag hard and look like fighters. Foot work is the key to not getting hit setting up punches as well as closing the distance for opportunities.
Your concepts about the straight back heaviness of the body and sinking are very similar or common among Chinese internal styles.
You have a natural gift to be able to reverse engineer movement . This is very necessary in order to be able to understand and break information down for teaching others. As you know not everyone can teach well.
I enjoyed your videos and found some new as well as useful drills I will practice and use.
I live just south of LAX airport in Redondo Beach. There are so many MMA gyms here but few highly qualified boxing instructors.
Thanks for listening, Army
hey johnny how are you’ man ? … I started training boxing at home , because of your videos , and i just loved it … This workshop was awesome , I really learned a lot , the footwork tips are amazing ,i understood how inportant it is to find your balance and stay fixed to the ground … and my punching power has increased a lot , tohose tips were great ! … I was wondering if you could watch a video of me working on the heavy bag , sorry to bother you with that but I would really appreciate you advices , !! thank you very much !! keep up the awesome work ,and sorry for any mistakes , Im from Brazil !! peace
cant stop watching the videos its jam packed with so much information by far the best explanation on body mechanics i have ever seen you are like the tai chi master of boxing!!!
Really happy for you, John. It really is a lot of many many tiny little details and adjustments that can make all the difference.
Hi Johnny,
You have great content on your website. I have tried to grab a lot of information which might be useful to train. Unfortunately, I can’t afford to buy the program. But you keep up the great work.
Your guides are excellent. My only regret is that I did not purchase them sooner. I am currently working through the Beginners Boxing program. I have been boxing in a gym with a trainer for 4-5 months, and had a couple of problems and questions that I just couldn’t get resolved or answered. One of the problems was that my stance just never seemed natural or balanced. The “High and heavy” method I learned in your guide corrected this, and I could not believe the extra balance and punching power I gained from this little bit of knowledge.
Seeing that kind of progress really motivates me and I cannot wait to get back at it and learn more. Keep up the great work with your site and your guides.
If you drop your price on your DVD’s you’ll do better with volume sales. If you compare prices with the competition from Title Boxing’s Freddie Roach Video’s etc. You’ll see the wisdom.
Thanks for the business advice, Dan. I’ve seen the TitleBoxing videos before and there are several things that I share that he does not. I’m really just proud of the things I was taught and do not feel I would be giving the knowledge the respect it deserves by pricing it any less. I probably won’t make as much money as you say but I care more about the respect to the knowledge and the trainers that it came from. They never sold me short and I wouldn’t do it to myself or them either. Besides, I’m more about spreading information and the love of boxing than I am about business…thus, the amount of free information that I put out there. Thanks again.
Hi Johnny
I am going to buy all three videos “Advance Foot Work”, “How to box in 10 days” and “Advance footwork and Punching”. Would it be a good Idea to start with the “Advance Foot Work” drills first before moving on to “How to box in 10days” or can I over lap the trainings?
Thank You
Hi Jose,
I recommend doing things one at a time but you’re welcome to do more if you feel comfortable and capable of absorbing more.
Can I purchase through net banking. I have never purchased and don’t want to purchase through using debit card. Can you help me? How it’s safe?
I’m sorry, Paypal is the only option I have at the moment. It’s relatively safe.
I agree.
I’m into boxing for the workout not competition. I workout with the Heavy Bag, Speed Bag and Double End Bag at the gym – just got tired of doing it wrong and over exerting myself. I prefer to workout alone with my Jerry Harvey Roxannes connected to my Astel Kern Ak240.
I’ll study your videos, read your material and put in the time at the gym so that way I can at least do the basics correctly..
Very Well Done. Keep up the good work.
Thank you
It had been several months since I purchased these videos and I just wanted to say that it was worth every dollar. I am a kickboxing instructor at a local MMA gym and I have been teaching myself boxing last several years mostly with the help of this website. As great as Johnny’s articles are, these videos helped me even more. It is a pleasure to know that such high quality information is accessible without having to deal with super secretive “old school” coaches that feed you small bits over the course of many years.
Here is what helped me right away (which is only a small portion of what is being taught):
1. Pulling my hips in increased my power transfer and balance significantly and right away.
2. Dropping weight on my punches (I can almost do it now without actually lowering myself) increased my balance, especially on my cross.
3. Using my back muscles to generate punches took about a month to get used to but doing that got rid of leaning forward habit and added so much more balance, specifically when the right hand misses its recovery is super easy now.
4. Using inside muscles to tighten my body at the right moment in order absorb punches (and ground them by dropping the weight right afterwards) felt like having a super power. After watching it on the workshop video I learned that it is also a very high level judo technique as well as big part of wing chun training.
Workshop videos have much more information than that though, enough to occupy you for months. Again, big thanks Johnny!
Can these techniques work on a pro level?
Yes, they can!
Hi Johnny:
I just finished downloading last night, and I love what I have seen so far. I have been doing mixed martial arts for 5 years now and no one has explained all the details that you mentioned. I am learning a lot. I am preparing for a black test in Arjukempo which will include12 rounds boxing and kickboxing combined. I will let you know as I progressed, as I am looking forward in implementing your teachings. I wonder if you have any tips on sparring with taller guys, you know they have a longer reach in punching and kicking.
Your stuff is awesome! I did mainly buy your videos for the footwork but the power punch videos are a plus.
Hey Johnny,
I bought both the how to box in 10 days and the advanced boxing workshop. I love them both. You do a great job man. I got what I paid for in like the first 20 minutes of each video and I felt like I was really learning a lot of new stuff.
If I have something to suggest it would be that if you can make the advanced boxing workshop as personal as the how to box in ten days that will make it ( to me) a lot better. I feel like I learn better on a one on one basis. I would pay as much money for that one as I paid for the how to box in ten days no questions asked if it was like that and have all the stuff written down is a plus. I like to go over stuff like that just in case I missed something. Also I was wondering if you will ever make an article or a video going more in depth with circular energy! I think that’s an important aspect of boxing and I would love to get better at it.
Great videos man!
Andrei A.
Great videos. I’m still going through them. I have my first Masters boxing match in February at 42 years old. Your videos are very helpful and I’ll have more feedback when I finish them.
Would you suggest purchasing the footwork and punching power before purchasing the advanced footwork?
Are the footwork drills in this video more beginner?
Hi Kerena,
The drills here are I would say intermediate. It’s not beginner because it’s not common stuff you would find in a boxing gym, but it’s also not the most advanced that I know. The “Dancer’s Footwork for Fighters” is really challenging stuff for sure and will develop your legs a lot more.
Can this program work at a pro level and any weight class?
Hi Dorian, this advice is great and used by pros at all weight classes. Now, if you’re ALREADY a pro then you might know most of these things. I would recommend my other products. I have a more advanced new one coming out, actually.
Do you teach how to make the best use of your punching power on Advanced Boxing Workshop?
I have a new product coming out that will go more in-depth into that.
me interesa mucho, pero tendra subtitulos en español?
I’m sorry, Luis. I do not have Spanish subtitles for this at the moment.
que lastima, espero que lo hagan. porfavor avisar. thanks4everything
How are ways a boxer can end up using their punching speed in the wrong way?
Most likely not since using the speedbag the wrong way would prevent you from being able to hit it. The speedbag is there to practice your timing/rhythm and it doesn’t work at all when you hit it any other way.
Jonny – love what your teaching – the kind of stuff that makes a big difference. I¹ve watched it sitting on a sofa. I want to spend time with my heavy bag with the exercises. All good though. Great value videos.
Thanks for making this info available in a way That’s easy to understand which fosters learnability! Especially the foot work exercises; I have already upped my game!
Does speed give you more punching power?
Speed by itself does not give you punching power. It can however give you more punching power if there’s the same bodyweight force behind it, and also surprise your opponents causing more damage because they don’t have time to brace for the impact. Speed in general will allow you to land more punches and create more opportunities for your most powerful punches (which can be a lot harder to land if you’re slower).
Okay so I read the first few comments saying this is download only and not DVD yet. Is it still just download only or do you have them in DVDs now?
Hi GILWOLF, it’s currently not available in DVD (and probably won’t ever be) because it’s not convenient and desired by enough buyers. It takes time and extra money to ship DVD’s and they can only be viewed with a DVD player, instead of being flexible with all other devices like tablets and phones.
Sup Johnny, Just bought The advanced boxing series and I must say ….Great stuff. I think you hit the market at the right time with these techniques. I train in MMA and right now, everyone is looking for the next best thing. Please keep making Instructionals, this place is a gold mine.
Keep up the good work!
Thank you, Warren! That’s a high compliment and I’m glad to be able to help fighters even outside of boxing. Would love to get your feedback on my latest program, “SECRETS to Punching Power”, if you ever get the chance. More instructionals coming your way.
Hey johnny do you still recommend a fighting stance with ____ out for punching power/balance?
Hey Malik, it’s a great question and one that I’ve evolved over the years. It’s not that you’re trying to thrust your pelvis out but to avoid letting your hips sink out the back during a punch, or balance movements. If you want to bend over, it’s ok. But at the moment of power transfer (whether punching, pushing, or resisting an opponent), make sure the hips no longer retreat backwards. Also too…it has to do with your neutral position. Some are naturally already forward-pelvis, others are back. Either way, make sure you have more “presence” in the front than the back and you will be fine.
Hi Johnny,
first of all, I think you have a great site with tons of info, tips, guides etc. I visit the site regularly to learn a lot. I am starting to develop increases in the punching power. Very useful purchase for me and will be working on it. On footwork, am working on it as well. I want to learn more on slipping.
Cheers and Regards,
Hi Johnny,
I have been lurking on your website for almost 2 years now and am very happy to have finally purchased one of your videos. I am on video 3 right now and will definitely post a good testimonial when I finish the series but let me talk about my experience with your teaching so far.
First, let me give you a super short bio. My background started with traditional martial arts (taekwondo, shaolin) and later changed to muay thai and jee kun do. I also studied physics and education and teach high school science now; the only reason I’m mentioning this is because my approach to martial arts is very analytical (or at least my attempts are). Few years ago, I moved to another gym (mma/jui jitsu) and the coach there asked me to teach kickboxing after the main instructor got busy with school.
Shortly after I started teaching, I realized that I have virtually no experience in boxing, despite doing muay thai for over 8 years at that point. As you may have heard one of the biggest drawbacks of muay thai is the lack of hand skills. My gym is fairly big and does everything: including pure boxing, so it became apparent that during boxing sessions I did a lot worse without my kicks.
Right now, we have 2 boxing coaches: one of them teaches kids and does a lot of amateur competitions and the other is old school type that constantly tries to break you down. Neither one of them has any desire to help mma guys and so I was stuck to learn on my own.
Right away, I felt that something was missing, the advice I’ve been getting from people around me (often with many years of experience) did not seem to fit me. I am a left hander who was taught an orthodox stance so I have a weak hand in the back. If that wasn’t bad enough I just couldn’t seem to throw a good cross, especially in the heat of sparring.
I stumbled upon your website while googling good heavy bag techniques which then led me to snap punching article. That opened my eyes that there was a whole different level out there that most people (and often coaches) are simply unaware off.
For the past 2 years I have been reading your articles and applying them in my class (I do a lot of boxing, perhaps as much as kicking). My gym has a very open format so I can basically teach whatever I want.
I became obsessed with body mechanics and my inability to throw a good right hand fueled my desire to understand how it all works. It was clear to me that the level at which martial arts is taught is very surface like and the true mechanics are left up to chance that the student will stumble upon them by accident.
Anyway, thanks to you and your website my boxing improved a lot from where it was but the right hand still eluded me (jab and hook was there though). I would help my students to throw nice snap crosses yet I myself had trouble with it.
After buying and watching only 2 videos of your seminar I think I was able to finally mostly pin point my problems:
1) I am 6 ‘3 and usually spar with shorter opponents. That led me to punch down and lean forward as a subconscious habit. Your video highlighted just how much I was leaning forward still despite being aware of it for some time. Makes one wonder that if a boxer mostly spars with equal height or taller opponents that their base will develop faster as a result of back being straighter.
2) Swinging the other arm in the opposite direction felt like it unlocked my upper core and also made it easier to “pull the trigger” in the pocket.
3) Feet pointing in the direction of the punch made my body feel a lot “happier” and less confused.
4) Footwork drills I am still playing with, it is a very humbling experience trying to switch from outer muscles to inner muscles.
This past Friday we had a kickboxing sparring session and the 2 videos that I watched probably tripled the way I felt while sparring.
By having straight back I felt like I had a more balanced base to generate power from. The extra distance I got by leaning straighter made it much harder for my opponents to reach me (surprisingly, I did not feel more difficulty hitting them).
By swinging the opposite arms during a punch I was able to pull the trigger sooner. The cross was finally there, if not super impressive. Hook felt amazing. I could also throw multiples of the same punch without much problem now. Uppercuts were also there (from the base leg) and I feel that eventually they will be my go to tool against shorter opponents.
I have not had any fights yet (and honestly think my coach asked me to teach so that I would be in the gym more often haha) but sparring with amateur and professional MMA guys I felt the technique gap despite their hard work and dedication.
So yes, your video seminars are amazing and I can’t wait to go through them all and then try the other ones (I can already feel that footwork one will be tough). I don’t think there is anyone on the internet at your coaching level right now (and judging by the reaction to your “lifting weights for boxing” posts many don’t even realize that such a high level exists). As far as all those “old timers” who might know all those things they will be obsolete in another decade or so (perhaps regrettably so but it is hard enough to learn as it is without having to go through all the red tape). Already, you helped more people improve their skills than they did in their entire career. Anyway, I will stop typing now before this email turns into a book!
Anton S.
Do you teach different boxing styles like pressure fighting on this product
I paid for the course, but I am unable to access it
Hey James, I’ve responded to you. Please email me next time for a faster response.
Hi Johnny, I purchased the course but not received anything.
Hi James, please email me personally to get you situated!
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Hi Johnny, love your stuff, you’re obviously passionate about our sport…. as a coach of young boxers it would be very handy if I could take the vids or at least excerpts of the vids to our club gym and play them and go through them with our more advanced kids – we are in rural Ireland and do not have internet available at the club. Also you put things across very well and much better than I can express them, second hand. I am particularly interested in your footwork theory and thought about buying this workshop as an intro. Do you have anything I could download available? – of course, I am more than willing to pay the extra if you can help. Thanks, Darren
Hi Jhonny i Hope your Doing Great ! so i got to boxing about 3 months till now ! like i feel that my lvl is intermediate ! so i can throw punches i can spar with high rank ppl in boxing that have 1 year and plus exp ! do you advice me to buy The Advanced Workshop prog ?