Being in shape and being in fighting shape are 2 entirely different things. Are you ready for competitive fighting? Let’s find out…
Boxing is tough, I know. But just exactly HOW tough? I spoke to several boxing trainers and from what they all told me, here is the bare minimum for anybody looking to fight in amateur boxing competition. This here is the VERY MINIMUM you should at least be able to do all in one day if you want to compete at the amateur level:
- Run 3-5 miles without getting too tired
- Jumprope for 30 minutes straight
- Hit the heavy bag for 15 minutes non-stop
- Be able to spar with any amateur from any gym (excluding pro-level amateurs with over 100 fights)
- Spar double the required rounds (amateur boxing is 3 rounds)
Notice how I didn’t say anything about training routines, X number of push-ups or X number of sit-ups. It’s because training is only a means of achieving amateur fight-level conditioning. If you can do all of the above, then you’re in pretty good shape regardless of how you trained to get there. Some people will require more training and conditioning than others. Every individual will always have their advantages in certain exercises over others. The list isn’t the end-all be-all of what is considered to be “fighting shape” but it’s a good start.
Have some fun and test yourself on the physical benchmarks above. Just make sure you don’t be too hard on yourself or get offended if you can’t do everything above. Being an amateur boxer is extremely physically demanding. Competitive fighting doesn’t purely judge on skillful execution or who “fought better”. It is simply a contest of points, which are scored by direct hits. Quite often, a boxing competition can resemble an awkward game of tag moreso than a Rocky movie. On the other hand, amateur boxing can also become bouts of pure aggression. You can be as skillful as you want but if you’re only throwing 50 punches a round and your opponent throws 200, it makes a hard case for judges to give you the fight.
Whether it’s a lot of running or punching, you need to be prepared to do lots of both. Yes, skill is more important than power and endurance but only when you have reached the minimum levels of conditioning for boxing will you then be capable of applying your skills to fights.
One of my favorite videos of what real amateur boxing looks like. It’s the Oxnard PAL National Boxing Tournament in Oxnard, California.
5 Important Attributes For Amateur Boxing
1. Endurance
Whether you’re executing offensive or defensive moves, you need energy to do anything. If you don’t have the energy to throw punches and keep your opponent off you, you’re pretty much dead meat. I know you see boxers getting tired on TV or youtube, but that’s just them getting tired–they’re not completely gassed out. In reality, boxers are NEVER allowed to get tired. I once got tired during some focus mitt work and my trainer slapped me in the face and yelled, “DON’T GET TIRED!” As he explains, “The moment you get tired, you get knocked out.” It’s that simple.
There are 2 types of endurance you absolutely MUST have:
1. Leg Endurance
- Leg endurance allows you to move around the ring, more importantly: in and out of range. I’ve watched many fighters get destroyed in the late rounds because they ran out of leg strength. This is when your legs feel like cement and you’re no longer able to move swiftly. All the punching power in the world means nothing if you can’t even get to your opponent. It sucks when your opponent easily moves in and out of distance while you’re dragging your legs around the ring. Build up your leg endurance with the jumprope. Don’t just do running. Jumping rope ensures your legs will always have that bounce. You don’t want to be a sitting duck on the ropes while your opponent hits you and disappears before you fire back. I’ve been there dozens of times…it sucks.
2. Shoulder Endurance
- VERY crucial. Once your shoulders get tired, you’re screwed. You’re too tired to throw punches fast enough to hit your opponent. You’re too tired to pull your hands back to defense when you punch. You’re even too tired to hold up your gloves to cover your face. Your shoulders run your offense and defense, without them you’re pretty much a punching bag on legs (assuming you still got your legs). Work those shoulders in training, do the speedbag and arm endurance drills!
2. Defense
Your opponent will average 60-150 power punches per round. If you don’t know how to block punches, ESPECIALLY when you’re tired and every punch hurts more, you’re gonna get knocked out. Pay attention, cover your face, and protect yourself at all times!
3. Speed
If your punches aren’t fast enough to hit your opponent, you’re screwed. Not only will you not be able to score, you’re also unable to hurt him and keep him from attacking you with everything he has. Make sure your hand speed stays with you throughout the fight. You can have all the power in the world, but without the speed, it means nothing! You can be as tired as you want, but your hands better be fast enough to touch your opponent–or else your punches will have absolutely ZERO effect on your opponent.
4. Power
If you don’t have the proper technique and physicality to hurt your opponent, he will walk you down and outgun you till you hit the canvas. Power doesn’t come from wild swinging, that only wastes energy. True power comes from good technique. You want effective and efficient punching form! And then of course, you need to do explosive work in training. You don’t need to have knockout power, you just need to make sure that you have the power to hurt him.
5. Autonomy
Inside the ring is not the place for you to be thinking about what to do next. All your punch combinations and counters should be automatic by now.
It’s ok to think about general fight strategy such as “Pump the jab. Hooks to the body in close. Pivot off the ropes.”
What you should NOT be thinking is “Jab, right, left hook, right uppercut, left hook, right cross. Block the jab with the right hand. Keep the chin down.”
I mean seriously, if you still have to remind yourself to keep your hands up, then you’re not ready for amateur fighting. Your stance and defense should have been automatic by now. Actually, EVERYTHING should be automatic by now. Offensive moves, defensive moves, counter moves, everything. If you can’t fight automatically and respond instantaneously, you’re in deep trouble.
Imagine a basketball player. He’s not thinking about how to dribble between his legs or how to make a jumpshot. He’s paying attention to to other players in the game and deciding where he wants to be.
A boxer in the ring should be paying attention to his opponent,
not himself.
If you’re busy trying to think during a fight, you’ll always be one step behind your opponent the entire fight. He’ll land a jab and as you prepare to counter his next jab, it’s too late because now he’s already hit you with his right hand. Now you’re thinking about his right hand and it’s too late because he’s already jabbed you again, AND thrown another right hand. By the time you’re ready to counter his right hand it won’t matter because he’s throwing hooks now.
Your opponent, mindless he may be, will walk you down and pry your guard apart with combination after combination, while you’re still trying to figure out what counters to throw and when to do the fancy shoulder roll you practiced. If you’re trying to remember counters to common punches, you are pretty much NOT ready for competing. Everything should be automatic by now.
Stuff That Does Not Matter
This is the stuff beginning amateur boxers should not be worried about.
1. Knockout Power
It’s pretty hard to knock someone out considering they’re moving so fast and wearing headgear. Although knockouts do happen at the amateur level, they tend to have more to do with endurance than power. Besides, great timing and beautiful counter-punching are more likely to cause a knockout than just pure power alone. As long as you have perfect technique and punching form, you are fine.
2. Slipping
Please watch an amateur fight, not a pro fight. You notice there’s not much slipping in there and there’s a reason for that. Slipping is a beautiful skill but just how many punches are you prepared to slip? 1? 2? Try a hundred. Yes, a hundred. It’s a lot of punches, and trying to slip all those will never work. You’ll get tired and eventually get caught. Learn how to slip a punch or two here and there but don’t choreograph it into your routine as if that’s all you’ll be doing. More often than not, you’ll be relying on a solid high guard defense instead of slipping movements.
3. Trick Combinations
Relying on trick combinations is silly. I’d say trick combinations are best used to break your opponent’s rhythm. You throw trick punches to score a few points here and there. In the overall scheme of things, tricks combinations mean little in regards to the hundreds of normal punches you and your opponent will be throwing. Stick with basic boxing punches (like THE JAB), and basic counters. Trick punches are something you do to escape a situation or have a little fun to confuse your opponent. You’re not supposed to fight an entire fight on trick combinations. Lastly, trick combos are like magic tricks; they require work to setup and everything must be perfect for the trick to work. And if it doesn’t work, you get punished badly.
Amateur Boxing is 100% Physical
I don’t know where people got the idea that boxing was some kind of secret martial art. You’re in for a giant surprise if you believe you can think your way to victory and not have to fight with power or force.
I’m going to share 2 secrets with you. Are you ready? Here goes the first reason why boxing is so damn physical.
Higher-level boxing moves require more physical ability.
Doing higher level boxing moves is going to require more energy. So even if you’re trying to beat your opponent with higher-level skills, you’re still going to use more energy. For example, notice how slipping requires more energy than blocking.
Boxing is 90% mental and 10% physical.
But that 10% physical requires 100% of your physical capacity.
Get it?! Boxing is based more on mental capacity than physical capacity. However, you need every bit of that physical edge to make use of your fight intelligence. Boxing is not literally a game of chess. It’s physical. Look at boxers after their matches and you’ll see that their headaches are from taking punches and not necessarily from thinking too hard. You need to be in the best shape possible if you want to make the most of your fighting knowledge.
Professional fighters never get tired and so you get to see pro fights elevate to a level where there is a high difference in skill. Amateur fighting is entirely different. Quite often, boxers step into the ring at less than 100% shape and so the fight doesn’t elevate beyond the physical side of boxing. If you ever want to use all the boxing skills you know, you need to make sure you are in shape to take the fight to that next level.
Can you list some shoulder endurance drills?
get a square stance on a heavy bag and exaggerate the shoulders do this twice as many rounds as you will be competing in.
Do shoulder rolls while u hold weights u can start off at 10 lbs each hand but if u really want to push it do 25 each hands let them hang then shoulder roll
Speed bag
I am a amatuer boxer in jupiter florida. I have Golden Gloves and undefeated 9-0 amatueur record. Im 36 im super middleweight and i am a student of the craft. We can go as hard or easy as you like im a good guy i enjoy boxing. Not looking to hurt anyone who doesnt get to disrepectful with me.
James- 5613097092
Hi i noticed u said your36 and box amateur! That gives me so much hope im 32 and getting back into boxing last time i was a kid! But it gives me hope that i can still do it
I’ll fight you!! I’m 26 IV never boxed much but I can do it.! But I weigh 245.
I want u to train me I love to fight never box before I want to become better I’m from Oklahoma City I just want a chance to make a difference n my life I got n alot of trouble with fighting so I just want to use my skills for something I don’t want to hurt nobody just want to do for sport n make a career out of it I’m good but I can learn more so please hit me back thanks
I am ready, any time anywhere. My name is brandon lowe. Pedigree german irish and English. Names of lowe, starr, and justice. Call me. 2147272097. Im waiting.
what weight division are you
Are you still reading this Raven? I’m old. I’m almost 32, but I wanna learn how to box. I was a decent athlete when I was young. I don’t have any fantasies about being a badass or anything like that. I’m very quiet and humble. I just don’t want to be a moron or a loser my whole life, and I’m running out of time. If you can give me some advice, I would appreciate it. I’m in better shape at 31 than I was at 21, because now I do not drink and smoke. I’m pretty skinny. Tall but skinny. I don’t like to eat, or eat much. I have much more speed than power. I may weigh 160, but I would like to fight at a lower weight. 160 is Jermain Taylor/Kelly Pavlik size, and I have no doubt that guys like that would smash my face in.
You shouldn’t assume that 32 is old, I am. 42 and just started training and have a friend who is 58 and has had 3 bouts. Time and Age pressures are foolish.
Remember you never know who will win a fight. If you think they’ll wipe the floor with you they will. Think positive.
i’m 14 and fight outta state
I called your number osted said not working #
That was directed at Brandon Lowe
yh dw mate
hey guys im 16 rn and i want to get into amatuer boxing but i dont know how exactly i sign up and i dont know how to go about getting a trainer and all that if anyone has any ideas could u please share them with me. I have been doing a bit of boxing like punching a bag and getting my technique good with my basic punches and i just want to see how ill go in amatuer boxing as i only weigh 63 kg i think i qualify as a light weight if anyone lives in canberra and is willing to train me, or if anyone knows of any place were i can go to train for amature boxing in canberra please contact me via emal
thanks heaps
look up “boxing gyms near me” on google. Find some that are close to you and have good reviews and take a class. If you hate the gym, you can always go to another one.
This article was a bit of an eye opener. I’m 21 and I’ve only been boxing for 6 months, 4 months of which has been training at middleweight amateur competition level. I never did any combat sports before this and until reading this, thought i was almost ready for my first fight. After reading this though, I’ve realised my endurance and fitness is no-where near the level I need it to be! As always, excellent work, very informative and practical
I wish I lived in america so I could train with you!
Hey man, you can compete before you meet all these requirements, your first few fights will be against other noobs like yourself. If you can spar 5-6 rounds you’re pretty much good to go
I’m going to fight my 14th or 15th amateur fight tomorrow, and from that point I have to be able to meet these requirements because I can meet whoever. But for now you should just get in the ring asap and get the fight-experience imho. Find out how it is fighting in the ring with a crowd watching and yelling at you. Keep training 
Hey Adale M., here’s a warm-up that we do before every work-out at my gym.
Sit-Jab: Sit on floor with legs spread out as wide as you comfortably can. Throw jabs “from the eye, to the eye” and fully extend towards the tip of your toes opposite your hand (right jab to left toes). Make sure to turn your body with your jabs: 3 minutes.
Push-Ups: 30.
Sit-Jab: 3 minutes.
Jumping Jacks: 30.
1-2: Run in place while throwing 1-2 repeatedly for 1 minute. When you throw your right, your left knee should be up and vice-versa. After the first 30 seconds, start throwing as fast as you can until the bell.
4-Way Jumping Jacks: 1-4 every fourth counts as one, (1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 3, 4) up to: 30.
1-2: 1 minute.
Side-Lunge-Windmill: 1-4 up to 30.
1-2: 1 minute.
Up and Downs: Hands above head hit stomach. Bend down and touch your toes then come back up, hit your stomach, and bring your hands back above your head while you stand on your toes. Start count 1-4: 30.
1-2: 1 minute.
Standing-Side-Crunch: 30.
1-2: 2 minutes.
Cool Down: Hold arms parallel to ground with elbows locked; 1 minute. Extend arms above head; 1 minute. Now extend arms in front of you; 1 minute.
Break: 30 seconds.
Shadow Box: 3 – 3 minute rounds.
I would change the wording “physical ability” with experience and technical skills. Athleticism is part of the experience and tech skills in combat sports. It’s stupid when people who’s been in a few fights during high school are signing up for an amateur tournament after training for like a week although they’ve been smoking, drinking, popping pills for several years.
How much should I drill and repeat my moves and counters on the mitts for them to become automatic.
I would say 3 hours a week at least of straight ingraining muscle memory
hand wraps
I know this is not related to the article you wrote (which is great by the way, I’ve been reading this site since it launched) but I was wondering if you had an article on how to wrap your hands. I know there are several methods, but I was wondering if you could share your method, and any other tips you might have.
@Adale M – shoulder endurance, jog quickly in place as you aim high above your heavy bag punching it as fast as you can. Do it for 15 second intervals: 15 on, 15 off, alternating with someone who will hold the bag for you. Do it for 2 rounds straight. Speedbag will also help.
@Jonny H – Thanks for the compliments. I wish you the best of luck and hope you reach your first fight soon!
@Jeremy – Great warm-up! I’ll definitely have to try that someday.
@Zach H – when you do it automatically in sparring without someone having to tell you what to do. This can be a matter of days or months. A good trainer or mitt-holder will move in a way that makes it easy for your body to remember without you having to be told what to do.
@Max – Hand-wrapping is going to be one of my very first videos I will post on youtube and ExpertBoxing. I’ll definitely share my favorite method with everyone soon! Thank you for being such a loyal reader! I’m glad you’ve stayed with me over the years. I hope this site evolved at least as fast as your skills!
How Important would you say it is to have pre-set combinations before a match? Do you need an abundance of combinations or are just a few enough?
you need around 2 to 3 for each situation minimum imo
Eye Opening
This was a real eye opener. I just started and this helps me get an understanding of what I’m up against, especially since I’ll be considering the Masters Division.
I’m going to focus on a lot of jabbing, rope jumping, and footwork for endurance and balance. I’m very interested in the endurance, having been a cubicle/office-type for more than a decade (I’m very sedentary).
Thanks for posting this article.
@Latim – You should always have a variety of combinations that you know by heart. I don’t worry too much about having an abundance of combinations, I just go with the flow. As long as I know how to combo in any punch I want, such as a left hook or right uppercut, or overhand right, etc…then I will make up combinations on the spot. Typically, my combinations will chain together anyway.
@Scott Hampton – I wish you the best of luck. Let us know how it goes.
amateur boxing
Nice article as always and thank you. After going through this I can feel that I am nowhere near to get into the ring and fight. However, I have my first serious sparring session with a heavier fighter who is 12 kgs more on me.. what should be my best strategy such that I also protect myself since he is bigger than me and also land some good punches..
@vikram – 12kg is a lot! For protecting yourself, I suggest you learn how to get the hell out of the way and not worry about blocking punches. Learn some good footwork and when you run, run in inches, not in feet. I hope you have good balance.
what do you mean run in inches not in feet
It means to think smaller steps. Think tiny steps rather than big steps. So if you’re backing up, keep backing up only a couple inches at a time, instead of giving up several feet at a time. This way you have more space and don’t run out of room. You also use less energy this way.
I love the way you write. It’s almost like a one on one conversation. Good style of breaking down everything. Not straining to the eye. I was interested in learning amateur boxing but you opened my eye into reality…I’m not cut out for this type of activity. Anyone hiring a waterboy?
Just kidding! Thanks for sharing your expertise. More power to your site.
I have the same goal. I really enjoy boxing but I’m just afraid of the competition’s repercussion.
Love your site! Thanks so much.
Just enjoy the sport! Thanks for stopping by.
Hi. My name is raymond. Im from church piont louisiana. Im 18 years old goin on 19 And im looking for help to become a pro boxer. Can i please get help to become a pro boxer. Thats my dream
@Jessejino – thanks for stopping by. You can just enjoy boxing like I do, easy sparring with buddies in the gym, hang out with coaches and trainers, but NO competitions!
Hi Johnny,
great info in the article. I have been considering amateur boxing but I think it will take me a while to get into the shape you described. I used to be in awesome shape, marathon runner and cross fit crazy but I just had two kids back to back and now I am 30. I lost all the weight (thankfully I didnt gain too much with either) and now working on getting back in shape. I go to a strictly boxing gym but it is group classes I go to. I love it, and would love to take it to the next level one day. I don’t know where to start. For now I guess I really enjoy it like you but I would like to do some competing maybe.
Train at a gym with competing fighters and if you like what they do…take the leap!
i’m amazed at how involved you get with your readers dude. i’ve never had any “proper” training except in wrestling. eveything i’ve learned is pretty much watching other people or videos. but the funny thing is i’m doing better than most of the “properly” trained guys lol. physically, i’ve got what it takes to go into amateur boxing right now. but i lack technique and i’m not ashamed to say it. but i found somebody here in afghanistan to help me train, he’s been boxing for 8yrs in kyrgyzstan. when i get back to the states i intend to take my training further, having heart is not a problem for me(still serrving in the armed forces) but the right training. hopefully i’ll be able to go pro by 2013. really enjoyed all your articles. learned a lot from it too. thanks for being an awesome coach. lol
Thanks for stopping by, Serge. Just being formerly athletic will help with boxing coordination and picking things up quickly. I hope to see you on HBO one day.
What to do before the fight
Hi I have my first fight comming up this weekend have you any ideas wat to do before the ring entrance …
Nib nob
Col nag and Bol aks
@Tom Tom – What to do before the ring entrance? Have your tape that right wrist nice and tight for your hard right hands. Also put a little vaseline on your headgear, face and chest so his punches will slip off. Make sure you have a good stretch and warm-up. You should be a little sweaty before you step into the ring.
Haha, your recommendation is to cheat before you even step into the ring?!
If you need vasoline spread all over your body to have an advantage, maybe you should wait until your more comfortable in the ring first.
I don’t advocate cheating but it’s common place in matches to have at least even a little bit of Vaseline so you’re less likely to get cut. Your skin is quite vulnerable after cutting weight (more dry and gaunt). Just FYI, Vaseline isn’t illegal…it’s using it in excess that is.
I’m from the uk and started boxing a short while ago and want to begin competing next year! Your articles are so helpful. They don’t go into too much jargon but say it how it is and really bring the point across. So just wanted to mention this to you, thank you
Thanks, KATE! Good luck in competition! And let me know how you do!
Amazing article! It really helped in motivating me to enter a competition. Not too many here in Romania, however. I’m 16 and my dream is to become a professional boxer one day…Maybe even a champion! Already started doing some heavy training, I think I’ve got everything it takes.
Goodluck Chris! Let us know how you do.
Amateur Fights
hi i’m 15 and only been training for around 5 months, I’ve had one gym spar which i have won but there is an amateur fight coming up in another 2 months from now and I am pretty nervous. Any tips to help out and is it too early for me to fight amateur and just stay training for a few more months? let me know what you think .ww
@Christopher S – do everything your trainer says, look him in the eye and ask him if he thinks you are ready for amateur fighting. You won’t know until you have your first fight.
Hi just thought I would tell that I won my my fight and followed your advice. It really helped and I think that you have done an amazing job of setting up this website and it is really useful. I can’t wait for my next bout!!
First Fight
Awesome article and great read! First time here but I’ll be back. I have been training once a week for about 8 months now, I have my first fight coming up in 3 months. It will prob be my only one, I just want to do it for myself to prove I could do it.. Though I’ve heard its addictive.
I just wanted your advice, training time is tight with long hrs at work so I have to squeeze runs in the morning, and then either the gym or bag work in the evening. How many times a week Should I be running?
I know after sparring last week that my fitness just isn’t there yet, by the 3rd and 4th round I was totally beat, shoulders killing, legs tired that kind of thing. I would be punished in the ring! I see what your saying about technique kind of going out of the window, and from some of the fights I’ve seen so far, they tend to become an all out brawl! I just want to make sure my fitness is completely there. I have 12 weeks, so enough time, wondering if you had any ideas on a training plan I could work to?
To follow – didn’t mean complete technique going out of the window, just slipping, weaving, bobbing etc!
Tom tom, that’s really awesome. Congratulations! Do come back to share your tips with the readers.
Ashley, The minimum running is at least 3-5 days a week. Most people will tell you to run all five days. I do have an amateur boxing workout plan coming out so you’ll see it when I put it up.
Thanks for the website
I just wanted to say this website has been very helpful in my boxing training. I started training some months ago, found this website and have been hooked ever since. I just had my first amateur fight and won! There were a lot of things during training I took from these articles.
Just wanted to say thanks, I like how you combine the technical training with positivity and encouragement, very helpful!
Looking forward to more articles in footwork!
@Ross – HELL YEAHHHH!!!! I’m happy for you. You should enjoy the win like you’re champion of the world. Good job.
hey man i am 18 years old . i did mauy thai (thai kickboxing) for 3 months at age 14. i am planing to start boxing next year. ( by which time i will be 19 when i start). My question is is it too late for me too start( by this i mean if i turn pro say at 24 years old does my age limit my success at boxing ? i am planning to fight for 4 years and fight in the olmpyics in 2016. is this a realistic goal?? i am in physically fit right now and can do the things u said about skipping and running on ur article. (i can skip for 30 min and go run for 3 miles) also another question is i am 162 cm. just out of curiosity which division would you recomend me to fight at?? thanks
@ali – Starting late is always going to be less preferable to starting early. Stay focused, do it everyday and work hard to learn as fast as you can. It’s only harder, not impossible. 162cm is short so you can’t expect to fight too much heavier than featherweight, although it can be done.
so i guess featherwegiht, light weight, welterweight is a good goal?
@ali – yup, start your domination at featherweight!
Contact Lenses
Johnny; what do you think about using contact lenses on competition ? Do you have any information about it bro, do they jump up from the eyes or anything during the bout or sparring ? Thanks.
, now I just have to focus on my power , speed , defence and autonomy , its gonna take a while 
so my endurance is pretty good with out training thats a good start
To help Johnny out @Radd, if you need to wear contacts use the daily ones for competition. That way it is cheaper for you, but I myself have been slowly training without the use of contacts and of course it depends on the condition of your eye sight. If it’s a must use the dailies.
@Marc, Thanks for the advice.
@Radd – soft contact lens are perfect for boxing. That was the first thing I asked my optometrist, and he said, “Oh these are perfect for boxing!” Every now and then when I get punched square in the eye, the contact falls out. Other than losing a contact, you have nothing to wear about.
My first fight
I’ve been boxing for quite long now, I’m having my first fight in 2 months, any tips for me?
Hey Safa,
Congratulations for making it this far. Biggest tips…build up your endurance so you can keep throwing punches non-stop. It’s 2-fold, part technique, part conditioning. It doesn’t matter how you do it, be ready to throw non-stop punches. Another good one, always look at the head even when you’re block or throwing punches to the body. Keep an eye on your opponent’s head and chest areas so you always know what he’s up to. Fast punches are more important than power punches. The power comes naturally when you use good form, you don’t have to concentrate on that.
Thanks alot, once I have the bout i’ll let you know how i’ve done and send you a video!
hey jonny in your article u have said that its not good to slip punches in ametuer boxing. i mainly rely on my slipping ( i use bob and weave ) as my main defense and footwork.
so do u thing i should work on other defensive skillls?? i am just started fighting ( only fought 3 times)
@Safa – I’ll be excited to see it, as I’m sure everyone else will be.
@adnan – ok ok. I should clarify. I didn’t say it’s not good to slip punches. Slipping is a really good advanced move that helps you set up beautiful counters. I meant that it was unrealistic to rely purely on slipping as defense because there are so many punches thrown in competition. And yes, work on all defensive skills. Just like how you learn how to throw all kinds of punches, you need to learn all kinds of defensive maneuvers. Even if you don’t use them, just understanding how they work will help you defeat opponents that employ those movements.
Protecting the brain and brain damage risk
J, what do you think about brain damage risk on sparrings and amateur bouts ? How much time rest do you think needed after a full sparring or amateur bout for protect the health of brain ? And lastly how much times a week sparring (with middle power or little more `-80 – 30min to 1 hour) is ideal in this context in your opinion ? THX bro.
Edit in bracket
… (with middle power or little more `-80 …)…
Bug i guess
“60 number” and “the percentage sign”lost when i post the entry 
I can’t write “percentage sign 60 – 80” interesting bug
@Radd – I don’t know the exact science to brain damage but the risk is real. Some people’s genetics allow them to take hard shots for years without much worry. Others die after only a small tap on the back of the head. Nobody knows how fragile your brain really is. But you can minimize risk by paying close attention to how you feel after sparring…and of course developing your defensive skills.
It’s normal for everything to be difficult to start out. As for sparring…I can’t give you an answer because what feels like 80 percent to one percent is 30% for another. You have to see how you feel and not go above that. It also helps to put things in perspective. If you’re not training for the olympics and just boxing for fun, you don’t need to go as hard as the other guys. Don’t go too far beyond your limits and keep it safe. Give yourself enough time for skills to develop.
jonny how do i beat a guy taller than me in ametuer boxing?? i understand that aametuer boxing turns into a game of tag and usaully favour the guy with longer arms. is there any way i can over come my dis advantage??
@lee – I have a guide on how to beat taller opponents. Check out the boxing strategy section. It’s in there. And I’m going to have a more in-depth guide soon on how to beat them.
getting started
well heyy my name is michael iv been in alot of street fights and have only lost once cause i got jumped but i really like to box and i am willing to get in to actully boxing im good on my feet and i can kick really hard i play football basketball and baseball soo im really fast i wanna be a really quick boxer and i have all kinds of boxing training equipment in my yard and hit on them all the time so if any trainers can get a hold of me i am willing to get started i am 15 yrs old about to be 16 you can reach me by my email: plzz anyone i am begging you thank you
johnny is it true that for some1 who starts ametuer boxing late say 19+ wont be able to fight in the lower weight class of boxing ( light weight and below.) after they r 30 . how much of this is true??
Sam, it’s up to you to decide on that. For sure you have a slight disadvantage as far as boxing skills go. But if you work hard, stay focused, have a background in sports, have good coaching, etc….there are many things that can work in your favor. You will never know until you give it a try.
johnny i dont really have a back ground in sports right now. i am 19 and have just stared boxing. but before this. no not really any experience in sport. am i on ok then?? worth a shot?
sam, give it a try. I started at 19 and while I haven’t won any championships, I have to say that boxing was one of the best times of my life. You gotta do it!
Oh man, this sucks. I wish I could train to fight but I have a broken leg at the moment. That means no skipping or running or sparring =( … but I still hit the heavy bag and use the speed ball. Six months down and another six months left to go before I can properly train again. But I’m going to try and follow this program to the best of my ability and within reason.
OUCH, Laura. Get well soon. I remember a friend of mine just doing push-ups and crunches everyday until his broken ankle healed.
i am punching paul i box unlicenced ive had 23 bouts this is a lot better than the rubbish amatuers
i am punching paul ive boxed on 23 unlicenced shows wearing between 10 oz and 16 oz glove fights some headguard fights some no headguard fights
ive only won 2 fights but always try hard i am britains fastest rising journeyman i give up and coming fighters there first fight i am there to take the guys the distance and normally i just lose on points always box away even when i box in my home town i am the away fighter
hey wus up bro lyk.ur raport big up am a 2 tym national quata fynalist here bak ome in naija.ave got my last amateur championship early nxt year b4 iturn pro as a champion ive been off competitve training for sm months now pls can u gyv me sm tips to help me get back to fytin shape
Lots of conditioning and cardio! Good luck to you.
i was 13 stone 2 when i started boxing i am only 5 foot 3 i am know 10 stone 6
I live in Oxnard and train at the Robert Garcia Boxing Academy.
I have my first fight December and I’m a little nervous.
Do you have any tips for me?
Ask another amateur boxer what would have helped him the most for his first amateur fight. My biggest tip is to prepare as best as you can and don’t worry about losing. If anything, come in there expecting to learn something.
DON’T ask yourself questions like, “Is he better than me? Does it hurt to lose? How long is the fight going to last? How many fights has my opponent had?”
Ask yourself, “What should I do to give me the best chance of winning? What should I expect to learn from this fight?” Focus on the things you can change and nothing else.
Practice with a sparring partner two weights or 3 up and work on footwork and defense , one you will get sick of there punches, and thus will have to learn how to dodge and weave( if you get knocked about alot by someone bigger someone your size is nothing , the extra mucsle gained from you trying to block his punches aswell is a bonus and you will get fit from moving about even while sparring. thats how i train at my club, seems to be the norm in england to stick you in with bigger people ,
Great article I just started boxing in june & have been working hard but this definitely put things in perspective that I can work even harder. I’m 28 & 196 but trying to get to 190. This article was great b/c it made me realize that to be serious about competing it will take time & patience. I originally had a goal to compete in december but I think i’ll push that back a few months & work on learning the craft so I dont get my head knocked off lol.
whats the best way t fight a boxer with good footwork who goes on the back foot ?
Christian, for starters follow him around the ring and try to touch him. Touch anywhere, his gloves, his shoulders, his chest, and then his head. Make sure you can maintain contact with him before you move up to bigger stronger punches and trying to connect cleanly to his head.
I started boxing 5 months ago matter of fact I just got through sparring with an guy with good head movement, faster hands than my own and to top it off way more power than I got. I’m a heavyweight at 252 the guy I was boxing was 307 and I couldn’t believe how fast his hands and footwork was this is the first time I got cracked and knees buckled I’m not really offensive fight but he made brawl. Summarize it up how do I beat or at lease hang with him
5 months is a really short time. Keep training and keep developing those skills. The way he beat you will point you in the right direction. You need to work on that handspeed and footwork! Hit the speedbag and jump rope, Larry.
MY fight is in twelve days I’m 45kg Nda 15 yeRs old, any other tips please?
Jabbar, stay super warm. Wear sweats for the 24 hours before the fight.
Hey, can you tell me how to not get a sore body after a boxing workout please.
Stay relaxed when you fight. Don’t be so stiff when you fight. Don’t carry tension especially when you’re not punching. Try to punch as hard as you can using the least energy possible. This is from a quick explosion, not a long explosion.
thanks for the reply
3 days till my first fight.
can you tell me if red bull before the fight a good idea
or if redbull before a workout a good idea?
Hey Jabbar, some fighters do it, some don’t. I heard of some guys putting down 3 cans of Redbull, screaming and slapping themselves a few times before the fight. There’s other guys that prefer to meditate in quiet in the locker room with an iPod. If you think it helps, go ahead and do it. Either way, the Redbull can’t do the training and fighting for you.
Good luck man and let me know how you do!
Great site! Been reading all the articles, encouraged by some disappointed by others…
Im an collegiate water polo player, started out as an avid swimmer high-school and then devolped the sudden urge to draw some blood in contact sports. If swimming is a great cross training for boxing, than water polo is just as good. However one of the goals of my poistion is to gain muscle mass through lifting, while at the same time maintaining intense cardio workouts… kinda counterproductive but my week consists of the following:
Light lifting= ex. bench 95 poundsx 16 rep/5 set roughly 1.30-2min rest between each set
chest fly 130pd 12 rep/4set
pull ups 4-5 rep/10 set…. list contiunes but kinda get the picutre, light not really demanding or used to create mass, but kinda burns me down a lil
Heavy lifting= benching 180 6-7 rep/ 2 set
chest fly 210 5-6 rep/3 set
pullups till fail 3 times (typically stats 25-27, 19-20,14-15)
polo practice 2 hour= with a standard warmup half mile swim, treading holding two 20pd bells out of water, drills, scrimage, cooldown= all about 2.5 miles of swimming
Moday/ lift lighting around noon, practice at 9pm
tues/ heavy lifting around 3pm
wed/ light lighting around noon, practice at 9pm
friday/heavy lifting around 10am, lift lifting around 8pm/ rest if i have games
saturday/ games or rest
sunday/ heavy lifting
Obviously im doing way more than jsut the lifts i listed, but i feel as thou my comment is TLDR in the first place. My big question here is, will my wieght lifting make it difficult for me to progress in a very ametuar, almost pitiful boxing career?
Essentially one of the local bars in town hosts a fight night, sign up, sign a wavier, and they throw you in the ring with someone your wieght. I signed up for it out of the blue one night in september and have done it once a month for 3 months. Elimination turney style, 2-3 fights a night, 3 pitiful 1 minute rounds…. won every fight, every night, without question. However, i enjoyed it so much I was thinking about going into real ameatur boxing. Do I really need to drop wieght lifting?
162-165 pounds day pending
31 waist (not fat, got abs but they kinda hide sometimes…)
AR, I hate to be the one to tell you what you don’t want to hear but yes, if you want to give yourself a competitive chance at boxing then you will drop the heavy lifting without question. Lifting weights to train for boxing is like doing sprints to run a marathon. I was a powerlifter before I went into boxing and the difference was enormous. Of course, if you ask around…you will find dozens of conflicting theories and perhaps even some people who will side with you that lifting heavy weights MIGHT potentially benefit boxers.
You’ll never know your true potential until you try everything. All I’m suggesting is that you try what many old-timers preach, “Don’t lift weights…do normal body weight exercises using natural movements.”
Hey johnny need some advice, just found out yesterday that I’m going to get into my 1st amateur fight on 1/7/12. The guy I’m fighting hasn’t fight either & like myself he has only been training for a few months, im told that he weighs 188 & right now im about 191-194(depending on the day lol). I’m wondering if I should just try to start around 190 b/c theres a 8lb allowance or get lower? Because of my work schedule I’m only able to get to the gym 2x/wk m/w (if im lucky w/work then fri too) I srength train 2x/wk tues/thurs & running when I get a chance. Anyways I just want to know what should I be eating on the actual fight night. The weigh ins start @ 4p & the fights start @ 7 & I’m not even sure when it’ll be my time 2 fight.
Alex, your schedule doesn’t look at all like a serious boxer’s training schedule to me. I would ditch the strength training and just do boxing but hey, that’s on you. Have you read the common sense diet guide?
I’m as serious as it allows I strength train those 2 days b/c it’s mandatory for one of my jobs & then I work evenings so my schedule doesn’t guarantee I’ll make it to the gym as often as I want but i spoke with some of the coaches last night & they seem willing to open the gym up some extended hours on the weekends. I checked out the diet guide that definitely helped so i have a good idea what I’ll eat on fight night. Thanks & i’ll try to post it win or lose.
Hi, im 16 years old and ive never boxed before, if i were to train to my fullest, and give it my all, is it ever possible that i could go pro?
Yes you can. Good luck, man.
thanks alot Johnny!
Hey johnny, I’m 15 and have been training boxing for about 2 months which isn’t really a lot but I train almost every day of the week and take boxing classes. First:when do you think I could have my first fight like in a tournament Second: When do you think I should start amateur boxing And third: do you think I could go pro even though I started at 15? Thank you:)
Also I do mostly conditioning right now I know all of the basic technique but should I focus more on technique?
Yes, you can try a competition anytime you want. As long as the competition is about your level you should be ok. You can start fighting in amateur competition anytime you want and yes, you are not too old to turn pro. You should focus on both conditioning and technique.
I am 21, and have been training for about 2 or 3 months now and originally took boxing up to get fit for the next soccer season – i have since took a love to Boxing and have been training 5 times a week, upping my game each time i go.
I spar maybe 3 times a week, with guys mostly a lot bigger than me, never smaller, and have 4 or 5 one minute rounds each time i spar! i impress myself and my coach a lot of the time, and he tells me i have the heart and the potential to be a great fighter one day!
Your articles help me a lot so i just wanted to express my gratitude to your writing!
Keep it going, Oliver. Send me an autograph when you get famous, ok? I’m serious.
hi,i am 18 years 18 to old to start amateur boxing??
Not at all.
why dont you write a artical about how to build a secsess proffesional boxing career seriously from start to finish, what to begin and end with. how to start bringing yourself into the public spotlight and how to go out with a bang. really you should write this artical honestly. Good points to illerstrate would be how to manage and counsal this carrer option, how to begin at a steady pace selecting suitable opponents from journeymen to former champions, how to build upon a decent record, how to work your way up the ranks for a title fight or how to finish your career in style/ in true fashion. Just a idea, hope to hear from you soon.
Damn, Curtis…. I can’t write as fast as your requests. Hahaha, on the list it goes!
what should be my top 5 biggest priorities as a rookie to do to achieave to show i can turn pro?
Curtis, you can turn pro without an amateur career. Now if you want to be a solid pro, you could try winning the golden gloves or big amateur tournaments like the olympics. For a start, try getting at least 50 amateur fights.
Im 23 years old what if I just wanna go pro? And just skip the amauture ranks?
Then do it. It will be very hard if not dangerous.
Hey just updating u on my 1st fight unfortunately I lost but definitely a great learning experience on how I must train smarter for the next time. 1st rd went good had some good exchanges but 2nd rd I got tired & got caught then after the dude pounced ref stopped the match after 2 standing 8 counts. I took this pretty hard not b/c I lost but disappointed I got so tired & wasnt confident in myself but I’m gonna take my time & really work on my conditioning & techniques. Thanks for the great articles…fyi the guy was 4-0 & a southpaw lol lucky me.
I’m proud of you either way. Look at it this way…. was that the hardest fight you ever took? If so, then be proud of yourself. After all, it’s hard for you to be ready when you’ve never fought at that level before. Likewise, he’s probably faced opponents like you before. Either way, congratulate yourself on the challenge. Then go back and train harder. Good job, Alex.
How many days a week should I be running?
3-5 days a week.
Hi, please could you tell me as a sprinter type how can I train myself to be able to run longer distances to help me with the running side of a training programme? I can run quickly over short distance but don’t have the right muscle type to be able to run long distance. (I am also naturally a stocky super middleweight/light heavyweight type.) Is jogging enough or does it have to be running long distance at a fast pace?
Everybody has the ability to run long distances, it’s a unique part of our human evolution. We’ve been evolved to travel long distances on 2 legs. Start at a jogging pace and pick it up when you can. After running for so many years, it will feel as natural as everybody else.
Johnny, as always, thanks for the tips.
@ Jeremy..That’s a nice warmup..I’m going to print and hang it in my gym if you don’t mind
@ Gemma..since boxing is a sport that does not have a steady pace and you will be performing at regular, medium and explosive bursts and a combination thereof, your running should at least replicate that. If you are a sprinter, then you know the deal.
I personally dread the thought of plodding along for miles at a steady pace. Instead, I prefer to walk, jog, then sprint-run all out for a set distance. At the end I will shadow box and do some pushups. I also do some footwork, circles and side to side skips in between. The key is to keep it interesting, yet challenging. If you live in a hilly area like I do, then exploit those hills. They will build crazy leg endurance that you will need. Additionally, I plug in my IPOD when running to keep motivated.
Good luck
I’m 28, and started training seriously about 6 weeks ago. I’m not new, per se, because I have an MMA/Muay Thai background, but I’ve been out of the game for over 5 years. Here’s my issue. I’m 6′ and 240 lbs, mostly solid. Cutting down below 200 is possible, but it’d be a very difficult task and doesn’t seem feasible to me. It also would hinder me in my other sport, rugby. I have above average agility and hand speed, and I’ve played a lot of sports at this size, I’m used to being this weight. I can keep my sparring opponents against the ropes or in a corner most of the round (my trainer calls it “break-down”), but I know the talent pool gets deeper as I progress, not to mention the possibility of fighting much taller opponents in a limitless weight class. Should I continue to play to my strengths and rely on power and (hopefully) being quicker than my larger opponents? Or would cutting to a weight class where I would have smaller opponents be more advisable?
Will, it’s hard to train your body for 2 sports let alone divide your time into 2 sports. At this point, I’d say it doesn’t matter. Your opponents will be more dedicated than you and have a body more specifically made for fighting. All boxers of all weight classes train for agility and hand speed. This is not an advantage, it is the required minimum. I would recommend getting into the best shape possible and fight at whatever weight that is. If you’re only 10lbs away from the next lowest weight class, then you can consider dropping down. Start sparring seasoned boxers and you’ll find out soon enough what size opponent you can handle.
Johnny and others,
I’m edited a book for a client of mine and one of the storylines is boxing. Can someone please tell me why it’s important to be a little sweaty before stepping into the ring? Thanks so much!
It’s important to be a little sweaty before you enter the ring because that means you’re warmed up. A warmed up body will perform better and more efficiently. It also helps to know that your body is in motion and on rhythm so that you’re prepared to move starting from round 1. The consequence of not being warmed up is getting tired faster, getting injured, or getting knocked out before you establish your rhythm.
Johnny, thank you. Wanna hear something funny? Here I was, thinking like a girl, lol, that perhaps if the body was sweaty, the opponents’ gloves might stand a better chance of just . . . sliding right off the one being punched. Thank you so much.
Sherry, they do that too LOL. But they use Vaseline, not sweat. They spread it over their face, chest, and protective gear.
Johnny, thank you. I guess I wasn’t too far off then, lol. Okay – I have another question. When they refer to the “rails”, is that slang for the boxing ring? That sounds logical to me but I need to make sure. When I edit, everything has to be accurate and my writer is hard to reach at times.
I’d have to see that in context, Sherry.
Im 14 and 130lbs and 511 i want to try boxing but dont know if im in good enough physical shape anny suggestiong?
Don’t worry, Jacob. Boxing training will GET you in shape for boxing. Give it a try and be safe!
they’ll teach you everything u need to kno
and they gonna start getting u in shape first before sparring and all that
Hey Johnny, i got into boxing and have learned a lot from this site. It is extremely useful. Thanks for all of your knowledge.
Last night i was sparrring with a 140lb partner. i weigh 125 lbs. we were sparring and he hit me with a couple of good right crosses. this was the first time i tried sparring for 3 full rounds. I was feeling very fatigued. when our trainer stopped us i felt very sick and vomited(he said this was due to bad cardio) My trainer asked if i wanted to keep going and i agreed. i threw up one more time before fininishing all three rounds. After sparring i ran about 2-3 miles with little trouble so i believe i have somewhat decent cardio.
Do you think this was because of bad cardio or a cuncussion from blows to the area around my forehead? Thanks, sam
Sam, vomiting could be a concussion or having too much water in the stomach, or maybe from getting hit in the stomach. I would be really careful if I were you.
If it was a concussion will it happen less frequently? I would be heartbroken of I couldn’t box because I throw up every time I get hit.
I don’t know if it was or what will happen but I would definitely visit a doctor if you get that vomiting feeling again. It might be something dangerous.
I love this article, I have been boxing for 3 years & this is exactly what amateur boxing is! You nailed it! Especially with the sticking with the basics, if you don’t have the fundamentals you are just not going to beat someone who does. I am
seriously in love with this article
Hay man having trouble getting fights looking to go pro ASAP I’m ready just lacking the opportunity what’s the best way to go????????
Having trouble getting pro fights? Find another promoter or manager. Or go to local fights and see who promotes and then contact them on the side. If you’re willing to get in there, there’s always a way. You might also sign yourself up to be a sparring partner and maybe somebody will see your potential. Hang out in a gym that has many other pros.
whish box unlicenced they would get you bouts
Even more competitive fight some were you get noticed all the training is going unrewarded
umm i was wondering i know theres alot of different opinions on running in the morning but does it really burn your muscle mass? and do modern boxers like mayweather still run in the morning? and did the old time fighters like Ali and Tyson run on empty stomachs?
Many athletes (boxers and non-boxers) run in the morning. The military does it too. It’s not that they purposefully run on empty stomachs but they are running in the morning right when they wake up. You can find out the benefits by researching google. Running the morning burns fat, jump starts your metabolism, boosts your energy for the day, etc etc.
i am boxing on the iba essex show in essex in june does anyone know anything about a boxer called peter james all i know hes a doctor and had 3 bouts won 1 lost 1 drawn 1
my record is won 2 lost 21
Hello My name is Jonathan and I am 14 years old i have been boxing for about 4 months. I was thinking about fighting in the ring! i asked my friend for some advice on the first fight because he has fought in the ring before he said to me to be really Aggersive because they would not know what to do because they fight in amateur and also there kids! What do you think?
I have a guide written for what to do in your first fight. Check it out Jonathan.
i just want that chance
cause i know i can do it i have the heart and no fear
so reply if someone can give me the chance to show myself and what i can do thanx appreciate it you have my e-mail
Its funny that Slipping is under “Crap that doesn’t matter,” because I learned to slip by watching your YouTube video and then applied it during sparring and my first fight. I do admit that I get off balance sometimes when I slip and that I usually crouch too low and end up wasting energy. I’m working on slip and counters though. Check out my video at 1:30
Learned slips from you man!!! (Not the bad form though LOL) That was my first fight after training for 2 months.
Good fight, Alex! It was definitely a good 1st fight performance. Very messy at times but fun to watch.
And I know I was all over the place, too bad your “Tips for Your First Fight” wasn’t written yet.
Hello Coach, my first amateur fight is on Sunday; however, because of so many tests and homework, I could not make it to the gym often. But I did not forget to do my roadwork, but again, because of studies all I could do was a few suicide drills. I can’t cancel this fight, I already cancelled my previous bout once and the gym’s gonna get pissed if I do it too often. My coach told me, “You have a descent jab so as long as you outbox him you’’ll be okay. Just do your roadwork, and if shit gets real bad, then I’ll come and help you. You might be scared, but the important thing is to have fun”. I might get hurt, there might be an unexpected miracle which could lead to a victory, I don’t know. What should I do? Should I just give the opponent all I’ve got?
If you want to fight, then fight. If you don’t want to fight, then don’t fight. If you’re not sure, then not fighting is the safer option.
hi johnny’
I just want to know what are all the weight classes a boxer can be. In kg, i am 24 yrs young and been training on and off had a couple of sparring but no real boxing match yet’ And how can i get noticed.
The short answer is that there are MANY weight classes depending on what boxing organization you are competing in. Amateur and professional weight classes are different. You get noticed by being good and performing well in a good gym and/or big-name boxing competitions.
I am 16 and i really enjoyed looking at your website. I found it very interesting.
I have been boxing for 1 and a half years on and off but i have really got back into it. I know i want to go all the way in boxing and i am hoping to get into the 2016 Olympics. Got any tips or hints i could take? Thanks.
Find a good gym and start training with higher level amateurs.
I’m a female boxer getting ready for my first amateur bout in about 2 weeks. I’ve been sparring with the guys in the gym and they are all taller and heavier than me. I’ve been putting in the roadwork and conditioning routines but I seem to get very winded when sparring. I spar with 16 oz gloves. I feel confident but I really don’t know where I stand since I cant really measure myself against heavier guys. My question is: Should being in the ring with someone bigger and stronger than you wear you down faster than being in there with someone your size? I’m the only woman at the gym so I’m stuck with the heavy hitters until my actual bout comes up!
I believe in sparring with someone your own size. Check out this article I wrote about why it’s not good to spar bigger fighters. Good luck with your fight and let me know how you do!
I won! My opponent was much taller but I took her out with body shots! 2nd round KO.
YOU DID WHAT?! Congratulations, B! Post a video please so I can share it on Facebook and brag about you.
I’m going to try to load it on the facebook page. It was sloppy but entertaining!
Just had my first fight. Did pretty good on all the useless skills listed above. Got really gassed the middle of the second round and lost by decision because my legs turned to cement my shoulders were limp and my punches were slow as molasses. Back to work for me. This time with new goals and a different mindset. Great article! I just read it a little too late.
I’m proud of you Dylan. I’d like to see a video of that fight if you got it. Let me know how you do on your second fight.
I really liked your article and ill definitely have to start training differently to prepare for the season. I’m 19 years old and wrestled for 8 years and hurt my lower back and my trainer suggested i try boxing. i meet the physical endurance standards but i’ve never boxed before, i’ve never even been in a fight growing up so I dont know anything about boxing. I dont know if I can take a punch because ive never been hit before. Will it be hard to transition from wrestling to boxing? I’v’e always been faster and more athletic than my opponents but i wouldn’t say i have a lot of power im only 5’5 130lbs do you think I should even attempt picking it up in college this fall? Thanks for your time
If you like it, do it.
If you don’t like it, don’t do it.
If you’re not good at it, don’t compete.
what is the maximum that boxers should be able to do in one day?
There is no maximum. The sky is the limit! Of course, there is such a thing as over-training.
Hey Johnny,
I have been boxing for about two and a half years now and I am having trouble entering in to the Amateur game because I am afraid of failure. I know I have good technique and endurance (my trainers and sparring partners tell me this) but I am only somewhat confident about my abilities. I have sparred plenty but I do not feel ready yet my trainers think otherwise.
Do you have any suggestions on what to do to build my confidence, I am currently a licensed Amateur boxer in the U.S.
HT: 5’11
WT: 205 LB
RCH: 76 IN
Please read my guides in the “mental training” section. They should help. At some point you have to enjoy the idea of potentially failing. If you can’t do that, fighting might not be the right sport for you.
Finally here’s a look at my 1st Amateur fight (I’m the black man)…to the other fighter above Ramzi, you can’t be afraid of failing I had only been training for 8 mths & probably rushed into the fight which is clear in the video b/c i wasn’t confident & wasn’t ready but I fought as best i could. You’ve put in work for 2 years, go out & show yourself what you can do.
This is the 2nd rd where basically everything went wrong, it sucks but it’s a great gauge to find out how much harder & smarter I have to train. Hope u all enjoy.
Alex, that was a great fight man! You have good balance and good power. You had some great shots in there and did very well against a more experienced opponent! I’m sure it was a great learning experience.
Thank u I honestly do appreciate that… I’m finally recovering from a wrist injury so I’m getting back in training shape, aiming to get in a fight w/n the next few mths.
Great article, Just a question though,
when you say “you should be able to spar with any amature from any gym”, does that include
opponents in much higher weight classes than you?
No no no, it’s not necessary to fight bigger opponents. That’s not safe!
I’m 15 i’m just getting into boxing i think i will join a Gym in 3months but before this i want to get into the absolute best shape for boxing or be on my way to that level of fitness. It would be great if someone could write up a training regime for home. I have gloves, wraps, friends, a heavy bag, and jump rope. I’m 5’9″ 154lbs, i have power but I need/want to get faster hand speed, i also want to be the more conditioned athlete in the ring by far. I’m into lifting weights, i lift twice a week. Mon:Squat:bench:Bent over rows. Fri:power cleans, split squat, and front squat. Any help at all would be greatly appreciated.
BRYCE check out johnnys article how to work hand speed, and basic training routine, and easy boxing workout,
What a load, to box you need explosive power. Punching a bag for 15 minutes straight? run 3 to 5 miles? You need to do interval sprints, punch the bag hard and fast for one round, take the same time to rest as between rounds then go again. Actually try to maker your training the same as a fight., what a joke, you might as well be teaching ballet.
I don’t know where you got the idea that I was telling people to throw soft punches for 15 minutes. The amateurs here at our gym can throw effective punches for 15 minutes straight–some punches are faster and more powerful than others. C’mon now! This is fighting!
Wow Adam, i’m sure Johnny can defend his viewpoint himself, but – did you actually read the article?
That’s not even close to what it’s saying. I’m not saying you need to agree with everything the writer says. But you completely missed the point. Nowhere does it say “running 3-5 miles = boxing skills”.
It’s just saying there are some ‘minimum’ requirements, like having a certain level of conditioning. That’s it. Relax and go trolling somewhere else, or come back when you have something intelligent to say.
Hey, ive just started doing muay thai boxing and i love it! my fitness levels are getting good but they were good b4 i started thai boxing anyway, just not boxing standard. One day when i think i am ready i would love to start amateur fighting, but i would want to do it in normal boxing and not in muay thai… how owuld i go about doing this because i really havnt a clue?
Go to a real boxing gym and tell them you want to compete in amateur boxing. They will get you a licensed trainer and sign you up.
hiya im jake i would love to be in the 2016 olypics boxing as it is my sport and want to make everyone proud of what i do and are country i would do anything to be in the 2016 olypics as a boxer if you could get back to me on 07907229600
Find the best local gym you can and start winning local amateur fights. Then start competing at the regional and national levels.
is 26 too old to start a amateur career? Plus what weight division would u recommend, i am 6 foot tall and weigh 142 pounds, tall and very slim!!
Not too old at all. Fight at the lowest and most comfortable weight you can reach.
S o I have a question I havent been able to find anywhere. Please let me know if you have the answer. So I have had a couple amature fights as a heavyweight. I want to give it another try because I have always had an olympic dream even if i went as an alternate. The only issue is im 30 now. I will be 34 in 2016 but I turn 35 in May. Will I be able to compete at the olympics if I turn 35 right before the games? I guess I can always make it to the Pan Am games.
Will I have to find another sport to compete in to go to the olympics?
I don’t know the specifics on age ranges. Fight in open class and with the highest national title you can. You can also contact the Olympic boxing committee and ask them about being chosen for the olympics.
Hi johnny ,Im 14 years old and im 54.6kg. I have been training for about a year now and I have been told I will be fighting this upcoming season. I am a bit nervous but exited at the same time. I just want you to give me your best preparation to a fight please. e.g food, resting, warming up. Also, I keep walking into punches when I’m sparing is there anyway I can prevent this? Thanks
P.s how do I use a long reach to my advantage ?
Stop blocking punches with your face…ha ha.
I’m not trying to be mean, I just couldn’t help myself.
You can try the Expert Boxing easy boxing workout and then add more to it. My training routine for amateur boxers is too long to post. Ideally, your trainer should have a good routine for you as well.
You can stop walking into punches by using more head movement if you’re going to come in. Or come in AFTER your opponent has finished punching.
For using the long reach? Throw more jabs or just stick the hand out there against is head and move away. Those are some easy tips.
hi i am vishal my age is 25 now can i started Amateur Boxing now or it’s too late. Please tell me how they make the weight category for amateur boxer. Which think are depend for weight category.
Not too late. You’ll have to go to a gym and then they can recommend what weight class you would fit into.
my weight is 57 kg & my height is 1.6764 meters (5.5 inches) so which weight category i get for amateur boxing.
You have to look up the weight classes at your local amateur boxing organization.
Hey i was wondering is there any other way of improving my running skill than running
How to improve running without running, I honestly have no idea.
heres a idea try running with your jump rope
Is there any competitive boxing clubs near st Austell.
Hey I loved this article and have been reading many of your other ones they are all great. First of all I would like to say this is eye opening to see the endurance “required” before amateur boxer. Now, I had a question to anyone who knows the answer. I want to get into boxing a little bit more and was wondering if they had a high school leveled boxing matches near Anoka, MN? I am 17 years old. Thanks.
Hello Jonny, I have been boxing only since feb but my coach seems to think I am ready for my first
bout on 1st December 2012 9 about 4 weeks) I personally feeel I need more fighting experience before I have my first bout…Do I listen to myself and wait to next year or if I am being told I am ready should I go for It..I know I only can answer this question but just wanted your opinion..Thanks mate
4 weeks is much too soon for competing, let alone sparring (depending on who you talk to). As long as you are being pit with someone of your level (skillwise and physicality), you should be ok. Hopefully your coach is not throwing you to the wolves.
Thank you for the reply.I have full faith in my coach matching me up with someone who is on the same level as me,I know he wouldnt put me in with someone who has had ten fights and won them all. Your articales are a real help and I find very useful. I will keep you updated on my first fight if I can get matched up…Respect!
hi mate, im form the uk and had a few bouts, but i still get nervous.also i would like to know what meals to eat throughout the day.
Light foods. Stuff like fruits and bread that won’t take too long to digest.
where do people go around here (bentonville arkansas) to watch ameture boxing?
You have to look up events from your local USA boxing representative.
Hi john, ive been training seriously for about a year now and my training schedule is 3 days in the gym and 3 doing roadwork. Im able to spar 5 rounds now and hoping to fight in a couple months. Am i ready? Is this a good routine? Im 18and hope to go pro one day
hi guys
im wildon manalang from the philippines
am i to late to be a professional boxer like my idol manny pacquiao? im already 18 years old i aint not an amature boxer yet? help me plz guys i want to achieve my dream and this is my dream since i was a child
ive just started boxing i think two months ago. but this vacation i will be active on training
thanks for the help guys 
Stop asking for permission to live your dreams. If this is what really want, then go do it and don’t let anyone get in the way.
thanks johnny
btw for my age is not yet to late sir? 
It’s never too late to try your best.
stop dreaming:), and start working. Dreaming only will not take you any farther than you computer screen. O the other hand, life would be perfect if every dreamer became a world champion…. believe me, I would have beaten Mike Tyson three times when he was still in his prime…:)) Do not get too excited about your dream, go to a boxing gym and try to outbox everyone there first:))
Don`t agree with many things you are saying…
Im a top level amateur, and i`m turning pro in 2013. Jump rope for 30 minutes straight? 80% of the amateurs in my gym cannot do this. I know for a fact top level pros that weigh over 154 cannot do this. Try to see if Andre Ward, Carl Froch, Kessler or anyone in the 168 division can jump rope for 30 minutes straight. I don`t even believe Hagler in his prime would say jump roping for 30 minutes is a smart decision. You want to jump rope no more than 12 minutes.
Running more than 5 miles is stupid, adding additional muscle in boxing makes you slow. If you are fighting above 165 in a USA Amateur Boxing competition, slipping punches is important. PAL my friend are usually experienced amateurs. There are many things in this article that are incorrect that i`m not going to address. Technique will always beat physical ability in boxing. Why do men coming out of prison suck at boxing? Or bodybuilders, that shoulder roll, philly shell in the amateurs protected me and won me most my fights bro…Straight up
You’re taking the article wayyyyy out of context. The physical requirements are meant to be as a baseline of maximum physical capacity. I am in no way saying amateur fighters are supposed to be able to jump rope 30mins everyday, nor should they be hitting the bag 15 minutes non-stop everyday. C’mon now, that’s crazy. The idea is simple: if you can do this at peak shape, the fight will much easier. It’s simply a baseline for beginner amateur fighters. I’m talking about basic chill steady-pace jump rope, not crazy double-crossovers with 360 spins, tricks, etc. It’s no harder than jogging for 30 minutes so I don’t get why you’re acting like it’s impossible.
As for technique, there’s a difference between “being technical” and “having technique”. My suggestion is for first time amateurs to get their physicality down first because just being technical for the sake of remembering a millon details isn’t going to help them when they don’t have the experience to make that technique count. I understand different coaches go about this in their own way. Some coaches don’t let their fighter’s compete until they master the necessary techniques. Other coaches let their fighter’s compete even when they’re too inexperienced, as a way of teaching techniques through experience. To each their own.
You’re welcome to share all your knowledge about what seasoned amateurs do (such as yourself), but do understand that I’m only addressing FIRST TIME FIGHTERS in this article. Once they get past their first few fights….well then yes, technique technique technique. And if you actually check out my other articles, you’ll see that my example workouts are very similar to the one you just listed. Read the article carefully before you comment, please.
3 rounds of shadow boxing…
3-5 rounds on the heavy bag…
3 rounds on speed bag
3 rounds on double-end bag
Finish it up with 3 rounds in the ring, shadow boxing + 300 sit ups and 75 push ups…
Eat well run 5 miles 3-4 times a week.
All world champion – trainers I have trained with, including Jesse Reid, Lamon Brewster ETC never told me to run more than 5 miles a day.
Hit the heavy bag for 15 minutes straight bro? With no technique? Most of those boxers in that PAL video have no technique, and when they step it up they are getting KTFO.
Look at…
Morales vs Pacquiao 1…Morales when he is super skinny or out of shape knows how to be a technical boxer and can beat the much more muscular athletic boxers he faces up…
Look at Demarco vs Linares, look at Linares conditioning. Then see what Broner did to Demarco with technique and experience.
Technique in boxing over athleticism, how you throw punches and your experience.
Shall I continue?
Hi, Johnny! I’m boxing for a year and I found this site really helpful! But well, I’ll have my first fight in the end of January on a tournament for debuting boxers. I train in a small gym, and I can’t do sparrings, so my fighting experience is not really good. I’ve only done non-contact (shadow with someone else).
I think I’ll be really raw at the ring, what tips can you give to help me?
And sorry for the bad English. Greetings from Brasil!
Read my guide called “Tips for Your First Fight”.
Hi john, i have read alot of your articles and i love your advice and have followed alot of them, my dream is to be a pro boxer one day. Ive been boxing for about a year now and getting ready for my first fight next month but i have one question, im training in the gym 3 days a week and running 3 days… Im training a total 6 days a week, is this a good training routine or do i need to do more or less? Im feeling really good
Get in a gym and compare your workout to what the other guys are doing and see how it stacks up. So far your workout seems common and since you’re feeling good, it sounds like you’re on the right track.
I stumbled upon this website the other day and ended up reading a lot of articles on training. I started boxing 4 months ago training 4 days a week and I love everything about it. When I read these articles it helps at work when all I want to do is train haha.I have a tough time fighting guys with longer arms how can i close the distance better on stronger, taller dudes? (i’m unorthodox)
You need good range awareness, and then the ability to slip or move inside and throw fast combinations.
i am jalal safi from afghanistan i am an afghan boxer i am ready for amateur boxing competation to do in london but how can i come to london for amateur boxing competation
I have no idea. I would ask your local amateur boxing organization representative.
I should probably be running 5 days yeah? Some people say they train twice a day 6 days a week or whatever but its bullshit, i got gary todds book on what a pro would do on a typical day and the pros run in the morning and box in the afternoon, thats for a 12 round fight.
Running in the morning and training in the afternoon is pretty standard. Twice a day might be a bit harsh unless one of those workouts is only running and core work.
Running in the morning and training in the afternoon is what fighters do when getting ready for a fight. Not year round. That would be overtraining. Amateur boxers should be in the gym around 3-4 days and running 5 days when getting ready for competition. I can do what you listed above but i cant do that everyday, what you listed is pretty much what a pro would do except that they would spar around 10 rounds instead of 6.
You wouldnt need to run more than 3 miles. 5 miles is stupid, you should be mixing it up with sprints.
Really James?? When did you acquire the credentials as a Certified Boxing Coach to be calling others “stupid”? How is it stupid, even at the amature level (and for that matter, not even an open-class fighter), to have great stamina. I put money on this; you take two twin brothers and have one only work on bags and mits, and the other one teach just the basics (i.e. shadowboxing and 1-2’s) but have him run 1-2 miles 5 days a week. Then bring them in to spar 3 months later, I PROMISE you, the one who ran would outlast the one who didn’t.
Our team runs DAILY, at least 1.5 miles 4 days a week, and 2-3 miles once a week. Our 15 year-old has won silver gloves several times and is ranked 4th in the nation (U.S. & Canida). So you go right on ahead calling people who run in excess of your lazy 3 miles stupid and we’ll make sure there’s an oxygen tank in your corner
*correction* (U.S. & Canada)
Are you kidding me right now? You just said your team runs 1.5 miles 4 days a week and run 2-3 miles twice a week and you have the nerve to say that me running 3 miles is stupid? Please have a think about what you are saying. For your information i didnt call john stupid all i was saying was running 5 miles is not necessary. You would benefit alot more running 2-3 miles and mixing it up with some sprint intervals.
And you called 3 miles lazy lmao
Damn straight I do James, because I put money on the fact that you’re not averaging 7 minute miles. You seem like the type that just goes through the motions like it’s just “busy work”. No further point in trying to win an argument; our trainging here has spoken for itself with the numbers, and we’ve only been open 4 years…
Sorry but your not really making seense to me and i run 3 miles usually in 20 minutes
Hey Johnny N., I’m sure ur probably tired of hearing this but I just want to thank you for all these GREAT & so very helpful articles, information, & videos you provide us. I just started boxing in November in preparation for an exhibition I will b participating in on March 1st (it’s for a charity) I went in thinking “its just for fun, I get a bit of time off of work for the trainings (my job is the one doing the exhibition) & I don’t care if I loose its just for charity” but while learning more & more about boxing, I realized I think i really love this sport & am thinking of actually continuing to get into it even more, after this exhibition. Your articles have also helped me realize that soo much. I am a 35 year old female tho, am I too old to really pursue this possibility of REALLY getting into the boxing world?
You’re not too old to become a boxer. There are masters divisions and all sorts of amateur opportunities for women to fight. There are even white collar boxing shows in China. All sorts of places you can train and fight and live out your Rocky dreams. I’ll be cheering for you.
I am 28 and have taken up boxing 2 month ago to get fit(I have been always fit and athletic). I am 181 cm. and currently at around 81 kg. I am looking to do a couple of amateur fights, simply as a sport. My training regimen is,6-7 times a week.
1)run 3 miles almost every day
2)300 push ups in sets of 40-50
3)300 sits with 10 kg medicine ball. 40-50 at a time
4) 10 minutes on speed ball
5) 30 minutes heavy bag punching
6) 10 minutes on floor to ceiling ball
7) 300 dips 40-50 at a time
8) Alternate between sparring or technical boxing sessions to (hitting a heavy tyre with a 5kg sledge hammer)
9) 15 minutes skipping (try to do it non stop but sometimes skipping rope gets caught)
10) Occassionally do weights/ ie dead lifts, bench press shoulder shruggs and punching with 4 kg dumbels.
I feel extremely muscular, but also feel like I could loose extra 2-3 pounds of fat to have perfectly defined abs. My diet is super strict. 5-6 meals a day. With good lean proteins.
What I want to know is can I fight at 75kg (middle weight-that means cutting alot). or stay and fight at light heavyweight. I would preffer middle weight but again dont want to loose power. I think my optimum weight is around 78 kg-79kg. But 75 kg feels way to small. But on the flip side fighting at 81 kg , makes me feel abit slower, but I do hit really hard. The other day I knocked out a guy at a sparring session.
I don’t know what your body can do but whatever you can cut down to, do it. Hanging on to unnatural muscle at a higher weight class won’t do you any good because the naturally bigger guys will have natural muscles that out perform yours. (Their natural muscles will be more powerful, faster, relaxed, use less oxygen and use less energy.)
Thanks Johnny,
So would the best strategy be, cut down to lowest fat digits, see where that takes me and then cut down just enough to get into middle weight? That way I would be fighting in a division where I would be extremely comfortable.
One final question what is acceptable body fat levels (to perform at peak) for boxer 6%. 8% or 10%?
Thanks for your advice!
Everyone’s body is different. Cut as low as you can in a healthy way. There’s no way you (or anybody) will know what your body is capable of until you try it.
I lost my first fight! (got figh of the night though) but it sucked i thought i won until the last round too! oh well i guess i only really had a week of straight boxing to prepare. Ill win next time. check it out! (
Good fight man! I can’t wait to see your improvements.
i think you must read all johnnys article like moving your head. slipping punches and feints it will make you more powerful arthur teel
thanks guys! i think i could of done better but i took the fight on short notice but i got another one in march so im preparing for that (loads more cardio this time:D) but yeah Aaron ill get on that! anyone got any tips?
hi I love the article but I was wondering how I could good foot work with a bad
ankle. and what exercises can I do to improve my footwork
Use the jump rope and more high speed shadow boxing.
I agree with alot of what you said except I don’t think all fighters need to be set to a program. Each person is an individual and their strengths might not be others. I’m a short stout guy around 220…was 250 about 3 years ago and took up boxing as a hobby and joined the campus boxing club. The team captain was the coaches prodigy and they were small slightly build men who were better for speed and manueverability. I was only bringing some tae kwon do training and bull headed “You might batter me but you won’t stop me” attitude to the ring. I got my weight down to 200lbs even after 2 and 1/2 years (I’m kinda old at 26 to start and plus I’m a full time student with a job) and the coach finally got me in the ring. Watched me spar 4 rounds and pushed me to the side as he did with the rest of us.
I’ve changed colleges since then and been a year out of training but I want to get back into it without injuring or overtraining myself. Any advice?
Go to a boxing gym and keep it light until you’re ready to step up the pace.
Hey Johnny Brian here look I’m 23 years old and I I’m 5’9 168 what is some good advice to cut weight ? I wanna cut down to either light weight or welterweight and is there any way I can go pro with out having the amature expirience?
Learn to eat right. But lightweight is going to be really hard for you to make. You can definitely go pro without the amateur experience but you have to be tough. It’s really hard and generally not recommended if you ask me.
whats the best workout for body shots
For throwing body shots or taking body shots? For throwing, pretty much a standard boxing workout will do. For taking body shots, that’s a whole other thing…part technique, part stomach conditioning.
Hey, real good article you have here. I’m concentrating on getting fit for my fight but want to be super fit before I step in the ring. I’m only 7st3lb (female boxer) but I’m 18 so not a junior. I struggle to put weight on, any suggestions?
Being fit has nothing to do with putting on weight. Keep training and you’ll develop fighting muscle. Your overall body weight may change depending on how much muscle you gain and how much fat you lose.
Hey Johnny, I been boxing since I was 12 and have a pretty solid foundation and knowledge to the sport, I’ve always been in and out of the gym only I never had the opportunity to actually have an amateur fight due to school, soccer and work. I recently returned a month ago and have been very dedicated. I lost 10 pounds and now weigh 156Ib, I’m pretty toned, and even got a six pack revealing, but more importantly I finally have the opportunity that I’ve always wanted. I have a fight on March 30 against a guy that weighs 165 but also has no amateur fights. I go to the gym mon-friday in the afternoon and jog 4 miles in the morning mon,tues,frid and do 10 sets of 50 yard sprints wed&sat. Last week I sparred for the first time in over a year and did a fairly good job until the 3rd round when I started getting winded, stiff in the legs and very tight on my triceps from jabs. I plan to spar 3 times a week for the next 2 weeks. Do you think this is enough to get me ready? This fight means the world to me. Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks and keep up the great work!
Will it be enough to win? I don’t know. Is your opponent lazy? Or is he Mike Tyson’s son? Keep training and see what happens.
What age do people’s reflexes start slowing down. I’m almost 29, and I’m really about it. And in the masters boxing, do you have to have fight alot softer. Because if that true, I like to swarm, so I don’t masters would be a good fit for me.
Masters boxing is still an all-out brawl. No holding back. I would say reflexes start slowing down after 30 for sure. If you’ve been training all your life and keep it up, perhaps yours won’t slow down as much or it will be delayed until later years.
Arthur, to be a great southpaw , watch the greatest boxer here in our country. Manny Pacquiao,
copy his feints and movement .
Where can I enter my fighter for a prize cash paying fight? He is better and faster than Mike Tyson in his glory days. I am ready to introduce my champ to the world. If you have the forum to fight him email me now at:
hey jonny im wondering how or if i should get into boxing im mor of a mixed martial artist i have wrestled and kick boxed a few yeers and ilove it so i lgot into jiu-jitsu and muay-tai and now ive started to train boxing with a couple of friends and was surprised how dificult it was not being able to rely on my kicks and grapling like i have done in mma so id like to get into boxing to become more well rounded as a fighter i play football,wrestle,run track and fight obviously but id like to become better with my fists instead of elbows and kicks… any tips? im About to turn 16 in a couple weeks
i started muay tai and jiu jitsu last summer ive almost got a year under my belt but ive and it just came really natutal but ive been training 4 months on boxing and i can do the cardio but i cant believ how much harder it is to get this technique down i was hoping for help maby
Boxing is a far more refined and evolved sport than MMA and so for that reason it’s more difficult because the competition is so much better. But ultimately, you should do the one that you like the most.
I have done karate for over a year , it has been 2 months since I have started boxing .. my hands shake after a workout on a punchbag …. is it normal ? or what should I do to avoid it ?
It’s normal. You’re getting hand trauma because your punching power is improving from increased coordination but you form is still lacking and so you feel the pain. You need to wrap up better, use better-padded gloves especially made for hitting the heavy bag and also not h it the heavy bag for too long each day. 3 round is plenty. 6 rounds should be the max.
Hey, Johnny, GREAT ARTICLE!!! me and my friend is looking into boxing in the next 2 or 3 years but he says he wants to start conditioning now and boxing between us two. He wants to start a fight on the 5th of may 2013 but i’m afraid because he’s slim, 8 inches taller than me, and fairly fit… me on the other hand i’m overweight and havent been very active at all… i have about a month, how should i get ready?
Tell you don’t want to do it because you’re not in as good of shape and need more time to get ready. Tell him you don’t like that he has so many advantages over you and you don’t enjoy getting beat up.
thanks buddy … i’ll follow that ..
I am 13 and I’ve been doing boxing for 5 years, i am 5’8 and weigh 50kg
what weight would i be fighting in? Should i fight outside or inside?
I am in pretty good shape i run 3 miles a day, skip for like 40mins and hit the heavy bag for hours, and ive got a tommy hearns like body
would i most likely be fighting shorter stockier guys or taller in that weight?
I have no idea. You need to figure that out for yourself. Get yourself to 8% body weight and see what weight class that is. You’ll mostly be fighting shorter stockier guys.
When you run for boxing, do you do early morning jogs? I read a response you made that you should run early because you burn more fat and gain more energy through out the day. Also do you do sprints or just a steady 3-5 mile jog? What would you recommend? I’ve been conditioning a while and am looking forward to getting in to ammeter boxing and potentially professionally if all goes well.
I do prefer running in the morning but I also like running in the evenings when the sun is down. I do both steady distances on easy days and sprint intervals for when I have more motivation.
I also started experiencing pain in my knee at the beginning of this year. I don’t want to push too hard and make it worse. I am trying to continue training and improve it at the same time. Do you have any advice on what I might do or avoid doing to strengthen it without hurting it? So far I have a knee brace that I’ve been wearing every time I work out. I just ran about a mile before it started to sting a little, so I stopped.
It depends on how you got the knee pain. It could be bad shoes, bad technique, or over-training. Visit a running store and have them look at your running form. Don’t strike the ground with your heel first.
Hi Johnny,
I have been training Boxing for almost two years now and will be taking my very first amateur fight soon. The coach that I train with has over 40 years of experience and comes highly recommended. I have visited many gym’s and spoken with many boxers and they all confirm that they train 3 minutes per round. Well training at my gym we always train for 5 minutes per round. When I spoke to my coach about this he says that the thinking behind this is that if you can last for 5 minutes you can definitely last for 3! No one else that I know trains like this. Would you say that training this way is effective or not?
Everyone has their own version of this tactic. Some people train for 4-minute rounds instead of 3. Some only rest for 30 seconds instead of 60. Some don’t even rest. Some switch out a fresh opponent every round.
5 minutes instead of 3 is really long. The danger I would be concerned about is that you build the habit of holding back to conserve your energy for the extended time and then in a real fight you don’t adjust well to your opponent’s much faster pace. And your opponent bombards you, takes a full rest, and repeats, and wins because you’re used to energy-conservation mode.
As I would say with anything, don’t over-do it.
Ha, i need to spar any amateur boxer from any gym in one day : D
in addition to running, rope skipping, heavy bag aso
Hi mister,
my coach asked me if I were interested in competing and I am, but the problem is that my parents are totally against it. I explained them how I had little chance of getting hurt and how safe it was, but they didn’t believe me. My mother showed me this link to prove her point and right now they really won’t let me compete. Do you have any tips in how I could convince them? Btw, I am 16.
Maybe you can take them to a boxing gym so they can see how controlled and safe it is….(assuming the gym is indeed, controlled and safe).
All right, thanks
it was a great post i wnt to ask that i m a light heavy weight boxer but my body shape is lyk bantom weight boxer my height is 6’2 bt there no muscels on my arms so is it importan for a boxer to be musclefull
Successful boxers come in all shapes and sizes. What matters is that you’re well trained and ready to fight.
When I’m not fighting for another couple weeks or so,
Should I worry about my weight increasing? It really ticks me off when I go 4-5 pounds above my fighting weight class?
I’m still training and running everyday, but after I do all my training and workouts for the day,
My weight tends to fluctuate like crazy.
I really hate looking at the scale after I eat, and it’s not where I want it to be.
Work on your diet. You also have to accept that most guys cut all the weight off in the final weeks. They don’t stay trim all season. You need to eat right to be strong.
Hi Johnny,
I am keen on training up to participate in a white collar bout but I have concerns about arthritis. Around 8 years ago I developed arthritis in my right big toe from running and football (soccer). I can still do circuits and high intensity plyo workouts and I’m not so much worried about the toe, the condition is called “Hallux Rigidus.”
However, my mum and grandma both have serious arthritis in their hands. Do you think I could be in danger of developing this if I train up for a bout, considering that it runs in the family? I would love to fight but the thought of developing arthritis in my hands is a worrying one.
Many thanks,
Barmy Boy
I’m not a doctor and I don’t have any idea of your likelihood to get arthritis. If you want to box, make sure you wrap your hands properly and don’t beat the heavy bag for too long. Be safe and have fun.
Ok, cheers for the advice Johnny.
what’s up johnny? Couple questions for you. I’m 20 and been in plenty of fights in my life time but never experienced the “sporty” side of it. I have incredible balance, wrestling skills, disapline, and heart. I’ve always dreamed of making it a career or atleast taking it to a serious level of profession to have a little fun. what would you recommend I do to set myself up to begin to persue a beginning point for myself to train and hop in the ring? also im right handed but fight southpaw. Always have and it hasnt let me down yet. Would a trainer have a problem with that? Would you recommend me getting comfortable changing my stance?
Get in the gym and start training! Listen to your trainer, do your work, and ask questions after you’ve tried it.
How often should an amateur boxer monitor his weight on the scale when not fighting for a while?
Everyday? 2-3 times a day?
After every meal?
If you’re not fighting, you should be focused on training. Eat healthy but don’t kill yourself trying to fit into a weight class everyday. Be strong and train hard. Worry about making weight when it comes to fight time. Follow a proper diet and your body should find its natural weight.
How many days in a week should an amateur boxer train and take off? Because I heard you need atleast 1 day of rest, and some people say 2. What’s ur thought in this??
If you’re training hard (like you’re supposed to be) you will need 2 days of rest every week. If you really want to train, you can do some stretching, slow jogging, shadowboxing, sit-ups.
Thanks for all your good advices! I start amateur boxing competition in september as a middleweight southpaw in my country (France) and your website helped me a lot in rethinking my strategy and stay relaxed (cause I was an explosing ball of nerves and thanks to you now I’m more implosive and powerfull). Do you have any advice to improve legs? Beause my hips (especially on the back leg) keeps betray me first, especially when things get more serious like when I’m sparring several rounds for example. It’s really annoying because around the third or fourth round I start losing all the power from the ground and start transferring my power to my upper body wich is way more exhausting and hard to land powerfull shots.
Conditioning and technique. Work on both. Leg conditioning is easy. As for technique, it comes from the way you stand and the way you punch. Stay balanced and don’t move your head off the center if you can help it. Keep your legs more straight than bent.
Ppl tell me different types of methods and times to train.
I was wondering if my training routine is overall good to stick with for An amateur boxer:
Mondays- 4 mile run in the morning/ boxing gym in the afternoon
Tuesdays- 4 miles run/ upper body strength training/ couple rounds on the heavy bag
Wednesdays- 4 miles run/ boxing gym in the afternoon
Thursdays- 4 miles run/ lower body strength training/ couple rounds on the heavy bag
Friday- light jump roping and footwork on ladders
Saturday- boxing gym in the morning / 4 miles run in the afternoon
Sunday- 6 mile run
Is this a good training regime for an amateur boxer? I spend 2-2.5 hours a day (besides Friday and Sunday) training.
I’d really appreciate if I got ur input Johnny!
Sounds fine to me although I worry about all that “strength training”. You can look up my “EASY boxing workout” for a typical workout that I would recommend.
I do 100 toe squats in one go and run 4 miles. Is my leg endurance alright for amateur level?
What matters most is your performance in the ring, not outside of it. Get in the ring and spar with an amateur-level boxer and see how you match up.
Thanks for the input man. Btw, I have a fight coming up in 2 weeks. Should I tweak my training regime differently the week before my fight? More running ? I’m fighting at 141.
I probably wouldn’t change anything. Keep doing what you’re doing and see if you like the results.
It’s actually my first fight coming up. I’m kinda nervous but excited !!
Hi.. Just wondering,what criteria do u need to start amatuer boxing? I had a head injury in an accident last year an i suspect i might not pass a medical because of this even tho it hasnt been causing me any bother!
Try it and see. Talk to a boxing coach and see what he recommends. If you haven’t noticed anything wrong in training, you’ll probably fine.
Pops Sounds like you need a serious review by a competent neurologist, complete with CAT scan/XRay, MRI, whatever he recommends. Good Luck.
Hey if I wanted to enter a competition or Amelie fight do you have to have special requirements or can anyone enter.
It depends what organization is sanctioning the fight or if this is only an exhibition match between local gyms. Talk to your boxing trainer, he can answer this for you.
I truly be.eieve I can win a fight even though I don’t train specifically for boxing. If I wanted to fight can I just join any competition or fight. Thanks a lot .
You should probably go to a boxing gym and spar with an amateur boxer before trying to enter an amateur boxing competition. They don’t let you into a real competition unless you’re registered, have a trainer, etc.
are fight gloves provided at regular fights or only at tournaments,shows, etc..?
Official gloves are usually provided in order to ensure safety and fairness.
Hi Jonny. Love the site, found it very useful and motivating. My question is I’m 26, 6″8 and 95 kilos so skinny for my size. Is it too late for me to become a good amateur boxer? I started training at a gym n June and absolutely hooked now, but not sparring yet. Also do you think I need to seriously put some weight on to compete at super heavyweight? Thanks!
Start training, start competing, and see what happens. Try working hard before you demand things out of yourself. The common thing in boxing is to lose weight, not gain weight. Your best performance will come when you fight in your natural weight class.
What do you mean by trick combinations? I keep wondering what you’re referring to.
By “trick combination”, I’m referring to when fighters make up an uncommon or unpredictable series of punches in order to surprise an opponent.
whats up johnny? im 26 and want to start boxing I have done martial arts for 6 years and i want to box always wanted to box but i started in martial arts now i wanna box. its a burning desire of mine.
u think its to late for me to box and become a world champion.
Get to the gym, take a look at the competition around you. Enter an amateur boxing competition. See how you do.
what are your thoughts on brain damage in boxing? Do you think 27 years old is to late to start boxing and become champion?
Brain damage is a very serious risk and one that can be managed with calculated risk. I’ve been in boxing for 10 years and I feel fine.
In regards to how late it is to become a champion, that’s a question you have to answer for yourself.
How hard is it to make it in the pros?
Pro boxing is very hard. Most people couldn’t even make it in the amateurs.
do pros do the same workout everyday?
to be good should a person do the same exercises everyday to be great?
Johnny at this present time whats your workout routine?
Your website is very helpful
Pros do repeat workouts but I’ve never seen one do the exact same thing everyday. But definitely, there is routine and purpose.
I can’t explain my entire routine all in one comment box. Not even in 20 pages of explanation, I don’t think I could explain it.
Johnny I did your easy boxing workout and got fit thanks.
now im for something advance. can you post a advance boxing workout?
Giday Jonny, great site mate! really helpfull info.
I’m 43 , I’m 93kg (200lbs?) resting heart rate 42-44
Been a competitive athlete in various sports over the years.
Bodybuilding , triathlon, sailing, Stand up paddle surfing
I have been at state or national level in most of these..
I did some TKD and fought a couple of games at yellow and blue belt.
I’ve been training BJj on and off for a few years still a white belt but have a few tricks the higher belts haven’t liked..;)
Got a back injury surfing a SUP comp couldn’t do anything except punch the bag ..
So kept punching! Loving it! My son has also started training with the best trainer in our region..
I want to fight in my age division but I feel like slow old dinosaur..
What are your thoughts ? To be or not to be? What attributes do I need at my age?
Courtney, you sound like a natural athlete. Get in the gym and start training. You’ll have so much fun you have to try it.
Thanks Jonny, I give it my best…. Ill keep you posted.
The Dinosaur.:)
I only box in gg tournaments,this is my last year as a novice and i want to be in tip top shape what hardcore would i have to do everyday if i only had 3 months to prepare, what type of footwork drills should i do? And how many miles should i run ,and how many hours a day should i heavy bag it
I know so many footwork drills, I couldn’t answer them in a comment. My latest instructional released for sale was a 10-day training program and if I put all my footwork knowledge down into words, it could easily be about 200 hours of video. Even the word “footwork” itself could be broken down into technique, conditioning, drills, workouts, so many things.
With that said, jump rope and shadowboxing are great places to start.
How many miles should you run? 3-5 miles everyday is ok. How many hours a day on the heavy bag? Hopefully not more than one! (Or at least not more than one hour of HEAVY work on the punching bag.)
What would u suggest i do about punching too wide ,how to overcome that i also love harecore training h,if i wanted to ultra train what is needed? Also any tips on counter punching ,how to tweek my power speed and footwork? Please respon
Work on your technique in the mirror if you want to change something. Change it in the mirror, see how it feels different, and try to remember that feeling. I don’t understand the word “ultra train”. Everyone is training hard. You’re using the word “ultra train” as if it means it means to train harder than your regular “training”.
Tweak your power, speed, and footwork? This requires good technique. Keep improving your technique.
hey johnny. what were your thoughts on broner vs maidona fight?
I have some footage that’s interesting. check it out
It looks like he put one of those rolls (in the other hand) or something in the napkin and was trying to rub it onto Maidana’s face. I don’t know why this video is being sold as “Maidana’s taking a pill” when it’s clearly not.
Check this out.
johnny can post a advance boxing workout if you don’t mind.
did you see broner maidona fight? can you give your overbiew of the fight
I might put one together as a premium product if I do. It’s a lot of work and detail required to explain everything. I did see the fight and enjoyed it very much. What can I say? Maidana had a lot of awkward movements and incredible power that Broner wasn’t ready for. Broner didn’t even have the energy to throw enough punches to keep him off. Be regardless, Broner did very well, even earning Maidana’s respect in losing.
I love your work Johnny. They have article about Mayweather Jr. using peds. The source is from a credible journalist.
My name is Jordan and I am 15 I have bin boxing for over a year now and the gym I box at my coach has way to much going on… Because of that a lot of people are leaving but due to not being able to drive I cant just up and leave(the gym is in walking distance) I need to keep training. I am more then ready to have my first fight but I have no clue on how to find a match.
Perhaps you can find a new coach who can find matches for you?
I would love to but I’m really poor honestly lol and I have a scholarship if I try to change my gym they will end my scholarship and then I wont be able to box. I just keep training I started posting making YouTube video’s in hope that I will get recognized and then someone will want to fight me!
1) how do the Olympic trials work, do you have to win national golden gloves to tryout or can you just be a nobody to try out and by nobody I mean you have a lot of fights under you but never won a national tournament ( I know it isn’t recommended and to be at that level you will most likely be a somebody)
2) how long do they start tryouts before the actual Olympic Games
1. I don’t know the answer to this one. But for sure, you should be winning some national amateur tournaments first.
2. I don’t know the exact answer to this one either. You can get more information here:
As usual great article…. I am currently 24 years old. I have only about 9 months of official boxing experiance however I’ve been fighting all my life and have a few orginized fights from jail (they call me lil B Hop lol) I’m a late bloomer and a little guy (135lbs) but I have loads of natural talent and physical ability I haven’t even seen the depths of yet. I really want to get into a career in boxing. I’m planning on getting into the ametures in the next 4 months and my goal is to go pro at 29 or 30 after a few year of ameture boxing….. is this a realistic goal or is it too late for me to make a name in the boxing world?
Try it and see. It’s not my place to set limits on your dreams.
Hey Johnny.
Ever since I started boxing, i used to train in a garage by myself. No boxing gyms were close by my house, and if they were, they were too over priced as in 100$ or more.
So I finally found a boxing trainer near me, and started training with him. We train in a garage where he has bags, and different boxing equipment for boxing. He also spars with me. I have 4 fights right now on record, and am still training with him. He sometimes takes me to sparring sessions at other gyms, but not as much. He usually just spars with me. He charges me 40$ a month for 3 days a week.
I always wanted to go to a boxing gym , but then again, they are over priced or too far, and this coach is the only way I train.
I run 6 days a week in the morning. I’m with him 3 days a week, and the rest of the days, I train on my own.
I feel like if I trained at an actual gym, I would get way more experience, and learn way more.
What should I do as far as my training types? How far would YOU travel to train at a boxing gym, and how MUCH would you pay to train at a gym?
I am really dedicated to boxing, I love it so much, it keeps me focused and out of trouble. I am really dedicated with my workouts, and really wanna make something out of this. I’m 17 years old.
Do you think training with this coach at a garage can get me anywhere?
I find every opportunity to train , but I really just sit and wish I could go to a boxing gym instead.
I’m 17 years old. 4 fights. 141 pounds.
I would really appreciate it if I got ur input in this.
Thanks dude..
You have to look for what you want. And if you can’t find it, then you may have to move to somewhere else. Instead of focusing on how far is too far to drive or how much is too much to pay, I would focus first on making sure that you are getting what you want. After you find what you want, then you can talk about whether or not it’s worth the drive and worth the cost.
Any training is better than no training but if you can find a better option, go for it!
WOW. I never knew this.
Johnny! I been boxing for a year now and gonna compete next month. I want to turn pro.
Can you tell me about the business of boxing and how to avoid the dirty side of it (make sure get paid,promoter issues, law suits etc.
I’ve never been a pro boxer so I wouldn’t have any experience to share. Perhaps you can find a gym with other pros and ask them for advice about the local managers and how the business works.
I do a lot of weight training in the gym (4-6 times a week). I cram my cardio in at 5am before work (about 45 minutes) but I don’t have a lot of opportunities to spar. I find tha twhen I hit the punching bag, my wrist on my right arm becomes very sore. I assume this is a lack in proper technique.
1) Is this too much weight training for someone looking to fight in the amateur circut?
2) Is there a recommendation you can make for me to improve technique when hitting and prevent my wrists from getting sore?
I am becoming very serious about the way I compete and I want to be the best! I have a fight coming up at the end of March and I’m hoping to fine tune myself by then!
Do pushups on your knuckles, also do short punches(six inch punches) repeatedly on a heavy bag for 20 minutes on each arm… Its whats helped me the most
Thats great advice. I will give it a go
1. That definitely sounds like way too much weight training. I would suggest for you to follow along with what the other competing amateur boxers are doing in the gym. I don’t see how you can find the time to lift weights when you haven’t had much opportunity to spar. Sparring should be your #1 exercise, it works both your body (fight conditioning) and mind (fight skills).
2. Re-learn all your techniques again and practice them slow. Don’t increase the power until you can throw lighter punches without pain.
Only things i need to work with is endurance cardio and hodling my hands and stop swing punshes :/
johnny im heavy weight should I do calistentics strength exercises as much as boxing?
Yes, you should. Calisthenics are great exercises.
how you doing Johnny? Johnny I went to a local boxing gym its at a rec center the gym is free. I told the coach I want to learn boxing so he said your gonna fight a seasoned amateur fighter mind u I never boxed and I told him that and I wasn’t comfortable fighting a experienced fighter he told me I didn’t want to box and don’t waste his time.
Do u think I should get in the ring with a seasoned fighter while I have no boing skills?
How do u handle situations like that?
I don’t think it’s fair for you to get beat up to prove anything to a stranger. His job is to teach you to fight, so that’s what he should be doing. I think you handled that situation just fine. I suggest you go somewhere else where they like teaching fighters before letting them fight.
Thanks for your response. Man you should get website of the year award Johnny. Thanks. Much respect to Johnny.
Thank you, Chris! It’s really an honor just to get comments like yours and to know I’m helping people out. Thanks for the compliment.
Great website Johnny hands down… What advice ud give to a 37yr. Old just starting out? I’d like to get into the senior devision. Thanks
No different than for anybody. Start slow but train hard. Keep learning and pushing yourself. Boxing is a tough sport but very rewarding.
Hi johnny, firstly I wanted to thank you for all the info you provide which kinda makes you a coach for people who dont have one. I just started taking an interest in boxing and my main quiery was that if im 23 and I wanted to make it to pro level am I too old for it. I mean my fitness level is pretty much non existent at the moment haha. By the way im addicted to your youtube channel lol. Id really appreciate your help
Not too old but you got a lot of work to do! Get out there and start competing if you want a chance.
do amateur heavyweight punches hurt?
All depends on where and how you get hit and what shape you are in right now.
I just started sparring recently. I’m 5’10 230 lbs and have been sparring with a more experienced fighter who is about 6’3 220. First session my nose hurt for a week but I walked into a lot of jabs in the last round when I was tired. Second day of sparring with him a week later I walked away feeling fantastic. But I learned some stuff and had come into it with a way better focus on defense so barely got tagged it felt like. But ya if either of us stood there and just took shots it would be Brutal ha
Yes…and they hurt a lot.
Hey, i’m 15 years old and looking to start boxing. I’m having an incredibly tough time trying to convince my family to let me do it due to the fact that i have bracers. I’m just wanting to know is it safe to box with bracers and will a mouth guard fully protect my teeth? Thanks for setting up this website, it’s amazing.
I would say you need a special mouthguard to protect your braces.
hi i want to start box in amateur im 5 foot 11 n half at 93 kg good natural muscle wha tweight would i be in ?
i boxed before i had 2 amateur fights my first fight i got knocked out my 2nd fight was a stoppage vs my oponent round 2 i found it really hard to overcome jabs as i was fighting heavyweights at around 6 foot 5 all they did was jab nothing else basically i ate a lot of punches i was panicking a little my first fight so less skills involved more of a brawl i sure got my chin tested and proved i could take a punch but the jabs any help would be appreciated
i sure feel i have to go back t oboxing and start again i feel like i need to get my revenge aha where i live the clubs arent as good i dont think but like you said trainnig better than none shall i just join any club/
Keep learning and improving!
Since you’re trim already, I would say basically whatever your walk-around weight is and a few kilos under.
just do what id did nothing hahahah train like hell and no junk food
hi Jonny am very happy and great full that u are playing a very big role in boxing via shaping us and actually am just wondering how u have managed to run this website, for sure only allow me to say this in front of all these people that u are the best in this thing . pliz just know that thing from today. and I am here for the first time though I have been subscribing the vedio tutorials of boxing from ur boxing expert,and for sure I have gat so much of them thanx. And here is my QN I have really found my arm joint of the left arm is badly pains me seriously and help me to tell what medicine can I take to stop this pain and actually I tried to see certain clinic so called doctor and gave me some drugs but unfortunately, the drugs were just pain killer by the time the drugs got over and the pain started immediately, sincerely, I don’t know how It came to start paining me like this and though it is the same arm am using as for my jab can I really get healed pliz talk to me seriously i need ur response at this issue thanx urs kiyaga clayouson.
Doesn’t matter. Start sparring with people around your size and see.
Need help please! I want to start amateur boxing but dont know how. I received my athletes passbook and hoping to enroll in PAL Oxnard tournament this september 28th. I was told i need an “official” with a licence in my corner and have already done 5 bouts. I have no club affiliation, no bouts, or anyone in my corner. Is this amateur boxing or is this tournament something else?
been training for YEARS, ready to get back into the sport
PAL is amateur boxing. Sign up with a licensed boxing gym and get a licensed boxing trainer.
Hey Johnny I’m 26 and got into a boxing gym. My coach was a Pro heavyweight contender.
He says I’m a natural and I love boxing. I’m 2 weeks in and he says I look good.
My mother don’t like boxing cuz of the danger so she says do something else. I love it even knowing the danger.
My question to you is should continue boxing which is what my heart tells me to do or should I listen to the fears of my mother?
Do whichever you want. Many choices in life will be conflicting.
Hey Johnny,
I started boxing 3 weeks ago and I am turning 23 in exactly a week. Im not totally inexperienced though as i come from a muay thai background, and have injured my knee overtime and moved to boxing for that reason. i had my first sparring session with one of the gyms main fighters (hes there before me and last to leave everyday and also the most experienced). during my sparring session i was outboxing him and landing alot of left leads however with opened palms (i dont want to hurt people during sparring i love the technical aspect of fighting sports) and getting out of the danger zone before he could get to me(im a southpaw and a longer fighter). on the 3rd round, he went really hard. i felt his intentions through my guard and realised he wasnt even wearing 16 ounce gloves. He actually went hard throughout the whole sparring session but 3rd round was when he was very frustrated. He would just totally unleash when im in the corner really loading up his punches. i dunno if this is normal for boxing but in my muay thai gym, we hold back on the less experienced and try to improve on other things. towards the end of the round, i left myself opened as i was not used to certain boxing tactics (he kept his head real low like maidana sometimes does and i had no answers for it other than hitting him in the back if his head which i didnt want to do) and i copped a right overhand on my temple and got knocked down. i only blacked out for 2 seconds and was able to get up right away.
now my questions are, is this sort of scenario normal for a boxing gym going at or close to 100%? it was 2 days ago and im feeling dazed at work at the moment, light headed and a constant light headache going on. abit scared as its my first knock down. i might sound like a girl but i do want to have a couple of fights and compete soon.
second question is does this mean i have a weak chin or its too late for me to start? ive only been active for a year or so and i know im getting pretty old, should i just do it as a hobby rather than compete?
What you’re experiencing is from a lack of time in the sport. It’s normal and it happens. If you want to avoid it, you have to spar lighter or get better VERY quickly.
Hey Johnny,
I was wondering if this criteria would apply to masters amateur as well. I just started taking boxing lessons at a gym and I am 42 years old. The Masters are 3 1.5 minute rounds in 16oz gloves. I guess this would seem like a good benchmark but does the shorter round change anything? It’s a good ways off before I am in shape (over 50 lbs now) or skilled to consdier a fight but I’d like some idea of what to shoot for. I am not telling my trainer that I am thinking about it just now, kind of like the pressure off me year one to just enjoy the workout.
Thanks and all the Best
I imagine it’s not as intense for Masters, Michael. Good luck out there and congrats to you for fighting at 42!
I’m a kick boxer. When you say in the benchmarks “be able to spar with any amateur from any gym”, do you mean only in my weight division or all divisions.
In YOUR weight division. Not literally EVERYONE, PHEW! I can’t imagine a 120lb-er taking on a 220lb-er for the sake of proving his competition-readiness.
Its better you spar with some one in your weight class so you measure your full capacity to fight as the weight above you can be an excuse in case your opponent beat you!!!!
I more than ready for amateur boxing but I need an organizer Would u mind helping me find one!
I am 250 lbs, 6’3 and I have been doing boxing for about a month. I am quicker that many of the guys I spar who weight 60-90 pounds less. there is not many people my weight that I can find that I would be able to spar with. how do I work with the lighter boxers that will carry over into boxing with heavyweights? also, with losing strictly fat other than diet, long distance runs would be the best or some other type of method.
You’ll have to call other gyms and ask them if they have guys your size. It can be hard to find sparring for the really big or really small guys. As for losing fat, I would say mixing around your training is best.
can heavyweights do shoulder press, lateral raises with10 pound dumbells eceryday without losing speed?
Hey Johnny, I’m a little puzzled on what weight class i should have my first fight in. I’m 17, 5’8 and sit at 130 pounds, and i got a crazy metabolism. I’m slim, i haven’t been working out lately due to PT but it’s over now and i can start again, during the summer before the PT while working out i got to as low as 120 (running 15+ miles a week and doing all my other training), but i had very little diet knowledge and i was on a caloric deficit without realizing it and a half assed diet (but now i am very well educated with macro nutrients and such) I had actually wanted to be getting a little bigger, but i don’t wanna get big to the point where it will affect my boxing. I wouldn’t feel comfortable being that slim and weak looking dropping that low but i know i would have a size advantage. I talked to my Coach and he thinks i’m gonna be pretty big one day he thought around 150, i thought about gaining weight up to like 145 and then cutting my body fat because i feel real comfortable in the 130’s. Was just wondering if i could get your opinion.
Also all the muscle on me right now is my natural muscle, none added from any resistance training.
Hey my name is allen i am twenty seven i am trying to learn how to become a boxer i love the sport i have heart and determination and would love to have a chance to prove myself if anybody knows how i go about becoming a boxer please call me or text me my number is 18159941381
Hello my name is Alphonso and I’m 29 years old from Orlando Florida
I always wanted to get into boxing my whole but my weight killed me I
Use to be 320lbs at 5,4 so I dicided to lose weight 3years ago now I’m
195 and still losing My weight always kept me as a loser but now I know
I can do this I’m I’m the best shape of my life II been training myself in my
Garage well trying but now I want to get serious with this so if anyome
Knows info on trying to move foward please let me know I want to go
Pro I know but I have start here first
My number 352-942-0413
Alphonso, just find a boxing gym, any boxing gym, and just go every day. It’s the best thing you can do and pretty much your only option. You will love it.
I am 25 years old I use to sreet box and a Little at Gleason gym in NYC
I moved to souther illinois and am trying to fight amature but no gyms around, I will make a drive up to chicago, but need to know how to get in!
How to sign up for amature n how can I get a fight , all I need is a guide. 166 lb 5″6 and mexican warrior, I have some vids online, plz help me reach my dream ! Il do all that is needed just need a GUIDE TO GET INTO THe AMATURES n 1st fight
Ment else jaw will get broke
I fould running w mouthguard in helps endurance and gets you used to breathing through nose, elso jaw will get broke.
How do you earn your brackets.?
Haha I go to that gym in the video
Some of the information on here is contradictory and i feel its because of a subtle bias you have, however this article was extremely helpful..
When explaining some of the things that are not important for boxing you contradicted yourself more than a few times.
Hello I’m a 16 year old interested in starting boxing I do some training at home I probably wouldn’t be able to run 5 miles I compete in sprinting events always been good at sprints but never long distance I have natural ability to react in a fight situation I don’t think I feel see react and sense I could hit a bag for 15 mins and probably wouldn’t be able to jump rooe for 30 mins maybe like 5-10 I have trained myself to counter but I’ve trained myself to fight on the outside and on the inside I’m about 5″10 around 148 pounds I have great hand speed and decent punching power I have combos that I just naturally use without thought and they’re combos meant to end fights I have combos that are to hurt and I can also out box someone and save energy that way this is an eye opener I now think I should put more effort in endurance I’d say I’m a fairly accurate puncher without maize bag training I’ve been working on my bodies physical condition for the past 4 months and have made big improvements my footwork is good and my defense is good I can slip but it uses alot of energy after mutiple slips I can block punches but prefer moving or slipping because I don’t like taking any damage I can box for about 5 minutes if pacing myself and fighting smart not just rushing in I can be very explosive with combinations and I think my hand speed and technique would allow me to get some kos I have troubles with finding the best work rate I either output to much or not enough how can I find the right balance?
I also find it difficult to break through the pikaboo style should I just tee off at their face to make them raise their gaurd or?
Hi sir , i really enjoyed reading ur article , n it has really helped me alot.. i wanted to ask u a question , i’m 25 n i started training 5months ago , is it possible i can become a professional boxer , i’m really working hard in gym n i’m giving my 100%.. thanks
Returning to boxing after a years lay off to fight in 8 weeks, the first thing I did was get back on expert boxing. What an incredible resource, thanks Johnny
Thank you, Ruari.
Hey, I wanna box. I also want someone that can train me in the dallas, tx area. I’m a good fighter the style of Floyd. I’ve also played around and i think i can become something very special. i’m 25 142. Email me @ or text me 972-333-1613
Hey im 15 started boxing almost a year ago are the requirements to enter tournaments the same? ( i mean the run 3-5 miles skip rope 30 mins …)
Greetings from Lebanon
Hi Johnny,
Great article you wrote and looking for your advice on the issue below.
I’m a 48 year guy who is reasonably fit and looking to take the next step into amateur boxing.
Have been training for almost 3 years now at White Collar Type gym where I also spar on Tuesday and Thursday nights as well as undertaking group fitness classes on the other nights to keep in good shape. I also workout most morning where I do a 4-5 km run on the treadmill and then attend my boxing gym in the evening.
Been to local amateur gym and spoke to trainers who have asked me to come down and spar with some of the local fighters. Obviously these fighters are much younger and have been training at a level with more focus on technique than keeping fit and considering making the move into amateur training so I can improve technique and continue with White Collar Boxing with view to undertake more bouts at this level.
Due to me age and UK regulations I won’t be allowed to compete at amateur level bouts but thinking if amateur training at proper ABA gym would help me improve.
Would love to know your thoughts?
Thanks again,
My name is Abraham i’m currently living in Richardson Tx and i would love to start boxing, but i’m cluless on how to even get started but i would love to give it a shot!
I’m 25
I’ve got into countless number of street fights when I was young. BUT HOW DO I GO ABOUT JOINING ?? Any amateur league or something idk how this works SOMEONE LEME KNO WHERE DO I START? I know I can fight. I know I can box. I can be champion of the world I know it. Where do I start!? I’m from LA
Burbank ca. 5’11 188lbs DYNAMITE
Somebody help il be forever grateful
I am 26 5’7 160 and I’m looking to getting into boxing not for fun and games I am willing to pour everything I have into this. I have some boxing skills but I have been working as a mechanic. Please contact me at
Hai im 24 i started boxing om from South Africa
Living in gauteng vanderbijlpark and wouldl like to get
A nice fight….0812423246………
hey can guys help me get into the boxing world please
hai i am daison i am a gym freak 25 years,can i start boxing as my career now. if i start now what are the possibilities of participate in competitions?
I am 33 I know I can do good in the boxing world I hope I not to late is there any injuries you can not have
It doesn’t matter how old or how young you are. I spent 18 years as a infantryman in the Army I have 7 total deployments 4 of them was to Iraq. When we are born we don’t have a expiration date. Go for you dreams! It’s all in your heart. I am almost 40 years old, I have physical limitations it’s still not going to stop me from getting in that ring or working hard daily to be the best I can be. PTSD almost made me take my life last year, now I train and box to make me better. I like boxing with people much younger than I am it helps me work harder at the end of the day.
I am from Nepal and I am just 17. It’s been about 1 year since i started boxin and I am finding very hard to start my boxing career due to lack of good trainer and facilities . I have been reading your article and have found it to be very helpful. I want to make my career in boxing .Is it possible to become a great boxer from a poor country like Nepal? If so,what should I do? Please give your valuable suggestion.
yes, why not ?? Look Manny Pacquiao, He comes from Philipine, a poor country too. As long as you good at it, then nothing is impossible, my friend.
I want a boxing match with someone are they any where to have a boxing match with someone will cost money.
Hey Johnny! I ran 5 miles in 36 minutes and I feel pretty good right now. Is that a decent level of conditioning? I haven’t tried to go past 10-15 minutes yet on jump rope so I’m not sure on that yet. Also when you say hit the heavy bag for 15 minutes straight, do you mean all out or paced? Thanks!
I’m 6’2, 22 years old and weigh 210.
Hey my name is Junior im a Samoan born, ive always been obsessed with boxing from a very young age, right now my life is hanging in a balance and i have no clue of what to do i just cant stop thinking and dreaming of one day ill be the first ever Pacific World Boxing Champion, from accomplishing this dreams my mum is the only person in the family that doesnt want me to follow my dreams avoiding me because she wants me to stick to studying. Well im 24 right now and will be 25 by the end of this year i know its a little bit late but better late then never i know deep down in my blood i was born to be boxer i got alot of street fights and i never got rocked or hurt but that doesnt mean anything, cos im looking at a stable career in boxing but i wanna know first if i could jump straight into pro or i have start from which level?
Go to a gym and trying sparring an amateur boxer even 20lbs lighter than you and see how you do.
Im having my first fight in a white collar event in october but I feel like id rather just turn amateur i think im ready for it and I feel stupid fighting in one of these daft white collar events but ill do it anyway.
Thing is I think i use more of a professional style of boxing than amateur coming forward always looking to land hard punches, im not the type to throw 100 jabs a round or look to outpoint an oponnent Im expecting to get knockouts when i fight and ive knocked a 78kg sparing partner out cold a few months ago with a left hook and im only 64kg. Been boxing 9 months but obsessed with fighting and boxing history since i can remember. Could you watch my 30 second video and see what you think and do you think ill take some of these guys out and what advice would you give me?
Hi where do I find a good gym in atlanta I want a good trainer do I have to pay
Can you please tell me my son has started boxing recently as he’s over active and really hyperactive.he’s nine years old he loves it when he’s in the ring practicing,he’s dedicated a 100 percent but I am feeling really nervous as most off the parents are really comeeting with him.most off the kids don’t want to fight himy and one parent keeps making videos and keeps asking me silly questions.even when my lads at home he’s boxing non stop.what do I do she’ll I get him to leave.
Hi there thanks for your articles its truly an inspiration.
Im jeffrey and Im a filipino boxer who is based in Sabah Malaysia i have been training for over 5 years now but since Sabah Malaysia has no boxing pro fights I was only able to join 3 amateur fights. I am here now in Phuket Thailand training in Boxing and Muay Thai It was my lifelong dream to be able to join a Pro Boxing fight trying to find a way to join but still helpless. I hope I can be able to fight pro boxing if there is any events here in Phuket Thailand.
I just wana have the chance to prove that I also have what it takes to be one of the best boxers in the world.
If there is a pro boxing fight in Phuket I am willing to fight.
Thanks for all your articles keeps me going and going Sir.
Hi Johnny, Great article and site. Do you have any info on the Master’s Division? My 55 yr old boyfriend is ready to fight – has his passbook – has been training with Bob Miller for years – he also works as an inspector for the boxing commission. We had a fight set up in Poughkeepsie but his opponent never showed – disappointing to say the least. He boxes at 165 – 5’7″ – no official fights in his book but has been boxing for years – since before he was in the Navy. Any help in finding a fight would be greatly appreciated – he wants to do it in memory of his late wife and her battle with Leukemia.
Sincere Regards – Sharon
Hi Sharon, I’m sorry but I don’t know too much about it. We had a couple MASTERS guys in our gym and I remember them having to travel a lot to find fights.
hi im 16 and i want to get into the sport of boxing , im african american, 5,6 , naturally muscular, and willing to put in hard work. ive been training at a gym for 2 months and ive put on muscle in my back, shoulders, and defined my abs with gruelling training
why i think i can do it …
theres a boxing bag on my gym and i train on it every day and i now have considerable speed in my right and especially my left jab along with good endurance (15 minutes on bag , 25 at my best). i was at gym and a guy who did mma came up to me as he seen me training intensely on the bag and he asked me if ive ever done boxing before and i havent ….. long story shprt he said that i was as good as someone whos actually had a trainer and trained for 4 months .
do you think i should do boxing and how normal is it for people to be as good as me with no trainer and what tips would you give me too improve @Johnny N
If you like it, do it. Get a trainer and go from there. If you’re looking for tips…I guess I could tell you to read everything on my site.
I’m 18, I’m just in training, I want to be the best I can be but I need help.
How do you sign up for a boxing event, I’m confused?
If you’re training at a gym with competing fighters. They will tell you how to register with the USA Boxing organization. And from there, you go to local shows and enter in your weight class.
How long do you think I need to train (skill wise) to be ready for amateur boxing? I’m in good shape but how long approximately will it take to acquire the skills that are necessary?
There’s no arrival, Joe. You simply keep improving. I suppose anybody could ready for their first fight within 6-12 months. But what level of amateur boxing? That depends. As for “skills that are necessary”. Skills that are necessary for what? To be an amateur fighter? It also depends on you. Some people take 2 years to get a six pack, others are born with it.
How to enter amateur boxing
Mikr Tyson put slipping punches into his routine and he was EXTREMELY successful… f**k you you don’t know what youre talking about… I dont want to pollute my mind with this ignorant bullshit im reading
Ignorant? Mike Tyson came up short as an amateur. And as impressive as his slipping was, it still couldn’t overcome all the tall guys at the highest level. And by the way, this article is aimed at beginners looking for basic guidance for their first fights…not a an end-all rule for their entire amateur career. Please understand that distinction before you lose your cool next time.
I want to be a a profesinal boxer thats been my dream since i was a little kid
Hello my name is Demetrius Johnson and I’d like Any advise on getting a trainer …I would like to pick boxing back up as a profession …I’m outta Detroit Michigan 28 years old about 290 6”3 heavy weight and I believe I’m a great fighter but could us some cleaning up…thanks for the insightful page hope to fight a connection.
How do i sign up to fight
Sir what if we don’t have a speedbag
Use a substitute exercise.
I want to join this tips r so amazing
May someone give me information please
I’m ready to take it to the next level I’m ready to begin in my journey of fighting.
How do I get a fight card
I need to know how to get involve in tournament!
Hello Johnny, I really like your articles, my name is Adelson Lima, I wanted to ask the help of the most experienced because I have a muay thai background (I just did not work), and I have a amateur boxing debut with 3 rounds of 2 minutes on March 16 in San Juan, I would like to know which training methods are best for me to be well prepared
obs: 24 hour scale work
Thanks in advance
Can a foreign student in the usa be allowed in competitions
Judging by this, I think maybe.
I really want to pursue my boxing career coz am physically fit and I got passion for boxing. but here in my country (NIGERIA) coz it’s difficult to get a club and the process are corrupt over here. so I don’t know if anyone can help me with any idea
or is it possible I can travel abroad to start my boxing career?. I need help please
I can only do the sparring for more than 3 rounds probably. I just started using a jump rope in my training. I have enough stamina to do it for a long time it’s just hard since I mess up after 20 rotations. I can only run a 4th a mile. I don’t own a heavy bag but as long as I don’t do it reckless full force I can do that for 15 minutes probable. But atleast I have a year to train before I get to the age to do amateur boxing.
Hi I’m 45 yrs old and very interesting to start boxing even entertaining the thought of amutor. But the only fight I have had was on the streets . I’m in good shape have ran half marathon. Was running ever day 3 to 4 miles. But am I to old? How do I pick the right trainer and gym that Will help me reach my goal.
My name is Mudesir Mubarek and I live in Addis Ababa Ethiopia. I am 21 years old and I want to compete in boxing. I am sure I will be successful because I have the ability and energy and I am also sure to be the king of boxing in the world. And please boxing coaches who want to help me call me on this phone +251945958818
I am self taught and travel to different gyms sparing with people. How would I go about going to an amateur tournament?
I want to boxing someone
Good evening. Very interested in signing up for amateur boxing. Please contact back 856 378 3777
In all respect this is B’s little to no one can jump rope for for 30 minutes straight Roger Mayweather said Mayweather could only jump rope 20 minutes maybe 40 minutes straight without stopping and he’s a pro boxer and alit of other things every gets tired after running 5 miles, hitting the heavy bag 15 minutes non atop some pro boxers can’t even do that they do sets instead with rest the only accurate thing on here was score double the required rounds. If you could soar with any advanced level amateur boxer them you’d already be an advanced amateur boxer as well not a beginner. I speak as an amateur boxer myself and alit of these requirements are overboard. What i suggest is train as hard as you can and have your first fight to see where you are if you win such as winning easily then you’re good keep up the training if you win barely train harder and work on what you lack your trainer will also point out what you need to work on. As always good luck to all the amateur boxers out there.
You’re a competing amateur and you can’t skip rope for 30 minutes? Are you kidding me? You do know skipping rope is way easier than running…and many boxers do 5-8 mile runs no problem, right?
I want to be a trainees and I want to be a amateur boxier please because I help my family