There’s a “loss password” option you can use when you try to login. Or contact me and I’ll generate a new one for you. You can also change your password after you login.
Hey Johnny, I lost access to my account as well. Could you please help me out?
Also, on a boxing note, do you ever turn into body punches to block them? I saw one instructor teaching this and I was under the impression that you would always drop the elbow to block the punch while rolling it away.
Turning into body punches to block them CAN work (and also help to set up certain counters) as long as you don’t over-turn or turn yourself in a way that leaves you exposed.
Please contact me directly so I can solve your login issues.
just bought your package, stared to download on ipad then realised I needed to do it on my PC, stopped and now on PC but can’t identify how to start the process
How do I recover to a page where I can download. I can’t seem to find any link to manage it
You should have received a login email immediately after payment. In there is a username and password you can use to access the members area. Please check your spam folder if you don’t see it.
Hi, i just paid for the advanced boxing workshop but did not recieve any email. I wpuld like to download the video onto another computer of mine. Thanks!
Hi Nash,
Please check your spam folder to make sure the login information didn’t get sent there. The email will go to the same address as the one registered with your Paypal account. If you’still can’t find your login, please send me a personal email and I will help you there.
jus bought it Johnny kant wait to read it i love boxing try to find anything thats boxing to watch every day haha and i check my inbox to see if you post any new guides keep me posted and keep up the good work my boi!
The members area is for people who have purchased the premium guides. The members area is only for downloading ebooks and videos and whatever other premium content is back there. If you have questions, you can post them in relating boxing guides on the website. Or even on the Youtube videos.
Purchased “Dancer’s Footwork for Fighters” on 4/4/14. Have no access to my account at this time. Never got an email (checked all folders). Password recovery did not work (no record of anyone w/my email address, for some reason).
Hi Eric…I saw the problem. The email was spelled wrong with “gamil” instead of “gmail”. I’ve fixed it from the back-end and resent your login information. Please let me know if you don’t find it.
Johnny, the 30 days fighter diet is just what I was looking for! I’ve been trying to get down to 141 without killing myself to do it and I’ve dropped 5 pound already a little over a weak in. Keep up the great work.
I am just about to start the diet programme but would like to know what the best protein shake to take for weight loss. I am slight
Y disabled and don’t walk as fast as others so it take longer for me burn fat. Could anyone recommend a good brand as went to health shop and was completely confused.
Thank you for creating this book and videos. I have a few questions though. I I gave my friend the money and he bought this for course for me as I did not have a paypal account. I went back to log in w/ the information that was sent to him and it said that the account activated. I activated the account a few weeks ago. Is there any way to change the log in and the password so that it is accessible to me? I feel bad as all of the emails are being sent to him and he’s not the one boxing. I am the one using the materials. Is there anyway to change all of this?
You can definitely have the account changed to your info. Have him send you the login information and after you log in, you can change the details yourself to anything you like.
Hey, I bought the 30 day fighter diet book, started to read it and now am unable to access it. I’ve tried login in but was unable to, and when I clicked on the “forgot my password” link nothing happened.. Can you help me out Johnny?
I purchased the 10 day course and do not have access. My email is not registered with your site (so I can’t get a new password); no confirmation email from your site (including the spam folder); only proof I have is the PayPal transaction. Could you help me out? thx in advance.
I manually activated your account just now. I don’t know what happened but thank you for contacting me. For future problems, please contact me directly (via email).
Hi Erwin, please contact me directly for a faster response. Try another browser, like Chrome or Firefox. And let me know if you’re still getting the same problems.
I purchased the 10 day course and do not have access. My email is not registered with your site (so I can’t get a new password); no confirmation email from your site (including the spam folder); only proof I have is the PayPal transaction. Could you help me out? thx in advance.
Hi Johnny, I have purchased one of your products, I have the paypaul receipt but I didn’t receive the email with the login information. I also have checked the spam folder and there is nothing there. Can you help me log in?
Hi Johnny, I have purchased one of your products, I have the paypaul receipt but I didn’t receive the email with the login information. I also have checked the spam folder and there is nothing there. Can you help me log in?
Hi Johnny, I have just purchased Dancers Footwork for Fighters but I have no access since my email is not registered with your site. I haven’t received any confirmation email either. The only proof I have is the PayPal transaction. Thank you in advance.
Hi Jose, I’ve manually activated your account. The system sometimes has a problem with processing names that have accent characters. Happy New Year, my friend!…and please send me a personal email (for faster response) if you need anything else!
I was just wondering if you have made any changes to the website. I can no longer access any of the forums or videos in the video library, even though I used to be able to. It just comes up with a message saying that the page is for EB Members only and it keeps asking me for my login, despite the fact that it says at the bottom that I am still logged in. I can access the courses that I have purchased separately (the dancer’s footwork for fighters one) but I can’t access any of the videos or forums. Have there been any changes to the website where I can only access these videos if I purchase a premium membership or is it just a problem with my login? If there has been any changes, then no worries, I was just wondering because I used to be able to access the videos/forums, but I can’t anymore for some reason. If you could help me out, that would be great. Thanks!
P.S. Please keep the content coming, I always learn a lot from your videos.
Hi Liam, you probably had a free trial membership that came with your course. To access the videos/forums from now on, you need a membership. I think you should get the GOLD. It has all my guides and also lifetime access to the EB membership!
Love the boxing gloves reviews and have been following them over the years. It seems like prices have exploded: the Di Nardo gloves are now listed at USD 1800 when following the link. They seem to be updating their website though and may make some changes.
What if i forget my pw?
There’s a “loss password” option you can use when you try to login. Or contact me and I’ll generate a new one for you. You can also change your password after you login.
Hey Johnny, I lost access to my account as well. Could you please help me out?
Also, on a boxing note, do you ever turn into body punches to block them? I saw one instructor teaching this and I was under the impression that you would always drop the elbow to block the punch while rolling it away.
Hi Russell,
Turning into body punches to block them CAN work (and also help to set up certain counters) as long as you don’t over-turn or turn yourself in a way that leaves you exposed.
Please contact me directly so I can solve your login issues.
hey johnny, i lost access to my account, could you help me out.
No problem, Tomas. I resent your login to you. Check your email now.
just bought your package, stared to download on ipad then realised I needed to do it on my PC, stopped and now on PC but can’t identify how to start the process
How do I recover to a page where I can download. I can’t seem to find any link to manage it
Hi Chris,
You should have received a login email immediately after payment. In there is a username and password you can use to access the members area. Please check your spam folder if you don’t see it.
Hi, i just paid for the advanced boxing workshop but did not recieve any email. I wpuld like to download the video onto another computer of mine. Thanks!
Hi Nash,
Please check your spam folder to make sure the login information didn’t get sent there. The email will go to the same address as the one registered with your Paypal account. If you’still can’t find your login, please send me a personal email and I will help you there.
Thank you for your support!
jus bought it Johnny kant wait to read it i love boxing try to find anything thats boxing to watch every day haha and i check my inbox to see if you post any new guides keep me posted and keep up the good work my boi!
Yooo Johnny!! I would like to become a member on this site so i can learn more about boxing with some questions, how do I make an account?
Hi Jayson,
The members area is for people who have purchased the premium guides. The members area is only for downloading ebooks and videos and whatever other premium content is back there. If you have questions, you can post them in relating boxing guides on the website. Or even on the Youtube videos.
Purchased “Dancer’s Footwork for Fighters” on 4/4/14. Have no access to my account at this time. Never got an email (checked all folders). Password recovery did not work (no record of anyone w/my email address, for some reason).
Hi Eric…I saw the problem. The email was spelled wrong with “gamil” instead of “gmail”. I’ve fixed it from the back-end and resent your login information. Please let me know if you don’t find it.
Johnny, the 30 days fighter diet is just what I was looking for! I’ve been trying to get down to 141 without killing myself to do it and I’ve dropped 5 pound already a little over a weak in. Keep up the great work.
Very glad to hear about your progress, Brian. Thanks for the feedback!
hey man I cant access my account
Hi Jono, I resent your login to you. Hope it works now. If you have any more problems, please contact me directly.
I am just about to start the diet programme but would like to know what the best protein shake to take for weight loss. I am slight
Y disabled and don’t walk as fast as others so it take longer for me burn fat. Could anyone recommend a good brand as went to health shop and was completely confused.
Thanks and happy Christmas
Thanks Johnny, I’ll try the anti fatigue mat. (Just 10 dollars)
I’m having problems login in to my account
Hi Marcos. I emailed you directly just now.
Thank you for creating this book and videos. I have a few questions though. I I gave my friend the money and he bought this for course for me as I did not have a paypal account. I went back to log in w/ the information that was sent to him and it said that the account activated. I activated the account a few weeks ago. Is there any way to change the log in and the password so that it is accessible to me? I feel bad as all of the emails are being sent to him and he’s not the one boxing. I am the one using the materials. Is there anyway to change all of this?
You can definitely have the account changed to your info. Have him send you the login information and after you log in, you can change the details yourself to anything you like.
Hey, I bought the 30 day fighter diet book, started to read it and now am unable to access it. I’ve tried login in but was unable to, and when I clicked on the “forgot my password” link nothing happened.. Can you help me out Johnny?
Hi Derek,
Please contact me directly in the future if you have problems. I have resent your login just now. Hopefully you get it.
Hi johnny
I have just sent you an email.
I can t access to the site as member.
Pb of password.
Thanks for your help.
Just bought video set with paypal . I was never given a password and my e-mail is somehow not registered on your site to retrieve password. Need help
Hi Angelo,
I sent you a private email. Please answer there.
Hello Johnny (again),
I purchased the 10 day course and do not have access. My email is not registered with your site (so I can’t get a new password); no confirmation email from your site (including the spam folder); only proof I have is the PayPal transaction. Could you help me out? thx in advance.
Hi Phil,
I manually activated your account just now. I don’t know what happened but thank you for contacting me. For future problems, please contact me directly (via email).
Hey Johnny,
Suddeny i cannot login anymore and acces my products
Hi Sebastian, I emailed you directly. Did you not receive it?
Yo Johnny,
I was try to download the dancer’s footwork day-1 and day-2 but it is stuck at 90%. and the others i havent tried yet.
Hi Erwin, please contact me directly for a faster response. Try another browser, like Chrome or Firefox. And let me know if you’re still getting the same problems.
I pay the book, how can i get it? or how dowland
I purchased the 10 day course and do not have access. My email is not registered with your site (so I can’t get a new password); no confirmation email from your site (including the spam folder); only proof I have is the PayPal transaction. Could you help me out? thx in advance.
Hi Marine,
I contacted you directly. Please reply to me there for a faster response.
Johnny- I cannot access videos message display states: ” Video can’t be played because the file is corrupt”.
Thanks for your help!
Thanks men I just training to fight on friday, So thanx!
#Adam_Hatibu, Can you tell to fight like Canelo?
Am in Ghana, how can I buy your package?
Look at the products shown on the right side of the page and buy the ones you like.
Hi Johnny, I have purchased one of your products, I have the paypaul receipt but I didn’t receive the email with the login information. I also have checked the spam folder and there is nothing there. Can you help me log in?
So sorry about that, Gilberto. My system acts weird with certain last names. I activated you manually. Please let me know if you received it now.
Hi Johnny, I have purchased one of your products, I have the paypaul receipt but I didn’t receive the email with the login information. I also have checked the spam folder and there is nothing there. Can you help me log in?
Hi Caolan, I replied to you via email!
Hi Johnny, I have just purchased Dancers Footwork for Fighters but I have no access since my email is not registered with your site. I haven’t received any confirmation email either. The only proof I have is the PayPal transaction. Thank you in advance.
Hi Jose, I’ve manually activated your account. The system sometimes has a problem with processing names that have accent characters. Happy New Year, my friend!…and please send me a personal email (for faster response) if you need anything else!
hey johnny i also purchased the fighters duet and have nothing but my pay pal receipt. how do i gain access
Hi Ben, I resent your login just now…did you get it?
Hey, Johnny.
I was just wondering if you have made any changes to the website. I can no longer access any of the forums or videos in the video library, even though I used to be able to. It just comes up with a message saying that the page is for EB Members only and it keeps asking me for my login, despite the fact that it says at the bottom that I am still logged in. I can access the courses that I have purchased separately (the dancer’s footwork for fighters one) but I can’t access any of the videos or forums. Have there been any changes to the website where I can only access these videos if I purchase a premium membership or is it just a problem with my login? If there has been any changes, then no worries, I was just wondering because I used to be able to access the videos/forums, but I can’t anymore for some reason. If you could help me out, that would be great. Thanks!
P.S. Please keep the content coming, I always learn a lot from your videos.
Hi Liam, you probably had a free trial membership that came with your course. To access the videos/forums from now on, you need a membership. I think you should get the GOLD. It has all my guides and also lifetime access to the EB membership!
Love the boxing gloves reviews and have been following them over the years. It seems like prices have exploded: the Di Nardo gloves are now listed at USD 1800 when following the link. They seem to be updating their website though and may make some changes.